
Snow Dusting On Weary Back


06-08-2014, 09:13 AM

It had taken far longer than she thought it might to get here. She had tried to warn each loner she saw on the way here. And even then she had gone here blindly. She knew there was another pack in the west that wasn't Valhalla but not where exactly. Winter was here now and she feared the cold season would only make matters worse. On the positive side her sister was ok, safe and healthy at least. But she could not stop, she had promised Erani she would warn as many as possible, going to the packs nearest to Valhalla. She trekked through the cold, snow lightly falling around her. It would have been peaceful if she wasn't here for other reasons. Momentarily she took the time to like her mind escape. Ice blue eyes watching the world being dusted in white crystals.

But it would end all too soon as her toes came to the border of a pack. She cared not if they were allies or enemies of Valhalla. Every wolf had a right to be warned. To know this sickness laid not just within their borders. She tipped her head back calling for the Alphas, Healers, and any other high ranking member that could come. Nervously she waited. She hated this part, waiting. You never knew what you were about to face. If this would be a friendly greeting or hostile. She just hoped they would listen and heed her warning. For all she knew the race of wolf kind was at risk. She had left Valhalla just when the epidemic hit so if there were any herbs used that might be effective she knew not of them. But the least she could do was warn others what they faced and how large of a problem this sickness was. She prayed everyone would be ok.

Virgil I


4 Years
06-08-2014, 11:49 AM

She has hardened over the past few weeks, the epidemic taking its toll. Her wounds from the bear are sealed shut in scar tissue. Alas she comes to the borders upon summons, a strange scent wafting up her nostrils. She knows not of this pack and she is on guard; the Olympians are at their most vulnerable now more than ever. Her stance is dominant, but not necessarily aggressive. Yet. She dips her head in a respectful greeting, her eyes clearly exhausted.
?What is it you require, stranger?? she asks. She stares evenly at the woman, awaiting her response to the all important question. She is not from Ebony, so she doubts she comes with tragic news, or news of a cure. And yet her answer to the question is important; perhaps she has vital information, information that can save Virgil?s children.

Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]


06-09-2014, 09:50 PM

It was not long before the appearance of a golden lady came. She reminded Angel of the sun rising on a summer morning. Even her eyes were like two mini orbs of the burning ball of firey sun. Though her body language was not as warming as her appearance. It was not threatening but still commanded respect and answers. She swallowed the nervous lump in her throat that suddenly found it's way there. Paws shuffled shyly as blue eyes dropped to the ground. "I..I am Angel Black from Valhalla. I came with a warning of sickness. A plague is sweeping through Alacritis. I have met other pack with the same illness the haunts my own. This is no sickness contained within your pack borders. It has a far more greater impact." She paused to let the other take it all in, a chance to voice anything she wished.

She would glance up for a moment, "Valhalla has yet to find a cure. As a messenger of my pack, I am sure if we find one I will return to inform you of it. No wolf should endure this plague, nor should anyone have to watch their friends, loved ones, pack mates suffer through it." She sure hoped Valhalla wouldn't keep the cure to themselves. It didn't seem fair to do so, and Angel wasn't sure if she could. She had seen the suffering in another pack, among the loners and it broke her heart. And if someone found the cure before her own pack she would hope they would share it too. Then she brother would be safe. The knowledge of not knowing what was happening back in her new pack was killing the girl inside. Her ice blue eyes held no spark, her body wary and worn down. Her mind always racing with worry to the point she had not slept in a few day.