



04-24-2013, 06:23 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It had been some time since she had seen her first real friend here in Alacritia. She never did end up finding out what had happened to him when they had parted ways, her for home and him to make himself comfortable out in the wilds a while longer. Summer had been generous to the north, however, and Merci was sure that he had survived the early months of it, but had grown curious the longer time had passed, and even possibly concerned knowing winter would be upon them sooner than they thought. Still, it was hard to get away from pack life, holding a job as hunter amongst the pack while still taking the time to learn from Asheni when she could spare a moment to teach her. Little by little the knowledge of healing was being transferred to her, and she could feel the small arsenal of plants and herbs at her disposal growing into a fine weapon against all manner of ailment. It filled her with pride and purpose to know soon she might be able to put her skills to the test, but she was truthfully in no rush. It was better to have no patients than it was to have to treat the sick and injured left and right. The quiet time enabled her to be sure of her knowledge well before she needed to put it to use.

But her thoughts had been turning to the small white wolf as she had wandered around the pack's territory, searching the forests for familiar plants that Asheni had pointed out to her to memorize and learn. Twice already Mercianne had been able to spot the first plant she had been introduced to - horsetail - growing amid the trees, and it was a good feeling to be able to identify them from where they grew and not where they had been placed before her, plucked and on their way to join Asheni's stores of herbs and plants. Her feet had continued to wander though, further outside the reach of the pack's boundaries until she coursed a winding, unfamiliar path through a forest made of tall, redwood trees. She found her eyes looking upward into their branches more often than she was looking around their bases for the plants she had set off to find, distracted by the way their heavy limbs managed to catch most of the snow as it fell from the skies. It was actually quite lovely to watch.

Lost amid the trees, ignoring her purpose and watching the snow fall overhead, Mercianne roamed the forest, content and quietly pacing about as she admired the trees and the silence.

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04-25-2013, 10:54 AM
It had been quiet some time, sense Toprak was around. He could not remember why, but some how he and Mercianne had went their owns ways, he missed the company. While he walked through what now looked like a forest, he had not been here yet, the trees were new, all new smells he could smell. As Toprak walked carefully, a new smell, a familiar smell. His tag up and excited he made a be-line to where his nose lead him. Through the brushes, off in the distance he saw a wolf, she walk, stood, and looked like her. He could not believe it. It was her, in his excitement, he leaped from the bushes, and went to pounce on her. In the air, he called out her name "Mercianneeeeee"



04-25-2013, 09:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had stopped, paused amid the trees, to stare at a particular shrub that seemed out of place and yet somehow familiar. Her brow knit itself together as she watched it, waiting for the name and purpose to come forward from within her mind where she stored all the new information she had been given by Asheni. It was there, somewhere, hidden and just out of reach. Her head angled to one side as if the new view might somehow make it come about easier, but even that didn't seem to help. What is-?

No time even to finish her thought, the creamy white wolf was suddenly made aware of another presence in the forest with her when the nearby bushes rattled. She turned her head soon enough to spot a white figure leaping her way, body already taking to the air to connect with her own, and on reflex she crouched, head, ears, and tail tucked in a submissive, defensive gesture, hoping to dissuade the wolf from inflicting any harm. Very nearly did her eyes close, their dark brown color almost gone as she slitted them nervously, biting back a whimper. But as the wolf, midair, called out her name, her thoughts only managed to process confusion.

He collided with her, sending them both tumbling to the snow with enough force to almost take the wind out of her lungs. She blinked, flinched, still half expecting some sort of bite or claw to come nipping at her face, but neither did. Instead she was left with the confusing knowledge that this wolf knew her, knew her name. She turned her head, peering upward into the face of the wolf from where she lay on her side, and immediately broke out into a grin, her tail thumping in the snow. "Toprak!" she exclaimed quietly, glad to at last see her friend again after what felt like such a long absence. She stared up at him, meeting his blue eyes much more easily this time than she had when they had first met. "It's so good to see you."

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04-25-2013, 10:27 PM
He was half expecting Mercianne to doge him, but she did not, she just tried to make her self smaller, which did not work, as he plowed right into her. Both of them tumbling in the snow, Toprak managing to catch himself, as Mercianne did not. Not even thinking that she could be hurt, Toprak pranced over to her, seeing her tail thummping the snow, made his tail disturb the snow that was falling back to the ground. His bright blue eyes, happily meet with Mercianne's brown eyes.

"Hi yeah, you have not changed one bit, I am glad to see you, I know it has been a long time, so long I can't remember why we parted ways....but....but you never left my head, I was heck bent on finding you again" Toprak said happily, as he placed his nose to hers, hoping she would be accepting of that, and return the favour, with a nuzzle.

His heat thumping in his chest, he was happy, his eyes, danced in their sockets, as they looked to her.



04-29-2013, 07:51 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was such a relief to know that the time they had spent away from each other had not changed them. Though Toprak had seemed lonely when she had met him, he had still been bright and playful, easygoing and friendly. Even now he radiated that same exuberance as he came to stand beside her, his blue eyes smiling just as about as widely as his face. She could do nothing but smile back, so glad to be reunited with her friend. Already she was making promises to herself to visit him more often if he still chose to remain on his own, just to keep their friendship alive and with fewer long spans of time away as they had already gone through.

He wasted no time in getting their conversation started, assuring her that he had been determined to find her again after they had parted ways. His kind words were comforting and she was grateful to know that he thought so well of her to actually consider seeking her out. "I've only been with my pack," she explained timidly as he lowered his nose to her own. She hesitated for a moment, considering, before she lifted her head from the snow and trailed her muzzle up along the side of his.

Seeing no point in staying upon the cold snow, the little wolf glanced down at herself and then scooted, drawing her paws closer and then pushing herself to a standing position. She shook her body carefully to work out most of the snow, and then wagged her tail as she set her dark brown eyes upon the white wolf beside her again. "Have you still been staying by the wall?" Merci asked curiously. Had he possibly joined a pack in the time they had been away? She was hopeful, but Toprak had been alone for so long. Perhaps he was just more comfortable that way.

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05-01-2013, 09:21 PM

Toprak, watched as Mercianne up off the ground, after she rubbed her nose to his, and this made him happy. As she asked about him, how he was where he was staying, he sat down, sitting close to her. Looking up to the sky the wind breezed pass his face. "No I live here in the foresty area, the wall was to boring, but no I live on my own still, I don't know if I want to be in a pack. I would like to find a mate maybe, just have a family, but a pack I dunno if I could do that" Toprak said as he smiled, turning his head back to look to Mercianne. "You remember when we first meet, we went for a run, wanna see if you can catch me yet?" Toprak asked with a grin his eyes meeting hers




05-01-2013, 10:31 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Still she smiled as he seated himself beside her, following suit to allow her tail to wag gently against the snow. Though she was beginning to expect and accept it more, it never did cease so surprise her how well she fit in here with these wolves, those of her pack and outside of it as well. She felt so lucky, so privileged, that she hardly knew how to react half the time, and even now was glad that Toprak was a natural at conversation. She was sure to stumble and blunder if left to it on her own.

He answered her questions, and she nodded understandingly. She could see what had drawn him here to this forest, what had made him quit the Wall for this. It was much more lively, much more hospitable, than that stretch of snow and stone had been, more likely to receive attention from passersby as well. How lonely must it have been out here for him on his own? He seemed so joyful that she had to wonder if below it was any sadness, any distress at his isolation? Or was he content, far more comfortable here than he would have been within the confines of a busy pack? But even he seemed to be uncertain about it, voicing the words aloud. The creamy white wolf's expression softened sympathetically, knowing herself how difficult adjusting to pack life was. She was just grateful to have the pack she did to make the transition easier. Even though he remained on his own, she stayed hopeful for him to achieve his wish, to find a mate and raise a family on his own. He was certainly independent enough to do it. "I'm sure you'll find something - and someone - that makes you happy," she answered reassuringly, unsure how else to answer his bold admission.

The games came back unexpectedly, and she chuckled a little as he brought them up, in particular their last race. He had been quick indeed, even a tough match for her. She was certain her own running skills had failed to improve since their last game, but she couldn't bring herself to tell him no. "Sure," she answered agreeably, rocking slowly to her paws. Her tail wagged slightly against her legs as she stood, her dark brown eyes nervous but happy to partake in another game with her friend.

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05-04-2013, 05:31 PM

He felt like a kid again, a new puppy, meeting a new friend. He stood up, his small body, made smaller by the trees, being an Arctic Wolf he was a rather small wolf compared to other wolfs he knew about. "Wonderful, you wanna catch me, or me catch you?" Toprak asked, as he began to bend his legs, bouncing almost, with out lifting off of the ground.

Happy, he had not been happy in a long time, but right then he was rather happy, like when he first met Mercianne. He now walked around her, waiting for her answer, as he walked around, warming up his mussels.




05-08-2013, 01:56 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Swiftly Toprak was on his feet, looking excited and ready for their game to begin. She could feel his exuberance and energy extend across the distance between them and be taken up by her body as well, encouraged by his smile and wagging tail into mimicking both in her own peculiar way. Her smile was shyer, more timid, but no less friendly and playful. Her tail wagged closer to her legs, but still at an eager rate. She shifted her weight on her paws, certain no matter how much she prepared herself physically that she would still end up defeated by the lightning quick Toprak. But she prepared herself mentally, up to the challenge and ready to enjoy the game even if she would not win.

Making a quick turn around her, the male wolf questioned how she wished to play the game, and Mercianne gave it a little thought. Hm. She was still likely to be the slower of the two; as quick as she liked to believe herself, Toprak had proven to be a more than worthy adversary. His slight build made him exceptionally light on his feet, and she was sure whichever way the game went things would still favor him. "I can catch you?" she asked, stepping toward him hesitantly in expectancy of a reaction. If he should agree, she wished to be ready. She would need any little head start she could get.

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05-10-2013, 01:10 PM

As Mercianne took a step towards him, Toprak paused, and waited. As she spoke, his smile if possible grew even longer. This happiness he had lost, he liked this feeling. "You want to catch me? alright, but I don't know how I can give you a head start, so good luck" He said as he sprang forward, brushing his body up to hers, before training his eyes, forward, watching the Earth, feeling the snow covered ground. As he did that he randomly would turn his head back, to glance back, she was following him, but he still held a nice lead. He then made a wide turn, turning back on their tracks, he wanted to see how well she could turn, he kept his eyes trained on Mercianne.




05-14-2013, 12:36 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

His smile was so bright that it drew a quiet chuckle to her lips. With duties and responsibilities hanging around within the pack's territory, it was not often that she was able to indulge in something so fun and playful as these sorts of games. Sure, it might have been acceptable, and she had participated in one before, but the mild tempered wolves of the snow still held tight to their responsibilities to ensure a healthy and strong livelihood within their frozen home, and she would have hated to deter from that. It was nice to get reconnected with that during her short visits with Toprak, and she wagged her tail eagerly as he made to answer her.

Agreeing to their game, the small blue-eyed wolf launched himself toward her and Merci reflexively crouched, smiling sheepishly a little as he brushed past and then took off across the snow. She wasted no time in pursuing him, dashing off after him with a smile about her face and a noticeable ease to her lope. He was fast, certainly as fast as she remembered, and he maintained an easy lead ahead of her. Still sure there would be little chance she could catch up, Mercianne raced after him resolutely, determined to at least keep up if she would not catch him. Banking quickly as he turned in an attempt to cut him off, she laughed, half expecting him to quickly change directions at any moment.

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05-28-2013, 11:56 AM

He had expected Mercianne to turn as he did, she now had closed the gap. However being a small wolf allowed him to make another turn, normally would have gone fine, but this time he turned on the dime, and ran towards Mercianne. His heart racing his eyes focused on Mercianne. The plan was to jump over her, assuming she would stop or just continue to run. Though he knew she could jump as well. That would be interesting. The snow being kicked up from his running gently settled back in the their spot. Their gap was closing quickly, this was it. Do or die, they were going to crash or he was going to make it over her. Focusing on Mercianne Toprak readied himself for this, he didn't care if she stopped him or not. His crystal blue eyes met her eyes, as his legs got ready to jump into the air.




05-28-2013, 11:33 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She laughed as she ran, the sound joyful and light. It was not often that the timid little white wolf felt so free and playful, so rare that she should indulge in any sort of game whatsoever. These moments that she could steal away and play with Toprak were precious to her, made her feel, for once, normal. This is what the others did. This was how they played, how they engaged each other for fun. And she was finally getting the hang of it. As Mercianne laughed and raced after Toprak, bounding through the snow, she forgot about her worries, about her responsibilities, and happily gave into the moment.

The course she cut across the snow drew the small white male even closer, and she turned a little more sharply, doing her best to get herself in a position to catch him. She had thought to have an advantage at last when he turned, his change of direction so sharp and sudden that he now ran directly at her, determined, it seemed, to barrel her over. Merci's step faltered, slowed, her smile slipping. Was this still part of the game? The male grinned, a good sign, she supposed, that he still played, but not wishing to be ran into, Mercianne drew up to a hasty stop as the other neared, even tensing and backing up a small step as it seemed the other had no intention of stopping.

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05-28-2013, 11:59 PM

Seeing Mercianee slow down a bit he know knew he could jump her no trouble. He caught a glimpes of worry and being afraid from her face. Toprak knew he had to fix that, as he jumped he cleared her no trouble. Upon sticking the landing and kicking up alot of snow before Mercainee turned, Toprak was back to her. With out warning he gently nipped her tail. With it in his mouth he sat, grinning eyes closed and his tail flicking more snow up into the air.
"Hey I thought I was suppose to be caught by you" he said as he slowly dropped her tail stretching he then walked up to Mercianee and nugged his head to hers. "You almost had me I must say good job, soon you can over take me" Toprak added his breathing slowly calming down




06-05-2013, 10:28 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Close, nearly ready to run her right over, Toprak continued to race toward her. Mercianne reacted defensively, tucking her head and closing her eyes as she braced herself for a collision, but rather than feel the sudden slam of his body into hers she felt the brush of a shadow and the wind of movement race over the top of her without any touch to her body. Surprised, she opened her brown eyes wide and turned her head to stare behind her, watching the small white male as he turned and came back to her side. He had leaped right over her with such ease! It was an impressive feat, one that drew a quick smile to her face and a chuckle to her lips.

Momentarily forgetting their game, she was caught off guard when her friend made a snap at her tail, flinching slightly and then smiling sheepishly at the fact she had suddenly become the one being caught. She made no response as Toprak said as much aloud, any wag of her tail stilled by the fact he still held it within his jaws. She smiled as he let it go, tucking her ears and head slightly as he came forward to nudge his head against hers. His compliment regarding her speed was taken in stride, and she laughed gently. "I've gotten faster?" she asked happily, glad to know of her improvement and to have Toprak be able to realize it on his own.

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06-06-2013, 04:42 AM

Hearing how happy, it seem to make her Toprak did nothing but smile brightly. "Indeed you have" He said his heart still beating a bit fast, as he looked to Mercianne never had he felt happy, and so content, she was his only friend really, he had another but they lost contact with one another. Standing there he did not know what to say or do, but as the winds picked up, the snow started to blow, which often was never good, visibility would drop fast. "I think we have to get out of here and find some shelter, I will leave it to you" Toprak said with a smile, fully trusting Mercianne knew where a place to hide from a wind storm like this would be. He did not want to leave her again, for it would make him sad, this time Toprak wanted to try really hard to stay near Mercianne he did not want to lost her friend ship. Ready to follow her where ever she went Toprak looked ahead, as the snow began to comaflaogue him.




06-09-2013, 06:15 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was so wonderful for her to hear Toprak praise her improvement, her tail wagging eagerly at his words. She hadn't exactly been trying to improve her running skills, but it was still something that was no doubt good to have gotten better at, particularly since she was still classified as a hunter among her group. Her healing training hadn't quite gotten to par yet to label her a healer, but with time she hoped to master those skills even better than any others.

The winds picked up slightly, stirring the topmost, unstable layer of snow to cause it to swirl around blindingly. Thankfully her friend was very near and so even with the flurry she was still able to see him, her dark brown eyes squinting slightly as she continued to smile his way. He suggested over the din of the wind that they search for shelter, leaving the decision of which direction to head in up to her.

But where should they go? She spent so little time actually becoming familiar with the territories that surrounded her home that she didn't quite trust herself to find a place here within this wood to protect them until the winds died down enough for them to navigate for easily. The only place she trusted herself to find shelter in was her pack land, and she was not all that certain Toprak wished to go there. He had acted somewhat reluctant at the mention of it last time, but perhaps the time that had passed had given him a change of heart regarding the matter.

"I know a place," Mercianne answered, raising her voice gently to be heard over the wind and snow flurries, "but it my pack's land." She hesitated, her paws shifting as she considered whether or not to broach the subject, whether she ought to see if his feelings had changed. "Would...would you like to go there?" she asked, hopefully and uncertainly. There was a good chance he might say no, an even better chance that she wouldn't be able to convince him otherwise, but there was, she hoped, no harm in asking. "I'm not very familiar with this wood," she conceded, her smile sheepish as her ears fell back against her skull with timid embarrassment.

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06-09-2013, 06:49 PM

As the two of them walked lightly in the snow, the wind still blowing gently Toprak walked right beside Mercianne, he listened to what she had to say, and knew that this was going to come up. It was not that he did not like the idea of a pack, but living on his own, is less worry, maybe he wanted to make his own pack. Starting with a mate, they would travel a bit, maybe find some other stay wolfs who knows. What he did know is right now they had to find shelter. Looking over his crystal eyes, meet her brown ones."all right if they will have me, I will go with you." Toprak said in a calm voice, a slight smile on his muzzle. Maybe this would be fun, maybe he might like it enough he might join. He did not know, as the sky's grew darker the wind occasionally whipped through them blowing snow all over the place. The snow was hard and blowing face into their faces caused slight pain. "How much longer till we get their? Should we kinda run it or no?" Toprak asked again looking ahead, though visibility was dropping relatively quickly.




06-09-2013, 11:05 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

To her great surprise, when his blue eyes met hers and he seemed ready to answer her, it was not a negative statement that fell from his lips but a positive one. Merci blinked, taking a moment to register that he had actually agreed to her suggestion of hiding out from the storm within the safe confines of her pack's territory. He really just... Blinking again, she broke through her shock to smile brightly, her tail wagging eagerly behind her as she nodded her head once and then tucked it carefully downward, taking her first steps toward home.

Despite having to trudge through the snow, despite having the wind kick it up and blow it in her face, the creamy white wolf was actually delighted with the circumstances. Toprak had agreed to join her back at her home and they were currently on their way there now. It was a small victory for her, as she secretly wished all of her friends to live in the same place, and she was growing increasingly eager to show him around the place that she lived.

The white wolf at her side spoke up, voicing a concern for the weather and their speed. Should they run? So long as they stayed together she supposed it wouldn't make much of a difference. Perhaps the sooner they got to her pack's land the better. "You won't lose sight of me?" she asked, pausing to glance at him questioningly. If he thought they could manage the speed, she saw no problem with it; she just worried about the sudden windstorm separating them along the way.

OOC: Should I start a new thread for them within Glaciem territory when we reach a stopping point? o:

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06-10-2013, 10:30 PM

Merci seemed happy, that he had said that he would go with her to her clan. Toprak smiled, and listened to her, she seemed worried that they would lose track of one another. With a grin Toprak answered. "Well you are very fast, and can keep up, besides if we do lose sight, we can howl for each other, but we might not even need to do that" He said, Toprak never worried to much, and often tried to look on the positive side of things. Not wanting to have Merci worry Toprak slowly began to increase his speed, but he stayed right beside her, glanceing over to meet her eyes, and smiling. "So lets go slow poke, he turned his head and licked the side of her face, and continued to gain some speed.
