
It goes on and on



4 Years
05-11-2014, 07:24 AM

Parting from Poem and Scorpion, Chord had continued in his travels. At some point he figured he'd end up in that pack his grandparents had gone to, re-unite and meet other Destructions but for now he was content to explore. He'd met some new family, perhaps not the members he'd been seeking though it'd been interesting to discover the family was far larger than he had ever been aware of.

Now the russet and white male had found himself departing the dangers of the cliff-edge and as evening drew close he was reaching the flatter lands of the rustling thickets. The view certainly left much to be desired, the grass grew to rather insane amounts he felt, currently blocking his path of vision as he attempted to navigate through the thickets, a task that fortunately didn't matter all too much given the fact that he had no particular destination in mind.


05-15-2014, 05:18 PM
...and what might a wanderer end up stumbling upon other than another wanderer?

He was lost... Well, no surprise there. Kyda was always lost. He didn?t mind though. Through his travels he was seeing new places and meeting new wolves. His tail would wag happily behind him, content even though he could hardly see a thing through the tall grass that he moved through. The thicket wasn?t the easiest to navigate through, but the male was happy enough to maneuver through it rather than taking the long way around. His lower wounds from when the panther took his manhood had healed... Scarred but he was alive, and that was what mattered. All thanks to that healer with the unique marking upon his head.

Kyda was humming to himself, a song which, to any other listener, held no tune at all. His odd speech infected even his humming... But to him it wasn?t odd at all. He didn?t hear the strangeness of it. Kyda knew now, after meeting enough wolves, that something was wrong with it... But what it was he had no clue. He was also coming to realize some other things... That he wasn?t who he thought he was... And that many mysteries involving his past were around. It was amazing that, after such a long time, he was starting to make some sort of recovery from the wounds he inherited when he was but a yearling.

The male would bump into something then... Something furry... And look up to see a russet and white furry body in front of him. He would take a step back, the grass rustling loudly as he did so.

?Ahh!! Sorry am I! Not did I you see!? He would say the words quickly, probably not at all helping this stranger understand him.

{{Kyda Translations!!
Original:: ?Ahh!! Sorry I?m! Not did I you see!?
What Kyda Means To Say:: ?Ahh!! I?m sorry! I did not see you!?}}



4 Years
05-18-2014, 01:53 PM

Chord by no means believed he'd avoid running any other wolves and those possible meetings were not something that he wished to escape in the first place. It was all part of the adventure after all and in fact he certainly did aim to meet others, he'd grown up around the same group of wolves and whilst he had nothing against them, this change was already rather refreshing to the young man.

What he hadn't actually anticipated however was actually running into another wolf. Upon hearing the strange humming he paused, realising that he was no longer alone. Scents not in his favour it was left to sound to gauge how close the other was for the grass didn't allow his sight to help him either. Well it certainly seemed that the other was coming this way but before Chord had a chance to do anything else, the stranger suddenly appeared, walking right into him!

Apparently the smaller male would be the most surprised by that collision, leaping backwards with a jumbled shout of shock and a rather muddled up apology. Frowning slightly he'd attempt to work out what the other had tried to say, though Chord stuck with the idea that it was an apology. "Don't worry, grass is a little tall even for me." Chord stated with a small smile, his voice friendly. He was certainly a fair amount taller than the grey wolf before him, of course it also meant he shouldn't have been particularly difficult to spot in the first place but he'd let that slide.


05-19-2014, 05:23 PM

Kyda would give a small nod, a look of relief on his face as the other male told him not to worry. He didn?t seem mad at all, and for that Kyda was counting his blessings. So far the only creature he had trouble with was the panther, not even remembering the events as clearly now that some time had passed. But the damage was done... The male no longer had any mark of being a male, his manhood torn away. But he was unbothered by it. The past was the past and there was nothing at all he could do to change it. Though his memory was another issue the male was having with himself. The lack of being able to remember deeply and truly troubled him.

?Relief a is that... Tall here the grass rather is.? The male would remark, agreeing that the grass here was tall. The other male, despite being younger than himself, was taller. Had Kyda been complete right he would have likely seen the other before bumping into him, but his humming and distracted, scattered mind had caused the collision. The other didn?t seem unfriendly, so Kyda would smile brighter, speaking again as his tail gave a small wag. ?Kyda name is my.... Is yours what??

{{Kyda Translations!!

Original:: ?Relief a is that... Tall here the grass rather is.?
What Kyda Means To Say:: ?That?s a relief... The grass is rather tall here.?

Original:: ?Kyda name is my.... Is yours what??
What Kyda Means To Say:: ?My name is Kyda... What is yours??}}




4 Years
05-20-2014, 05:35 AM

Chord had certainly lacked drama in his life so far of course it wasn't particularly a bad thing but he certainly longed for some excitement within his life. All those interesting stories had grown boring and it was his own adventures he wished for, it was perhaps bad then that in children's stories the good guy always won, for he truly wasn't expecting anything bad might happen to him. Fortunately despite all his hardships Kyda seemed harmless albeit a little odd with his strange way of talking that left Chord having to think more about words than he had in a long time.

He simply gave a steady nod of agreement in respond to the first jumbled comment, not really sure what to say to it. The latter however of course required further speech and fortunately it therefore seemed a little easier to find something to say. "I'm Chord Destruction." He introduced himself, as ever with the hint of pride at his heritage. He didn't recall the mention of any wolf called Kyda nor did this man particularly resemble any Destruction wolves that he had ever seen before, but all the same the full name was how the russet and white male would introduce himself.

"So, what are you up to Kyda?" Chord questioned, intrigued as to what had gripped the male's thoughts so much that he hadn't seen him. He wouldn't make any assumptions that perhaps there was mentally something wrong with Kyda, he could just have a funny way of talking.


05-22-2014, 04:29 PM

Chord Destruction. It was a nice sounding name... Rather pretty. He liked it. Perhaps, maybe, this male would be his friend, just like Koi was? At the question at what he was up to the smaller would give a sigh. ?Friend friend my trying to. Koi name is her. Hutashi-Fex Koi... Remember also trying to forgotten have what I.? The gray male would shift, sighing as a deep, troubled look crossed onto his face. It was a lot of dialogue... And he hoped that the other male might be able to keep up with what he was trying to tell him.

?Something wrong is there memory with my and speech... Know but why don?t I... Hear can?t I and it.? Kyda was stressing the last two parts. He wanted the male to know he knew and understood he was different... That things weren?t right with him. But he wasn?t dangerous. No... Kyda was a harmless being. He would shift a bit more, wait a little while for the other to try and process his words before asking one last thing.

?Maybe have Koi you seen??

{{Kyda?s Translations!!

Original:: ?Friend friend my trying to. Koi name is her. Hutashi-Fex Koi... Remember also trying to forgotteh have what I.?
What Kyda Means To Say:: ?Trying to find my friend. Her name is Koi... Koi Hutashi-Fex. Also trying to remember what I have forgotten.?

Original:: ?Something wrong is there memory with my and speech... Know but why don?t I... Hear can?t I and it.?
What Kyda Means To Say:: ?There is something wrong with my memory and speech... But I don?t know why... And I can?t hear it.?

Original:: ?Maybe have Koi you seen??
What Kyda Means To Say:: ?Have you maybe seen Koi??}}
