
Kaios x Newt Baby



3 Years
Extra large
05-02-2014, 01:16 PM
So Cascade, whose profile is here: , is up for adoption again due to inactivity!

She is a year old as of this last summer, and she is thirty six inches tall. (sorry, we did not pay for height with this one) Her appearance cannot be changed but her personalty & alignment are up to you. Usually I would adopt her out and let her life be up to you, but this time I'm doing it differently to avoid inactivity. She will be highly involved with Neios and Arcanum, and will belong to Neios and pretty much be his side kick sister whom he has both an emotional, and /physical/ bond with. They will be very close (one of the only wolves Neios will show any type of emotion toward) and will hopefully become an unstoppable duo! I am also open to any ideas and plots, so feel free to share anything that comes to mind :)

If anyone is interested, go ahead and fill this out, and I will be choosing the winner in a week or so :)

OOC Name:
Appearance(your version):

Katja the First


8 Years
05-02-2014, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2014, 09:44 PM by Katja the First.)
OOC Name: Tealah
Alignment: neutral
Personality: When interacting with others on her own, Cascade is usually a calm, pleasant, easy-going and generally likeable wolf. She's quite friendly, bordering on what might be called chipper. She doesn't have much of a temper, and when it does flare up it cools quickly. Despite this friendly exterior, though, Cascade is by no means a naive girl - on the contrary she is extremely cynical and inclined to believe the worst in everyone. She is also quite pragmatic and will nearly always do what is practical and convenient for her in a given situation. She doesn't go out of her way to do wrong, but she is unbound by petty morality. That said she has no bloodlust, nor does she crave evil-doing like many wolves - but she is fascinated by those who do. Not the wolves who do small acts of wrong-doing like thieves or bullies, but the truly depraved... those who rape, murder, torture... those are the ones who truly hold her attention and curiosity. When in the company of those, particularly her brother whose proclivities put him in the realm of awe for her, she seeks to go along with them, to do as they do to try to experience the thrill of it with them - nothing is too dark or depraved as long as someone's there to share it with. It's an almost sexual excitement for her, and does in fact occasionally bleed over into lust.
Cascade is also intensely loyal to family, or rather the idea of family. She clings to her larger littermate's side like a burr, willing to go along with whatever he tells her just to be near him. She doesn't give any fucks about authority, except for what authority her brother tells her to care about. Otherwise she could quite cheerfully flip the double bird to anyone trying to tell her what to do, as she walks away laughing.
Appearance(your version): Cascade is a tall and slim girl, though even in her adolescence she is not gawky or ungainly, but has an unmistakably feminine appearance. Her chest is large to match her size, with plenty of space for breath, but her stomach tucks up quite well at her slim waist with all the elegance of a saluki, while her long, slim legs are unmistakably strong. Her face too is thin, delicate, and very feminine without appearing childish or doll-like. Beneath that feminine exterior wrap muscles like steel cable, panther-like in their sleekness.

Her pelt is of ebony, but each black hair banded with her mother's soft silver so that in some angles of the sun gives the illusion of her whole coat having a violet sheen over it. Bright white consumes her left ear before stopping in an abrupt line where it meets her head. Another spot of white covers her left eye, and a final white patch marks her right hand leg from toes to ankle. Her eyes, slanted ever so slightly in her delicate face, are not a matching set - one gleams a startlingly bright gold against the black of her coat, while the other contained within the white is her mother's purple.
Ideas/Plots?: To follow her brother around and help him burn the world and flaunt her awesomeness and sexiness at him and stuff. :) Probably to be a hunter in Arcanum because she'd be fast and not normally inclined to be violent. But then she'd probably goad Neios into doing even more bad things cuz hot dayum, that boy.


05-02-2014, 11:05 PM
I think I'm gonna add Nausica to this! She can be found here