



6 Years
Dragon Mod
06-08-2014, 08:31 PM

I'm insane, I am smart

All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions

And do what I do best to your heart
Insanity had struck him, the beast escaping confinement. He was struck with a disease, and yet he did not remain where he was supposed to. But his mind was incapable of deciphering what was real and what was not at the moment. Blood would trickle from his eyes, the bast's head waving back and forth as his body moved stiffly, hackles ever presently raised as he sought to destroy whatever had caused him to feel this way. He was angry mad beyond recognition. More so then he had ever been before. Who would fall prey to the madness that plagued his crazed mind? Teeth flashed as he snapped at the air, amber gaze bloodied yet held a look of pure chaos within them. He was to be relentless today, and whosoever should cross his path would be most unlucky. He sought to destroy, whether he won or lost in his crazed state he would not remember it regardless. But mercy was not what he would show...not today...not in this state. Would words deter him from his endeavor? Who knew.

Don't be fooled, I was raised by the wolves

Now the moon hangs in full, so you know I won't

Play by the rules


06-09-2014, 02:10 PM

The girl was still bloodied from her latest kill. The silver of her shaggy fur was doused in a nice layer of crimson from that bitch that snuck up on her. Those beautiful purple orbs were still bright as ever, the thrill of the slaughter kept her excited for hours on end. Nausica bathed in the other girls blood with such manic. It was enticing. Yet, her massive paws carried her further into the north. With each step the Gods vowed to strike her down, but she laughed in their pretty faced. The Saxe fae found herself upon the threshold of the Northern Mines. It was a human thing, her mother explained to her the humans were things from the past that built odd things upon the earth. The Mines were obviously made from the creatures, yet it did not cause her fear. The purple hued vixen slithered in without a second glance. There was a scent of blood and male. Every inch of her body tingled with excitement. Death? Man? Blood? The femme nearly squeaked with joy as she casually sauntered into the various human made caverns. Nausica looked around with those lush eyes in excitement until her paws carried her further and further in. The scents got thicker as her eyes fell upon the sight of an alabaster and crimson man. He snapped at the air, his jaws closed with a loud echo. The bitch was not scared, she stepped up to him slightly. The boy looked quite deranged and ugly, but he excited her to the core. The luxurious tones of the massive yearling filled the air in such intensity the Gods ceased their bickering. "You look like fucking shit."




5 Years
06-09-2014, 07:35 PM

It was so cold even with his huge, thick winter coat. So here, in the mysterious mines, Selyan had taken shelter. The mountain peaks were a lot worse, but down here at the base it was still quite chilly. The white wolf had avoided the snow by crawling his way into the back of an old tunnel; he?d curled himself into a tight ball and drifted to sleep. But he was violently awoken from his less-than-peaceful night. His eyes snapped open, ears swiveled forward to the dark tunnel ahead of him. In the shadows, Sel could make out a wolf similar in appearance to him, but there was darkness in his fur and a different kind of darkness in his eyes. The hidden wolf smelled blood and, no doubt, in the stuffy air, the oncoming wolf could soon smell him. His movements were frightening, jolting and creepy. His hackles raised.

Has he seen me?

The wolf turned and shook his head crazily.


Sel backed away, deeper into the tunnels. Another wolf appeared, this one speaking to the first. This one seemed less bloodthirsty and perhaps more sane, her nostrils wouldd?t be clouded by the dried blood on her face as the other one would. Sel?s eyes fluttered to the way he?d come in, behind the two wolves. He creeped backwards slowly, contemplating whether he should dash away now or wait until he was noticed to begin his flight.
table made by jeanelle
Ryan White



4 Years
06-11-2014, 05:09 AM

The mines. Wise the warrior was, and she knew what the mines were. And she would be careful where she placed her paws. Mines were stupid things the pathetic humans built to destroy the earth, taking the many rich gems out of the rock. Why, perhaps the humans were greedy fiends? But the mine was long abandoned. Darkness had claimed the mine, the weak forces of light would never be able to shine in the mine again. Aislinn accepted the darkness with a bow before entering deeper. The darkness served her, and she would serve the it. Azure pools scanned the shadows, and she lifted her senses. She could smell three wolves in the cavern, what fun she was going to have tonight. She could feel the vibrations and tensions through the mine, was a fight about to start? Yes for two wolves, both carrying the scent of blood, one of another smell she could not identify. Was it the horrid disease that she had heard that roams the lands? She did not care for such petty things, but she kept alert to stay away from the one who had the disease. What would she do here? That she did not know, but she continued to trek deeper into the mine. The howling snow began to fade as sleek paws carried the lady deeper. Opening her jaw to taste the stuffy air, she picked up the scent of the third wolf, mixed with fear. Oh how she loved the scent of fear. He fear of her enemies. Why, excited the lady was, she was delighted to find this third wolf. Alert, Aislinn slowed herself down, carefully following the scent. The snow would surely disguise her scent and she would find her prey in no time. She longed for the taste of fear and blood, but a fight would come later. She was a fair wolf, or was she?
He was there, the white wolf, panting with fear. Hidden in the shadows, which the dame was welcomed by the darkness, she spoke in a calm tone. "What might you be doing in these mines?"
Yes, her voice was calm. And she intended to keep it that way. But she couldn't help but to ask it with curiosity with a hint of a snarl.

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
06-13-2014, 02:44 AM

Voices. Voices were all around him. The sinning devil would whip his head around, seeking out the shadow that dared speak to him. He could not decipher what she said, but nonetheless he would lurch forward...until something else caught his eye. Bloodied amber gaze flashed in the darkness, and beyond the sickening stench of blood, more scents. He smelled the underlying tones of fear, and it drew him forth. Head waved to and fro between the first woman, and settling briefly upon another who had spoken. Though he could not decipher whether they were real, but who was it with the fear smell? Maw would twist in a stiff grin, teeth bared as his muzzle wrinkled in a dangerous snarl. Sharpened claws clicked on the stone beneath his feet, and he would wave his banner in the air. Hackles remained raised upon his form, the crimson bloodied beast would lurch in whichever direction, words a murmur of incoherent whispers. "Fear...blood...demons...kill..."

Head would involuntarily twitch, paw steps taking him ever closer to whomever would become his victim. He could see the outlines now, their forms blurred but there...or were they? He could feel the heat rising within his body, muscles stiffening as he absentmindedly made his way towards whichever unfortunate victim was closest. His vision would see only red, and his teeth were ready to rip apart the unlucky target. Muscles tightened, eyes became narrowed, ears flattened, hackles remained raised, tail flagged behind him, body lowered slightly, head lowered over his neck, chin tucked, and his snarl was ever present upon his bloodied maw. He was in a crazed state due to the disease, and so some aspects of his defense would become compromised, and yet others would involuntarily if not subconsciously put themselves into their own defense. Shoulders would roll forward, and in his rabid-like state, the beast would lunge towards one of the blurred shadows, whomever it may be. A sickening bark escaping the berserkers maw.



06-13-2014, 11:25 PM

Nausica was not easily impressed. The only soul that gained her attention in such ways was her brother Neios. He was the only one that mattered. Though, the insolent fuck before her was no where near impressive. Her brother indeed went through a similar situation. He vomited and bled from his eyes, but he was not stupid about it. The quite large bitch just watched with narrowed eyes. Her ebony hackles were raised in a way with her ears pinned back slightly. Nausica licked her crimson lips once more, the taste of blood giving her an image of the slaughtered fae from before. Though, a snap of jaws would move her way and the Saxe lady let forth a rippling growl, but things changed quickly as he spoke. "Fear...blood...demons...kill..." Nausica then smirked and got slightly lower, her 40 inched fram moving to a lesser beings height. The snake giggled softly and moved closer, attempting to move to his side. "Yes! Kill little serpentine, kill." She giggled softly, her voice was so luxurious. It was lined with an undertone of such elegance and darkness a simple minded creature would slink away with fear. She would move slightly as he moved toward her, his defenses became evident. Did he want a fight? Did her want to die? Nausica let her defenses move to their spots. Her hackles rose more, her eyes narrowed to protect her lovely purple eyes, a nose would twitch as her inky lips moved back to flash pearly white, knees were already bent, a tail was tucked, her ears already pinned, legs evenly spread out, weight distributed, and core tightened. The Saxe woman would observe as the disgusting freak before her barked, spitting a little bit as he did. Nausica, to his left, slightly in front of him, would laugh a little louder. "Kill! Kill! Kill!" The obsidian and silver babe beckoned for a fight, ignoring all the others.
