
A girl worth fighting for


06-10-2014, 03:46 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2014, 03:47 PM by Awaken.)

Oh how fate loved Irony. Irony was a beautiful woman who loved to toy with Awaken's head. What had brought him here? A mere hunch. An Inkling that dwelled in his mind. He remembered nothing but sadness. His king lay, fallen in this cave. Him and.. someone else, working to heal him. He remembered what she looked like in scarcity, but not her name, nor her role. All he knew was she was everything to him.?

Her voice was soft, her heart was loving and she was perfect for him. He could remember everything beautiful about her... But her name... Or even her to begin with. Fate and Irony were like a married couple. Or more like a pair of old women. With nothing better to do than to bicker and gosip about what trickery they should play next.?

Awaken sat in the floor of the Cavern, watching the hours pass by his eyes. He'd come here, but why? What had tempted him? Perhaps he was just wondering again. Wondering into Oblivion. Perhaps that was all he could do, was wonder.?

Or he could act.

For all he knew there was a girl out there. A girl he knew at one point. A girl he longed to have again, and he wouldn't rest untill he found her again. He thought and thought for about another hour on how to track down a woman without a name to go off of. He then thought of it. He'd create a paradice for her, he'd tear down one vicious empire by taking down an Alpha, and build her a home. He'd lay every brick for her. Perhaps then she would come to him, and he wouldnt have to try to track her down, but she'd come to him.?

He had to fight for her.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)



2 Years
06-11-2014, 09:14 PM

Drashiel Armada had taken to wandering again, taking the walk to collect his thoughts. The plague cure had been found the crisis averted. The lovely young Gossamir was off back to Tortuga. Drashiel planned to see Roman again but her near death had unnerved him. To the mighty bear fighter was almost felled by something they couldn't even see. Broad limbs combed the terra beneath his paws. The male was a created of stout build but even so there was a regal grace about him.

Making his way to the east he paused before the opening of a large cave. Ears flicked forward and he scented the air. There was something? something about the cave that was drawing him in. The young warrior slipped into the cave and immediately caught the scent of another male, a dark-pelted brute. "Oh? sorry, didn't know this cave was occupied."



06-11-2014, 09:26 PM

Awaken did not jump at the other male's entry, he instead smelt his scent. He was of Glaciem. His old home. Though the scent of blood and turmoil, he could still smell home on him. It was abit inviting.?
"oh no, your fine. Dont worry about it. Just an old man trying to remember is all."
?He worked to keep his inviting face on. He didnt like the idea of what his old home had become. But, he was still going to give this male a chance.
He laid down on the cave floor, turning his back to scrape against the floor. His eyes staring to the top of the cave. His emerald eyes scanning, searching, for... Something? No, just a memory too. He extended his left paw tward the ceiling of the cave, his toes reaching out and the closing again. Awaken's ears then slicked back, as if out of depression and sadness.?

"perhaps you can help me find what I'm looking for." he asked, glancing back to the other male. "even if not, nice to have someone to talk to while it's storming. Belive me, storms around here can get nasty."

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)



2 Years
06-12-2014, 09:13 PM

Unfazed by Drashiel's sudden approach the male didn't seem the least bit perturbed and Drashiel let out a breath he hadn't been aware he'd been holding. It wasn't fear, just caution. He'd been trained to always be prepared for a fight and his wanderings didn't always go a hundred percent to plan. He knew he was pushing it wandering like this but if he was going to grow he needed more life experience.

Drashiel's head tilted to the side, peridot eyes seeming to shimmer in the dark as he watched the male roll onto his back. One ear flicked back. Now that was dangerous. If Drashiel had even the slightest inclination to attack he could dive right into the males belly. Not that he'd ever do that. Drashiel never attacked without reason.

"Find something? Umm? sure I can try and help. I don't have much to do these days anyway. What are you looking for? Oh? and I'm Drashiel Armada by the way. What's your name?"



06-12-2014, 10:16 PM

Awaken's ears perked when he heard that the wolf would be willing to help. He smiled a weak smile as he continued to stare to the ceiling. Awaken put his paws back down to his chect, resting comfitorbly.

"Im assuming your Glacian. I can smell it on you. My Name is Awaken." he mentioned. "In order to tell you of the thing I'm in need to find I'll have to tell you a story. Or atleast the fragments I have been able to remember."

Awaken rolled back over onto his stomach. His paws laid out infront of him. The ceiling really was a beautiful sight, but it was all about perspective. And sometimes, a bit of danger is worth the oppurtunity to see that persective. His emerald eyes dulled abit as he zoned out for a minute. Almost a full minute of silence passed before he snapped out of it. He shook his head and continued on.

"Glaciem used to be my home too. I remember the old alpha, Gargoyle. He was like a brother to me. We lived peacefully, no worries, no troubles in the world. Life was good then. I was a young wolf, I dont remember how young. But, we were all like family. That is untill someone decided to tear Gargoyle down. We were driven out. But durring that time, I think I met a girl. He stood. Walking to the exact spot he could remember looking over at this mystery woman. And I was foolish enough to let her go. I dont know why I left, and now i cant even remember her name or who she was. But, I have to find her again."

He looked back up to the ceiling. "Word of wisdom to you boy. If you find that one girl. Dont ever lose her, because you never know how much you really love someone, untill they are gone and their memories are fading."

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)



2 Years
06-13-2014, 06:58 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2014, 06:58 PM by Drashiel.)
Drashiel Armada

"You presume correctly." Drashiel sat as the older male continued to speak. He was a patient brute and would humor the older male as he told his story. Drashiel's head tilted to the side just slightly. Gargoyle? He did not know this male. Beneath his stoic, silent, exterior muscles tensed ever so subtly as the male spoke of their lovely little family being torn apart. He didn't say but who but Drashiel had the sneaking suspicion it might have been at the paws of an Armada or one of their allies. It never really occured to Drashiel to question where and how his father had gotten ahold of Glaciem. Not that he ever really expected to talk with his father. Isardis was either gone or ailing. The old albino was moving from illness to illness and Drashiel had begun to question whether the ice king was on his way out of this world.

The male, who introduced himself as Awaken, didn't seem to harbor any aggression toward Drashiel in particular for which the younger male was thankful for. He knew the Armada's had a particular reputation among certain wolves but he could not help his fathers actions? though he wasn't sure he would be any different. He'd never thought of it before.

Drashiel turned away as the elder male spoke of a girl. His thoughts drifted to S'alkrie. He smiled softly. "I don't even know how to talk to her? " he muttered softly. "But? if I can help you find this woman I will but? that's not much to go off of. Do you remember at all what she looks like?"