
If I could see your face once more



3 Years
Extra large
05-18-2014, 02:39 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2014, 02:39 PM by Kismet.)

It'd been a little touch and go for a while but after finally leaving Glaciem and properly reuniting with his parents, Kismet found that he simply couldn't wait any longer. He'd made a promise and one that he not only intended to keep but desperately wanted to. He needed to see Warja, give her the wonderful news that he was free and certainly mention nothing about Isardis nearly stopping them and although he had been eager to see both Azalea and Sarak again, even Soren asking him to stay probably wouldn't have held Kismet back. He'd given his family an explanation of sorts and whether it was good enough or not he didn't care, as he began his journey East to find Warja.

It didn't cross his mind for even a moment that perhaps her family could have moved elsewhere since their last meeting, even if they had Mount Volkan would still be the first place he'd check and his mismatched eyes kept focussing upon it, heart jumping with anticipation each time he looked up and realised that he was getting closer and closer and at last he was finally there.

The evening was setting in, the sky starting to darken slightly as the winter night threatened to arrive though so close now Kismet simply couldn't stop now. The thought of resting wouldn't cross his mind as he continued onwards and upwards, nose intensely seeking to find Warja's scent and he would only pause as he reached the borders that the family had marked out. A part of him wished to ignore it, carry onwards all the same to avoid any further delay to seeing her again though respectfully he would stop himself and let out a call for Warja, eyes peering ahead and he eagerly searched, hoping to see her approaching.



4 Years
05-18-2014, 03:31 PM

A rabbit held by the neck swung from her jaws. It's limp body moved in time with her steps, swinging back and forth slowly. She was getting good at this hunting business. What the little wolf lacked in size she made up for in speed. If it had been a flat out race, the rabbit would have found her to be as close to an equal as a wolf could get. The hunt had come down to a battle of wits and having observed rabbits and their fleeing habits, Warja had won with ease; which was an accomplishment she was very proud of. This rabbit was the product of practice and observation. Some wolves were content with learning through hunting alone, but Warja had gone out of her way to get to know her prey. She'd studied them, watched them eat and play, and yes, run from predators, and then she'd put what she'd learned to use. As she'd done with her previous kills, Warja was carrying the rabbit back to her family to share with whoever wanted it.

Topping a hill, Warja paused to catch her breath. The terrain here was steep and with the efforts of a hunt under her belt, the young wolf was exhausted. She was looking forward to handing the rabbit over and collapsing in front of the den. Yep. It was time for a siesta.

Her eyes roved the land stretched out before her, taking in the place she called home. It was then that she saw him, the white of his coat contrasting starkly with his surroundings. For a second she was still, staring at him in disbelief, and then the rabbit dropped from her jaws as she gasped in understanding. Kismet was here! Her energy renewed, Warja took off running. "Kismet!"

The distance between them closed quickly and in seconds he was within reach and looming over her; impossibly tall just like she remembered. Running at him head on, Warja threw her paws around his neck in a hug. "I didn't expect to see you so soon."




3 Years
Extra large
05-18-2014, 03:46 PM

Though he had been longing to see her, that moment when she finally came into sight still managed to catch Kismet off guard though judging from the surprise upon Warja's face she was certainly the more shocked of the two. That moment of stillness, both gazing at the other dragged on for a moment and then suddenly Warja was on the move closing the distance. No longer caring about boundaries and rules, he found himself moving too and at last they were together again, Warja leaping up to hug him as he nuzzled her neck.

There was nothing but joy on his face now and the smile couldn't help but widen a little at her comment. It may have been sooner than she expected though it'd been plenty long enough since they'd last seen each other. The worry that she might do something stupid had only helped it to drag on but at last he was free and they were both completely fine. "It's still been too long though." He responded, taking a step back to get a better look at her again now.

"I'm not going back this time either. Erani arranged something, I'm free." His smile widened at the fact, it felt good to say the words out loud. He didn't know yet where his path would take him, but he knew that for now he was simply happy to be here with Warja again and in far happier circumstances than their last meeting.



4 Years
05-24-2014, 05:32 PM

Warja put everything she had into her hug, holding him with every last bit of strength in her limbs until it occurred to her that in her zeal she might be choking him. A bit embarrassed, she released Kismet and stepped back to gaze up at him sheepishly. "Sorry." She couldn't help it; even though she was indeed sorry, a grin tugged her features and no matter how hard she tried to remove it and appear sincere, it refused to budge, so she just stood there grinning like an idiot.

On this they could agree: it had been too long. Though not as long as she had been prepared for, it felt like months had gone by since their last meeting. She'd worried and yes, plotted ways to see him again, but in the end she'd gone against her better judgement and done what he'd requested: nothing. It was a source of tremendous conflict inside her and more than once her dilemma had kept her up at night. She desperately wanted to help but recognized that he desperately wanted her to stay out of it. "It sure has."

"I'm not going back this time either. Erani arranged something, I'm free." While his smile widened, her disappeared altogether. Shock made her features blank momentarily as she processed what he'd just said. Him and Soren were free? Really and truly free? "I don't know if I can believe you." There he was, standing right in front of her grinning from ear to ear. It had to be true. The goofy grin returned, overtaking her features. "Kismet! That's fantastic!" She wanted to celebrate, to run in circles and scream at the top of her lungs; something, anything to release the overwhelming energy that threatened to burst out of her. Instead she just stood there before him, completely out of breath and unable to move. "I don't know what to say. I just-" She grew serious. "There were so many time I thought about going after you." Warja shook her head incredulously, a hint of a smile brightening her face. "I'm so glad you're free."




3 Years
Extra large
05-25-2014, 04:45 PM

It was indeed rather impressive the amount of strength that Warja managed to put into the hug with such a large size difference between them. Kismet wasn't too bothered though really, simply glad to be with her once more and with a content sigh he would breathe in her scent so pleased to have her there once more, that feisty little girl who made it hard to breathe... ok maybe she did need to let go. She stepped back at that point with an apology though the smile still upon her face just as it clung so stubbornly to Kismet's own features.

It was still a great relief to Kismet that Warja hadn't attempted any stupid plan that could have gotten her into trouble. Though it was wonderful to know that she cared so much, and he had to admit he probably would have tried something crazy had situations been reversed not that he had ever revealed the fact to her for fear she'd use it against him. It wouldn't be mentioned now either, no matter how tempted he was to point out that he'd been right, she hadn't needed to put herself in any danger something else had come along.

She was shocked though, that smile fading for a moment and almost doubting that it was the truth. "You nearly suffo-" He didn't have long to point out that he was indeed real though, for she would swiftly realise it had to be the truth on her own that wonderful smile returning as she announced the joy of the situation. The smile would remain in place at her returning joy. "I know, it really is." He would agree with her cheerfully, not only was he now no longer a prisoner but now finally he could see Warja again without guilt for causing her to worry or fearing that he might end up getting her in trouble.

The smile would fade again however as she grew a little more serious, though it was all over for now that guilt would return to him for having brought those worries upon her in the first place, for making her deal with such pressure. His own smile would fade a little now with the feeling. "I'm sorry." Hanging his head a little now he wouldn't notice the small smile once more appearing on her features until she spoke again, gaze would once more glance up to her and he couldn't help but mimic that little smile. "It's good to be free." And it feld good to say it again. He was free!

He'd spent the last meeting worried about many things including Soren and Azalea, now such thoughts wouldn't plague him though. Later he'd certainly have to answer to them but for now he could simply enjoy his time with Warja. "I've missed you." As if that fact hadn't been obvious enough he would still state it now.



4 Years
06-03-2014, 09:04 PM

Beyond them the world was darkening. The shadows grew longer, pulling themselves along with inky, blackening fingers. It was still too early for the sky to paint itself in vibrant hues, but it was beginning to warm up, patches of pale pink, orange and purple hinting at what was to come. Any other time Warja would have noticed this and been transfixed by the sight, but Kismet had her undivided attention. Somewhere behind her the corpse of a rabbit lay cooling, but it was the kind of forgotten that wouldn't be remembered until it was too late. The poor creature's body would be wasted and perhaps this was a shame, but Warja didn't notice.

He'd missed her. Warja's pulse sped up briefly as a thrill of joy blasted through her chest. Of course she'd missed him too, but knowing the feeling was mutual made all the difference. She felt wanted and it was a feeling unlike any other she'd ever experienced. Her family, whether they liked it or not, was stuck with her. Kismet wasn't stuck with her, didn't even have to tolerate her if he didn't want to. And he'd missed her. "I missed you too."




3 Years
Extra large
06-04-2014, 10:11 AM

It was the opposite to their last meeting, the outside world lightening with a sunrise whilst their own lives, or rather Kismet's seemed so bleak and dark this time the sun was setting but there was an undeniable sense of joy and hope now surrounding the two wolves. On that occasion the view had been the distraction at times, something to try clear their minds from the glum subject but now no distractions were needed or wanted, this was the happiest that Kismet had felt in a quite a long time.

So it hadn't been a entirely ridiculous comment to make, Warja had missed him too. It was probably a rather obvious fact to anyone looking on at the pair but they were for the moment they were completely alone not that Kismet was entirely certain he would have noticed only onlookers anyway. Silly grin forming on his face again the boy honestly had no idea what to do now he was here. His sole aim for so long had been to get free and find Warja and now he had no plans for afterwards. At some point he'd actually have to go back to Valhalla, thank Erani and spend time with his family but those thoughts were still at the back of his mind.

His plan probably should have been to rest after his journey here but the adrenaline and excitement of reuniting with Warja was still running high and the thought of sleep was still far from his mind, there was no way his body would give in and allow it yet. He stepped forwards to embrace her once more, nuzzling her in what was partially another reassurance for the both of them that this was all real. He let out a content sigh before speaking a moment later. "So, what do you want to do?" He could do anything now and that thought thrilled him.



4 Years
06-06-2014, 06:19 PM

Kismet leaned down to hug her and Warja welcomed the contact. He felt real. Present. Having him there--right there--was grounding. She spent a great deal of the time with her head in the clouds; sure, reality was ever present and demanded her attention, but it didn't stop her from going on the grandest adventures her mind's eye could paint. Of course, they were a poor substitute for the real thing, but they would have to do until she could make her fantasies a reality. Kismet, with his solemnity and reason, was like a tether. He kept her from floating away. And, as she was sure he would point out if asked, he kept her from getting carried away. She couldn't begin to speculate on what he got in return.

"So, what do you want to do?" Ah, yes. The next step in their reunion. Gleefully, Warja would wrack her brain for something to do. Her first inclination was--duh--an adventure of some kind, but what? She knew every inch of Mount Volkan and while the terra had its merits it wasn't really a place where one ventured for fun. "Hmmm...." she mused aloud, eyes growing distant. Slowly a smirk began to pull up one corner of her mouth. An idea was forming, carrying with it memories of awe and terror. Warja's gaze sharpened and she fixed glittery eyes on Kismet. "Wanna do something dangerous?"




3 Years
Extra large
06-10-2014, 03:32 AM

Of course he was real and there was a part of Kismet that truly wished he could announce he wasn't going to leave her again. He had to return to Valhalla at least once more though and had little idea what Warja's plans for her life would be now, was he still welcome to accompany her adventuring around Alacritia? The thoughts would be saved, a time and a date set for a reunion unless she wished to return to Valhalla with him? It wasn't likely, if they were going to run off together then she'd have her own goodbyes to say anyway. Once more though it could wait. He had only just got here and wasn't about to ruin the moment with words of leaving.

Warja would sit for a moment thinking when a small smirk would begin to form, curiously he would watch her, his own gaze growing somewhat concerned as her words. Something dangerous? What on earth was she planning? He couldn't agree to it until he knew what on earth she had in mind. "What?" He questioned, voice giving away that slight caution. He'd learnt very early on that not all adventures went so smoothly but she'd specifically said the word dangerous and it was enough for the warning light to flash on in his mind.



4 Years
06-10-2014, 07:09 PM

Her smirk shifted into a grin; the size of which suggested that she'd just eaten a canary. Already she was picturing his reaction, the stunned, totally awed into silence expression on his face. His mouth would hang open and she'd laugh so hard it'd become impossible to stand. Really, though, the thing was a sight to behold. Warja herself had stood before it for many long moment before she could muster the will to examine it further.

His query was laced with caution and Warja couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. "Nooo," she almost whined the word, throwing her head back in mock exasperation. "Don't be like that!" Fuddy duddy! She was offering him an adventure into barely charted territory! Where was his sense of adventure, his zest for life?

The mischievous glint returned to her eyes, the corners crinkling in amusement. "Come on, just say yes." Her lips pursed together in a barely contained smile. He'd just been given his freedom; now was the time to make good use of it!




3 Years
Extra large
06-13-2014, 06:17 PM
occ: You're getting sneaky with these replies! I missed the last one till I checked on a whim and same happened this time xD Sorry for the delay.

Where concern was growing in Kismet's expression, Warja still wore a big grin upon her face. Whilst he had certainly come to love her smile, especially given how rare it'd been upon their last meeting there was something about this one that set him on edge. Perhaps it was mainly down to that word dangerous, he after all didn't want either of them getting hurt, especially not Warja.

She wasn't bothered by his hesitation however and simply continued to try and encourage him to join her on this dangerous adventure. Oh she didn't make it easy to deny her and Kismet wondered if looking away would help him delay her a little more until he had at least gotten a vague sense of what she had planned. "Just say yes." A part of him wanted to to please her and though there was no answer right away he knew he'd failed at any chance to look away.

"You do realise I worried the entire time I was in Glaciem that you'd try to do something dangerous." He pointed out to her. "This had better not be anywhere near as bad as any crazy plan you'd even briefly considered to get me out of there." Once more it wasn't an outright yes though neither was it an outright no. Evidently she had some sort of surprise in plan, refusing to tell him what was happening. He really wasn't sure how he felt about that, but just some confirmation that it wasn't too dangerous was all he wanted. He'd just got released; he didn't want either of them back in trouble again.



4 Years
06-14-2014, 11:21 AM
OOC: Don't blame me blame the fast paced Recent IC Topics box! xD Also, don't worry about the wait, you've waited much longer for some of my replies. If anything I should be apologizing.

He attempted to pull her back down to earth by bringing up his worry and captivity, but Warja would have none of it. Instead she agreed, nodding a brisk and cheerful affirmative before replying, "Well, your worries weren't unfounded because I was considering all kinds of crazy things to break you out. " And drag your useless lump of a brother along too...but she wouldn't say that out loud. It really bothered her that Soren was content to just lay there and wait for rescue or worse, give up entirely. Who did that? Did he place absolutely no value on his life? Or his brother's, for that matter? What was wrong with him that he was so puny? Of course she didn't know the whole story, but if she ever met him, Warja wanted to have some words with Soren.

Warja's eyes rolled upward in thought as she compared the adventure she wanted to take him on to the schemes she'd been cooking up to break him out. "Mmmm...well, there are no sociopath fathers where we're going." That was a plus, but really, it was like comparing rabbits to wolves. Where they were going was so much more dangerous for so many more reasons. Isardis was a gnat in comparison. There was no way she was going to tell Kismet that.

If Kismet for one second believed that his little non answer was going to be taken as anything other than a yes, he was wrong. In seconds Warja was on her paws and turning away from him, ready to lead him off on a grand and terrifying adventure. "It's this way, come on!" Her tail waving happily behind her, Warja even didn't look back to see if he was going to follow. Of course he would follow, but if for some reason he didn't, she would be extremely disappointed. This was a celebration of his freedom; a once in a lifetime opportunity that no one else could offer him.

-exit Warja to new thread (if Kismet's up for it)-




3 Years
Extra large
06-14-2014, 11:39 AM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2014, 11:40 AM by Kismet.)

Warja only seemed to be encouraged with his doubts and fears about what she was planning. She really wasn't helping matters much either with her various comments. "Sounds like it's a good thing you didn't get the chance to try any then." He proclaimed, a slightly shift in subject and briefly making him a little worried. What on earth had she thought of during his captivity? Would she have attempted any if he hadn't arrived a free man when he did?

She would give him a slight clue as to what she had planned though the details were hardly enough for him. He would roll his eyes slightly at the unhelpful comment and the assumption that he would madly follow her into this unknown and apparently dangerous situation. Before he could say anything else though she was on the move and apparently leading the way, and as the Adravendi boy began to follow her it seemed her assumption had been right. He would madly follow her.