
And So It Ends



04-29-2013, 12:33 AM
She shouldn't be here. There were so many thoughts and reasons stating this fact within her own mind. Some swimming through her head, fleeting and flickering - and others were bolded against her very mind, thoughts of those that she was swallowing down and leaeving behind, hopes and dreams that would never be accomplished. Melodrama was not something that the princess much enjoyed, but had taken ahold of her head and was now something that she rarely got to escape for long periods of time.

Perhaps that was part of the reason that she had come here.

There was so much fear and unknowns about marrying Maverick. There were so many reasons that she did not want to - but the biggest, was because she did not know him. She knew not the boy who would soon be a man, that she would be spending the rest of her life with. She... wasn't sure whether she wanted to. Yet to fight the pooling sadness that dribbled into her veins and left sparks of anger and distress in their wake - she would face reality instead. Her own mind could not be trusted when it came to this marriage.

Perhaps, Maverick would be pleasant. Perhaps he would not be so bad. Sure he and his family would never offer the same feeling that her own did - they would not be trusted the way that her own was, but they would eventually become her home. And so she wanted to see him, to get a taste of what she was in for. That was not against law or tradition was it? To wait to meet the boy she had been tied to?

There was a hint of unsure nature that she wanted very badly to hide behind her azure gaze. Yet regardless she held herself high, sporting that last little sliver of pride she had left. Tilting her head back, she called for him - hoping that he was near, that he would respond to her quickly, lest she loose her nerve and turn away.

She also hoped that Gideon, somehow, did not hear her howl at all.

She wasn't ready to face him quite yet.


04-29-2013, 11:25 AM

He'd thought it might somehow get easier. That somehow, some way he would learn to forget about Epiphron, learn to love his bride-to-be. But how could he love someone he did not know? How could he love someone so closely related to the girl he already loved? Was there any hope for some semblance of happiness in his future? Or had that been dashed the moment the betrothal had been procured? He supposed that it had, since he hadn't felt truly happy since the news had been announced. He felt selfish - wrong - for feeling this way, and yet.. he knew that he was not feeling any different than anyone else would in his situation. He knew that love was not easy, but he'd never anticipated it being this hard.

Paws would carry him rhythmically across the croplands. A few still grew in haphazard patches - somehow managing to thrive despite the lack of tender loving care. Others lay in a heap on the earth, clearly worn down by the heat of the summer. The wolves didn't mind much - dead or alive - it wasn't as if they ate the crops themselves. Still, the ones that did manage to survive were quite alluring to prey creatures - of which the wolves did mind. In his short time here, Maverick had stumbled across a healthy crop of rabbits and hares, feral cows and even a wild horse! Deer were also plentiful. He was happy to be in a land plentiful with red meat.

But his paws carried him through the croplands and into the clearing. To his left he saw the shed. Inside was a myriad of tractor parts and pieces of other large machinery. Some of it had rusted, but most was still in decent condition. The door was propped open enough for even the largest wolf to slither through, and it was often a place where the Prince enjoyed catching an afternoon nap. Ahead of him lay an expansive forest, but he would pivot and skirt alongside it toward the western border. It was only natural for the boy to want to be sure that his new land was secure.

It was not natural, however, for him to hear a howl whilst patrolling. True, it happened quite often in the delta, but here in the range - members joining had decreased. He attributed this to the fact that they had not been in this new land very long, and the scent at the border was not as strong as it ought to be just yet. Still, curiosity would bring the Prince to answer the call, tilting his own head back with a short response. He strolled casually to the location of the sound, wondering just who it could be.

The wolf he came across was not one he had expected to see. She bore a striking resemblance to his ladylove - Epiphron - and yet was completely different at the same time. It had to be her, he was sure. Who else could it be? A wavering tone would slip from his lips before he could control it. "Chrysanthe?" He had never laid eyes on her before, and there was still the off chance that she was only another relative, and not his betrothed, but something in his gut told him she was the girl he was to wed. He would straddle the border, front paws outside it, back paws inside. It was only polite to invite her in, wasn't it? But he wanted to be sure it was her before he did so.




04-29-2013, 11:50 AM
She waited, forcing her breaths to be slow and even, trying to quell the shaking in her paws. Nervous, fearful, anxious, the girl sighed. She wished that she could blame this boy, blame him for her short comings and dashed future - but she couldn't find it in herself to do so. Perhaps he was at a loss as well? The thought made her stomach give a tight squeeze - what if she was a disappointment to him? It would be tragic, to be considered not enough by the brute she was to mary - but it was a distinct possibility.

It was better to meet him now. It felt a bit like ripping the scab off of a wound.

The bitterness would drip out once she did, right? He couldn't be so bad...

When he finally showed, she was surprised that he already knew her, somehow. He had guessed that it was her, and she was both grateful and intruiged. Had someone described her to him? Blue eyes peered at him, curious about just who this boy was. The other seemed to be around the same size as her, with the most brilliant red fur that she had ever seen. It was a shame really, that she already loved another, because if anything Maverick was easy on the eyes. His own green ones stood out against his pelt, and she smiled, attempting to be polite.

He was a looker, she on the other hand - was not.

Should she attempt to be some sort of charming?

"Maverick. It's good to finally meet you. I don't like hearing more about others than I know first hand." She took a tentative step forward, the smell of these lands was strange, but lush in a way that she wasn't used to. Seracia was lovely but... but it wasn't home. That and, this wasn't the way that she had imagined her first visit would go - Maverick was the wrong lupine inviting her in. "I hope you don't mind me being here, I wanted to actually see you before our wedding." Her words were surprisingly light, but held a hollow note. The word wedding made her heart lurch in her chest, but she didn't let it show on her face. The last thing that she wanted to do, was make her fiance here think that he was inadequate or that she didn't like him right off the bat.

Even if he wasn't exactly what she wanted, she wasn't the type to complain.

"Was it as much of a surprise for you as it was for me?"


04-29-2013, 12:07 PM

He felt silly, foolish, as if he were a mere pup again. He'd always tried to to think of himself as a man, particularly after he'd turned one. But now he felt like he was yet to be weaned. A sigh threatened to slip from slightly parted lips, but he choked it back, forcing a smile upon his face. This wasn't her fault, and if he was going to live with this woman, he needed to learn to appreciate her. She seemed pleased to meet him, was she hiding pain like he was? Or was she truly eager to meet her betrothed? What wolf in their right mind would be glad about this? He tried not to think about his future wife's sanity.

"It's good to meet you as well, I'm afraid I have only heard bits and pieces about you, it will be nice to fill in the gaps." He knew very little of his wife-to-be, only really that she was beta of Valhalla and that she was Epiphron's sister. Try as he may he would need to keep that little detail unheard, at least at first. Chrysanthe need not know how he pined for her very sister. No one needed to know that. He watched her step forward, and offered no sign of displeasure over the movement. "I don't mind at all, I had wanted to meet you as well." He had thought about going to Valhalla a few times, but was still a bit too afraid of Syrinx's wrath to actually make the trip. He knew that Syrinx would not be able to harm him since the alliance and the betrothal were in place, but something wasn't right with that man.. and Maverick didn't fancy spending any more time with him than necessary. Not to mention Epiphron also lived in Valhalla, and he couldn't risk seeing her whilst looking for her sister.

"It was quite the surprise. Father had talked of an alliance with Valhalla, but I never dreamed it would include a marriage. I suppose that's just the way things are done, though." He tried to sound upbeat about it, tried to sound as if it wasn't the very thing that might ruin his future, but he was sure some hollowness must have resounded in his voice. Still, the boy believed he'd done a fair job at masking the pain inside. "Oh please, come in. You are welcome anytime. I don't know if you are aware or not, but these lands only recently became our home. I trust that word got to your leader of our migration?" She must have known of the move, since she'd made the trek here without difficulty. Still, it would be a good subject of conversation to hopefully break the ice between the future husband and wife. He pivoted to allow her to cross the border, wondering if he ought to give her a tour of her soon-to-be home. What was it, only a season until their wedding? Only a season until they were married in Valhalla and then returned to Seracia to live out their days in wedded harmony. He wondered if harmony would ever be possible.




04-29-2013, 12:38 PM
His voice was pleasant, he still had a touch of growing to do - but so did she. The red male seemed to be pleasant enough, polite in every sense of the word. There seemed to be something on his mind, bothering him, but she was the same way. The princess felt completely and totally transparent, but if she was lucky, Maverick would know little enough about her to be able to pin point her troubles.

He said that he wanted to meet her, and that much she could easily believe. Who wouldn't be at least curious about the lupine they were to spend the rest of their lives with? Yet at the same time that curiosity could be coupled with various feelings - and she wondered what he felt of this wedding and alliance underneath the underneath. Quietly she listened to him, her ears flicking as she turned to watch him, and she could tell that he was at least, surprised at the sudden coupling. She nodded, that was just the way that things were done. It could have happened to anyone, this could be Epiphron in her place if Collision had decided on her instead.

It was just the way that things worked out.

It wasn't fate or destiny or some sort of pathway to her glorious future. It was politics, this was politics, it wasn't as if their parents were trying to play match maker.

It didn't matter how they felt about this at all.

She paused a moment, watching him pivot to the side, allowing her to slide in beside him and speak with him like more of a friend or bride to be, than someone being interrogated on his borders. "I scented you out - well, not your perhaps, but Seracia as a whole. But Collision probably knows of the migration himself." He simply never told she nor anyone else anything unless he was gathering the pack to talk at them. "You lived... by the sea before, didn't you?" Oh the ocean would have made this that much easier - the push and pull of waves lapping at golden sands would have dulled her senses, washed out her thoughts with the sounds.

Seracia as it was now was quiet, homely, and left her plenty of time to think.

"This is lovely though, I've never seen or smelled much of what's here." There was a word that fit, that fit the musty smell of bovine and rabbits running rampant. There was a word for the forest and the vines and strange sweet fruit that grew from them. "Exotic, perhaps?" She mumbled, before she realized that she said it out loud and that she was distracting herself out loud. How much more rude could she be?

"I felt the same way about it. The wedding I mean." She said after a moment, looking back at the boy with bright green eyes that seemed to be hiding something. The princess prayed that she wasn't actually aggravating him to all hell - because she certainly felt like she was. "Betrothals are part of my family's history, but they are rare. My brother must have seen it fit to take the initiative and do what was right for the pack." Politics. She reminded herself heavily that this was politics every chance that she could get.

Yet she would have to get to know Maverick personally sometime, right?

"He can be a lot to take in." Her voice took a somewhat wistful tone, because she had admired the male for so long. The statement was probably the most honest and unpracticed thing that she had said to Maverick so far. Yet to realize that her image of her eldest brother was completely wrong had done something to both her and her view on him. Perhaps of everyone. It made her second guess others beyond their first impressions and good intentions. Did Maverick here really want to get to know her? Or was he simply going along with the motions, acting the way that he was supposed to to his fiance.


04-29-2013, 12:58 PM

He hoped to whatever god there might be - even the ones Bane had mentioned - that she did not notice the aching pain that throbbed just behind lime eyes. No one in his pack had noticed yet, so how could it be that this woman he'd just met would notice such a thing? Still, it was possible, and he would have to try his hardest to keep it at bay. The last thing he wanted to appear as was lacking confidence or finesse. The Prince had to keep his composure, even if he was falling apart on the inside. This was the hand he'd been dealt, and he'd have to play it as best he could.

Make the most of it.

You've made your bed, now lie in it.

But he hadn't made this bed. It had been made for him. The outstretched hands of politics between packs had shook on the agreement, and there was no backing out of it. Try as he might, there was no chance that this cup would be taken from him. She would be his wife, and that was that.

His betrothed would step up beside him. Half of him expected the same sort of electricity he felt when Epiphron walked near him. Perhaps it just ran in their family. But no such sparks came. There was warmth there, but no more than the normal amount that eeked from any wolf who stood near the Prince. So, she had scented the pack, and had not been directly informed of the migration. Maverick wondered if his father had sent out the word yet. "If it happens that he has not yet heard, would you do us the honor of informing him? I'd hate him to go out of his way to a land we no longer inhabit." Of course, the odds of Collision returning at all were slim, but it was only polite to let one's allies know of big changes such as this.

"Yes, on a delta that fed into the southern ocean. It was quite nice, really. Sometimes I miss the waves and the salty smell of the air." Nostalgia took the boy over, and for a moment he felt as if he were talking to a friend - a new friend - but a friend nonetheless. Perhaps this wouldn't be as horrible as he might've imagined. "The freshwater river that fed our delta - it was drying up from the heat. The saltwater surged in to fill the extra space and we were left with not a drop to drink. Father made the decision rather abruptly, and we traveled here." An ear would flicker to the low notes of a bull calling for his harem. Maverick had not yet gotten near enough to one of the massive creatures, though he'd heard they could be quite frightening. Rumors told of horns longer than any deer's, though there were only two, and a temper like no other prey animal. Maverick was certain he could live out the rest of his days happy and satisfied without seeing one of those beasts.

"It's a lot different. I've been doing a fair bit of exploring, but it seems like every time I go out I come across something new." He gestured with his muzzle toward the forest they were near. "There's a large meadow in the center of that forest over there." She mentioned something about exotic, but it didn't quite fit in with their line of speech. Had she said it by mistake? Spoken her mind before she even became conscious of it. A small smile crept into the corner of his lips. At least she wasn't perfect. He wasn't sure he could ever be with someone totally perfect.

She went on to redeem some of that perfection with a few lines about her family history in relation to betrothals. "From what I hear Gerhardt's family is the same way. In fact, my sister is betrothed to Gerhardt's brother Gideon." He wondered if that sounded weird. To anyone who didn't know, it would appear as if an uncle was marrying a niece. Perhaps he should clarify. The Prince spoke again. "We're adopted - by the way, so there's no blood relation between Gideon and Kamala." He didn't want to seem strange to his bride-to-be. He would have to try to make this first impression the best possible, if he hoped to be at least somewhat happy in his future. She spoke on her brother, Collision. Maverick gave a smile. "My father seemed rather pleased to have met him." It was a mere observation, without much meaning behind it. He had almost said something about Collision being easier to swallow than Syrinx, but figured it would have led to talk of Epiphron - and he couldn't afford that.

"Would you like me to show you around?" She ought to get a glimpse of her future home. Not to mention the movement and talk of the terrain would be a welcome relief from any awkwardness that might creep into their meeting.




04-30-2013, 01:18 PM
Chrysanthe nodded - if by chance, no one knew of Seracia's official move, she would gladly do the honors of spreading the news. Sure, she wasn't exactly talking to Collision right now, lest she lose her nerve and let her tongue loose on him. It wasn't something that she wanted to do right now, considering the choices he made about her life when she hadn't done anything wrong, she was very slow to want to see what he did when she had actually wounded his fragile sense of pride.

Thoughts of Valhalla slowly came to a wayward stop, and she concentrated solely on the boy beside her. She had expected this to hurt, like rubbing salt on a wound - but she found that his company wasn't bad. Despite her loving someone else, she idly thought that she could like Maverick just fine. He wasn't a bad lupine, he was honest and she enjoyed the dreamy tone to the words spoken about his home's previous placement. He missed it, and she didn't blame him - a home by the water seemed like something of a daydream. "Summers come and go, perhaps the next won't be so harsh." Packs migrated from time to time, if he as King wanted his old Kingdom back, he could very well take it.

She paused, hearing a cow in the distance and her eyes flicked toward the direction that it came from. It was similar to a moose call, but entirely different all the same. A dull sense of adventure thrummed quietly within her, and she wondered whether her husband to be would be interested in tracking one of them down.

Listening to him explain a bit about the territory, she nodded - honestly interested with what he had to say. As down trodden as she had been, and that she was about this wedding - Chrysanthe would not take it all moping. Making the most of this was all that she could do - and she assumed that Maverick was doing the same, sounding halfway eager about this, and partially something that she still couldn't pin point. "It sounds wonderful - I would love to see it." It would be her home in the near future after all.

The wedding... it would creep upon she and her fiance far quicker than either of them wanted she was sure. His family was the same as hers, betrothals were a common thing. She wasn't sure exactly what expression she should wear, hearing about his sister being betrothed to Gideon. It was something she already knew, and had already done its share of breaking her heart. Yet his words managed to strike her with a realization. He would loose little in terms of her being given away, he had a wife to be, a pack to care for, a family to raise and look after. He would be fine - and it was something that both made her happy to know, and sad to realize.

"I understand. I have an adopted sibling myself." Neo was no longer a part of the family, he didn't want to be, and so Preston was the only one who counted now. Still, she couldn't imagine she or her sister being engaged to him - they grew up together! She was constantly teasing and he was such a brat, they would probably end up killing each other. "I couldn't bear to marry him though - you're clearly the more viable option." The girl's face spread into a small grin, a glint peeking from her dark lips from pearly white teeth.

"They could very well dislike each other and we would never know. Politics are strange." She continued to say, branching off of his meaningless words with ones of her own. "Although, they did marry two of their children, so I suppose that means their alliance is as honest as it gets." She shrugged, nonchalance to her words. Their relationship mattered little anymore. The balance between Seracia and Valhalla now depended on the relationship between she and Maverick.

So far so good?

"I would love a tour of the place." She said, facing the little forest that was set before she and the red brute. "I want to see the bulls, they sound enormous!" An adventure - what better way to bond than by getting into a bit of trouble. Of course, she wouldn't scare the animal if it was too big, but she would be damned if she didn't get a glimpse of it while she was here. Her tail gained a subtle speed behind her, a touch of excitement painting her features.

She felt like she was getting to know a new friend.

She could really use more of those.

Perhaps, she and Maverick could build a partnership opposed to something romantic and heartfelt. It hurt to think about too long, but it was a better idea than anything else. If anything, it was better than being nothing but miserable.


04-30-2013, 02:00 PM

Some of her words received no answer, others only a nod, until finally he found something he felt he really ought to comment upon - her brother, Neo, and the compliment she'd just given him. "As far as betrothals go, I'd say we both got lucky. At least we're both good looking and are roughly the same age. I heard father tell a story once about a young she-wolf married off to an old geyser. Can't imagine that was a happy wedding." Granted, their own wedding would be full of mixed emotions, but as it were - things could be a lot worse. Of course those same things could be a lot better, if fate had been a bit kinder to him.

The weight of her words about the marriage and alliance hit him between the eyes. He shifted his weight restlessly. "I suppose," was all he could think of to say - and once it had been said he was sure it didn't sound as good as he'd hoped. If he could have hit himself in the forehead, the boy might have done it, but instead chose to try to keep what was left of his composure. With a sigh he would wait for her response on wanting a tour. He hoped that she did, standing here was not something he was comfortable doing for long.

Receiving an affirmative answer, the boy set off at a mild pace, the first few steps tentative. Soon he took up his usual strolling speed, paws carrying him comfortably across the grassy landscape. He thought to guide her into the forest, but it really wasn't spectacular by any means. A forest was a forest, and the range had far more interesting scenery to offer elsewhere. So instead he skirted along the treeline, listening as she spoke. She wanted to see the bulls. He wasn't that keen on hunting them down, but it would be interesting to see the beasts that he'd heard so much about. Besides, it wasn't like he'd be alone. Still, he wasn't certain this was the proper activity for him to be participating in with his betrothed. What if she were harmed in the process? He gave her a quick glance and then nodded. "I know where some of the smaller harems graze. The bulls will be nearby. We'll see if we can get a good view of them - but I've heard they have nasty tempers." He wanted to sound brave, wanted to sound as if he knew everything and was wise beyond his years. But in all honesty, he was still a naive boy with a lot of learning to do.

"Shall we?" It was more a rhetorical use of charm than anything else, for the boy did not wait for an answer. Setting off at a moderate pace, he would lead her into the forest toward the clearing. He never understood why the cattle liked the forest, as less grass grew here than in the open fields, but they seemed to flock here for most of the day. At night they would venture out, but only in large groups. Maverick had spent many a night awake listening to them. Into the forest they went. The forest in the south was more sparse, with trees spread out and not much low vegetation. The forest in the east was thicker, more gnarled and tangled - but still easily traveled if you knew the right paths to take. They continued south, heading for the meadow where the cattle liked to bed down and graze during the day. As they neared it his pace slowed to a stop. His voice was a low whisper. "At this time of day the cattle will be either grazing or laying down in the meadow up ahead. The big ones with the long horns are the bulls. One of them has horns that are as long as a full grown wolf, and he has a golden ring in his nose! You can't miss him, he's the big brown and white one. Father says he has the worst temper of all, so try not to cross him if you can help it." He hoped that they might just watch the cattle - for he really wasn't certain the extent of the damage they could cause on a wolf and keen to find out - but if she wanted more action he would not refuse her. He didn't want to look like a wuss, after all. Lime eyes swerved from her to the cattle. A few were up and grazing, others were lying in the shady parts of the grass. He couldn't see the big bull from where he stood.




05-02-2013, 05:44 PM
She smiled, not expecting the compliment to be returned - and so easily! He was either a good liar that stayed on his toes, or he honestly didn't think she was too bad a lupine. There was a part of her that wanted him to like her, despite the heartbreaking situation - she was going to spend an awful lot of time with him starting next winter after all. He had a point too - he could be so much older, so much harder to talk to, so much more of a stick up his ass, so much worse than he was turning out to be. Although she hated that he was betrothed, and there were a hundred odd reasons wy she hated that she was going to be married... Maverick himself was no longer one of them.

He had a bit of charm to him, and she found herself laughing lightly as he asked her whether she was ready to go. The girl wasted no time following after him, walking beside him as he led her deeper into Seracia, her eyes taking in the strange place that his father had decided to set up camp for their pack. It was a diverse area, and right beside a desert as well! It got to hot in the South during warmer months, but here they were, thriving and surviving. She was impressed with it, and thoughts of what could have been if they had lived by the ocean faded away as she went along. He didn't seem to mind a bit of adventure, which sat well with the yearling. Chrys didn't want Mav here hurt, but she wanted to see Seracia, not just hear about it - and doing a bit of sightseeing with her fiance seemed like an alright way to bond.

She heard a few deep moos, and her ears perked every time, her blue eyes bright and curious. Although the date of the wedding and everything that it entailed still loomed over her shoulders, she had pushed it aside to get a good look at Seracia without depression clouding her first impression, as well as getting to know Maverick a bit. She listened to him talk about the cattle, nodding to show that she was listening to him. "Well now that you've mentioned him we have to see Mr. Gold Ring." She whispered, holding back a snicker. And from there on out they had a mission in mind - or rather, Chrysanthe did. "I don't think I've even seen moose horns that long." She commented when she spotted one of the smaller bulls.

"Seracia's got a lot going for it Maverick." The red faced girl said, before hopping on ahead. Perhaps Maverick himself was the same way. Sure, she had not taken to him as quickly as she had Gideon, and she did not love him as she did his Uncle, but she liked the way that he was attentive, polite even, without being completely full of himself. "Are there enough of you to hunt any of these yet?" The beta definitely wanted to be a part of that if they hadn't. They would need quite the hunting party to do it though - these animals were bulky. Grabbing their throats would be nearly impossible without getting trampled and they were so tall that their spines were completely out of the question as a target.


05-02-2013, 07:29 PM

Something shifted in the distance, sending his lime eyes reeling in search of what could have caused the movement. Just a heifer. He watched the black and white spotted cow move, a black calf at her flanks. The young thing was searching for his mother's teat hungrily, but she would not allow him to feast at this time. Poor thing, Maverick momentarily reflected on the plight of the creature before remembering that he would make a magnificent meal. Thoughts turned more predatory after that realization. "Mr. Gold Ring.. I like it." A smirk played on his lips as he tossed lime optics in her direction briefly, searching for the beast. He had no such luck so far, but did manage to spot a smaller bull on the far side of the meadow. "Look over there," he whispered, excitement in his voice. "That's one of the younger bulls. He's only got a single cow in his harem." His gaze would set upon the young male, noting his short ivory horns and tan hide. He was sizable despite his youth, and would be formidable if he made it to his prime.

She moved ahead and he followed after her, settling himself behind a bit of vegetation so he wouldn't scare the cattle. His coloration wasn't exactly natural. She would question him about having enough wolves to hunt the cattle. "Well the calves could be taken by two, and the cows would require several more. The bulls, I don't think we've even began to estimate how many they would require. Only thing is, we kind of like them being here, because if the other prey leave for some reason - they are likely to stay. Plus, they produce more calves every few seasons. If anything we'll just bide our time and cull the herd as necessary." Nostrils flared as a strong musk filled the air. "That'd be Mr. Gold Ring," he remarked with a twinge of warning in his voice. He didn't want his fianc? being trampled or gored. "Over there." He spoke, nose pointing in the direction he was referring to. Just on the edge of the meadow where the tan bull still stood grazing, a larger - quite impressive - bull emerged from the woods. From his massive size and the length of his horns, Maverick knew this was the bull. As the beast swung his head, the ring in his nose confirmed the story. Awe swam in his eyes as he watched the massive creature emerge - his size truly magnificent. The bull snorted and the younger one moved a short distance away. Even other cattle feared this guy.

"Well, what do you think?" He was honestly curious as to how others viewed the cattle. Maverick thought them to be quite interesting creatures, and often spent his time just watching them. Of course many times he dreamed of taking one down, but would never risk doing so on his own. Perhaps one day he and Chrysanthe could bring down a calf together, or even a cow with the right sized party.




05-20-2013, 05:09 PM
She liked the nick name too - it would be the bronco's official name in due time. The other's smirk got her to smile, and she continued onward, stopping a few steps after him. Maverick pointed in the direction of one of the younger bulls, and she was honestly surprised at his size. He was one of the smaller ones! He moved carefully, precicely beside her, before settling in a place that should keep him mildly hidden from the prey animals that were grazing in the area. "Excellent tactic. These big ol' things will make a good back up in case of emergencies." She nodded, agreeing with Seracia's plans on the cows. Shame they wouldn't be hunted regularly though, it would at the very least, be a challenge.

And then they found him, Mr. Gold Ring himself - the bull was enourmous - and Chrysanthe's eyes widened, it was clear on her face that she was impressed by the animal. "Holy cow." She said, and there was no real way to tell whether the pun was dropped intentially. "Seracia's sure got it's charms." She laughed quietly, before turning to the green eyed boy. He was easy to talk to at least - it was really more than she had come initially asking for. "You're a gentleman Maverick - thanks for showing a lady around." Her smile was still somewhat small - anything bigger and she was afraid that it would waver. Yet she didn't feel so awful at that moment, just like she was exploring a new place with an accomplice at hand.

"I'm glad I came to visit." It was good to get to know him. She didn't quite want to marry him, but at least she knew her husband to be was someone that she could learn to appreciate.


05-20-2013, 05:25 PM

Awe lingered in his vision as he watched the great bull emerge from the treeline. He sauntered through the meadow like he owned the place (and Maverick agreed that he did), nudging cows aside and snorting or bawling at bulls that came too near to him. It seemed he was choosy over what blades of grass graced his tongue. Maverick wondered what the lifespan of these cattle were, and how long this one had lived and thrived. He must be the oldest, or close to it, for he was definitely the largest. But did size necessarily correlate with age? Maverick deduced that it didn't. She commented on the positive side of Seracia's plan to keep the cattle as emergency measures. It would most likely cause them harm as well, but it was a risk Maverick and Gerhardt were willing to make.

His intended seemed intrigued by Mr. Gold Ring, and rightfully so! He chuckled as a result of her word choice, a bit of glitter sparkling in his eye. "Anytime," he would comment back to her thanks. It was really very easy for him to show wolves around, he did it so often. Every time he enjoyed it, and this had been no exception - despite the fact that there had been considerable awkwardness in the beginning. "I'm glad you did too, I was anxious to meet you." Absolute truths would ring forth from his jowls, a more serious mask upon his face. Their meeting seemed to be coming to a close, and the boy was thankful for it. As much as he did truthfully enjoy her company, he was beginning to get more and more nervous about the prospect of marrying her. She would be a good friend, he knew, but Maverick wanted more than friendship in his marriage. "Would you like me to escort you back the way you came?" Of course it was only polite to offer his company, but if she refused he would digress as necessary.
