
Wrap me in your love


06-04-2014, 04:55 PM

It had been several weeks since she had been reunited with Ares. Ever since, they had been inseparable. But it was slowly becoming more and more obvious that she was pregnant. Ares had taken notice, but she hadn't confirmed or denied it, but now it was time. Her sides were starting to swell more and more. Long limbs carried her back towards their den in the garden, tattered audits swiveled, listening carefully. She had yet to mention to Ares that Artemis had come looking for him, or that she had sent the wench on a wild goose chase. Should be an interesting conversation. A soft bark would leave her lips, seeing if Ares was even still in the area. Thoughts turned, wondering if they should move the den farther into the heart of parklands, the last thing she wanted was for Artemis to come along and find her children. If the pale bitch even looked at them the wrong way, she would die. The ebony woman would come to a halt just outside their den, haunches reclining as she waited for Ares. Her tail beat rhythmically against the ground, ever since she had found, she had been overjoyed with life again. Her fire had returned, and she felt like she could take over the world. Dual toned eyes were bright, displaying her happiness like little beckons.

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Ares 1


06-05-2014, 07:13 PM

Since returning to her side the pale boy had yet to leave her again. He couldn't, he was completely tied to her and could no longer bear the simple feeling of being alone. The sky was not as bright and his world not as vibrant with out her presence. He was so well in tune with her attention had begun to focus on her changing physique. His mind would wander to the possibility of pregnancy, they were older now... there was no reason to think she was not with child. What to think about that fact however had not come to him yet, they had not discussed it out loud so he could still push the thought from his mind. He didn't feel any kind of ready to be a father, even though he couldn't imagine having another she wolf as their mother.
Bleached paws would carry him to her side, returning to their den with a freshly killed rabbit for her. He knew not of his sister's advances on his love. He couldn't know what she was looking for him nor would he worry about den placement. He would care for his children, no matter what. The large brute would find her side, nuzzling her neck and caressing her cheek as he drew near. The electricity of their fur mingling would send a delighted growl from his chest. A kiss placed on Devya's dark muzzle after he dropped the catch by her feet. "For you," he'd whisper tenderly.

I can talk!


06-07-2014, 10:22 PM

It wouldn't take him long to arrive, and the woman would smile, looking briefly to the rabbit that hung limply between his jaws. He would nuzzle her, dropping his catch before planting a kiss on her cheek. She would return the kiss, leaning into him. "Thank you." She would lower her crown to eat, her stomach reminding her that she hadn't eaten. She would devour the rabbit, licking her jaws clean before reclining onto her haunches.

"I have some things to tell you." First she planned to tell him about Artemis. Not a single ounce of guilt showed on her face, not a drop of remorse or any bad feelings that she sent the pale girl on a wild goose chase. "Artemis showed up here recently, came into the parklands, asking for you. I may or may not have told her that you were somewhere in the south." Lips curled into a wicked grin, eyes danced with quiet amusement.

"Also, because she knows this place, I thin we should move the den further into the pack territory, because I'm pregnant." Her words came out slightly rushed, she wanted to say everything she needed to say before giving him a chance to speak. Her gaze would drop briefly before she peered back up at him. She was curious to his reaction, not only to her pregnancy but to everything she had told him.

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Ares 1


06-09-2014, 11:21 PM

She would return his kiss, thanking him easily for the catch he had made fore her. He would wait as her head lowered to devour the carcass. She would finish it beautifully and got comfortable, obviously in need of conversation. He would recline himself, listening as her lyrics would tell him of news. His sister. "Artemis showed up here recently, came into the parklands, asking for you. I may or may not have told her that you were somewhere in the south." Obviously she was satisfied with herself. Ares would mirror her grim, quite amused. He would wonder slightly how Artemis had been so trusting of his mate. Devya would go on, "Also, because she knows this place, I thin we should move the den further into the pack territory, because I'm pregnant." His eyes would grow wide for only an instant before his features took on a more curious look, all the information settling on him. Pregnant? Once he had feared those words.. but now? He thought he'd lost her once, but now.. "Whatever you wish," he'd nuzzle her again, a purr rumbling in his chest. His children? "Do you really think she'd hurt them?" He didn't know what his sister was capable of, but she wouldn't harm his offspring.

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06-10-2014, 08:11 PM

His amusement would reflect her own, though it quickly changed to one of surprise. He would nuzzle her before speaking, giving into her wishes. But her voice a concern that would cause her to look at him in disbelief. Did he really just ask that? "This is Artemis we are talking about. You know, the one that tried to force claim you, the one who wishes death upon me daily. Yes I do think she would try." A frown tugged at her features as she spoke. It amazed her that Ares still held so much faith in his sister, especially with their future children. It would trouble her, tattered ears folding lightly back against her skull. She would look away from him for a moment, her mind churning as she tried to make up her mind. Could Artemis be trusted? In her opinion, no. In Ares opinion, yes. What she willing to take the chance? No, definitely not. It would take her a moment to meet his gaze again, a small sigh slipping off her tongue. "You should probably go find her at some point." Her words were soft, her mind still somewhere else.

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Ares 1


06-13-2014, 10:47 AM

She would look at him disbelievingly, he didn't see it in Artemis to hurt his offspring but they were very much Devya's too. Her relationship with his mate was very much filled with complete animosity. "This is Artemis we are talking about. You know, the one that tried to force claim you, the one who wishes death upon me daily. Yes I do think she would try." He still wasn't quite so convinced, they would hold the same blood that ran through her veins. Family was important to his sister, the most he could see her doing was taking them. And he was certainly in no mindset to ever let her babysit. Obviously Devya was concerned with his views, he'd nuzzle her neck gently, trying to soothe her worries. "I'm not willing to take any chances though," he would whisper to her, "We will move the den. Now if you wish." She would sigh and look back up to him, her words almost surprising. "You should probably go find her at some point." He'd tilt his head curiously, but would not comment. It was better to keep your enemies close. He would want to know if she had anything planned. She was predictable in some ways, but not at all in others. "Our children will come to no harm, you know I'll protect them with my life." He would attempt to bring her mind back to him, to put to rest her worries.



06-15-2014, 04:57 PM

He would send comforting words her way, promising that no harm would come to their children and he wouldn't take the chance. They would move the den, today. A smile tugged at her lips as she leaned against him, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. She already had a place in mind, outside of the rock garden, deeper into the heart of Ebony. "We should also let Raisa know soon." A shrug would lift one shoulder, it was more of a courtesy than anything. She would rise, brushing against him, encouraging him to walk with her. She would maneuver through the rock garden, retracing her steps to find the den she had spotted before. "What should we name them?" She would muse happily, her dual toned gaze slipping towards Ares. Her tail wagged behind her, bumping against his every so often. "I wonder how many there will be." The woman continued to muse happily, excitement dancing over her dark features.

Talk like this

Ares 1


06-17-2014, 02:23 PM

He loved seeing her smile, it would create within him a swirling excitement as he thought about their offspring. The corners of his lips would pull up, mirroring her own expression as she told him of her intentions. "We should also let Raisa know soon." pale ears would fall to his skull as he thought of their responsibility to the queen. She was right. He would nod as she found her way to his side, he would nuzzle her neck softly as he followed her lead. She seemed to have an exact place picked, and he would not argue with her decision. "What should we name them?" He would smile at her excitement, it was almost surprising how easily they took the thought of becoming parents. "I want to honor our father. He deserves that." Though he had no specific ideas on how, he wanted their pups to be a living memorial of the great man that had sired him.
He would nip at her fur playfully as they walked, her tail playfully tapping him as they walked. "I wonder how many there will be." her excitement would alight a fire within him. How easy it had been to instill such a happiness together. They had created life. "No matter how many there are, they will all be as lovely as you." his nose would nuzzle behind her ears lovingly as he would gently allow his words to her.
