
Lets Fill Our Stomachs!



05-09-2014, 03:16 PM

Dayton threw one more concerned glance toward Misha as they started off after the scouts. They followed at a slower pace, of course, so the boy was able to gather his thoughts about the impending hunt. Ritsuka had granted him the task of making the killing blow, and he was incredibly honored. One opportunity after another, and he would be proving himself. The russet boy kept his head tall and proud, a smile on his face as they moved along. Soon, Qanik came loping back over to them. Her scouting companion was nowhere to be seen. There was a look of concern on her face as she delivered the news. "Gossamir is out. She took ill and had to leave." The young male felt a frown appear on his lips. The poor girl. Hopefully she would be well enough to enjoy their prize later on.

The small brute perked his ears as the lady continued to speak.There was a herd of prey less than a mile from where they now stood. According to her words and the scent on the breeze, they were grazing south of here. His tail wagged slowly, excitement growing as the snowy woman listed off important details. Dayton was sure to take note of them. Older buck with a limp... female with poor eyesight... these would be their prime targets. Amber gaze floated to each member in turn, reading their reactions. Then he turned to Ritsuka. "The buck may provide more meat for the pack, but the female would be easier to take down," he pointed out. "Which do you recommend we take down?"

Strategy would be based on this. The buck would require more backup, and would also risk more injury. If they targeted the female, however, it could be possible to bring down more than one. But Ritsuka was leader of this hunt, and Dayton unquestionably submitted to him. He simply tilted his head, patiently awaiting a reply.


05-15-2014, 09:29 AM
Ooc:: Posting order is going to be a little wonky for a couple posts. I?m going to need Qanik to post first, then I?ll post with Ritsuka to start us all off. Then I?ll need a post from Roman, Blizzard and Qanik again, then, if all goes well, Dayton will be able to make the killing bite when it comes time for his post. Let?s do this guys!

Waiting... It was a tough thing. Ritsuka would frown some, still silently hoping that Misha would come from her hiding place and decide to join them. No such luck, however. He felt bad, casting a glance towards Roman. He figured that the alpha was already making something up within her mind about how to help the girl, or at least he certainly hoped so. Qanik would soon return, but much to Ritsuka?s disappointment, as well as concern, Gossamir was not with her. Apparently the fae had taken ill and had needed to leave the hunt. It was a shame... But little they could do about that now. So now Misha and Gossamir were both out... Seven members for the hunt down to five.

The good news however was that the herd wasn?t far from where he predicted, and, to make matters a little better, there were a couple choice targets for them to pick from. An older buck with a limp and a few older does... One maybe going blind. The brute would consider for a moment. Older and limping or not, a buck could still be dangerous if they didn?t keep their heads. Plus, on top of that, the whole matter of experience was raised as well. It was still their first hunt together... Plus with their numbers cut down he wasn?t sure it would be wise to take on the buck.

?With our current numbers, and lack of experience working together thus far, it would be wiser to go with a doe.? The buck would also require more weight and or injuries to bring down. The doe was definitely a safer option, and since it was an older one there would still be enough meat to go around. He would try taking some to Gossamir later too, though he wasn?t sure if she would be well enough to enjoy it. He would close his eyes for a moment, readjusting their positioning in his mind. ?Alright... Now... Qanik, I want you, Dayton, and Blizzard to take the right now. Roman, you and I will be taking up the left side of the movement.? He would open his eyes again, ears twitching some.

?To catch you up to speed, Qanik, Dayton has the killing bite. I?m going to need you, Roman, and Blizzard to focus on slowing the buck down further, latching on with a good bite if you can. I?ll be doing the same. Dayton, keep along the outside of the rest of us until you feel the buck is slowed down enough to make your move. Alright guys, lets move out.? He would take off, motioning for Qanik to come join him. He would rely on her to show him exactly where their target was... Then it was all a matter of making their moves.

It didn?t take long to get where they needed to be, and, luckily, the wind was still in their favor as Ritsuka came to a stop, looking to Qanik before speaking in a whisper. ?Which doe is it you think may be going blind?? The others were hopefully in place somewhere behind him. The hunt was about to begin.




8 Years
05-16-2014, 07:17 AM

Qanik listened to the new new plan, nodding agreement when she was tasked to take the right of the deer with Dayton and Blizzard. She turned and lead the way toward the herd, her steps silent but sure now that she knew exactly where she was going. The herd was right where she left them, still undisturbed and unknowing of the danger they were in. Ritsuka came to a halt a good distance back, where they still had a decent view of the whole herd, and asked her to point out the sight-impaired doe. The white female took a moment to sweep her gaze over the herd, finally pinpointing the doe she'd seen earlier. "There, on the far left of the herd and towards us," she whispered back, gesturing. "She's on the very outskirts and keeps being pushed away by the younger does... there, see?" A young doe, probably a second year doe, had charged the elderly doe, shoving her further away from the rest before going back to eating daintily. "They know her disability makes her a threat to the herd," she whispered, speaking now for all the younger members who many not have much experience with prey behavior. "Attracts predators." She gave them a toothy grin, because that was indeed what was happening. "So they want her as far away as possible to protect themselves." She cocked her head to the side, waiting to see if Ritsuka could find the doe in the herd, waiting for the order to head out.



05-17-2014, 11:50 PM
Ritsuka?s eyes scanned over the hed as Qanik whispered to him, gesturing toward the disabled doe. He would give a nod as he saw the younger doe charged at the elder, pushing her further away from the rest of the herb before going back to grazing. The male?s emerald eyes would narrow, brow furrowing with thought. Since the doe was on the outskirts of the pack it shouldn?t be too hard to split her off... And the rest of the herd would likely abandon her because of her disability. There shouldn?t be too much danger in this then. It would be a good first hunt then.

The male would give a nod, raising his tail and motioning to the others. ?Alright then, let?s go!? His whisper was loud enough for them all to hear before he would move. He?d give just a second before legs would bunch under him, propelling him forward. A moment later their presence would be sensed, the herd starting to bolt, along with their target.

Ritsuka would move in on the left side, having faith that the others were moving into the position around him. He would come alongside the doe at first before dropping back and lunging, snapping his jaws on her haunch and hanging on. As long as the others moved in fast enough they would be able to bring this doe down no problem.



05-20-2014, 08:43 AM

She hadn't really added her input on the buck or doe, rather was taking the moment to watch them work together with a sense of pride. She was interested in seeing what kind of calls they would make, and how Ritsuka would do in leading a hunt, and when dealing with others. She had high ranks to fill, so she spent a great deal of time watching. That slightly made her idle, but when Qanik arrived she moved and stood closer to the group, nodding as they discussed. As Ritsuka took off, she followed him, her ivory legs propelling her forward quietly. He launched himself at the doe, and Roman lengthened her stride, coming along side of the beast and launching herself upward, jaws locking onto the shoulders of the creature. The attack on the shoulder, would aid in slowing her down- though it was a risky move for a wolf. It could be hard to maintain a grip there, while the beast was moving. She could only hope that the others moved in quickly, as she dug her jaws in, her legs coming to help aid her grip. \

OOC: woo I got it up!! *snickers at slightly dirty remark* :D



05-23-2014, 02:11 PM

Blizzard smiled at her brother, muttering that it was okay, then listened to her brother, glancing at Qanik, then at Dayton, smiling. So, they would work on slowing the doe down; the young female suspected that biting her hind leg would be good enough, even better if she broke the bone. As they got closer to the doe, moving forward silently, and the wolves burst into action; Blizzard ran, her paws carrying her as fast as she could go. She watched Roman bite into the doe's shoulder, and lunged towards her other shoulder as well, digging her claws deep into the muscle. Blood covered the rip in the doe's shoulder, and she stumbled, making Blizzard let go and tumble a little, although it would only cause a few bruises at the most. The girl was now on the creature's flank, and lunged.

talk, think