
Can't Deny You This


05-12-2014, 05:44 AM

He was a horrible brother, a horrible son. He was a deserter, and worthy of no one. Yet he found himself, in late fall in the North. Close to the empire of his father, yet not on their borders. He didn't feel as he deserved to go back, and he wouldn't beg. No, he wouldn't beg for them to take him back. He was a lot of things, but he was no beggar. From the safety of the outer lands of the North he paused, tilting his head into the air he let out a low, long, call that he knew would carry across the northern lands. Hopefully, the only recipient of the call would be who he intended to speak with, Vereux. However, he wasn't crazy. He knew that call could easily carry across the northern empire- and lead his father or any of his family, straight to him. Some risks, however, were worth and he couldn't deny Vereux the knowledge that he was at least.. alive. Just worthless as a brother.




6 Years
05-13-2014, 12:53 AM

Vereux tried to keep the best of attitude's, after being left behind by so many it had left him feeling empty. Even his uncle Etern had stopped paying attention to him, and while he tried to keep up with Eris his mind was so distracted it was hard to memorize the herbs looks and names. It was difficult, most nights he would cry himself to sleep. Others he wouldn't sleep at all wondering weather his brother was dead or alive. Vereux had spoken with his sister, though he didn't have such a deep connection with her had he with Genesis. Genesis was his brother he cared deeply for, and the one eyed boy just kept hoping for the best with his lack of fighting skills.
He wondered if his father was disappointed in him, seeing as he was the son of a traitor in the first place. His ex wife, and the one who had run off for another man. Though when a call hit his ears, the one green eye he had fluttered open. Was that....Genesis? Raising himself the rather lanky lean boy started towards the call at the wall. When he saw Genesis he refrained himself from tearing up, he already thought himself a failure to his family what more would it be if he was seen weak. "Genesis, you're alive!" he exclaimed watching his breath travel through the air.



05-13-2014, 01:37 AM

In his time away from Glaciem, the yearling had grown impressively. His once fluffy coat had become sleek, the silvery color holding a healthy glow. He was lanky, not yet as thickly built as he would be but he was near his max height. Standing at thirty-four inches, the male only had a couple more inches to go before he would max out, whatever height he had inherited from both his parents. He stood where he had issued the call from, his head lowered, amber eyes studying the snow. It wouldn't take a genius to tell that he felt an over-whelming amount of guilt for what he had done. He waited, almost convincing himself to leave- to abandon his mission, but he pressed each though away. A voice spoke, 'Genesis... You're alive!'. What was that emotion there? Excitement, anger, astonishment? Yes, he was alive. Genesis Armada wasn't dead yet.

His silvery lids fell over his amber eyes as he took in the appearance of the speaker, Vereux. A moment past, as he studied him- taking in his injuries. What had happened to him? The quiet in the air, was thick as silence fell, he felt his tail lower slightly, aligned with his spine, his head dipping down in what could only be assumed an apology. "You thought I was dead?" He questioned, his baritone voice carrying across the space between them, billowing in the air. "I'm alive, very much so, Vereux." He confirmed, a slight smile pulling at his jaws, though he did his best to hide it. He waited, for the explosion of wrath that was sure to come, his body tense- as if he expected the blows of anger, that he so deserved.




6 Years
05-13-2014, 01:58 AM

Vereux heart beat faster as he watched his brother, normal reactions. He was here physically, and when he spoke his dark ears perked forward to catch the sound delicately of his voice. The boy himself, didn't look like he had grown much really, he was small not much muscle with a scar on his right leg and his left eye missing he wasn't really a sight to be seen. Almost the most bland of his two white siblings being blue, black and white himself. His green eye would tear up though as his throat caught and he started to cry.
Vereux ran forward or rather crawled as his sobbing grew rather loud and he tried to press his snout against Genesis' chest. He longed for the lost affection of his family and friends, and most night he would receive none. The one eyed boy tried to cease his putrid sobbing but the tears would come with no resistance. "I'm so sorry Genesis, I should have been a better brother. I should have made sure you were okay, and that you were happy." He said the words in-between sobs.
"Everyone just started to leave, I was confused, like I did something wrong. And...and whenever I tried to do something nice to feel okay again someone else would slip through my paws." he pulled back his gums before falling to the ground crouching as his tail tucked. He was such a moron, he shook his head back and forth. "I try so hard...but I always feel like it's never enough." he looked up at his brother. "Please forgive me.....I'm sorry if I made you leave."



05-18-2014, 11:15 AM

He waited tensely, he couldn't help but to expect anger. Anger was what you got when you disappointed people that once loved you. Anger was one of the few emotions that made sense. When tears started glistening in his brother's eyes, he felt his throat tighten. Angry tears? He questioned in his mind, though he was soon proven wrong. He tensed as his brother flew towards him, burying his muzzle in his chest, sobs escaping him. His words caused small fractures in the blusish boy's heart. Vereux thought it was his fault? Why on earth would he think that? His brother fell back, crouching to the ground, and Genesis stared down at him bewildered. In all this motion, he hadn't moved- hadn't spoken. What could he say? Silence radiated from him, and he fought the urge he felt to run the opposite direction. How brave... He mocked himself in his mind.

Lids fluttered over amber eyes, as he watched his brother- his expression torn between fear and apology. He still half expected him to attack him- to shun him away. Words pried themselves from the confines of his chest, like a zerba fighting to escape certain death in a tar pit. "Vereux... My leaving is not your fault. If anyone is to blame, its Mother." The tone was incredibly soft, and he lowered his head as he spoke- towards the crouching figure of his brother. "You've done nothing wrong. I am a coward, I fled. You stayed." If there was anything his brother was guilty of it, it was perhaps foolishness or loyalty to the family name- even when that loyalty made nose sense. Their mother had made them and their father the laughing stock of the Armada bloodline. Why hadn't she been eradicated?
