
Strife's My Name


04-25-2013, 10:21 AM
The small wolf had washed ashore in the lands of Alacritis just a week before, and had spent the first few days in the land gaining her strength. The small dame had curled up in the forest, and chosen herbs carefully as she had found them to help give her, her strength back. A few sunrises, and a lot of rest and she was back to normal. It was then that the lass had began exploring the lands, casually conversing with a few loners about the packs here.

She hadn't yet found her fit, and wasn't sure where to go, but Eris wasn't comfortable as a loner. She had to find a pack, if only because she was two small to survive comfortably on her own, and with all the skills that Ezra had taught her, she needed to learn more from healers in this land and pass on some of the skills that she had learned. It was with this busy mind of thoughts that she had made her way to the "battlefield", where a few loners had told her she may find wolves from the packs who could tell her about their packs, and maybe she'd find her fit that way.

At the edge of the clearing, the dame stopped looking around before gracefully walking further into the field. Once satisfied, the dame sank to her haunches and looked around passively. Maybe someone would approach her? She drew her tail around her, and gazed around the field with analytic golden eyes. Would any of the packs have need for a healer or would she not find her home here?



04-25-2013, 10:35 AM

The male traveled slowly to the battlefield. The wounds that Banshee had dealt him had been strenuous and had taken a toll on his body. Shoulders would be forever scarred and only now was he able to eat food again. They had each managed to deal each other a considerable amount of damage to each's muzzles. It'd been painful, and by the time he'd been able to begin eating again he ravenously ate whatever he could whenever he was given the chance.

Now he ventured back to the wretched place to see who was lingering there. The scent of a female reached his nostrils. Glaciem wasn't one to linger at the battlefield and claim members, but perhaps he could convince someone to join. Glaciem needed members. They needed Healers, and warriors, and hunters. The new pups that had been born would eventually have to be trained. New wolves in the pack would do them justice.

Emerald eyes looked the girl over as he approached. Shifi flew high above him keeping an eye out where Cifer could not. A soft nod was given to her. She seemed rather unsure of herself. Perhaps it was what brought her to the place. It was hard to tell. Regardless, it probably wasn't too safe for her to be lingering in the battlefield.

"My name is Cifer. What brings you to the battlefield?"

He came to a stop and then sat down a little ways away. He wanted her to feel comfortable. He wasn't like most, and had absolutely no intention in harming her, or forcing her to join his pack like most would. Glaciem worked a bit differently.



04-25-2013, 11:01 AM
She moved with a slight sway to her walk, a lumbering gait bringing her back across the battlefield from her spar. Stupid brute... She hated fighting smaller wolves, they were always so shaky and annoying, that was why the slight punctures on the back of her neck, close to her shoulders had gone from just that to deeper tears as he had thrown his head around. All in all she was far from impressed with life, blind eyes focused on the tree line in the distance that she would disappear into and return home through. She wanted to be home, she wanted Newt to make things better but Zara had been avoiding her the more pregnant she got. It was brutal being around a hormonal crazy person, she knew for a fact because that was easily how she could describe her mother for her last two pregnancies. It was a reason why Zara had never held that desire to pro create, to make miniature versions of herself. She had plenty of siblings who would carry on the Sovari name.

Head would life as the smell of a loner drifted towards her. Though she was not in the best state to be greeting loners or inviting them to join Lentajin her curiosity won over and she slowly turned towards the scent and resumed her lumbering gait. Loners frequented these lands to eithe rbe claimed, hear from pack leaders or to fight. If it was either of the first two Zara would be happy to sit and have a chat with the female and see if she would be interested in joining their little pack. Newt had been doing almost all of the recruiting lately and Zara felt that she should start pitching in a bit more. What better way to start then here while on her way home?

A male had already approached her and though she recognized the pack scent from their boarders in her wanderings she had never met one of their wolves or heard anything about them. Head would tilt slowly as she approached, catching his easy greeting and smiling slightly to herself. The mammoth of a woman would approch her, an easy smile playing on frayed and scarred lips. She tipped her head in easy greeting to the male who had claimed his name to be Cifer. "Hello I am Zara, I suppose I have the same question as Cifer." she said easily, voice a low rumble. She seated herself easily a bit away from the male, even distance to give her time to leap up should be attack. Blood slid from her neck, down her shoulders and legs to pool at her paws, further feeding the blood thirsty land. "I apologize for my state, I just came from a spar" she explained with a frown. It was nothing life threatening, it would simply add to her scars and her neck would be sore for a few weeks no doubt.


04-25-2013, 05:38 PM
Needless to say, Eris had seen nasty. As she sat in the battlefield, the smell of blood washed over her nose. Far away she could hear the squeals, snarls, and whines of fighting wolves. She shuddered slightly, she never would understand the instinctual desire for wolves to rip themselves apart. It just seemed to cause more of a mess then it was worth. She let out a gentle sigh at the sound, and shook her head. That?d be a mess for some healer, like herself to treat later. These warriors didn?t seem to care about the damage they did to one another in these spars.

She looked up suddenly when a new scent drifted towards her, and she looked up to see a large white wolf approaching her. Immediately she tensed, while she was a healer she was a lousy fighter. Her best defense was to run, and run she was prepared to do. She examined his stature, and realized quickly that he didn?t seem to be outwardly aggressive. Forcing herself to relaxed, she politely nodded her head as he arrived near her. He introduced himself as Cifer, what an odd name, but she liked the way it sounded in her head. Cifer. Cifer. Cifer.

Shaking her head she broke her mantra, and realized that he had also asked why she was here, but before she could formulate a response another wolf approached, this female smelt of another pack and blood. As she came closer, and introduced herself as Zara, another strange name but closer to the names that Eris was used too, she realized that the smell of fresh blood was in fact coming from this wolf. Curiously, she craned her head in an attempt to see the wolves wound, while she wasn?t an expert in immediate trauma, she knew enough to keep a wolf alive, and to stop bleeding if need be.

Realizing that they both were expecting her to speak, she broke her mind out of examining the wolves wounds, and she drew a deep breath and spoke, ?Hello, my name is Eris. I recently arrived in these lands, and a few loners pointed me in this direction, they said I may find wolves here who may tell me about their packs?? She looked at both wolves who had addressed her, and turned her concerned gaze onto Zara, her eyes lingering on her neck, ?Are you alright?? She asked her eyes never leaving the wolves neck where blood was oozing.


04-28-2013, 01:51 PM
((didn't realize that there was no posting order >.> sorry for the short crappy post, trying to catch up on stuff))

The female looked at Zara, head cocked but the almost blind female would never notice the slightest movements of wolves anymore. She could tell when they shifted position and changed mood by tone of voice but that was about it. She would never see a gentle smile or a curious expression. her heart sunk slightly at that thought but there were more pressing matters at hand. This female, Eris as she called herself, was looking to join a pack? Or at least she wanted to hear about some packs. Well Zara could obligee there and tell her about Amenti if she liked. She was about to respond when the female asked if Zara was alright. Frayed ears would prick forward and she cocked her head as if she didn't understand the question at first. But then again she was bleeding enough to make the smell almost overwhelming. Her neck was fairly torn up though the blood was slowly beginning to clot so it was harder to see the extent of the damage since the fur around her neck was thick and dense. The more visible of her wounds were already barely bleeding, the one below her eye only weeping blood when she smiled or moved her face to flex the scabbing that was starting to occur. The tear on her hip was ragged and seemed to open the most as she walked but had also begun to clot and scab over as she sat and gave it a break. "I suppose, I was sparring and the male turned rather nasty and refused to submit no matter what I did. He did some damage to my neck..." she said with a smile that soon turned into a smile. "I'll just clean it up in the river later I suppose and see if I can find a healer. We don't really have anyone in our pack with that particular skill set" she mused easily.

But head would tilt slightly as she looked at the female, eyes trying to make out the near shapeless blob before her. She almost wished her vision would just go so there wasn't this awkward in between phase. "My pack is called Amenti, we were once Lentajin but have changed our ways from the old pack. I'd love to tell you more about it if you'd like?" she asked, not wanting to force the information on the female unless she was interested in hearing it. Zara was one of the few wolves who had been around since the beginning of Lentajin with Sade and was the one who had eventually send Newt to dethrone Sade. Few knew that particular fact though and Zara wasn't about to share it with strangers. They didn't know just how messed up everything had been when they had begun.