
The Coldharbour Road



3 Years
05-13-2014, 04:17 PM

Unlike his elder siblings Soliloquy had been born alone, the single pup in his litter. Quickly he'd tried to form connections with his elder siblings, and he had felt he'd succeeded in that goal when Scorpion had taken him under his wing. All too suddenly however his siblings had suddenly left him, did they assume that he, only just a yearling would not be able to join them? Foolish thoughts, he was swiftly growing to be just as strong if not stronger than many of them, though it was Scorpion's departure that had struck the most irritation within the young boy.

Silently he too chose to leave Uroril behind him, hardly a difficult decision really, his connection there had been his family more than the rest of the wolves and it seemed that even they had begun to depart after the death of their precious King. A part of him had been almost tempted to challenge one of the heirs in hopes of doing what it seemed none had dared to do before and knock the pompous family down a peg or two and thought it did sound like a rather amusing task, his own family were far more important to him and so he'd leave Uroril in peace.

The scent of Destructions seemed to be everywhere, though it was Scorpion he aimed to track down, ignoring the rest of his siblings as he searched for his eldest brother. Across many strange lands he'd travelled until at last he knew he was close. His brother and role model was nearby, he knew it. Though the difficult part of the search was over, he would give in now, and with a short howl call Scorpion to him.



5 Years
Extra large
05-13-2014, 11:07 PM

He had slipped away from Uroril with out telling the youngest of the destructions his intent. Any other time the boy would have been first to know of Scorpion's plans, however the thought had come about him to test his brother's loyalty and tenacity. Soliloquy could take care of himself much better than a couple of their siblings. Now the eldest would test those skills within the younger wolf. He would hope that his kin would do as anticipated, what true loyalty would dictate. Leaving the likes of Uroril behind, releasing the shackles of such a lavish life. Being a rogue was how he would truly prove himself. Adrenaline had trained him, but with the old man gone not long after the boys birth someone had to take up the training. Scorpion had no qualms with such duties.?

The man would find himself enjoying a tender moment with his dear Orchid, her sleeping form curled into his chest. He had not been in her presence as much as he should have, though with his oath... His time with her seemed to need a limit. As he caressed her limp ears and took in her sweet scent actions would become interrupted as the awaited call would draw him forth. Sly grin would take his features as he gently placed Orchid's head from his shoulder to the bent grass. Their time their had caused the ground to become rather well bedded with bent blades. Shaking himself of the lusting tendrils that scoured his coat bleached paws would carry his tall form towards the boy. He was curious to see how well in his journey he fared. Surely he'd taught him well enough to be rather well off still.?

With head held high and tail towering over his back brilliant yellow gaze would finally fall onto Soliloquy's form. He was tall, but would never quite reach Scorpion's height. He would certainly be impressive when he fully matured. "So you did make it. I'd be impressed if I didn't know who taught you." he'd snicker as he pulled in close to nip at the boy's scruff. It was also good to know exactly where his loyalties lie. "It doesn't look like you had any trouble finding us." golden gaze would look over the younger wolf's appearance, making sure he hadn't lost hide or limb.?




3 Years
05-14-2014, 02:48 AM

There were many scents in the area though it was only the ones of his brother and sister that he cared to may too much attention to. Orchid was here as well, her scent as fresh as Scorpion's and that only left Soliloquy to feel all the more bitter about it all. It appeared to him now that Scorpion had brought his precious litter mate along, remained close to her though not bothered with the youngest of the siblings; he had simply been cast to the side. There was no denying that he was a little jealous, yes he knew they had other siblings and he was used to the fond manner in which Scorpion treated Orchid, it certainly wasn't a surprise to find they'd remained close. He didn't mind them receiving attention as well but to simply be ignored did not sit well with the young Destruction.

It wouldn't take long for his brother to appear before him, the scent of Orchid clung strongly to him proving it wasn't simply coincidence that they were both here in the plains at the same time, they were together. Soliloquy wouldn't close the distance between them, he remained still. He was shorter than the tall male before him, though having been the shortest for almost his entire life for a while it had seemed that he'd never get even close to the height of his elder siblings. The moment he had begun over taking his sisters had been a gratifying time, though he still remained the smallest of the males and it seemed his earliest thoughts had been correct, he would never reach Scorpion's impressive height.

Modeled after the man though, it didn't stop Soliloquy from standing confidently as he awaited Scorpion to close the distance, bright yellow eyes simply watching him silently. Proudly the man would close the distance though Soliloquy didn't yield to the greeting, his mood still remaining, only strengthened by the way in which he brother would act as though nothing had happened. The words were registered within Soliloquy's mind though he took no pleasure in them nor would they soothe him yet.

"No thanks to you." He responded coldly, it was probably the first time he'd ever found himself feeling hurt and annoyed with Scorpion. It certainly wasn't something he wanted to remain, wishing their closeness to return. Stubborn as Scorpion had made him however, even his brother wouldn't simply be let off the hook so easily on this occasion. "Even Ballad knew before I. Thought you'd have realised I wouldn't want to remain in that pack, surely you knew I'd rather leave as well?"



5 Years
Extra large
05-14-2014, 03:11 PM

Scorpion would have guessed the boy would be rather miffed at not being told of the plans. To be truthful though Scorpion always seemed to make things up as he went along. The idea of a test had been brilliant, only more so when Soliloquy had gone through with it so easily. His brother would make no effort of Joining Scorpion where he stood. The man could easily see the ice storm in the boy's eyes. A testament to his appreciation of Scorpion's actions, his body was rigid and confident. Just as the older brother would prefer it. If he wanted any chance of being a great Destruction he had to toughen himself up. Another reason for leaving with out a word, independence was a quality lacking in the boy. Not that Scorpion didn't want his undying loyalty, but he had to think for himself. It seemed the journey had hardened him, just as Scorpion would have hoped. He was cold, stoic, and in no mood for games. What a brilliant pupil.
His first words would strike a rather rough cord with the older sibling. How did Soliloquy not recognize that the only reason he'd made it thus far was because he had taken him under his wing? He was certain no one else in Uroril had cared enough to even spare the boy a glance once Adrenaline had died. Scorpion's chest would rumble dangerously with a growl as he backed away from his blood. "With all thanks to me." his voice was low and quiet, so close to threatening. However only just reuniting with Soliloquy the taller man would tolerate his unshielded tongue for now. "You think there was no reason for my Silence, boy?" Still he would wrestle his tone to be non threatening, "I knew damn well you wouldn't stay there. It was a test. I had to know you could survive on your own. And to who you were most loyal." he would find himself becoming smug as bright eyes bore into the younger wolf's gaze. Wondering if he'd have the guts to challenge him.?




3 Years
05-14-2014, 05:27 PM

Scorpion did have a point, never really had the boy been left alone and to think for himself. Whether planned or not it was a rather good lesson for Soliloquy to have undertaken, though he had been born alone and left with no siblings to grow up around him, his father dying and leaving him with only his weak mother he had never actually been isolated in anyway. Scorpion had been there every step of the way, and though it may not have seemed like it now or perhaps ever the younger Destruction was grateful for that fact. He didn't dare consider what may have happened if his brother hadn't stepped in to help him grow, so used to this tougher side of life that he scoffed at the softer, even amongst his own siblings. There was certainly some care within him, though he would have hated to have been built in their mold.

All the same there was certainly still a bitterness about him now as he faced his brother. The growl was not a sound he wished to hear, though he wouldn't back down and cower now suddenly. He would have interjected with a comment, how he could have at least let him know he would be leaving though small huff he was silenced as Scorpion continued to speak. There was no physical challenge, though even so there was still a part of the boy that remained a little hurt by the ordeal. "If you're so confident in the fact that I'd leave surely you must know where my loyalties lie?" He pointed out once his brother had paused his words. "And what if for some reason I had been unable to find you?" He hoped that Scorpion wouldn't have just abandoned him in such an outcome, though at this moment he wouldn't let himself be so sure that it was actually the truth. Why a test was supposedly needed he had no idea though Soliloquy knew he didn't like them and certainly didn't want another any time soon. Scorpion had known him his entire life and as he had so rightly corrected taught him practically everything he knew so why were such tests even necessary?



5 Years
Extra large
05-15-2014, 03:57 PM

Soliloquy would not challenge his brother after all, however the boy was smart to hold his ground. Scorpion was riddled with the urge to posses, and were he to give him even an inch.. Scorpion would have happily called him his own. Really he had no trouble upsetting his brother, the younger Destruction needed a bit of uncertainty in his life. He obviously had made it back to him and he'd survived quite well. Though, his younger blood would still find reasons to talk back, questioning his methods easily. Scorpion would roll his eyes as he let the tension from his body. His brother was still young, but such defiance had been rather annoying. At least he was following Poem's path of independence. Just as Adrenaline would have preferred, Destruction men were not weak. "I certainly do know." Scorpion would leave the questions of why alone. He had no need to justify himself to the younger wolf. "And you did find me. Disaster averted." shaking out his pelt he'd leave his brother's side and the tension that was beginning to build. "Aren't you curious about what I've been up to, while you took your time getting here?" eye brows would raise as his gaze returned to Soliloquy's matched pair.?




3 Years
05-15-2014, 04:37 PM

Perhaps the bitterness all stemmed from that isolation, the only pup in a litter. He may have formed a bond with his siblings though sometimes there were of course moments where it seemed glaringly obvious he was simply the baby, never to share the relationship of litter mate with another. Scoprion hadn't ever done much to make him feel such a way in all honesty but maybe that was why this had stung more now.

Arguments would continue as Scorpion continued to bat away each comment that Soliloquy threw at him. An outsider would surely have to praise the older male for the patience and calm that he kept with the irate young male. A fight certainly wasn't what was needed nor was it really what either brother probably really wanted it certainly wasn't Soliloquy's aim anyway, not that he'd really had any goal beyond finding Scorpion in the first place and that had certainly been achieved.

Then suddenly a new topic would be brought to the conversation, Scorpion's tone almost daring Soliloquy to ask. He would pause for a second, the annoyance being suppressed and his curiosity piqued. What was his brother plotting? "What have you done?" He questioned, tone a little calmer now though certainly lending to the fact that he wasn't playing games, Soliloquy was sure Scorpion was up to something and he was fairly positive that he would want in on it all.



5 Years
Extra large
05-16-2014, 05:19 PM

It would become obvious that neither brother would provoke a fight. Scorpion would calm himself, keeping the patient exterior he held over himself. Hit form would stay out of reach of Soliloquy, but he would allow him little time to continue brooding. The boy would obviously pause, causing Scorpion's brow to raise in anticipation. His brother would indeed find his words a curiosity, enough to not find the need to question his teaching methods any longer. His brother's words would come, slightly curious and ever so accusing. He would grin wider, pleased with the taken bait. "I have been invited into a pack. Not just any pack either, for starters no Uroril wolves live there." Viridiana was simply ravenous as well, "And the alpha.." he would trail off in thought of her, wondering how Soliloquy would react to her and her pack's mentality.?




3 Years
05-19-2014, 04:25 AM

Scorpion could have said many things that Soliloquy wouldn't have been all that surprised by though the truth was certainly not what he had expected. If he didn't know any better he may have assumed his brother was playing some sort of game, though Soliloquy was no naive or innocent wolf and Scorpion surely knew better than to bother attempting to play such silly tricks on him. This was actually happening, but why? A Destruction, particularly ones such as Scorpion and himself were of course wondrous things to have in your pack, though it seemed none really appreciated that fact, Uroril certainly hadn't. So what on earth was so special about this one, he was certain the idea of accepting the invitation had crossed his brother's mind, or else why would he have bothered mentioning it?

"Of course not. Most of those fools are still serenading their new king." He hadn't thought too much of Yahir and neither did he rate the man's children all that much either and the way that the pack would worship them so unquestionably was simply sickening. "What about the alpha?" At this point Soliloquy was still struggling to see what made this pack quite so special, more information would be needed other than stating the fact that no Uroril wolves were there.