
-- dance the night away --

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-14-2013, 07:53 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2013, 06:02 PM by Jupiter I.)

it certainly was a pleasant night--one that made jupiter quite thankful to be alive, especially after the whole feline fiasco that had taken place on these grounds only a few days ago. she shifted, lips upturning at the feeling of the silt cool and soothing seeping up ever so slightly between her toes. the night was alive with the sound of crickets, and she was glowing with what could only be described over and over again as relief. the alpha rose to her paws and scaled the inclined portion of the familiar log that she had used in all of the gatherings of the pack so far. for being dead, the blessed thing had been endlessly useful. hopefully she would be the same after she passed. for now, though, their first hardship as a pack had been overcome due to the bravery and skill of her members, and that was all that mattered to her in this moment.

and then there was the leadership... a flare of delight flashed through her mind as she remembered a person and a promise, a lazy smile crossing her features. he'd proven himself several times over in that single squabble, and it was about time jupiter paid her dues. the lass took another deep breath, shaking out her fur and allowing a chuckle to slip from her lips, celestial gaze turning to meet the cool-hued waters of the river. the rapid pace of the river from the recent rains had passed but the washed-out debris from it had not, causing ludicael's magic to come to life almost constantly in the form of brilliant glows. even from her perch they were cast upon her, silhouetting her against the mangroves.

the man's probably busy... she thought, lowering her head to her paws, reclining further across the rounded planes of the log, probably isn't even here tonight anyway... besides, calling for him would have drawn far too much attention, and if anything happened, she could possibly be in the mood to kill spectators if they were interrupted. maybe some other night, then...


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-14-2013, 09:07 PM

Perhaps I could just stroll by, or... feign some sort of question or request of her? Or perhaps even tell her something I've done today. What have I done today? Thoughts of tactics at getting himself alone with Jupiter never seemed to leave his mind. On one hand, he was certain if he just called her she would come, but how simple would that be? Maverick prided himself on his skill with women, and something as simple as beckoning her was beneath the alabaster healer. No, he needed a plan. But what? Strolling around Ludicael seemed hardly practical, as he could easily miss her in his wanderings, or walk right past her in the darkness. Calling out had already been ruled out, and the only thing left in his playbook would be to try to track her. He'd never had the most talented nose, but he supposed he could track her if he really wanted to.

And boy, did he want to.

What was painfully clear to the man was that sitting here by the water and musing about tactics was not getting him any closer to Jupiter. He needed to take action to get action. A smirk feigned across his lips as he raised his rump off of the earth, shook for good measure, and strolled down the length of the water, finding it's azure glow to be quite appealing to sterling eyes. Not to mention, if he did happen to find her, he would certainly look exquisitely handsome by the water's light.

And find her he did.

What luck! The man saw her on the other side of the river, glowing in the gleam of the water's aura, lying upon the log where he'd met her for the first time. He stood stock still, the water painting him cerulean as he gazed at her, almost mesmerized. It was a pity they could not live by this light alone, forever illuminated in hues of blue. Jupiter, husky voice would breathe her name in the quiet of the night. Expertly he would scale the roots over the river, carrying him to the other side, to where the beauty lay.


Jupiter I


7 Years
04-14-2013, 09:30 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2013, 05:58 AM by Jupiter I.)

every single hair upon her planet-printed hair raised on end, a minute shudder rolling its way down her reclined form and eyelids pressing shut. throes of suppressed lust ripped from her abdomen and raced upwards, ailing every vein and capillary with a sudden surge of hormones as if it were an infectious disease, breath quickening ever so slightly, accented by the small acceleration of her pulse. it was as if he had known that tonight was the night where he claimed his reward and like a knight in shining armor had emerged from the waters that she held so dear. the fae owed him a walk, indeed, but with the sudden wave of emotions that had just washed over her, she was near certain that she was unable to stand.

"marvel," she breathed, her normally-fluid tone as rough as his own lyrics but just as musical to seeking ears. the overwhelming urges within her gut were proving too difficult to suppress in any way, and it shone obviously through her timbre. eyelids lifted so that she could lay her gaze upon him, breath passing only through the small part in her lips that she allowed it, and it took every last ounce of willpower she was capable of to keep her from flinging herself before him and begging him for everything in the most lewd manner possible.

cast in a cloak of azure, the alabaster lad really was just that--a marvel. jaw tightened as she forced a swallow, but remained tense to remind herself that if she were to go about this, it would be with class. the wild abandon could come later, but for now, this matter required fineness, and that was one thing she believed she could manage no matter what he threw her way. well, she hoped.

paws lifted her weight upwards and then fluently down the sloped planes of the large roots of the log, hips swaying more than usual as her powerful legs carried her to meet him. butterfly eyelids fluttering momentarily, she offered him a lazy smile, audits set slightly backwards to give an almost... shy, appearance, if you would, when in fact her approach to this matter was nearly the opposite. not shy, but instead, tactful and with extreme taste. it was here she realized that she had just actually managed to walk. well, maybe it hadn't been as hard as she thought. "well, marvel, my dear, i do believe that you owe me a walk..." she replied, voice nearly a purr despite her lupine being, low and endlessly inviting. her gait carried her a step or two forward, muzzle tipping to the side and extending outward to bring ebony lips nearly brushing the fur extending ever-so-slightly from pure-hued ears. "or is here too nice of a place to leave?"


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-15-2013, 11:59 AM

She was exquisite, but wasn't she always? He was certain he had never seen her so beautiful before in his life. Motions were fluid, even, as he carried himself to her side, feeling halfway sure of himself as he did so. She liked him, or at least tolerated him. Regardless, he had proven himself a great deal as of late, and surely she would not regret his company on this night, even if it was just innocent talking. Naturally, he preferred more, but was not about to demand something of the Sol she wasn't ready to give. No, he had to win her over, she was his ultimate prize, and when he did.. he would have won the jackpot. She and she alone would be his grand victory, the creme of the crop. Pity she didn't know how much he valued her - if only for her rump.

But was she just that? Was she simply a pawn in his game, something to be won, obtained, and then cast aside when he was through? Until now that had been his biggest and brightest viewpoint on women, but she may have altered that just a touch. Marvel would thrill in knowing her the first time, but what of the second? Would she be as desirable once he'd tasted the honey from the comb? When he'd planted his flag would there be any reason or desire for a second trip? A smirk played across his lips, he'd never know unless he tried, would he? With a devilish swagger in his step, Marvel would meet the lady halfway as she stood and sauntered toward him. Was there an extra bounce in her step, an added sway in her strut?

I should have thought with all of my efforts as of late, my debt would have been paid. But alas, I would be honored to pay my homage now. Charm had never been so thick, and yet it was all so natural. She moved toward him and he froze where he stood, mesmerized with her actions. What was this, was she flirting back? A simper lingered on his lips as she queried. It is a beautiful spot, but it's a bit outdated, don't you think? Perhaps we can find one more worthy of our presence. He had to give it a shot, had to see if she sought the same thing he did tonight. Granted, if she was just in this for a bit of fun and a nice chat, he could play along, but what he wanted was much more... desirable. He pivoted, bringing his bodice parallel to the waters, intending to bask in their glow as long as possible on this walk. If he could, he would find a secluded place in the cerulean glow to stop and make of this night what he wished - if she would have it.


Jupiter I


7 Years
04-21-2013, 07:29 PM

her lust-ailed mind slithered instantly into the sheltered confines of the mangroves, memory seeking the most elusive spots in which she could carry his presence to--places where they would without a doubt continue to be undisturbed. "more worthy of your presence, rather," she replied, words dropping sweetly from her lips to generously grace his ears with such a compliment. "i apologize dearly for the delay," she added, paws drawing herself forward beside him as she pivoted before placing herself ahead of him, a very particular spot in mind. the lass was certain to keep her paws brushing the water at all times, keeping an even more fierce glow of cool hue upon her fiery pelt. it would take very little time for her to reach a point parallel with her endeavors, and she would flick her tail outward in an attempt to brush it against his nose and draw him with her as the lass curved her path into the mangroves. they had been fortunate enough to have been walking along a stretch of treeless shores, and should they continue their stroll, the ease of movement would have been short-lived.

"so, marvel..." she drawled as she padded along, stepping fluidly over roots with unmonitored motions that were a result of near-endless practice and experience, "...what brings you to the territory tonight? a handsome lad such as yourself undoubtedly has other things and individuals to tend to," she cast his way, voice teasing and possibly a little less heavy with need though her abdomen and mind still burned with the fires of lust. tact, she reminded herself, i must have some tact...


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-23-2013, 06:40 PM

She would lead him amongst the thickest part of the mangroves. Ah, could it be she had the same thing in mind? Or perhaps she just meant to get him alone to talk about something. Either way, alone time sounded positively magnificent. No argument there, he would reply in his usual coy wit, with an extra bit of seduction thrown on for pizzazz. If she thought she was worthy of his presence, who was he to contradict? She would apologize and a sly laugh would escape his lips, lingering in the air as she redirected their path, clearly sure of wherever she intended for them to end up. He was pleased to see that they skirted the water, he should have known she would, she'd chosen this place specifically because of the azure glow. As the path grew tighter her tail would collide with his nose, sending a frenzied shiver down his spine. Oh what a minx she was!

The only individual I seek to tend to happens to be within these borders, my dear Sol. He would pause for dramatic effect, wondering if he was taking this a bit too far for professional courtesy. What brings you out on this night.. so far from the beaten path? Perhaps that would be a clever way to get her to reveal her intentions of this rendezvous, and if it meant the same thing to her as it clearly did to him. A raging fire burned in his loins, but he resisted the urge to tackle her right then and there. If he was going to have her, he would make it worth the wait. Besides, part of him wanted to see her work for it, if she truly wanted him like he hoped she did.


ooc; short post is short :/

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-28-2013, 04:21 PM

rose tongue traced over ebony lips, celestial optics intent on his own for a moment, slicing through the dim light of their secluded verdant surroundings as she threw a glance behind her and his way. gaze returning forward and mouth upturned in a mischievous smile, jupiter took in his comment with a flick of an earth-rimmed audit, stifling a chuckle from emerging from the depths of her chest. his professionalism was almost... uncharacteristic to her, especially since it seemed as if he'd had no problems blatantly flirting with her in the past. despite the slight annoyance she perceived due to the urgent sensations in her loins, she was almost... charmed, one could say, by his resilience and seemingly proper attitude about the whole situation. if anything, it seemed as if he was remotely unaware of her intentions, and for a moment, she wondered if she was making herself unclear.

impossible, she mused inwardly, hardly able to stifle the snort that would have resulted due to her own thoughts had she not made an effort to suppress it. there was no way he could be missing the point here... right? he had to simply be teasing her--trying to work her into a frenzy until she was the one who cracked. i refuse, she decided suddenly with inward and sly determination.

as she walked along at a slow, steady, and leisurely pace, hips still holding a certain sway to them, tail still even and outward to allow for her scent to drift toward him, jupiter chuckled, glancing back at him with her ears pressed forward. this lasted only a moment, as she quickly reverted her path of sight to its original direction once more. "even the dearest of wolves have needs," she replied, voice colored with seductive hues.

even as she spoke she came to a stop, their path taking them into a small break in the tangled roots, giving much more solid footing. her paws slowed in their movement and she came to a halt, turning with a lusting shine in her violet eyes. "don't they, marvel?" came the fateful, wanton rhetorical. even his name, such a simple combination of syllables, dropped tantalizingly from her lips.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-28-2013, 04:55 PM

rose tongue traced over ebony lips, celestial optics intent on his own for a moment, slicing through the dim light of their secluded verdant surroundings as she threw a glance behind her and his way. gaze returning forward and mouth upturned in a mischievous smile, jupiter took in his comment with a flick of an earth-rimmed audit, stifling a chuckle from emerging from the depths of her chest. his professionalism was almost... uncharacteristic to her, especially since it seemed as if he'd had no problems blatantly flirting with her in the past. despite the slight annoyance she perceived due to the urgent sensations in her loins, she was almost... charmed, one could say, by his resilience and seemingly proper attitude about the whole situation. if anything, it seemed as if he was remotely unaware of her intentions, and for a moment, she wondered if she was making herself unclear.

impossible, she mused inwardly, hardly able to stifle the snort that would have resulted due to her own thoughts had she not made an effort to suppress it. there was no way he could be missing the point here... right? he had to simply be teasing her--trying to work her into a frenzy until she was the one who cracked. i refuse, she decided suddenly with inward and sly determination.

as she walked along at a slow, steady, and leisurely pace, hips still holding a certain sway to them, tail still even and outward to allow for her scent to drift toward him, jupiter chuckled, glancing back at him with her ears pressed forward. this lasted only a moment, as she quickly reverted her path of sight to its original direction once more. "even the dearest of wolves have needs," she replied, voice colored with seductive hues.

even as she spoke she came to a stop, their path taking them into a small break in the tangled roots, giving much more solid footing. her paws slowed in their movement and she came to a halt, turning with a lusting shine in her violet eyes. "don't they, marvel?" came the fateful, wanton rhetorical. even his name, such a simple combination of syllables, dropped tantalizingly from her lips.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-28-2013, 09:55 PM

The ground was like a gnarled, twisted jungle, but expert paws would carry him with every bit of swagger he possessed. Eyes of sterling watched the ground below him carefully, he could not afford to trip now. To trip would be to show a weakness, to show weakness would certainly prove that he was imperfect, and to be imperfect was to be.. the opposite of himself. Perfection, it was his middle name. Carefully and almost magically, the man maneuvered behind the lass, allowing her to lead him - for now. She could take charge for the time being, but he would show her who was boss in due time. She spoke of needs, and he could not help but let out a chuckle.

She would halt and turn, her voice questioning him in reference to her previous statement. A devilish gleam clouded sterling eyes. My only need is to see that not a single of your needs is overlooked. Keep the topic on her, it was an easy way to get what you wanted - if you knew how to do it properly. A smile quirked in his lips, noting the sensual way she spoke and held herself. She wanted him, bad. Oh how he wanted to hear her beg, hear her scream for him. He would slip forth on agile paws, seeming to glide across the flatter - less complicated land. Pausing when his lips were a mere inch from her ear, he would whisper in a husky, manly tone. Tell me what you need. Words tapered off with an undeniably sensual sound, something akin to a groan and a growl.


Jupiter I


7 Years
04-28-2013, 10:09 PM

even as she tossed herself subtly at him her lust ever-grew, welling forth with surprising speed. if it weren't for the willpower and stubborness she harbored so dearly, the fiery-pelted lass would have thrown herself upon her stomach before him at the first sight of his alabaster pelt cast handsomely in azure. even as he spoke, she realized that she herself was being manipulated in a way that set her at a lack of dominance, and a minute sense of irritation pricked the back of her mind, though it was nearly lost from her conscience as he strode forward to bring her lips near her audits, warm breath encroaching upon the sensitive hairs there and sending an unmistakable shiver down her spine.

no, she protested mentally, i'm still the sol here. the need for some degree of dominance that had been etched nearly permanently into her mind slipped forth, slithering to her thoughts to cause a smirk to cross her countenance. her eyes were heavy upon his as they flicked to the side to seek his chrome orbs, and the lust in both of their gazes was excruciatingly plain. in return to his own proximity, she pressed herself ever-so-slightly toward him--just enough so that, if he allowed for such contact, her cheek would be pressed against his muzzle and her lips would also be at his ear. jupiter's tail flicked in near-dismissal of his earlier comment.

"and if i believe your needs go further than mine?" she purred tantalizingly. the lass would make a move to carry herself forward, and hopefully drag her pelt down the length of his side, aiming to curl around his body and snake her way back up once more to set their bodies parallel. even now the sol knew she couldn't handle such a dance much longer, but wouldn't merely submit without a fight.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-29-2013, 11:44 AM

He wasn't sure how much longer he could go on with the charade that he didn't want her. In all truth he did, he just wanted her to beg for it. It seemed, however, that she had no intention of doing so. The question in his mind was should he continue with the path he was on, or switch tactics to a more appealing one? Time would tell. He wondered what she would think of his attempts at bringing her to the edge. Would she relish in the momentary lack of dominance, or would she loathe it and seek to domineer him and reestablish the status quo? He was sure he was about to find out. He felt her shiver in response to his whispering in her ear. Perhaps all hope was not lost.

But she seemed to compose herself at least partially, as she slithered forth and pressed her cheek against his muzzle. Her lips ensnared his ear with a close proximity as she spoke. So, she wanted the power. He couldn't allow that, could he? A smirk played across his lips. A healer is born to ignore their own needs and see to the needs of others. The dance was growing long and tedious, but it would be worth it.. if they could last through it all. He felt a shiver run up and down his spine as she drug herself ever so slowly down the length of him, and then back up on his other side. She certainly was good at this, wasn't she?

A fire burned in his loins, raging and screaming at him to just take action, to act out his fantasies and succumb to the euphoria. He tried to ignore it, but even now he felt his steely eyes taking on a whole new demeanor. His lungs took in deeper breaths each time, his heart beat wildly in his chest. Who knew a single woman could bring him so much excitement and joy?


Jupiter I


7 Years
04-29-2013, 06:01 PM

the lass encountered surprise as he allowed for their pelts to meet; she had half-expected him to dance away in a downright teasing manner. as she curved around his form, jupiter quickly found that her own plans were backfiring like a heat-seeking missile launched in a deserted tundra as her own desires were amplified by the contact while his self-control seemed relatively unfazed. they were engaged in a battle of wills--their personalities clashing with a leadership-induced need for dominance over the other. it was likely that neither would end up pleased tonight if one of the warring wolves did not submit, but then it became obvious that jupiter would be the first to give in, as she could hold out no longer.

all in one moment, the willpower she had prided herself so highly for cracked, splitting and splintering into innumerable pieces. his words sliced through her being as if it were an arrow through the water, golden and streaking through the haze of her stubborn ways and setting her lust on fire. the inferno blazed across her body, her mind catching rapidly and finding itself helplessly overwhelmed. her lips drew near him again and her tongue flicked out, on the path to draw slowly across his ear before replacing the guided muscle with words.

"then take me, marvel," she near-groaned, voice strained with lust and accented by her quickened respiration, "however you please. for tonight, i am yours."


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-01-2013, 11:46 AM

He wondered how much longer this tango would last. Judging by the temperature of the fire in his loins, Marvel knew he could not hold out much longer. If she didn't give in soon he'd either have to take her for himself, or give in on his own. The former seemed much more appealing, but both avenues took him to the same destination. As she snaked up his frame he quivered, he should have pulled away - should have left her longing for his touch rather than granting it. By doing so, he was only driving himself more mad. A sigh slipped from parted kissers as she crept toward his ear once more. She certainly knew what she was doing, didn't she? Her tongue did a little dance on his ear before words whispered into the cavern. Permission, it had been granted. The man need not control the fire in his loins any longer.

Mine, husky voice would ring out in the most seductive of tones. The man pivoted, slithering toward her backside - his desired destination. It would have been nice to toy with her a bit longer, but he wasn't sure he could make himself wait any more. Jaws would serpentine to the side as he crept ever so slowly down his frame. Front teeth nibbled desirably at her multi-hued frame, paying special attention to the fur around her spine. When he'd reached her rump, the man would lather kiss after kiss upon her pelvis - being certain to not miss an inch of orange tinged fur. And - when he could hold himself back no longer - the man reared in a fashion akin to a stallion and allowed his chest to balance gently upon her rump. When he was sure she could hold his weight with no problem, the beast sought to ensnare the scruff of her neck in his jaws in order to pull himself forward and finally reach the point of no return. Whilst doing so, front legs would lock around her frame hungrily. This would be a night to remember.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-04-2013, 09:43 PM

heart thundered madly in her chest, the sol's mind ablaze with the hottest of fires. as ivories nibbled gently in well-placed affections down her spine, the inferno was plagued with solar flares as it truly were the sun itself. the smallest of wanton moans would taint the air further with her lust, hips twitching ever so slightly as his tongue drew itself across the planes of her rump, leaving no area unexplored. all will to resist obliterated by his effort, the lass found her torso lowering, front legs extending to allow for her flanks to remain stationary. having been barren of sex for so long had been unfortunate for the fire-pelted fae, and now the suppressed urges came bearing down, searing a path in her nerves as she felt his weight alight suddenly upon her. she held firm, solid stance accented by a needy whimper. "please," she groaned, delivering to his ears the begging word she knew he coveted for on a silver platter, not wanting for him to drag this out any longer. her forward posture straightened only enough to give his seeking jaws passage to the flesh of her neck, feeling the slight tug on the loose skin as his body shifted forth.

the alpha gave a sigh of relief as they were joined, feeling his limbs lock securely about her hind legs. the celestial lady would push her own form ever so slightly against him, seeking all that he had to offer, and willing to give back whatever he pleased...

[ fade ]


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-08-2013, 08:20 PM

He groaned as she pleaded with him, and finding himself unable to tease her any longer, he would slip forward and into perpetual bliss. Their bodies intertwined in the most sensual of ways as the two became one. No longer was there Sol and Celeste, there was only passion.

[ f a d e ]

When finally the moment came, Marvel reluctantly peeled himself from the Sol's bodice, feeling a rush of cool air flow over his abdomen. The fire in his loins had been sated for the time being, but he knew it would return - it always did. Tongue raked across dry lips as he nibbled his way back to her shoulderblade, where his head would rest and a sigh would slip from those same parched lips. I hope that was satisfactory enough, Sol. Mocking tones would dribble from his lips as he found his limbs to be weaker than he remembered them. He was tired, dreadfully so, but would stay awake as long as he could - for her. Normally his routine was very plainly to hump and dump, but this would have to be different. She was his Sol, and he her Celeste. In no way, shape, or form could he forget this night, and he knew she would not forget it either. Still, it meant nothing special other than the fact that they'd both needed a bit of a release. He wondered if their night was over - and perhaps a bit selfishly wished that it was. He needed rest.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-10-2013, 03:12 PM

the moment her attentions had turned lustful, jupiter had accepted the reality and manner of their encounter; there would be no overly affectionate and heartfelt exchanges between them--no sweet nothings, no cuddling after the deed was done. this was an arrangement of pleasure in primal instinct, and that was all between them. as they peeled their bodies from one another's embrace, her posture straightened and her chin lifted despite her relative exhaustion. it seemed as if jupiter had reverted to her normal self within a single moment.

"mm, i am certainly satisfied," came an almost purring reply. she flicked her tail, ears forward and brow raised. "thank you, my dear celeste," she remarked. her limbs began to carry her away, distancing them as she made a move to depart. "should you have me, i may request your... services at a later date."

[ exit jupiter ]


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.