
Make It Better



04-23-2014, 01:41 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Well, there was no longer any question. Ashtoreth was pregnant. What she had been worried about since she had realized where her feelings for Leon were heading was now a reality. All those insecurities and doubts that had been quietly picking at her mind all these years were suddenly more real than they had ever been and would not give her any time to rest. She had only just come to the realization and already keeping this secret alone was killing her. She needed to tell him, to let him know and pray that somehow he might be able to make it better. For the both of them.

There was no telling where the blue-eyed, mottled brown wolf was - ever since the reestablishment of the pack he had gone back to the digammas, no longer part of the sigma team that she coordinated with - and she had little knowledge of what he had planned for the day. Was he far away? Was he working on something important? No, this is more important, she assured herself as she hurriedly padded through the den site, this is way more important.

She could hardly keep herself still as she wound around the woods beside the den site and came to stop outside of the entrance to their own den marked by the three boulders that composed the opening framework. Of course he was not here, but she had expected that; she just wanted a quiet place for them to have the impending conversation. Gold and purple eyes nervously panned left and right before Ashtoreth lifted her muzzle enough to call out to her mate, her message colored with her worry. Likely it would only bring Leon about in an equally frazzled mood but she could hardly control her anxious fidgeting let alone mask her voice too. She stood and waited, hoping he would arrive soon and be able to fix the worrisome problems that she was having.

Leon I


11 Years
05-05-2014, 01:36 AM

The morning was cool, and perfect for a quick hunt. Many thoughts had been worrying him as of late, although the night he and Ash truly showed their love to one another remained in his mind. It was perfect, their confessions made to each other and no longer hidden. His heart swelled at the thought, and he only wanted to hurry and return to her side and cuddle up with her. But The scent of a rabbit caught his attention, and immediately he would seek it out. Pawsteps falling lightly on the ground as his pelt blended in with the surroundings of the dulling background. Blue eyes trained themselves through the foliage, keeping look out for any sign of movement. It did not take long for him to locate it, the faintest visual of a brown hare moving underneath a bush, its back turned to him as it busily chewed on the remnants of the last green grasses. Quietly he slunk forward, somewhat like a cat though...less graceful. Fortunately, the hare was too focused on it's last meal before it even detected him. However, it was too late. He closed the distance, the hare barely making a scrape in the ground before he was upon it, teeth clamping upon it's spine and breaking it before it could scream. Satisfied with the prey, he turned to make his trek back home.

As he neared their den, he heard Ashtoreth's familiar voice in the air, his stride picking up pace then as he noted the worry within her call. His heart hammered in his chest, the hare dangled from his jaws as it swung with his movements. Was she okay? Was she safe? Oh god, how he worried about her. Though he knew it wasn't a bad thing, it only meant that he cared deeply for her. He approached quietly, his paw steps falling gently on the ground despite his hurried pace. He reached their den at last, though the direction from which he came was above the three rocks that made their den. He gazed warmly at his mate, tail wagging to see that she was okay before he hopped down. The hare was placed upon the ground as he leaned forward to nuzzle her neck, her intoxicating scent warming his heart and soul as he gently kissed her cheek. "I've brought you breakfast, love."

He murmured gently, trying to ease the worry that always seemed to plague her. She always seemed to be worrying about something, and he hoped that he was able to counterbalance it with his own personality. He was a calm individual, always able to keep his cool, as well as a level head about situations. Though when it came to her, he couldn't help but worry. She was his everything, it was hard not to worry. Though right now, he couldn't help but wonder what it was that was upon her mind.



05-05-2014, 02:42 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Ash continued to fidget as she waited, shifting her weight from forepaw to forepaw while her tail curved close to her legs. Even her ears had begun to fall back against her head as she continued to look around in anticipation of spotting Leon from either side, but she had not expected him to show up above the den. Pinpointing the sound of paw steps, the little grey hunter turned in place to glance upward, surprised but so incredibly relieved to see Leon there. She breathed out heavily and smiled immediately, her tail beginning to wag close to her legs. It was so good to have him close; already she felt better. She just hoped he would be prepared for what she had to tell him.

He hopped down to join her on level ground and she eagerly padded forward to nuzzle him as he did to her, calmed slightly by his closeness and his gentle touch. Her two-toned eyes closed tightly a she did so, breathing in his scent and hoping to draw some of his strength into her if she could. She needed ever ounce of it that she could get. He pulled back with a kiss on her cheek and though a part of her wished to evade his brilliant blue eyes, paranoid he would be able to read her secrets in them, she met his gaze anyway, though they turned downward when she took note of the hare he had brought for her. She laughed at the sight of it, an airy sound that threatened to become much more emotional than intended. Oh goodness, she really just needed to get it over with.

Ignoring the rabbit - she had no appetite at the moment - she drew in a breath and began to speak, her expression nervous yet serious and her tone similar. "I need to talk to you." Well, of course, he had probably already put that together. She had called to him after all. "I need to tell you something." That was better. But now that everything was set up, now that she had her moment, she found herself struggling. It was somewhat embarrassing, but nothing compared to the overwhelming anxiety and worry over what his reaction might be like. She tried to speak, opened her muzzle to do so, and failed twice before she finally said within a whine that nearly brought tears to her eyes, "I'm pregnant."