
Let us feast in friendship (HUNT)


06-13-2014, 04:02 AM
Started a new thread for the hunt. Just so it won't get too confusing with the original thread. The original thread can be the willow kingdom, and separate threads can be hunts. Hope this isn't too complicated

Before going out for his hunt, he had of course informed Princess Kigu and they both brushed each others' sides for smell. He was already starting to feel at home with her, but what home is without a freshly caught meal? Going ahead to hunt, Dusk eagerly trotted through the willows. His keen nose would detect the warm scent of a meal soon, yet he stayed alert. Admiring the willows as he trekked through the grass, Dusk thanked his guardian, grandfather Sorik, that such a friend and sheltered home had come to him. But enough thanking was done, and not enough hunting, so he focused his mind to it. The region looked quite empty, unlike in the forest, the trees were bursting with prey. But something had to be here, and something had to be caught. Stopping to scent the air, Dusk opened his jaw, breathing in the familiar scent of the swampland. His mouth watered as a comforting scent reached his nose. Rabbit.
If anyone could track a rabbit, it was Dusk, and he would find that rabbit in an instant. Slowing his pace down, Dusk examined the willows carefully as he crept silently amongst the grass. He knew the rabbit would stand out, with its grey fur against the green. His eyes almost missed it, as he spotted his target, nibbling on a flower only a few tail-lengths away. It had not spotted him, and Dusk silently slunk into a crouch. His scent was surely disguised and he would soon have his claws around it. The plump creature stirred, had it smelled him? Not wasting any time, the silent hunter leaped on its prey, sinking his teeth into its scruff before it could think of escaping. His eyes flickered across the land, making sure no-one had come to take his catch. He got up, feeling quite proud with his catch, the fat rabbit was certainly slow enough for him, and also big enough to feed the two. He took the rabbit in his jaws, pleased he had caught something for him and his friend. Should he catch anything else? Perhaps not, the rabbit was enough. And he would travel back to the kingdom of willows, from he had came. He would travel back to the princess, and his people of the rustling wind.



06-13-2014, 04:28 PM

The woman was careful to stay light on her feet as she roamed the countryside in search of something more complex, perhaps another heist which she could not give up no matter how hard she tried. The scent of prey was on the wind but it was too big for her to catch alone so she would not bother to approach it. Then there was the scent of brute and she rose on edge. She had to be cautious as she stayed upwind from the man so he could not catch her scent and challenge her or more importantly so he could not talk to her or try to talk her into doing something. Her paws were light on the snow, barely any noise to be heard, a skill that took years to practice. It had taken her two years in fact.

Her ears were down as she tried to blend in with the tree trunks, standing behind one opposing the male so she might be out of sight and out of mind. He had the smell of a companion and she only hoped they would take down some prey that she might be able to snatch a bit of it from them. The willow trees were stripped of their coverings due to the harshest season of them all, winter. Though winter was not too terrible harsh from her as she had travelled from the land she was born in, the Lands of Always Winter where the snow was constantly present and the prey was constantly scarce.


06-18-2014, 04:11 AM
I deeply apologize for such a long wait. Plotting and projects have gotten in the way quite a bit.

The man had returned on these same lands for a hunt once more. He ignored the claw that pierced his stomach. Hunger was getting to him, yet he knew he would catch the most delicious meal today. He could feel it in his bones.
Hush, hunger, you shall have what you want, just be patient, Dusk told his stomach urgently. But he wasn't much of a patient man.
His pants were shown as white wisps in the frosty morning. And his fur stood on end as the cold dawn wind ruffled around him. The wind moaned in a creeping sad tone, yet the sun danced on the horizon, the sadness gone away. A chill travelled up his spine, he surely wasn't prepared for this cold season, but what could he have against it? It was his birth season, and of course, the snow did look awfully pretty in the north. Yet his useless fur wasn't much of a help in the winter, but he survived in the past, and he shall survive again.
His thoughts clearly dragged him away from his hunger. It was all good until the claw pierced him again, forgetting all about hunting. But he shall do that now, the same routine he always does.
What are you in the mood for, Dusk? He asked himself nicely. Well there is snow hare, sparrow...
That is until his eyes gently rested on a beautiful white-tailed deer, nosing her way through the snow-covered grass. The deer appeared to have a glazed look over her eyes, did this deer have weak vision? His mouth watered and his instantly concentrated on his breakfast.
How about a deer, Dusk? Will that sound good? Oh of course it will!
He excitedly rushed in his thoughts, yet he was careful not to let a sound escape his jaw. What a prize this would be, he could only dream of it's tender flesh slithering down his throat. But enough. He had a deer to catch. It had obviously not seen him, as it continued to hunt for the scarce blades of grass. Dusk crept into a hunter's crouch, making sure his paws were evenly spaced apart and his belly fur finely scraped the ground. He was as still as a frozen statue, his wide eyes unblinking. What would it take to bring this creature down? He slowly crept forward, waiting for the right moment, his excited tail instantly silenced and kept as still as possible. And now, he would attack. Bursting into a leap, the watchful deer cried out before bolting into a run. Dusk ran to catch his prey, observing the deer carefully, it certainly had blurred vision and was quite a slow runner. Unlucky for the deer. Yet lucky for Dusk. Pounding only a few tail-lengths behind, Dusk prepared to fasten his teeth onto the deer's leg, thus pulling his prize to the around. His prize? Was he that sure that he was alone in this area? Was someone else hunting down this deer?
"Speech" Think


07-03-2014, 02:24 PM

The woman was careful to watch the man as he prepared to take down the deer... by himself. Part of her considered staying back and watching in amusement as it was almost impossible for a single wolf to take down a deer alone but she decided that her hunger would get the best of her and therefore she took off towards the deer, right behind the man. She had that determination imprinted on her face as she intended to aid and get her share of the deer... if not more. She was nipping at the heels of the deer as she was a fast little bugger. She was a lighter wolf and therefore she was most likely faster. She pushed her insane speeds as she rushed to the left side of the deer. She bit at it with an amused smile. The deer was going to trip up at some point and then she'd be able to take it down.

It was so on.


07-03-2014, 04:08 PM

Through steady cyan orbs, he was set on the deer. Determined. The thundering of his paws echoed in his ears. He could hear nothing but his own pants. But he was not going to let it stop him. He would urge on. He was Dusk, son of Borono, son of a great hunter. If anyone was hungry enough (or stupid enough for that matter) to hunt a deer, it was Dusk.

Through concentrating glimmering eyes, a swift brown figure moved into his vision. Someone else had their eye on the prize! The other wolf of delicate brown fur, was certainly more fast and agile on her paws. Only a faint grin came to the man as he saw the other woman hunting the deer down too. She soon had zipped past him, gaining closer to the stumbling deer. Was she trying to steal his food? No, she did not look like the kind of mischievous wolf that would steal hard-earned prey from another. She certainly was not a bandit. What if she was helping him? A growl rose through his throat. A son of legendary hunters needs no help in hunting!

Pelting not far behind the swift and light dame, who had her eyes on the deer, Dusk could only hope the deer would make a move. Something so they could both catch this deer. Demanding orbs flickered with anticipation, until they lit up.

The deer had fell.

Walk "Talk" Think