
SnowFlake Wanders


06-09-2014, 09:16 PM

She had returned from going to Covari and Olympus and running into any wolves on the way to warn of the plague. There was still another pack to visit but she wanted a small break back to her new home. She wanted to know if there was any new news. Snow fell lightly around her, coating the ground in a powder. Everything seemed so still, silence hushed over the land. All she could hear was her own paw steps and light breathing, watching the breaths cloud before her muzzle. Wary, tired legs carried her over the borders and into Valhalla. She normally stayed at Wolfpaw Lake, but this time she went to the heart of the pack. Or at least it had been by the gathering mix of stale scents. Her ice blue eyes flickered nervously. She knew this pack was large, and that in itself was unnerving but now seeing no one made it worse. She slinked along, head lowered, ear flat and tail hugging her hindlegs.

She wish she could see Sephiroth, he seemed strong and steady, something she wish she could be like. But his presence was reassuring to her. But she needed to report to Erani first. She hadn't spoken much to the Alpha and she would be lieing if she said she wasn't afraid of the white queen. But also wanted to check on her brother. Body came to a suddenly halt and she shagged to the ground. What if..what if he didn't make it? She whined a few times before the urge to know was all consuming. Head threw back as she called for Erani. She would have answers right? She sat there waiting in the winter cold breeze, ruffling her ivory fur, her blue eyes pleading with the need to know. She prayed her brother was ok, she wished she could see him now. But she would just get in the way. And what if she got sick? She couldn't help anyone if she got sick. She'd just end up being another body to add to the list of ill.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-09-2014, 10:55 PM

With the search for a cure underway, and two plants stretching beyond the others so far that she?d tried, Erani held a small ray of hope close to her breast. She padded quietly out f the sick den that was her den, and its expanse of underground systems that held warmth despite the winter chill outside, and ducked into the pool of her spring, feeling the current tugging at her fur. How she had always had luck in finding dens like this, she wasn?t sure, but it was a gift from Luna. Once she was sure she was cleaned, she stepped out, shaking vigorously to relieve her fur of the chilly water, a small shudder passing through her frame.

She needed to help her pack wherever possible, and with the finding that the illness wasn?t directly contagious, she had taken up patrols to give Sephiroth, Caerul, Alsander, and Leon some slack. Cormalin gave aid wherever he could as well,, but he was getting older now, and the winter was harsher, with the illness having everyone at nerves end.

The call of Madieke, Jinxx and Twig?s sister, brought her attention up from the snow at her paws, and she headed in that direction. As soon as she found the girl, she checked her over, relieved to find that she was healthy. ?How can I help you, Angel?? Her voice was tired, but warm as she sat and waited.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


06-15-2014, 10:35 PM

She would not have to fidget around nervously for long. The white Queen would come with warmth and a kind smile. Angel tried to relax her nerves but she couldn't. It just was so weird to have someone, an adult that was your parents, being and Alpha over you. It was something she would get used to in time, but different none-the-less. She would promptly sit herself down to keep from moving about. Head lowered and eyes cast down in respect. "Greetings Lady Erani. I came to inform you that have been to Covari and Olympus to warn them f the plague as well as any loners that I came across. No one posed any threats. Both packs seemed to already have the sickness within their own borders but did not know it extended out of their borders till I came to them. Both kindly took my warnings to them. And I hope I didn't step out of line by adding that if we found a cure we would let them know it." She glanced up to watch Erani's face.

She shivered slightly from the cold. She naturally did not have a thick coat and her winter coat wasn't too much of a difference. There was one thing she was greatful for was that Valhalla laid in the west where it would not be as cold as some other places." Lady Erani? is Jinxx doing?" Her voice was heavy with worry, eyes brows creased and eyes clouded in slight fear of what she might hear.