
Baby, it's cold outside [ Joining ]


04-25-2014, 05:31 PM

The mocha colored boy walked over the glassy ground. Beneath, small creatures glowed vibrantly. "How can such tiny things like you survive this cold, and yet shine so brightly?" Lyrics would flow from the man's inky lips as his russet orange ears swiveled forwards, brown tips quivering. Groans of ice would meet him as a shelf collapsed on itself. A wind blew snow into the man's honey gaze, causing him to recoil in anger. On the opposite side, he thought he had spotted an angel, one with feathery wings, but he shook his head, it was only a hallucination. 'Why am I still here, in the northern lands, searching for any of my cousins of Winter? It is obvious that they did not survive the crossing here, or even the disaster.' The summer child closed his eyes at the thought of disaster, remembering the vibrations of the earth's recoil.

{ Initiate Memory }

'The ground would shake violently, dust flying into the air and shrouding the young boy's honey colored eyes. Orange toned ears would pin against his skull as the earth groaned under the weight of an invisible god shattering it. He saw only a flash of russet red, and heard a scream before sharply being cut. "June, July, August! Run to the lands of Alac?". The mocha child knew this voice, the pelt, the eyes. They were filled with terror. Honey gaze dulled as the child screamed. "MOOOOMMMMM!!!!"'

{ Memory Ended }

Since this disaster, the mocha wolf was more serious, and protective, but he never had found his siblings, or his cousins. No traces could be found of them. It was unlikely they even existed anymore... He didn't care that he could smell the putrid odor of urine, marking a pack territory, he stayed opposite of it, but still spoke aloud, his voice being carried by the wind to any wolf with open ears. "I hate this damn cold."



04-25-2014, 05:46 PM
There was only one thing she despised about the north, and that was the snow. She remembered her complaints, when she first met her father, as she spoke with him from on top of a boulder to keep the icky substance from her fur. She'd went on to live in Glaciem, where the snow constantly drove her insane, but she stayed because she had found her family, and a little discomfort was worth that. Now she ruled Tortuga, and even though she had her own pack, she was still stuck in the North. She wasn't ready to move the small force away from the home they knew, and with so many packs in the land she wasn't sure where she would move them too anyways. Granted, the snow wasn't as thick on the ground as it would become but in the middle of Autumn, it was already layering the once green grass. Shelves of ice were building and she constantly had to change her paths to avoid stepping in drifts of snow.

While patrolling the lake border, she caught the scent of a stranger and slowly made her way towards it. She was curious as to who was at her border, were they seeking someone or something. Coming around a particularly large snow covered boulder, she saw the wolf that she had scented and caught he words he spoke on the breeze. Stepping forward and into sight she spoke, "Then it seems we have something in common." She spoke, her ears flicking a stray snowflake off of them. "Roman Armada, Queen of Tortuga- the packs border you're so very near too." She said her tone blunt, to the point. She eyed the man, taking in the rich browns of his coat. Who was he?


04-25-2014, 06:04 PM

Perhaps the angel was not a hallucination after all, but all truly real. He heard the sweet melody of a woman's voice. "Then it seems we have something in common." This voice, would intrigue the young man to approach the supposed queen. Her pearly coat held several distinct markings. The wind would tug at her locks, making the woman appear to be an angel to him, like how she was in the distance. As she introduced herself, the boy could only choose to dip his head in utmost respect, a gesture taught to him by the tribes at his original home. "It would be rude for me not to introduce myself. They call me August Kalendae." He did not bother to explain his heritage like he usually would, as this lady was of dominance over him. She held herself higher than him.

"A pack named Tortuga living in these lands? I am a new rogue wanderer in these lands, the last of the wolves from my old home, destroyed by the overturning of the earth." The man's honey gaze disappeared for a brief moment as he exhaled. When he opened his eyes once more, he then looked at the pearly woman once more. He just had realized he had crossed the borders, unknowing if he had permission to or not. His pillars pushed him back to where he could move to the border quickly if needed. "Was I given permission to cross the border, Queen Roman?"



04-26-2014, 12:25 AM

The male is a strange color- and she's no stranger to oddly marked and colored creatures. Alacritis is full of them, yet this male is different from any she has yet to see. He approaches her, and she halts in her steps, she's aware that little aside from her markings and eyes stand out against the blinding snow. He speaks, introducing himself as August Kalendae, and she notes the name- making a point to remember it. She noted the respectful dip of his head, acknowledging her rank, and she blinked slowly, as he spoke again. He questions the pack's name, and tells his story albeit briefly. She can sympathize, Alacritis had only recently survived the earth-quake, that they had endured.

"Tortuga is one of many packs here, there are seven others." She speaks, her voice raised slightly- to be heard over the howling wind. She notices that he's come closer, stepping over the border, a mistake that she cannot fault. He mentions it, and she nods slightly. "I suppose I won't chase you off." She teases, a slight smile on her jaws to ease the words. "Are you looking for a home or something else, August?" She questions, before speaking again, "And just call me Roman." The order is more of a suggestion, but she hates being called 'Queen' all the time. The title as truly tiresome.


04-26-2014, 09:22 AM

"Seven other packs?" The mocha pelted man could only look at the pearly woman, taking in her lyrics silently. As her inky lips moved to inquire if he was searching for a home, the summer child could only give a small nod. "Yes. My old home was destroyed, and I have been seeking out my cousins and siblings, and so far, I have only ever found one of my Winter cousins, near here, by the name of Feburary." The summer child's honey gaze would settle onto the freezing ice as another shelf collapsed.

"It would be very kind of you to accept me into your pack, but I do not think I am of worth to your ranks. But, I could try my best to be worthwhile... Roman." The mocha hued boy only gave a nod of his head with these words, and sat down, awaiting the pearlescent woman's reply, suddenly noticing her purple and yellow markings on her right flank, and a red 'x' above her purple hued eyes, the same eye unlined in russet.

Walk, "Talk",


04-26-2014, 06:10 PM
He questions the numbers she mentions and she nods, "Arcanum, Glaciem, Ebony, and Valhalla... the other three, I do not know their names- yet." She explains briefly, it's a fact that will change soon. He explains his journey- the fact that he is seeking family, and it's a story that she can empathize with all to well. "I was in a position similar to yours, not to long ago. It's something I understand all to well- seeking family." He does admit that he would like to join the ranks of Tortuga, and she nods, "If you're seeking family August, we can become your family. That is perhaps my biggest goal in Tortuga. Yes, I want every wolf here to be capable in hunting, fighting, or healing- but these are all learned traits. What I seek most in my potential members, is their ability to be part of my family."

She pauses for a moment, before speaking again. "You seem physically capable of learning a trade, and I am willing to teach you should you want to learn, August. I can offer you a home here, a family. I can also offer you help in searching for the family you long to find." This offer is more a personal mission for her, she understands all to well what it is like to be alone in the world. "Given my rather long spill, do you think that Tortuga is where you want to be?" She puts him on the spot now, questioning what he wants.


04-26-2014, 08:20 PM

A new family with the Tortugan wolves? This thought would bring the mocha boy to pondering, as he would sit on his haunches, disregarding the cold of the ice below his paws. His honey gaze would soften. As the pearly woman offered assitance in finding his kin, he was driven to think further, seeing as the woman could relate to himself. Could he truly invest his own trust in this woman he had just met, or should he remain a rogue wolf until he found his kin.

"I will learn of your ways, ma'am. Assistance with finding my kin would be greatly appreciated, but you do not need to trouble yourself with such manners." The summer child would again nod his head respectfully, then pulling himself upward to look at the pearly woman in the eyes, awaiting an answer.

Walk, "Talk",


04-26-2014, 09:17 PM
She watches him closely, and makes a mental note to keep an eye on him in the future, offering him assistance when she can. She hopes that he will one day find his family. At his words, she nods, accepting it. "Welcome to Tortuga, August. Your starting rank will be an ancillary, but with training you'll be promoted. My legionary, or beta, Qanik is a kind wolf, if you need something and I'm not here, feel free to ask her or any of the others. " She says, allowing him entrance into her lands, " And if there is anything I can do, to help you find them- Do not hesitate to ask." Her offer is sincere, she will do what she can to help him, perhaps some of his family will come to reside here, or perhaps he'll find peace in at least knowing that they're okay. Either way, she is sincere in her offer and she'll keep an ear out for any of the other Kalendae's. "I'll give you a day or two to settle and then we can speak about training you for a task." She says, then waits to see if he has anything else to add.


04-27-2014, 06:57 AM

"Thank you for your kind offering of assistance, and it will be an honor to train among your ranks. I will be at the most recent of training sessions for the pack. But would you mind a friendly spar? I need to stretch my muscles." The summer child gave a small grin, really only wanting to have a bit of fun. "You can make the first move if you please, or I could." His voice has a bit of a higher pitch than normal with a bubbly attitude. He was ready for a friendly spar. The mocha boy wanted to at least practice fighting, and perhaps the? his queen would be more approving of him, if he proved his existing fighting skills early on.

OOC: Sorry for short post, I will post longer posts if Roman accepts the spar request. 3 rounds?

Walk, "Talk",


05-02-2014, 09:51 PM
The ivory woman was interested to see what type of wolf, August would turn out to be. Already he was surprising her, requesting a friendly spar. Her tail wagged slightly, as she smiled. "I'd love to spar. I've been needing to stretch my muscles!" She said excitedly, though she felt a bit of nerve prickle at the back of her mind. In a way, she hoped he would beat her- she loved learning new styles and techniques but as the alpha, would she look weak if she lost? Taking a deep breath, she cleared her mind, her violet eyes surveying the male before her as her defenses set. Legs would spread for balance, her tail coming to rest parallel with her back, aiding to balance her. She could feel her hackles rise, as her ears fell back against her head, protecting them. Her shoulders rolled back, aiding her raised hackles in protecting her neck. Her head lowered- tucking her chin to protect her throat, eyes narrowed. Now her weight was evenly distributed- her toes spread, digging into the ground, as her violet eyes studied him- looking for a spot to attack.

Her heart beat increases, she can nearly feel the adrenaline flowing through her veins, and her mind calculates him. She's slightly taller than he is, which for her can be both an advantage and disadvantage. She doesn't know his style- and that is a disadvantage. Should she start aggressive or defensive in her first attack? A few moments pass, before the thought, what the hell? flitted through her mind. She lunged forward suddenly, loping towards him to close the distance between them, moving slightly to his right side where she aims to make her first attack. She aims to come in at his right side, jaws open, gums rolling back as she comes closer. She moves so that her left shoulder may bump into his right, unbalancing him, while her jaws clamp down, an attempt to grab the side of his neck, with a firm but not damaging bite. Her tail thrashes behind her, and she digs her claws into the ground- to maintain her own balance.


Round 1 of 3

defenses: Legs spread, tail parallel with her spine, hackles raised, ears flat against her head, shoulders rolled back, head lowered, chin tucked, eyes narrowed, weight evenly distributed, toes spread, claws gripping the dirt.

attacks: lunges forward to attack the right side, positions herself that as she comes in to bite his neck, her left shoulder can push into his, in an attempt to unbalance him. (She's not biting hard enough to do extreme damage here, if that wasn't clear, rather firmly biting him).

injuries: none, first round

chart: click here, please (I'm a grand artist, *sarcasm*)

notes: Roman is 34 inches in height, and weighs about 150 lbs. SPAR TIME, YAY ! I've been itching to do this all week!

EDIT: I forgot to post this in my table, so I needed to fix the coding. This edit was approved by Shelby!


05-04-2014, 08:54 AM

As the alphess' lyrics of excitement would drift over the summer child's ears, he gave a playful grin. "Good luck to you, Roman." Honey gaze would focus on the pearly woman as his defenses also would settle into place. His russet orange ears would become pinned to his crown, paws would space out and weight would become evenly distributed, tail would raise for balance, claws would dig into the ground, eyes would become narrowed, brows creased, teeth bared, muzzle contorted. As these would settle, the violet eyes of his sparring partner would disappear as she would close the distance between the two, her body preparing for a strike. Hackles would begin to rise as the mocha man would tense his body to leap out of her grasp. Her crown would lurch forth to assault the side of his neck. Out of instinct, the man would quickly move so her jaws would meet his shoulders rather than a vital area. However, the pearly woman's shoulder would still press into his side, the bone causing his abdomen to become uncomfortable.

The man would give a quick snarl of aggression before he would crane his head far enough to reach her opposite shoulder, his body almost curving about her. His jaws would go for the shoulders, and if the attack should land, the mocha man would bite down enough to break the skin and perhaps release her grip upon his shoulder. Pain would shoot up his spine as he moved due to the pearlescent femme's bite.


Quote:Round One of Three

Defenses: Ears pinned, paws spaced out, weight evenly distributed, tail raised for balance, claws in ground, eyes narrowed, brows creased, teeth bared, muzzle contorted

Attacks: Using body to curve around Roman while she's biting, attempting to bite her own shoulder hard enough to make her release.

Injuries: Moderate bite to shoulder, bruising to side from Roman's shoulder.


05-07-2014, 01:47 AM

Her teeth connected with his shoulder instead of his neck, a slight annoyance, but nothing that she couldn't get over. As her shoulder connected with his body, she could almost feel it bruise lightly. Alas, it was a small price to pay. She felt teeth bite into her shoulder, and instinctively, she released the grip on August's shoulder, her head turning, jaws splaying open, to snap instead at his face. Her head turned to the right, her jaws seeking the side of his head, near his ear, hoping that if the bite landed, it would encourage him to let go of her. She tried to push forward as she snapped, wanting to unbalance him and force his grip to release.

She could feel the skin tear where he bit her from her sudden movement, though her racing heart quelled the severity of the pain. She'd keep moving. Her tail thrashed behind her, propelling her and aiding to balance her, and the raised hackles helped to protect her neck, should he be tempted to go for her there next. Her claws dug into the ground, ears flat against her had, eyes narrowed into slits. She knew this was a spar, but she wasn't going to go easy on him- and she wasn't taking any chances of an unintentional injury. She hoped she wasn't attacking him to brashly, but she also knew that if they were going to spar, they may as well prepare themselves for a real fight.



Defenses: Tail thrashing behind her for balance, raised hackles, claws digging into the ground, eyes narrowed, jaws open.

Attacks: Turns her head to the left as August bites into her shoulder in an attempt to snap at his face, while trying to push her weight forwards to hopefully unbalance him, and cause him to release her.

Injuries: Light bruising to the shoulder, from ramming into August, and a moderate bite to the right shoulder.

OOC NOTES: If this is confusing, please PM me. <3



05-08-2014, 06:06 PM

Pain would shoot up his shoulder as the female would shift her weight to his shoulder, after lifting her crown to snap at his face. Immediately as she released her grip, the man would release his own, nearly expecting a counter attack, and jerking back, the woman's strong jaws snapping at his ear tips, the velveteen skin tearing. The sensation of blood met his brain, turning him to more of an aggressive approach, then setting his defenses after taking swift steps backwards. Ringed tail would thrash behind him like the pearly femme for balance, as he would once more evenly distribute his weight, and his body would contort to protect vital areas. He would tuck his neck to protect his jugular, as well as narrowing his eyes to slits to prevent any damage from soil and snow.

The summer child's entire body would unfurl as he would thrust himself toward her frame, swerving about her, making sure to drag his paws upon the ground to kick up snow and perhaps blind the alphess briefly for long enough for the man to lurch forth and attempt to slam his good shoulder into the taller pearly female's abdomen. Though the size difference was not much, he still could easily reach her lower body. After his attempt to unbalance the pearlescent femme, he would snap at her other shoulder, in attempt to wear her down a bit, but not too much, as this was only a friendly spar, and he did not want to cripple his leader.


Quote:Round Two of Three

Defenses: Tail out for balance, weight evenly distributed, body scrunched up to protect vital areas, tucked neck, narrowed eyes, teeth bared.

Attacks: Kicking up snow in attempt to blind her briefly, slamming good/left shoulder into Roman's right side of her stomach, and snapping at her other shoulder

Injuries: Moderate bite to right shoulder, bruising to side from Roman's shoulder, moderate bite on left ear.
OOC: It was no trouble, I understood it as well as I could. If I didn't, let me know so I can think about it when I post next. :3


05-11-2014, 08:17 PM

He moved quickly, backwards, minimizing the damage that could have been dealt as she snapped at his face. She could feel the velvety skin of his ears tear beneath her jaws as he moved. He backed away, and she took advantage of that time to re-set her defenses, her tail thrashing behind her, ears still flat against her head. Her head lowered slightly, gums curling over her teeth, a snarl reverberating from her chest. Her hackles raised, her eyes narrowing again, as she stepped back, taking the time to distribute her weight evenly, her claws digging in the ground to hold her traction, so she wouldn't be easily pushed around. Her muscles were tense, she could feel her heart racing- pumping adrenaline through her body.

August lunged towards her his paws kicking up snow. The white material blinded her and she shut her eyes, thrashing her head, trying to dispel the frozen water from her eyes. She felt him slam into her, his shoulder slamming into her abdomen. A huff of air left her with the impact, and she felt herself stagger slightly away from it, she knew that'd definitely bruise. Once her balance was regained, she would dig her feet back into the ground, to stabilize herself. She felt his jaws at her shoulder, and as the snow cleared from her eyes, she turned snapping at the right side of his muzzle, her aiming to deliver a firm bite to the side of his face. As it was as spar, she wasn't trying to maim him, but enough of a bite to cause him to relent his attack. As she snapped, she tried to jerk her body away from him, so that she could turn her upper body to get more of an attack in.



Defenses: Listed in first paragraph~

Attacks: Turns head, aiming to snap at August's muzzle, in hopes that he'll release his hold on her shoulder. Tries to pull away from August's bite.

Injuries: Light bruising to shoulder from ramming into August, moderate bite to right shoulder. Bruising to abdomen, and another moderate, bite injury to other shoulder.

OOC: This just felt all over the place but I wanted to get it up before it defaulted. :_.



05-13-2014, 04:21 PM

His attempts to blind the femme was successful for the mocha boy to slam into her, setting her off balance. Honey gaze would glint as his jaws would snap to meet her shoulders, where he had aimed, but the femme had moved her head quick enough to snap his muzzle shut, the sensation of blood meeting his eyes. It burned hotly on his skin, as adrenaline only pumped harder through his blood. It dulled his pain, and the man would rear and slam his paws with all of his weight onto the femme to get her to release, all the while thrashing his head, possibly only causing the wound to cut deeper, but he would still yet struggle to get the female to release.

If she would, the man would take a step back, not bothering to retaliate. The spar was over, and both sides had fought well. Blood would be trickling down his maw, taking in air in large gulps. He would force a short string of words from his lungs. "Good... Job... Roman..." He would force a grin, lying down in the snow, allowing it to seep into his woulds, to cleanse them.


Quote:Round THREE of THREE

Defenses: N/A, Last Round.

Attacks: None, not bothering to retaliate, as spar is complete.

Injuries: Moderate bite to right shoulder, bruising to side from Roman's shoulder, moderate bite on left ear, moderate bite to muzzle.
OOC: I'll post to have this judged if you would like.

The Judge


05-14-2014, 01:00 PM

Roman v August for Practise

Round 1

8 for clarity- -2, where abouts on the side of his neck did she aim to grab, the upper part, lower?

4 for powerplaying. -2 ?loping towards him to close the distance? You cant just assume she closed the distance, you need to put an attempt. -2 ? Moving slightly to his right side? You cant just say that she moves to his right side, there should be an attempt to get to that side. -2 ?she moves so that her left shoulder may bump into his right, unbalancing him.?

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +2 for bite +3 for shove

10 for injuries.

Round one Roman Total: 37/50


4 for clarity- -2 ?Contorted?? this is difficult to get my head over. -2 ? assault the side of his neck? How? How badly? Where abouts? -2 where abouts on his shoulder did she bite?

6 for powerplaying. -2 ? perhaps release her grip upon his shoulder.? Please don?t write down what you hope for the attacker to do. -2 crane his head far enough to reach her opposite shoulder? you cant assume that he was successful at reaching.

9 for defenses. +1 for each

2 for attack. +2 for bite to shoulder

10 for injuries.First round

Round one August Total:31 /50

Round 2


8 for clarity- minor errors

8 for powerplaying. -2 please don?t write down what you hope for the attacker to do. ?encourage him to let go.?

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +3 for bite to face, +2 for pushing forward to worsen

6 for injuries. -2 for bruising, -2 for minor bite.

Round two Roamer Total: 32/50


8 for clarity- -2 ?contort to protect vital areas. Be more specific.

5 for powerplaying.
5 for defenses. +1 for each seen -2 for ?protect vital areas? needs to be more specific.

6 for attack. +1 for kicking snow +3 for shove +2 for snap

4 for injuries. -2 for moderate bite, -2 for bruising ?2 for bite to ear

Round two August Total: 28/50

Round 3

6 for clarity- -2 where abouts on his face did she try to grab. -2 for confusion while reading

8 for powerplaying. -2 ?she turned snapping at the right side of his muzzle.?

8 for defenses. Notes

3 for attack. +3 for bite

6 for injuries. -2 for bruising -2 for moderate bite

Round three Roman Total: 31/50


8 for clarity- minor errors

7 for powerplaying. -3 ? would rear and slam his paws with all his weight onto

0 for defenses. Notes

0 for attack. Notes

6 for injuries. -2 for bite to muzzle -2 for bruising

Round three August Total: 21/50

Roman: 100/150

August: 80/150

And the winner is...

Roman!August must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Roman- Bruising will take 1 ic week to heal, bites will take 2 weeks

August- Bruising will take 1 week to heal, bites 2 weeks


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Roamer
Be careful with powerplaying. There was also times when I found it hard to follow. Good fight overall!

For Starry
Same to you really, Watch powerplay and include much more attacks. On the last rounds make sure to include Defenses and attacks! You don?t just stop!

- By [Luisiana]