
Dismantle. Repair. [Kaien]


04-26-2013, 01:28 AM

The ivory dame was a massive forty two inches. Her two toned gaze was determined and heavy, her muscles rippling with every powered step she took, not even Demonio was aware of the decision she had come too. Tortuga as a whole was restless, disoriented, disjointed. Its members were uneasy, unhappy, something needed to change, something needed to reinstall faith and hope within Tortuga's ranks... no someone. Tortuga was on the brink of death with numerous packs. Valhalla was a drop away from beginning a war, Seracia did not view them as worthy, Glaciem was so closely aligned with Valhalla... should the armies be brought upon them, Tortuga would perish. They could not stand against three armies, no matter how ruthless their members were. They would fail, Tortuga would fall.

Desdemona had made the mountainous terrain her home. One day, she wished her pups, a family, her beloved Demonio to be safe, to grow up feeling protected and loved. She wanted her family to be secure, those most precious to her to be protected. She would not demand that Tortuga link paws with Valhalla and begin singing kumbaya... but some semblance of an alliance needed to be formed, between Tortuga and the majority of the neighboring packs. They could keep to themselves, but they also needed to keep the peace. Neither Kaien nor Morphine had done as such, and Desdemona was done hiding in the shadows, blindly following orders, she was tired of watching the pack she had grown to love, crumble.

She had reached the battlefield briskly, stealing a quick drink of water and readying herself. She had chosen such a place in case things turned ugly. She would not back down from this belief, she would not yield until a resolution had been achieved. Kaien. Her Alpha, he would answer her even if it led to a battle of blood and teeth. She hoped such would not come to that, but she had matters to discuss and concerns to address and she was prepared to fight. The battlefield would give the two a chance of privacy, and if need be, a chance of blood. Her muscles rippled, massive frame coming to a halt, eyes devoid and detached just as always. Her lips would part in a song, a howl that called for Kaien. He would answer her questions and the replies would meet her satisfaction, or she would challenge his right to rule.



04-26-2013, 10:44 AM

Thick sinew rippled under a sleek silver pelt. The male had done much to keep up his appearance. Thirty nine inches and over 150 pounds was enough to intimidate most smaller than him. Today though he would meet someone a few inches taller, and yet he wasn't discouraged. Size hardly meant much in a fight. No. It was experience that made a warrior. Kaien had lost his fair share of fights, some in an unfair manner, but he'd also won some as well. His brief time as a loner when he was a yearling had taught him much. He was no weakling pup. If he had been then Nnoitra would not have passed over leadership to him.

The man took his time in heading to the battlefield. Desdemona had wished to speak with him. His blood sang with the thrill of a fight, and yet he did not wish for it to come to that. If harming his members could be avoided it would. Things were rather uncomfortable with Valhalla. He wanted all members battle ready and unharmed. He hoped nothing would come of Valhalla claiming that Tortuga and the other pack were enemies, but if anything did happen to further the state of discontent between the two packs, then they would need all the strength they could muster.

The alliance with Lentajin was fair enough, but Len was tiny, and even though they were mustering whatever forces they could they were still tiny. Whatever wolves they had were most likely strong, but Valhalla also had an alliance with Seracia and Glaciem. Things could go terribly wrong when out numbered. No doubt if any Tortugan did something to provoke Valhalla then war would be the cause and Tortuga and Lentajin would be sorely outnumbered.

Flame colored hues rested upon the white woman as he approached her. His head was low. He was not foolish enough to leave his throat unprotected, especially not outside the confines of his pack. His tail was high enough to show dominance over the woman, but it did not mean he was cocky.

"You wished to speak with me?"

He questioned her in a low baritone. She seemed somewhat irritable, maybe even restless. Something was surely on her mind. Something was always on another's mind when he was summoned. Why they did not come to him sooner was beyond him, but he would answer the calls all the same. It was his job. Discontent seemed to grow within the ranks, even with Morphine installed as his secondary Alpha things seemed to be getting worse. Did they view them as incompetent? Surely not. Things were slowly progressing. Soon Tortuga would be better. At least that was how he perceived it. Things were changing and for the better. It took time though. He couldn't please everyone.

He remained standing, giving her the chance to speak her mind. He was wary though. She also seemed ready for battle should it come to it. Tortugans were ones for blood, the majority of them at least. She didn't seem any different.



04-26-2013, 12:29 PM

She would wait with utter patience. She stood standing, muscles tense and ready, if for no other reason than because this was a field of death and anybody could show up half crazed and out of their mind, it was best to remain ready for that reason alone. Her plume would hang between her hind legs to maintain perfect balance. Her claws would dig heavy into the soil to ground herself. She dared even the heaviest of warriors to move her. She bottomed out at almost one-eighty, and all of that was heavy muscle. She had arisen from a pack whose only goal was to conquer and kill everyone it came across, she had done her task with a ruthless force. She could be one hell of a fighter if she choose to be.

Kaien would take his time arriving, obviously in no rush to greet her, a twinge of irritation settled in her soul but she did not display it. It only further confirmed that she was well within her right to question her leader. She would watch him with hardened eyes of mismatched colors. One black, one red gave him her full attention as he approached her... tail held high obviously displaying that he was a greater rank than her. It was pointless out here. She had chosen the battlefield to speak with him as an equal, rank mattered nothing here.

"Relax." Would be the first lyric to leave her maw. She did not move from her sturdy position, joints locked down into place, muscles tense and wire ready, but she would not spring, in fact she wouldn't even twitch. I have more honor and integrity than to drive a point with tooth and nail. If I chose blood, I will give you fair warning." Blunt and to the point but the ivory warrior knew no other way, it suited her. She would not fill the air with pointless pleasantries. She was here to speak and get a halfway decent response.

"I joined Tortuga because it claimed a neutral party. My past is filled with blood and death and I wished to escape it and yet... you and Morphine have somehow managed to make an enemy of Valhalla, a foolish error. Glaciem is Valhalla's sister, and their bond with Seracia grows stronger everyday... if those packs descend upon us in war, Tortuga will fall. No matter what the strength or the ruthlessness of its members, with that large of an army it becomes a numbers game and Tortuga will stand a horrid disadvantage. You have allowed Valhalla not only to reclaim Neo, but also the traitor, Cyanide. Tortuga has already failed twice. They think us weak, pathetic, unable to hold our own, and they doubt you because of your unwillingness to fight... it looks bad and it only fuels the idea of a war. What do you intend to do Kaien?" her words would come cold and detached, but not disrespectful. She presented the core of her discomfort and would wait for his response, she offered him no choices, wanted only his plan.



04-26-2013, 02:38 PM

At first she only said one word. Relax. Her next words had him cock his head slightly as his mind processed them. Nodding his head he took a seat and curled his tail by his side. Muscles would remain semi-tense and his body was ready to move if it was needed. She said she would give him warning if she were going to fight him, but he still wouldn't completely let his guard down. He would sit and listen though and appear to be relaxed.

He wasn't quite ready for the onslaught of words that she assaulted his ears with. He listened quietly, but irritation arose within him yet he retained his composure. It wouldn't benefit him in the slightest to let her see how her words affected him. He was tired of them all pestering him about things he already knew about, but he would remain stoic as usual about it. No need to throw a tantrum. The only ones he would let see his anger would be the higher tiered members. Even then it was a slim chance that would happen.

"I realize what you are saying. You talk to me as though I do not understand any of what has been going on of late, but we have not made an enemy of Valhalla. Valhalla has made an enemy of us. I will say that you are jumping to conclusions though. They have not stated that we are going to war. You assume too much. We merely are enemies, nothing more. It was over matters I couldn't quite control either. Yes we lost Neo and Cyanide and yes they may think us weak, but it was not worth risking the chance of war. Cyanide made her choice and as far as things with Neo, Nnoitra tried his best, but he is old. The decisions I have made have been for the pack as a whole. Valhalla will not do much to Neo, in fact, I believe that they will eventually release him. I know how they work. They are soft, regardless of the outer shell they put on for show. As far as we are concerned we may get slaughtered if they come for us, but we do have Lentajin by our side. But that's IF they come for us. As of now they have no reason to. Any Tortugan who provokes Valhalla will be punished severely. I will not allow my pack to fall to shit because of one wolf and that will be addressed. You have no need to worry. Morphine and I understand everything. We are not incompetent.

He kept his tone neutral. He wasn't keen on angering anyone or getting angry himself, but he'd just about had it with everyone assuming there would be a war. He wouldn't allow it. He wouldn't allow the pack Nnoitra had put together fall to hell. He wouldn't allow his members to get hurt or killed over something so stupid as fighting over Neo and Cyanide. He meant his words though. Anyone who provoked their enemy would be severely punished. If it called for it, he would even put their differences aside and try for a treaty with Valhalla, if only to prevent a war from terminating their members.



04-26-2013, 03:14 PM

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Her stance would shift if only slightly, he had sat back upon his haunches, having enough faith in her word and she would return it. Her stance relaxed, head lowering to not be quite so vicious. She was not here to start a mindless war, she was not here to upset the balance, she was here because Tortuga wasn't safe. they were, quite possibly the most hated pack within Alacritis at the moment. The tides could turn, would turn and the entire pack would be annihilated at the drop of a hat. Valhalla was biting at the bit for a chance to put Tortuga in its place. Desdemona wanted a family, a home, a life of peace, she was tired of fighting, tired of war... but the way such things were being handled, she could not seem them resolving, because nothing was being done.

His words did not ease her mind. He spoke down to her, insinuating that he and Morphine would solve everything. If anything it would make the ivory dame more uneasy and she would shake her massive dame. For a moment she stayed silent contemplating his words, considering them carefully and after a moment's hesitation she would sigh. Her eyes distant and aloof would meet his own. He would not answer her most basic question. He would hide the truth behind attempted reassurances that Morphine and he would handle it... but how? What had they had done to address these fears? Nothing. Actions spoke louder than words and she could not take him at his word. Not after having being witness to so many complacencies.

"I do not speak to accuse you of stupidity nor lack of comprehension, I speak because you know, you understand these problems and yet you nor Morphine have done anything to assuage these fears, these threats. I do not understand your complacency, nor Morphine's. Neither one of you can seem to arrive at a decision, Valhalla has marked us as an enemy and neither one of you have extended an olive branch nor have you declared them an enemy in return. This indecision it only adds fuel to their fire it makes us look bad! What do you think the title of enemies brings? War is the next step and no matter what you think of Valhalla, they are a strong pack, they won't hesitate to bring an army upon us if they deem it necessary, I was once apart of them, I know. I do not speak of just Neo and Cyanide, I speak of the pack as a whole. It is viewed as cowardly and weak! This cannot continue and your continued speech to deny me an answer only furthers my unease. Confidence in you and in Morphine is unstable amongst most members. You tell us nothing, you do nothing and then expect us to follow you blindly. Help me to understand Kaien. Answer me, please. What do you intend to do?" She would give him one last chance, one last opportunity, she was not beyond reason, but she could not stay complacent, not with her family taking the risk.




04-26-2013, 03:31 PM

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. She was once again assuming they would go to war. He remained calm though her words did nothing to assuage him that she was listening. She seemed stuck in her ways. Determined to ridicule him and Morphine as though they were doing nothing to try and help the pack before to it fell to it's own destruction by another. She was a complete and utter fool. It took every ounce of his will not to scream it at her.

"You do not understand how trifling it is to lead a pack. You do not understand how tiring and utterly exhausting it is. It's not simple matter to just fix things. It's not that easy. I can't just wave a paw and then everything magically be okay. It takes time Desdemona. Time. Right now it seems no one in Tortuga is giving Morphine and I a chance to do anything. They expect everything to be done upon their demands. If I could please everyone I would. As of now I can't. For now though I plan on calling Collision to talk. I'm sure he does not wish to see his pack go to war either. I know he does not want his members to die needlessly. Though I shouldn't have to tell my members of all my plans, but it seems nothing else will set your mind at ease. Like I said before. Tortuga will not go to war. No if's and's or but's about it. The pack meeting will also help the rest of Tortuga understand things. Listen and you shall see."



04-28-2013, 03:17 AM

He spoke in circles, he tore her down, claimed to presume what she knew and did not know. He spoke as if she was not but an insolent child playing a fools game. He spoke as though her talons and her teeth had not torn through a hundred souls. Her eyes would drift shut in silent contemplation, her chest would expand and the air would vacate her lungs. She would think heavy and hard about the decision she was making. Her life had been a series of following orders from superiors. She had led charges, had been in command of companies, but she had not been born to rule, at least not in her old packs belief, but this was not her old pack, this was now her home. She could take Kaien at his word, she could trust him, follow him back to Tortuga and await to see if his words held true... but it gave their adversaries time. Time to act and time to think. It was a gamble, one that could so easily be taken advantage of. Statistics were against them. Logic was against them, it was foolish to postpone the inevitable. He clearly did not take her fear to heart. He seemed more annoyed by her persistence than anything else, what leader did not take their members terrors to heart? He had done little but talk her down. She doubted anything would change. Who here was truly foolish? Or perhaps they both were? Regardless she could bite her tongue no longer. She was set in her ways and her weight would shift. Action, she had always been a creature of action. Breath escaped her in a heavy sigh, lips parting to speak.

"I am not as insolent as you make me out to be, I have presented to you my fears and you cast them aside. I may never have led an entire pack, but I have led squadrons, and militant soldiers. I have been responsible for others lives. I know what it means to sacrifice for your company, do not paint me so naive... I trust you Kaien, I have too or I would never have placed a paw within Tortuga, but I cannot be a part of such indecision. The time for patience, indecision, and more deliberation cannot be allowed to continue, complacency has never suited me. Action must take precedence, walls are tumbling down and bonds grow more frayed... "She would pause here hesitating a brief moment, before her two toned gaze hardened and turned fierce. "I challenge you for the right to rule Tortuga. State your terms."

The dame would set herself in a defensive position, joints bent for stability and tail sticking out behind her for balance. Her head would lower, even with the rest of her body, in the perfect position for defense or for the attack.

((( OOC: As per the rules, you get to decide the rounds and you get first attack ^^)))



04-28-2013, 12:17 PM

He was right. She wasn't listening. She just went on to say how he was calling her insolent and making her feel uncomfortable still. He had given her words. Promises that he would fix things. He would. He was no liar and absolutely not going to tell someone something and not do it. He had higher morals than that. But No. She persisted to not trust him and would state that she had led squadrons before. Had wolves under her responsibility. She didn't seem to take anything seriously enough. Being an Alpha was a whole lot harder than she seemed to believe it to be. He would fight her though. She would not usurp him. He was chosen by Nnoitra to lead and he would remain in his position and if not he would simply challenge her again when both had healed. She would not get his crown.

"If you win then you have every right to take over as Alpha, but I cannot promise that Morphine will be pleased with it at all. I can see her challenging you for either Primary Alpha, or for you to step down completely. I myself do not give up easily."

That was the only hint she'd get that he would challenge her again and again to get what he wanted. He wasn't one to just simply give up because he lost once. The way he saw it was the throne was his right and his only until an heir was provided. He could only believe that the pack would fall to even more disarray if a completely new wolf took over again. He could not allow that to happen.

"If I win then you are to not bring anything else up on the matter and you will trust that Morphine and I will get things done just as you should be. After all I did share information to you that wasn't to be revealed until a later date. Even I haven't told Morphine. You should trust that we will get things done. You obviously do not understand the hardships of an Alpha. It is not easy to please the mob. I shall not strip you of your rank though if you lose."

He had yet to fully rearrange the ranks, but with the help of the top tiers everything would be reformed. That was if he was able to beat Desdemona. This was honestly a waste of his time, but a carefully guarded visage hid all of this from the outside world. If he won he would abide by his word and not strip her of whatever rank she would hold and not kick her out. She of course would be free to kick him out if she so wished, but he would challenge her again and again until she was tired of him. He would get what he desired.

"No deadly wounds will be inflicted. Either who claims the spot as Alpha needs to be in a somewhat healthy state to be able to lead properly. Everything else will heal in time."

With that he took a step back. Right foot slid forward and was set at a place where it offered him good balance. Left foot slid outward slightly too as hid his back feet. He was level and well balanced. If she rushed him he could easily command his muscles to obey him and move any which way. They were both large, but he perhaps had a bit more speed than she did, but since she was a female this was pretty much an even match as far as he was concerned.

Head lowered to parallel itself with the ground and his tail did the same. Ears slowly went back flat against his cranium to protect them from easily being grabbed. Muscles tensed as he gathered his attack and the soft sway of his body was the only warning he gave before he attacked.

Kaien rushed forward and head tucked inwards to protect his throat. His defenses with his ears and tail were maintained. Head struck in a downwards fashion as he attempted to merely slash her face (preferably her eyeballs) swiftly and then he would dance away out of harms way if allowed. His attacks were meant to be somewhat swift and precise. He wouldn't always fight with just brute strength.

Defenses: Head lowered to be parallel with the ground and tail is outstretched and parallel also for balance. Ears are pinned to his skull to protect them. Feet moved (as stated in post) to balance himself. Head tucked inward as he began to move and other defenses remained (Save for his feet placing xD) even then he is well balanced.

Attacks: He attempted to run forward where he believes her to be. He is attempting to slash her face and then dance away backwards if allowed.

Injuries: None so far.

Round 1 of 4

[ooc: I'm hoping 4 is enough. 3 was my ideal thing cause I'm hating fights at the moment, but I felt like 3 wasn't enough.]



04-29-2013, 01:45 PM

She would stand unmoving. She had chosen, her decision was final absolute. She stood behind her words with all the power that rooted itself within her chest. She was dissatisfied with the way Tortuga was run and had stated as such, he had responded with his intentions and it had not meant her satisfaction, even if she lost this war of ivory, she at least cared enough to fight for the survival of the pack. She would sleep well tonight, regardless if she crowned Tortuga's Queen, or if she dined in hell. At least she would die for something good.

He spoke, answering her challenge and stating his terms, the level of maturity, the fact that he would not make this a battle of death surprised her. She had not anticipated such a level headed response to her challenge, regardless, she would respect them. Ears pinning back against her cranium, she would dip her head in silent agreement, acknowledging his terms and accepting them. "If I lose consider my voice silenced." It was all the response that was required of her, it was all she would say. She knew what she would do if she won, she needn't speak it unless she succeeded and she had no doubts that this would be a tough fight. She had never personally trained with Kaien but she had seen him spar, just as she was sure he had seen her.

She shifted her stance, broadening the distance between her two front limbs for stability and lowering her hind end slightly to shift her weight to her hind legs, preparing to spring, Her tail stood out behind her, keeping her balance steady and perfect. She took a long breath, slowing her heart rate and relaxing her muscles, growing still and quiet, waiting for him to move, waiting for him to spring. Her ears remained pinned against her cranium to protect them from teeth and claws and her eyes remained locked upon Kaien, watching for the slightest of movements that might help her predict his attacks. She tucked her head down, shielding her neck and waited.

He sprung and Desdemona was a second behind, pushing off from her hind legs. Ears flattened against her skull to protect them from easily being grabbed, and her head shielding her throat from open attack, her tail would stick straight out behind her to help maintain her balance. Her gait was quick and fast, the spring allowing her to move her momentum forward quickly. He would slash at her and she would feint to the left to dodge it, the claws barely scraping her maw.

Now slightly diagonal to him, she shifted her weight to her hind legs, and springing towards his right, she hoped to slash at the right side of his face with her right leg. Her head was still tucked to protect her neck and her ears still pinned to avoid easy access. Her balance was angled more towards the front half of her body to hopefully give her the momentum to achieve her attack. Her tail still sticking out behind her and her legs still broad to help maintain her balance.

Defenses: Head angled down to protect neck/throat, ears pinned to skull to avoid easy access, legs widened and tail sticking out behind her for balance, breathing steady to keep her muscles loose and relaxed along with her heart rate to allow for a more fluid movement and improved endurance. She feints to the left to avoid being slashed and as she springs, her balance is moved to the front of her, to provide extra momentum for the attack.

Attack: From the dodge of Kaien's attack, if off positioned them slightly, leaving her diagonal to his right side, shifting her weight and springing forward off of her hind end, she hopes to use the forward momentum to use her right fore limb to claw at the right side of Kaien's face.

Injuries: Minor scratches to her cheek.

Round: 1 of 4

(((OOC: I think four rounds should be fine! -Is still learning this whole fight thing so that should be a touch easier on me ;)- Since you didn't specify which leg he slashed with or what direction he sprung away in, I kinda had to wing it ^^)))



05-10-2013, 03:07 PM

Head jerked away from her claws as she tried to smack his face with them thus exposing his neck to her. Then came the sudden realization that he just didn't care. Perhaps it was why his own pack didn't like him. It seemed as though most just didn't seem to appreciate the "I don't give a fuck about most things" attitude that he carried. It didn't matter how much he accomplished, most would still hate him. He would never compare to Nnoitra and he realized that Nnoitra should have given it to his own blood, not some whelp he adopted.


He half commanded half asked. He wouldn't do it. He wouldn't go back to a pack that kept comparing him to his surrogate father. Tortuga wasn't worth it. He didn't want to destroy it in hopes of rebuilding it to better it more than the former King had. It was obvious that wasn't going to happen. Perhaps Desdemona was right in believing she could do better.

Tail and head lowered and he took on a submissive state, all muscles relaxed. He would not attack her anymore and hopefully she would do the same.

"I submit."

If she accepted his submission then he would go from there to explain why if she questioned.



05-10-2013, 03:17 PM

The dame had been utterly focused, poised and prepared to fight, her attention entirely on not maiming the male, in hopes that he would keep his word and offer her the same kindness. She was unaccustomed to fighting without the intent to kill but she would do her utter best to ensure they both left with minimal damage, and suddenly, he yanked away, falling back and commanding her to stop. As soon as the male leapt backwards Desdemona paused. Head still lowered, eyes still gleaming with raw determination, but confusion would settle heavily upon her countenance.

He...submitted? She would straighten, her tail would lower and her head would rise, towering over his submissive stance. She would click her teeth together debating her next words thoughtfully. She would crane her head to the side, studying him silently, but no trickery could be seen in that stance... but why? Suspicious still her lips would part, larynx vibrating with power as the words left her maw. "I accept your submission... but why? Why would you submit to me so easily?"



05-10-2013, 03:23 PM

Head would slowly rise as she accepted his submission and orange eyes watched her warily before his gaze softened content she wasn't going to attack him anymore. Stance remained relaxed as he took a seat. She, of course, had asked him the question he'd been waiting for.

"Because I no longer want Tortuga. Why go back to a place where at least half the pack hates my guts. They compare me to Nnoitra and I won't have it. It's not worth it. I won't see Tortuga be destroyed simply because they don't like me being their leader, so perhaps with leadership change they'll be more accepting and the pack won't fail. At least I know the packs won't go to war, because I know Valhalla hates my guts as well."



05-10-2013, 03:33 PM

She forced her muscles to relax and as Kaien slid back upon his haunches any further doubts she had were abolished. She remained standing but allowed her bodice to relax. She would not attack him any longer, so long as he returned the favor. her tail would flicker, as her mind whirled, his words, blunt but to the point, she could respect. She hesitated for nothing this time. Debating what exactly she should command of him. Of course he was welcome to rejoin Tortuga, she would not banish him.

"What do you intend to do? Rejoin Tortuga? Leave? I do not hate you Kaien, I never have. I question only the way in which you have led Tortuga, nothing more and nothing less. I know you care for Tortuga probably more than your own flesh and blood, if you would like to come home you are welcome." Her words were laced with decision and confidence. She would make it clear that she meant the ivory male no harm.



05-10-2013, 03:41 PM

Silver head turned as he debated her question. He had expected her to banish him from Tortuga, but he couldn't tell if he was relieved or not. The question was, did he even want to? He hardly had any friends there in the first place. No family save for Nnoitra and the ex-Alpha hardly had anything to do with him. Morphine was a friend, but nothing too great for him to want to return. In all honesty he was a loner. Not many would miss him. So the brute shook his head.

"I have no will to return, but instead would you do the honor of slaying me. I have to reason to be here and Tortuga offers nothing for me anymore. My pride will not allow me to live on this earth. I have failed and therefore I'll take my failure quietly with no complaints."



05-10-2013, 03:50 PM

He seemed surprised by her acceptance of him, the willingness she had to allow him to come home. Desdemona was not cruel, she did not want her reign to be compiled of terror and fear, banishing Kaien would have only created such a reign. Her two toned eyes would widen at his request, her tail lashing behind her. She wanted peace in her waning years, not death and war... and yet she understood. She understood how high he prided his honor and his respect, it would be a hard pill to swallow to return after such a demotion, but that did not mean he couldn't flee, she ould offer him one last reprieve, but she was nothing if not honorable and if this is what he wished of her... she would answer.

"Are you sure this is what you want. Should you choose to flee, you will be free of Tortuga. I will not force you to return."



05-10-2013, 03:55 PM

Was he sure? Not really, but death seemed to be a more welcoming outcome than dealing with first Morphine, for he was sure she was going to be pissed, then the questionings of the rest of the pack. They would all track him down eventually and he'd end up running into one of them, even if he escaped to the loner lands. Most of all he'd constantly be reminded of his failure. He couldn't live with that. When he was reborn into the world again he would live life again and strive to do better.

"No, I'm sure it's what I want. Death seems more.... friendly."

If he could have gone back in time to change things he would have died in the lava that the volcano spit out, but he couldn't do that. Instead he rose to his feet and waited expectantly with his head craned to allow her quick access to his neck should she choose to continue with killing him.



05-10-2013, 04:09 PM

She would wait, watching him carefully, for any signs of indecision or hesitation. There were none. He had no purpose without Tortuga, but there was nothing she, or anyone else could do about it now. His decision was absolute, final and Desdemona would respect that. Patiently she stepped forward, brushing her snout up against his cheek, a soft nuzzle a gentle caress.

"I will not enjoy this Kaien, but I understand, may you find peace away from this world." Her words were remarkably soft and gentle, so unlike the figure of stoic indifference that she usually was. She would offer his cheek a soft lick, one final act of kindness before pulling back, jaws splaying wide she would coil her jaws around the soft underside of his neck, crunching through both of his jugulars, his trachea, and his esophagus all in one fatal crunch. She would move quickly to support his falling weight, laying him as gently as she could against the ground as the last of his movements died out.

She stayed beside him until his heart beat its last before slowly rising to begin digging out his grave. It would be crude and shallow, the ground here was hard and not easily manageable, but she would give him what she could. Burying his body beneath the soil, she would offer a short prayer to the heavens before her massive frame would turn, redirecting her attention towards Tortuga.



05-10-2013, 04:16 PM

Eyes had widened slightly by the soft lick she offered him after she had stepped forward. His gaze would soften though as he gave a soft rumble that spoke of his contentment. The last thing he felt was her teeth piercing his skin. A brief moment of pain before his body gave out beneath him and everything went black. A rather peaceful way to die in his opinion.

-Kaien is dead-




05-10-2013, 05:42 PM
Quote:Kaien is declared dead with Desdemona as the victor. All ranks are reset in Tortuga, all wolves will fall to tier one, and all will be pulled under Desdemona's rule. Keep in mind that wolves may not leave without permission from their sovereign.