
I am not my own



4 Years
06-04-2014, 03:53 PM

Rusty limbs would carry the babe over frosty expanses as her search would continue. She would search for a scent, or sign, anything that would point her in the direction of family. She would crave the presence of greatness beside her, the feeling of the heat of someone who shared in her noble blood. Her pace was steady, her form sound as she traversed the lands, searching. Head was held high, her tail playing over her back as elegant legs took her over the darkened lands. A gentle breeze would play with her fur, tousling the strands with chilled fingers. The light from the stars above would illuminate the girl as her frame made its way over the landscape, her attention caught by the deep gully before her. She faintly remembered the place to have been part of her home pack, still their scent would linger ever so faintly on the border.
With no hesitation she would cross, memories trying to invade her mind and return. Strands of thought would be stirred as eyes lingered upon familiar places. She would feel emotion tug at her heart, she missed them. Thoughts of brothers, sisters, and parents would fill her dreams at night. She craved them and their presence, she wished to show them how she had grown and matured. She wanted them to see how well she had taken care of herself. She wanted to show them how worthy she was of being their daughter. Of how proud they should be of their princess. The girl's emotions would be held in check as she walked, breath even, she would find them. No use letting her emotions get the better of her before she was even reunited with them.
Isolde's pace would slow, her eagerness mellowing as she let herself appreciate the old memories. She felt so close to them here, surely a rest here in the ice crusted wonderland would not slow their reunion much. A soft sigh would slip from her pristine lips as her gaze once again trailed over the sparkling surfaces around her.

touch the stars

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06-04-2014, 04:37 PM

The Armada Prince was of grace and elegance. Each stride was met with a wave of cobalt fur that glided. His jewelry was illuminated within the light above. The mans necklace shone with such a wonderful hue of blue and silver. The peices seemed to be made for the man. He would find himself within the fern gully once again. His massive paws carried his weight through the brush with ease. He had not much on his mind. Though, he was always up to no good. He was now a warrior for the pack of Covari, it was his new home. He felt as if eyes were on him. But, he brushed off the weird feeling. Hopefully it was not a symptom of the illness that flew through the lands. The noble boy had no time for sickness, nor death. Sick was not a good look for him. Kristoffer had an aura of power and strength, not sick and bleeding eyes. It would not do. Kris rolled his broad shoulders as he trotted through the gully. His eyes swept through the area with a lack of urgency, but curiosity. Though, as his silver orbs met the body of a fae he slowed and smiled. The boy put on his pretty face and tilted his head. A clear of his throat would be heard as the boy slid to her with such elegance and power. "Greetings, my speckled darling." He was blessed with a silver tongue, and it was obvious in those moments.



4 Years
06-04-2014, 05:09 PM

Dainty paws would kiss the crystalized earth as the damsel danced through the frost. Two toned tail brushing her ankles like a ball gown. Seemingly intricate steps would leave delicate footprints behind her shifting form. Light would bounce from the frozen water on the plants to illuminate her unique pelt. Her senses were drowned in the elegance of the moment, the subtle crunch of ice beneath her paws would mask that of the approaching male. Brilliant gaze would be distracted by the shimmering lights around her, nose only sought stale scents. Elegant steps would halt at the sudden noise made behind her. Cheeks would become flushed as features turned slowly towards the intruder, her heartbeat increasing. The dark pelted man would glide across the frozen earth, his sights intent upon the space beside her.
Her form would retreat from him slightly, her composure regained as she took on her tiara again. Young lungs would draw in a deep breath as golden rimmed gaze took in his tall form, he would tower over her petite form as a greeting was offered her. "Greetings, my speckled darling." taking in another breath she would allow his aroma to fill her senses, he was obviously a pack wolf. Panic would flutter in her chest as she would wonder if she'd actually been caught in his territory, but it was obvious such was not the case. He obviously had interest in her though, "Greetings, sir." She would nod to him, silky tail curling to cascade over her spotted back. "How may I help you?" Her voice was rather curious, the young she wolf very much still innocent to canine society. She had lived completely on her own for half of her life, she was only reverting back to what she had learned from her mother.

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06-05-2014, 02:36 PM

The man was quite intimidating. He was quite tall and muscular. He was a seasoned knight, but he did not wear a scowl upon her handsome face. He constantly grinned, with confidence. He was not scary looking, just slightly intimidating. His nobility was shown by his four silver bracers and his lovely necklace handed down to him by his father. So, when he saw the little speckled girl he did not want to frighten her. Though, the boy did not want to seem creepy either. He carefully approached her with that little grin and tilted his head. Kristoffer did not come close to her, for she backpedaled slightly. The cobalt man sat down and stared at her with darling silver eyes.

He could admire her golden fur and alabaster adornments. She seemed shaky and scared. The man brushed it off. Maybe with the darker lighting and the way her was sauntering about was frightening. Her little chirps were heard and he nodded gently. Though, with her next question the man tilted his head once again. "There is no need for help, you just seemed lonely.. I thought I would grace you with my company.." He grinned a little more and let his eyes slip to hers without question. "Is that an issue? I can leave, my darling." Sure, he did sound a tad bit creepy, but his intentions were not to narrow at that point.



4 Years
06-05-2014, 07:31 PM

Isolde was tiny, her tactics of survival were completely opposite that of the larger man. She had to be cautious, she couldn't easily overpower an opponent to escape. She had to use ehr wits and her speed, however the man did not seem intent upon her harm. Of course if he meant her dead it was very likely he would have never announced himself so politely. Still the girl was not so aware of dangers other than death, and would let her guard down slightly. His royal speech would lull her into a more trusting demeanor, still her paws would remain a comfortable pace from him. Further bringing her to ease the decorated man would sit before her, his moon like eyes resting on her dainty form.
Her stance would become more comfortable and grounded, still standing rather proudly before his she would take in his answer of her question. He would lightly smirk, her own features mirroring the adornment lightly. "There is no need for help, you just seemed lonely.. I thought I would grace you with my company.." his grin would turn up further, like he thought she needed his presence beside her. "Is that an issue? I can leave, my darling." Gaze would be averted from him as she took in his words momentarily, she couldn't decide if he were an annoyance or a charm. She would smile slyly as her features were turned back towards him. She could be bothered by some more regal company. "I am rather special.. like you seem to be." her gaze would narrow with her latter words, her gears obviously turning as she attempted to figure him out. "Might you hold royal blood as well?" she would go on to question him, wondering if his physical attributes were a boastfulness of his pedigree.


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06-05-2014, 09:00 PM

She was quite timid, curious, and quiet. He enjoyed a quite fae. Usually they were so full of themselves. Going on and on about some sort of bullshit that he did not care about. The ones that were weary of his charm excited him. It was an act, towards femmes. He wanted them to like him, to be lured in. But, he could see she was different, even though she was slowly calming down. He could see as he sat down her features relaxed. The man may take advantage of dumb females, but he was no rapist, nor will he ever be. Sure, he got mad when he could not bed a bitch, but he would not force it. The boy was forever neutral. Kris would hate to have some sort of target on his back. Though, he did like it rough.

He watched as as smirk slipped across her auburn lips. His smirk grew ever so slightly in seeing such. She relaxed even more, which made him relax slightly. But, his head was still high and his eyes were fixated on her own. They were opposites. He was dark, boastful, and very confident. She was timid, quite, and light. It was interesting, and he was excited to see what would happen between them. Good or bad. He listened to her gentle words, fixated on her tones. "I am rather special.. like you seem to be." The man tilted his cobalt head with narrowed eyes. He took a moment to focus on her scent but nothing really came to mind. He only knew of two royal families. The Sovari and the Armada. Nothing else. But, there could be more. He was intrigued. But, his thoughts were cut short by her voice slipping into his dark audits. "Might you hold royal blood as well?" What a dumb question, he would think to himself. But, not everyone could know such nobility upon first conversation. Kristoffer nodded with a now a grin. "I am Kristoffer Armada, son of Gairale Armada." The man licked his lips. He was truly royalty, but would she know recognize such?



4 Years
06-06-2014, 09:45 PM

Dainty form would remain standing, her elegant legs still extended beneath her as gold rimmed eyes took in his form. She had to admit the unexpected company seemed more welcome than she had anticipated. An interesting royal to speak with, though she could only tell from his appearance. She knew not his scent, and as his bold words came to light by his name. She felt as though the Armada name should make her aware somehow, like her mind should be wrapping around his name and creating memories that should be vivid. Eyes would catch his licked lips, as her own gentle words were brought forth. "I feel as though I should know your name." Her marked features would tilt curiously, "I've been out of social circles for too long it seems." she would giggle nervously before going on, hoping it an appropriate time to introduce herself. "I am Isolde Everlyse Adravendi-Mathias." Her graceful form would tilt to curtsey for the man, the corners of her mouth turned up into a sly smile.


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06-11-2014, 03:58 PM

He would watch her with those narrowed silver eyes. The light above flittered across the lands with such elegance. His jewelry shined within the sunlight. His bracelets complimented his dark fur that was a thick shade of ebony with a light blue on top. Though, his necklace looked stellar. The light blue gem seemed to radiate with royalty. He was made to be noble, yet at times he acted as if he was a common ally rat due to his love for pleasure and food. Though, when the speckled Princess got comfortable he did not think of using her or abusing her lady bits. He merely wanted to chat. She seemed so pure and innocent. The boy would not want to soil that when he had a thousand and one other chances to soil a new bitch. Her lovely voice filled his own dark audits. "I feel as though I should know your name." The man was surprised she did not but the reasoning seemed okay when she spoke it. "I've been out of social circles for too long it seems." The boy was tempted to elaborate but he would wait for her to continue on with her very own name and title. "I am Isolde Everlyse Adravendi-Mathias." The boy slipped through the memories of his time in Glaciem. The seige came back to him, the name Adravendi rang some bells but he did not remember much. Kristoffer titled his head, "I think my family fought against yours in this idiotic war thing over some girl named Liberty. My brother was the Pale King of the North, yet he has fallen ill and his dynasty is dwindling." Oh how he hated his brother, it was evident. But, perhaps his information would ring some bells for the little lady.



4 Years
06-11-2014, 06:15 PM

She was an elegant masterpiece, tiny slender limbs and perfectly proportioned curves. Doe eyes would blink, fluttering white lashes as she took in the regal form before her. He seemed incredibly royal at that moment, his form becoming pleasing company. Her purity would radiate off her immaculate pelt. Her words would be let out, the brute keeping his attention upon her. His head would tilt as he accepted her lyrics, his words following afterwards bringing surprise to his face. "I think my family fought against yours in this idiotic war thing over some girl named Liberty. My brother was the Pale King of the North, yet he has fallen ill and his dynasty is dwindling." She knew little of the war, only hearing bits and pieces of its history. She had been born the same winter it had occurred, her young form shivering with the thought of the pale king. Only stories would she have of him and his wrought destruction. This was the brother of that man. Isolde could only nod, the tiny information she had of their history coming to her mind. "I feel.. like I remember parts of that story. I don't remember it happening though, my family reigned in Seracia and I'm rather young to recall everything." her voice was soft and light compared to his own. "I will assume you are not a part of Glaciem..?" she didn't know the pack scents, but it certainly seemed he was not a member of his brother's lands.

touch the stars

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06-14-2014, 12:30 PM

They were both elegant. He had the charm of a thousand Kings and the looks of a God. He might as well have his on throne. Everyone bowed before him with just a glance. He was completely enveloped in nobility, as she was. It was nice to meet another royal, he was tired of the normal harlots and peasants he came across. His eyes swept across her lovely pelt. He tried to recognize any of the markings, yet he did not. Even if she was not there for the war, she seemed to remember a little bit due to her lovely vocals that filled the air. "I feel.. like I remember parts of that story. I don't remember it happening though, my family reigned in Seracia and I'm rather young to recall everything." He tried to remember the pack Seracia, he knew they were the enemy, but he did not bother to notice them. He did not notice a lot, due to his lack of interest. With her next set of words the boy rolled his broad shoulders, "I will assume you are not a part of Glaciem..?" He nodded and shifted his weight slightly, "I left after the war, I was very tired of the meaningless battles over some girl in another pack. It was silly, putting our family at risk for a single man." The man pointed his nose up slightly, obviously annoyed from the thoughts of his past.