
riddle me this


05-16-2014, 12:18 AM

He had headed directly west from the forest, ending up in some strange place full of glittering things and debris. Really he didn't care though. A tidal wave of emotions was crashing down around him, joy from having witnessed the birth of his daughter, confusion from the odd dream he had had and absolute unbridled rage from the fact that Cat's little pet had rolled up after the birth to check on her. He wanted to rip the pests throat out but no. Instead he had had to storm off again, looking like a sulky child in the process. He hated looking like a child but he had yet to figure out how to leave not in a huff when that guy was around. So he was left looking and feeling like an idiot. The massive male was still trudging, grumbly and spiteful. Every so often he would lash out with a toe and kick a random object out of his path as if he could beat the world into submission. Everything and yet nothing was working out all at the same time. It seemed that just as he was starting to get everything figured out, to have all the pieces fall into place someone came along and knocked them all off the table. God damn Desdemona, Kaios, Secret and now here came Cat and Lekan. Another bout of grumbling would spout from his lips, the words intelligent and inaudible but there was still rage and frustration behind them none the less. Massive skull would shake, trying to dispel the thoughts from his mind but it really did nothing but throw him off balance for a moment. Enough to make him stagger a bit to the side, right forepaw coming out to catch him and coming down on a piece of glass. "MOTHER FUC... GOD!!!" He shouted, snatching his paw back and shaking it violently as if that could rid him of the pain. He flipped it over, verdant gaze sweeping over his paw only to find the stupid thing still in there. "Isn't that just perfect..." He grumbled, eyes tossed skywards as if something from above might swoop down and make this newest inconvenience just disappear.



05-16-2014, 12:31 AM

The golden fea had no where in particular to be. There was still not a single scrap of a sign that anyone from her homeland had made it here after the storm, leaving her stranded and alone. She spent her time numbly wandering from place to place, slowly learning the layout of Alacritis just from sheer will to keep herself moving. Thats what had brought her to his littered area, her bright gaze roaming over the ground in front of her as she padded through carefully. There was objects of all shapes and sizes all over the ground, most of them sharp, and Libra was careful to step over each of them.

That apparently was not the case for some others in the area however. A cursing voice would boom though the air, jarring her for a moment and making her blink with surprise. She would lift her gaze from the ground to the area around her, finally spotting the source of the commotion. A dark, patterned brute stood there staring at his paw and she looked him over curiously, the patterns in his coat catching his attention. It wasn't nearly as colorful as her former pack mates, but it was something interesting at least.

She would pad toward him, her strides smooth and quiet, her dark tail waving gently behind her. "Um... Do you need some help?" she would ask as she stopped a few feet away from him, her split-tone gaze curious. Surely there was something else that would cause such a dramatic outburst than a small piece of glass and her constant curiosity was ever burning.



05-16-2014, 01:01 AM

He was still grumbling and mumbling when the golden woman just so happened to walk into his path. He jumped slightly, having honestly thought that he might have been alone for at least once in his life only to have been proven wrong quite quickly. Though she had startled him he for some reason muscles relaxed almost as soon as they tensed. Just another female... She asked, almost timidly, if he needed some help and for a moment verdant gaze would flick down to the glass in his paw again. Just looking at it made him feel woozy... "Actually... Yeah..." He rumbled as if admitting defeat, ears folding to his skull and gaze cast to the side. He hated asking for help... Why did today have to suck so much? "Think you could... Uh... Pull this out?" He half mumbled under his breath, masking the 'uh' with a cough. God wasn't this perfect. Getting muscled out of his own family but a young brat and now having to ask for help from a complete stranger because he was too much of a wuss to pull out a stupid piece of glass himself.

He looked over his shoulder, making sure there was no debris behind him before plopping himself in seated position before holding his paw out gingerly, trying to keep it pad side up so this woman could examine the current problem. He still didn't look at it, seeming to try and look anywhere but at his paw. He had never been squeamish with wounds before but suddenly, now that something was protruding from his flesh he was struggling with it. If only Cat could see him now. Was a big strong father figure he had turned out to be. No wonder she was replacing him with a fucking child. He probably wouldn't be worried about things like this. "So... Uh... What brings you here?" He asked, trying to make some idle conversation mostly to distract himself from his paw.



05-16-2014, 03:09 PM

The dark colored male jumped at her sudden appearance much like she had jumped at his outburst. But, it would only take him a moment to settle back down once more, apparently uncomfortable in someway with accepting her help. A slight smile touched her muzzle and she would simply reply, "Of course." He sat down and stepped closer, leaning in to look more closely at his paw. Her ears twitched as he questioned her, her fiery gaze glancing up at his emerald one again. "Just wandering around aimlessly really. Haven't really found a place to be since I washed up here so..." She shrugged before focusing back on his paw once more.

It was wasn't a large piece of glass and luckily it didn't seem to be dug in too deeply. She gently grasped the glass between her teeth and after a moment of adjusting and slight wiggling she was able to pluck it out. She tossed it off to the side before gently lapping lapping up the small drops of blood that had sprung up. "There," she said with a satisfied smile. "I'd probably clean that out and put some herbs on it when you go to sleep. They won't do much for you while you're walking around. Or get a healer in your pack to look at it." His scent had the obvious twinge of a pack, though the had no knowledge of the packs here so she couldn't place which one it was.

She looked up to his gaze once more as she settled on her dark haunches, checking as she sat down to make sure there wasn't pieces of glass under her. "I'm Libra, by the way."
