
Meet your maker


04-29-2013, 06:04 PM


Everything lately had been so... odd. His personality had taken a turn toward a whole new man, and now that he was changing for the better, it seemed the whole world was after him. Members from Tortuga, even members from his own pack were after his head, both the one on his shoulders and the one between his legs. A death match might be in order somewhere down the road as well. He needed to meet his offspring, get to know them before all hell broke loose in his life. He had many children, most of them probably didn't know he was their father, but a select few might. So he came here, to this mysterious garden formed with rock and gravel. The lord swung his head back, singing for all those within range to hear. He was calling for anyone who may, or did, have any relations to him.


04-29-2013, 06:19 PM

She was a bubbly beautiful thing, full of life, full of wonder, full of adventure, it was rare that a smile wasn't painted upon her lips, nor laughter falling from her larynx. She was the embodied spirit of life and love, seemingly nothing could touch the dame, seemingly nothing could bring her down. Her laughter would flood the air, soft and innocent as she played about the rocks, nudging this one and bating at the next one. It seems the puppy within her still had not fled entirely.

She had never met her father had never known him, her mother had been more than enough for her, until she got left behind of course... but then she had had Ceto! She loved Ceto! He was all the family she nee- A melancholy howl broke her thoughts, she frowned a bit, it sounded distraught? Saddened? No that didn't seem appropriate. Tired? Perhaps. The sandy colored fae trotted towards the sound, weaving between the rocks and coming upon the male as ebony as the blackened sky.

"Hello mister! Is something wrong?" She would tilt her head to the side in curiosity like a curious bird, one ear twerking up and the other flopping down, covering one eye.



04-29-2013, 06:27 PM


He waited. Waited for something, anything, anyone to come along. Then someone came. A young, beautiful female. If he wasn't married he might have requested a piece of this fine gal. She looked awful young though, but hey, age didn't matter in his mind. She spoke, but before he would reply, he better studied her. She looked so... familiar, as if she could have been someone he had knowns child. Then it clicked; Amani, the broad he had raped in the forest before the volcanic eruption. What had ever happened to her? Had she perished in the flames along with many others? He wasn't sure. Did this gal even know who he was? Or was he mistaken? Think Kaios think! How long ago had he mated with that bitch? Months? Maybe a year? "Just calling for those I wish to meet." He paused for a moment, giving the gal an odd smile. "How old are you?" he wasted no time asking her, he needed to know. Could he be her father, or was this just a look alike?


04-29-2013, 06:36 PM

The sandy colored fae would keep a respectable distance. Luana, while I enjoy your surprise attacks, as does Ceto, the wolves in the wild do not. Respect there distance, because they wont respect yours. Jupiter's words rung in her ears, she did have a horrible tendency to get herself in trouble. Her tail would swing behind her, delighted at the chance to meet a new friend. maybe he would be nice! Not like the lady from Tortuga... the one that tried to eat her.

She would draw a few steps closer a smile on her lips and her tongue lolling from her mouth. Curiosity glittering in the depths of dark honeyed eyes. "Who are you looking for? Maybe I can help you? Names Luana! Whats yours?" Her tail picked up its pace at the prospect of helping this wolf. She never got to help anybody! He asked her age and she looked at him quizically, didnt Jupiter tell her once it was inappropriate to ask a lady her age? Ah well... "Im one! How old are you?" She giggled softly, answering him.



04-30-2013, 07:50 PM


He watched the gal, noticing her high sprung attitude and wildly wagging tail behind her. She seemed so spunky, so... happy about life in general. What made her this way? He couldn't imagine being that way all the time. No, he was a sick and demented being who praised hatred and suffrage. How in the hell could she be his spawn. "Kaios. I'm.. looking for my children. I have had many affairs with multiple women, and I assume some of them had litters." He paused for a moment, letting that bit of information sink in. He had a feeling she was one of his... Who else would that broad have fucked? He messed her up big time, to the fact where he doubted she'd let another male touch her. "Four. He gave her a reply as he processed her age. She had to be it, she had to be his daughter. Oh how fate loved to play tricks. Of course she had answered his call; it was meant to be. "What is your fathers name?" If she didn't know, he would bring up his theory.


05-02-2013, 02:24 AM

Her tail slowed it wagging, curiosity overtaking the excitement in her gaze as he spoke to her again. She was completely oblivious that her polar opposite stood mere feet from her, that he had the potential to kill or rape her all in one go and with the lack of formal training she had had... he could probably do it with ease. His words confused her and her eyes would narrow in conflict, gnawing her bottom lip thoughtfully she raised her head to gaze at him. "I don't understand, why would you wanna have multiple affairs? If you love someone wouldn't you want to be with them always? My mama died when I was really little, I was found by Cetotorah! He lost his parents when he was really young too! We grew up together! I love him! I would never wanna be with anyone else." She rambled aimlessly.

Her smile would fall, however, as he mentioned her father. A frown chased away the joy painted upon her visage and she licked her lips nervously. Golden gaze drifting to the left, tail slinking between her legs. " My mama would never tell me, but the other wolves used to call me a bastard, said I wasn't good enough cause he didn't love my mama and they weren't mates." She had tried to forget those cruel laughs and evil smirks. Her mama had been a good person, she didn't deserve a bastard child and yet her dying days had been spent with one. Luana felt a great deal of guilt for such a thing.



05-07-2013, 08:04 PM


He waited for her to say something, and when she did, he was somewhat surprised. She was his complete opposite, where in the hell had she learned all this? "Love doesn't exist in those without a soul kid." He had no interest in love, he had only felt a connection with one female in his entire life, and that was Newt. He didn't know exactly what he felt for her, nor was it his top priority at the moment. Right now he was seeking out the spawn he had littered across this earth, and this girl, was one of them. He was sure of it. When she spoke of the ridicule his lips curled, but no sound was released. How dare they say those things about his daughter! She was indeed a bastard child, conceived out of lust and desire, but others had no right to call her so. His emotions fell quickly. He had more important matters to discuss with her. "Luana, if i'm not mistaken, I believe I am your father." It was a blunt thing to say, but it needed to be said. How else would it get brought up?


05-12-2013, 03:42 PM

Despite the cynicism the ebony brute displayed, Luana views on laughter and love would not be dampened. Gentle laughter, true, carefree, innocent filtered through her vocals, she shook her head, denying his words with gentleness and grace. She padded forward, unaware that the brute could probably bring about her death in a fatal chomp if he so desired. Luana wasn't that experienced when it came to a fight. Playfully she lifted her right forelimb and placed it on his chest, balancing precariously before letting off a happy walk as she felt the resounding thud through his chest. "Nope! You have a heartbeat, that means you have a soul! Mama said that so long as someone has a heartbeat, they have the ability for love and laughter." Luana chirped, she frowned a bit, seemingly lost in a memory. "I didn't believe her at first, she died when the volcano erupted, or at least I assume she did... but if I hadn't been wandering alone I never would have found my mate! So I suppose everything happens for a reason no?"

She would fall to silence, her admission of being picked on, pulling a curl of his lips and a strong snarl from his larynx. yes... it was upsetting that she had been picked on, but she didn't expect him to affect him. He was virtually a stranger, although Luana was fast turning the word to friend her slightly innocent head. She blinked at his sudden admission, golden orbs widening, her mother had said so many horrible things about her father, wretched, horrible, deplorable, without honor... but this couldn't be that wolf right? he hadn't done anything to hurt her and she had already touched him! "W...what was my mother's name?" If Amani fell from his lips... she wasn't sure how she would react.
