
of the earth


04-29-2013, 07:41 PM

This is the thread pertaining to the adoption of wolves who were apart of the "empire" that my character, Laurier, claims to be born in. In general, these wolves are tall, worship the earth and have been bred to be mostly earth-coloured. Click the titles below for more information!

Towering earth, chiseled over years and years under the concept of symbolizing and being wholly devoted to the Mother ? the image of perfection in the visions of their ideologies. Seeming to be freshly born from the womb of the Earth herself, they can often appear deprived ? making them appear significantly taller than they already do. Adjusted to a hot climate within humid forests, most of these wolves have rather short fur ? defining for those whom carry muscle aplenty. The darker while maintaining the touch of earth are treasured, and having green markings anywhere makes one considered blessed, marked by the Mother. Some may bear the colours of rock, some may not, and less beautifully pictured are those whom are lighter in any colouration. However, cursed is the few who may carry the colour of white, the mark of the Moon.

Indeed, strict breeding formed a near 'perfect' image, deeply integrated in their beliefs, those born small to low medium in height, with large white colouring or albinism etc. were either banished, disallowed from breeding or even castrated depending on blood and rank. It is indeed unfortunate, such discrimination ? however, they believed that they would not allow their image to be tarnished and so many bear similar hues and shades. However, these wolves may also be far from generic, some even holding peculiar eyes and markings ? of course, those who were different were taken caution of, but were also seen as beautiful...from a distance. Green markings were a rare trait brought from distant lineages, extremely uncommon but always sought, darker shades of greens often preferred to brighter. Having dark or moderately dark green eyes was considered a redeeming quality for those who may have held slight 'imperfections' in their figure.

These wolves also adorned earth-like accessories, vines, roots, leaves among others, in order to try to impress others. Many tried to hide their less preferred markings with accessories. However, despite a blasphemy often ending in execution, some even tried to cover their markings and dye themselves more desirable colours; even dying their puppies in fear of what others may think of them. Of course, dying green markings was taken more lightly but generally frowned upon ? mostly from the distance, although, for those with darker green markings were given almost equal respect to their Queen.

Free Appearance Concepts: While you are free to and encouraged to create an appearance for your character yourself, I will throw in concepts for character appearances here that you may use. Be sure to tell me which concept you may be using, and be specific if there is multiple in a picture. I will remove concepts when used. Note that these are quick drawings and some details or basic colours, such as nose or skin, may not be there. You are free to change gender and such, just don't differ too far appearance-wise.


A few things one would have definitely be aware of whenever they sought to interact with the empire:

Quote:1. Females were valued as stronger individuals while males were seen mostly as required imperfections and have to make up for their unfortunate gender to their own mother. However, males could request their identity being changed and through various trials decided by the Queen herself, a male could gain higher ranks and even be considered among the females of the pack. Of course, there was obvious bias to higher bloodlines and males who were blessed, but this was the general view that withheld throughout the centuries - defining them. Those infertile were treated terribly or cast out at the beginning of the empire, however, as the breeding of the perfect image became more and more defined, infertility, while still considered a curse in all genders, was taken better and more so made the individual pitied. Of course, females were taught to pity males despite males being taught to blame themselves for their gender - not all believed these things, of course.

2. Do not speak about the Moon and be wary of the Sun. As legend went, the Moon was one of Mother's most beautiful and powerful daughters - however, she was rebellious and thus preyed on her burning brother, Sun - thieving away daylight at specific seasons and such. The Sun and the Moon would battle, much betraying Mother, however the Sun was not to be hated for his defense, as he was seen as a victim of circumstance. The Moon was perfect, save for her revolting personality against The Mother, while the Sun was imperfect and reckless, however, did not revolt and was loyal. The Moon tried to influence Mother's creations out of a mix of rebelliousness and perhaps even jealously. When these stories were told among the Empire, some had began to follow the Moon by their own bidding and thus talk of the story of the Moon was more or less forbidden save for special circumstance. Of course, this didn't stop the secret worshipers of the Moon amongst the empire.

3.Do not change the Earth without begging forgiveness and asking permission beforehand. It was quite a blasphemy to dig dens without saying a word to the Mother. It was always taught to be careful and respectable, and most importantly, are told that they do not own the earth, as it was a blessing given to them. They were apart of the Earth, not just her guests, but it was still required to be mindful when interacting with the Earth. Disasters were often figured signs as disapproval and mistreatment, as some actions, they thought, would dislodge the balance and thus create destruction. However, some thought it was just the Mother's cruelty and boredom leading her to create destructive storms and such.

4. They did not consider them a pack, no, they considered packs blemishes upon the earth and thus did not also create a proper name for themselves as it would be too much akin to a pack. The Empire was to be called a empire, not a pack. They generally frowned down upon pack wolves but were more or less tolerant of them. They believed that packs created violence and harm upon the world, and violence against one another was considered the act of a feeble mind.


Dirt. It would seem as if the earth itself had rolled this male out of its surface. Various browns cover him throughout, darkening and lightening at various locations on Laurier's frame. Particularly his back and the upper half of his face is a rich and darker shade of brown, while his lower face ? underneath the ridge pf his muzzle and eyes, is a lighter shade, which is nearly tan in hue, and fades and mixes into the same darker brown again. His legs are sandy, tan in colour in a sock-formation in which nearly fades and mixes up to his back. Laurier's ears are dipped in ebony, as is his tail.

Alongside his colouring, his form is almost...serpentine. He appears nearly sickly, easily breakable despite his larger known height. His legs are silts, tall but thin, his body seems choked. However, this is a build accustomed to, a build, believe or not, bred from his noble bloodline, a build most sought after from where he originates. Despite this sickly appearance, his bones are not brittle, his muscles are not zero and he can certainly carry himself.

His fur is rather thin compared to others even in winter, making him prone to the harshness and this is what remotely adds to the feel of him seeming sickly, as well as his size - he would seem not very sick at all if he was medium or small. His form is well-balanced, and his muscles are organized in stealth, his jaws well-built for clamping and tearing. His claws are short and nearly always at a fine sharpness, but barely make a sound due to barely ever reaching the ground.

His eyes, oh his dear eyes, a mossy green quite bright and shining, contrasting the browns of his pelt almost perfectly. In the dark, these green shades can become easily the only thing seen, deepening into a dark moss from the dirtiest of swamps.


04-29-2013, 07:47 PM
reserved post.


04-30-2013, 02:35 PM
Oh my, this looks terribly interesting. :o I will be stalking this thread for when it is finished! 8D