
Join the Hunt



03-26-2013, 12:42 AM
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Walk | Talk | Think

Wolves still milled and walked around her, but Ashtoreth paid them little mind. She was far too pleased and content with how things had gone, and how quickly and effortlessly she had been granted her chosen position among the ranks of her comrades. A hunter. She was a hunter. Someone who would help provide for her friends and pack mates and assure that none of them went without a meal, and in return she would finally feel like an asset, like she had at last learned how to pull her weight among them.

As she slipped among them, stopping off to the side of the last stragglers who left from the meeting, her gold and purple eyes scanned across those others in search of one who was not entirely familiar to her, but who she knew would be soon enough. He had been granted the position of Lead Hunter, the one who would dictate how it was she and any other future hunters would complete their tasks and go about their business. And after successfully getting through their pack meeting, after earning the positions they had, surely it only made sense for them to prove their worth for it by procuring a feast from their skill and efforts?

The only problem with the plan was the simple fact that she neither knew nor recognized the stranger named Thane. She had not seen him but had heard his name, and glanced around among the unnamed strangers of her pack wondering which one was the Lead Hunter that she sought. Knowing she was going to get nowhere by simply staring at all who passed in the hopes that they might at least recognize her, Ash spoke out among them, calling, "Thane!" in the hopes that he would hear and respond and distinguish himself from his pack mates.

OOC: Hope it's alright that I started this. c: Just wanted to get things rolling. Also, I figured anyone who wanted to jump in and help could since there's only two of them.


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04-04-2013, 05:43 PM
As soon as he had given a brisk nod before he turned away to look for Ashtoreth; the brute realized that this wolf was one that he did not know of. Wolves milled around the area leaving, talking, regrouping, his aqua blue gaze searched for the dame. Confusion pricked his mind for this seemed almost impossible. There were too many wolves in the way and it was very confusing. Another thought came up to his mind; should he go regroup with the wolf he had come here with or wander off again to the stars knows where.

Thane shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind. No, he would find Ashtoreth and they would hunt for the pack. Originally, he had been taught how to fight but he had never really enjoyed it as a pup. Only when he had to fight in the battle that had sealed his fate along with his pack's, parent's, and sister's; that was what had made him kill, it is what made his mind break into two worlds at that moment. The brute was reliving the past as he was in the present. How was it possible to live in two realms at once? Why was Thane even thinking about this in the first

The wolf shook his head once more and continued to search for the dame Ashtoreth. White lined ears perked up at the sound of his name. "Thane" It must have been Ashotreth.

The black brute followed the direction he had heard the voice come from and had realized that most of the wolves were now gone. As his aqua blue gaze looked side to side he spotted the femme.

"Hello" he said as he continued to walk up to her.

"My name is Thane and I assume that you may be Ashtoreth?" he said in his familiar sincere tongue.

Thane stood before the femme as he waited for a reply. Before they could hunt they would have to be introduced first; it would be better for them to get to know each other and then work as a team.

"I think that we should get to know each other a bit now; or befriend one another so that we may work together as a team on our hunts. But of course I know that not everyone may like each other so all I ask is that if that is the case....that we may still respect each other." he threw in once more as he also stated his lead on the hunt and all of them after this one.



04-05-2013, 03:15 PM
[Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png]

Walk | Talk | Think

A moment passed in awkward silence as a few faces turned to acknowledge her outburst, but none openly approached her to name themselves as the one she sought. Had he already gone on passed her and slipped out in the early risers from the meeting to get himself out of earshot already? A second of discouragement passed through her as this thought coasted through her mind, drawing her ears slightly back in worry that she might have to go search for the unknown male throughout the territory, when she spotted someone making a direct course toward her. Ears perking forward, the lean grey wolf stood attentively, smiling and waiting to see if he would greet her.

Sure enough, he did, and a great sense of relief settled over her body as she relaxed, grinning brightly at his simple hello. "Hi," she echoed happily, her tail giving a faint wag behind her as she seated herself on the ground with her new leader before her. Nodding her head as he sought confirmation on her name, Ashtoreth answered pleasantly, "Pleasure to meet you."

As he spoke of respect and tolerance, Ash suppressed a little laugh. Was he under the impression he was going to have his paws full dealing with her? Not sure what sort of reputation she had put out thus far among her pack mates, she allowed a gentle chuckle to slip from her smiling muzzle and set her gold and purple eyes on Thane with a grin. "I don't think Collision would have given you your job if he thought you didn't deserve it, so you've got my respect for earning it." Maybe it was not what the dark colored wolf had been expecting, but Ashtoreth knew better than to cross her leaders, even the ones who still answered to someone else above them. And considering she still wished to prove herself to her pack mates, it seemed easiest to start here with Thane.

With the prospect of a hunt still in their future, her thoughts continued to drift along to the process that lay ahead of them, and particularly to what the two of them might easily catch to feed themselves and the rest of their group. Their options were limited, surely, but still gaining familiarity to their new territory she wondered if Thane's expertise might prove more useful than her own. "Have you gotten a chance to see what's available to catch here?" she asked, unafraid of turning the questions back around to the task at hand. In fact, she was excited about it. About getting acquainted with a new face, about the chance to show off her skill, and about getting a new look at their territory through a hunting excursion.


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04-05-2013, 04:20 PM
As the brute stood before the gray dame, he nodded and smiled at Ashtoreth's reply; and the confirmation of her name. At the same time a smile formed on Thane's muzzle once more as she stated that he probably deserved his position. Thane guessed he did but he had never really shown his hunting skills in the territory...or had he. Certainly he remembered that one run in with Micha and Kira when he had caught a squirrel and asked for it to be brought back for Cairo's pups. But then he had hunted in most of the land around here. By Mount Volkan there were frogs that he had caught, and snow hares in the North.

His white lined ears perked up once more at Ashtoreth's question of th eprey around here.

"Yes,I do know of some of the prey around here. There are some squirrels around here along with mice, voles, muskrats, birds, and who knows, we may even find something new." he finished with a small smile

Of course Thane was looking forward to the hunt, he saw hunting as a hobby before. But now the brute had to take it both as a hobby and his duty in his pack.

"I suggest we just go into the woods and let everything happen from there.

With a twitch of his white lined ear he turned to the side before looking back at Ashtoreth. Thane waited for her to join him then would he start walking closer to the dense part of the forest of Valhalla.

Leon I


11 Years
04-05-2013, 07:49 PM

He would stalk among the trees and leaves, allowing his mind to wander much like his paws. Tail would skirt behind him like a banner, not hanging particularly high, but not dragging the ground either. Chocolate and cinnamon hues grew lighter and darker, corresponding with the peeking glimpses of sunlight that trickled through the canopy. Rarely had the sun been seen in the past few days, and Leon was thankful for it. It made him feel... frisky. Voices would fill his mind, those of fellow pack members. At first they were dismissed. He was only on his second circuit of the pack land, this one taking him to the inner confines of Valhalla. He'd passed many others, voicelessly giving them a greeting by offering a nod or a wink of cerulean eyes. The forest grew thicker, tall woodlands branched out all around him, threatening to suffocate him. Leon ignored this, he was used to this place - and knew it would do him no harm.

However, as the voices grew nearer, he could only assume that sooner or later he'd cross their path. Physically adjusting his facial features, Leon would quirk a smile and a glimmer in his eye in order to seem more pleasant and sociable. Ashtoreth? Her voice, he knew he could never mistake it with another's. But who was that with her? Leon was sure he'd never heard this man speak before. A flurry of jealousy raged in the pit of his stomach, but he knew that that was a foolish thing to feel. He had no right to be jealous over her being with another male. No right at all.

As he came upon them, a warm greeting was given. "Good day to you both," he would offer, with a lingering look upon Ashtoreth's silver features. She truly was beautiful, both soaked in the rain - as he'd seen her last - and dry in the sun. "Ashtoreth, and... I don't believe we've met?" An inquiring look was given to the man. "I am Leon Adravendi, lead warrior of Valhalla." He wondered what it was that brought the two of them out.




04-07-2013, 11:30 AM
Chrysanthe was happy for the previous warrior, now lead hunter. He had been through a lot, and had stuck with Valhalla through it all. Knowing that he was now ranked within Valhalla, she pivotted off, wanting to offer him some sort of thanks. When she spotted him, he was speaking with another female from the meeting - Ashtoreth, a newly named hunter. The yearling couldn't help but admire her enthusiasm to get to know the other hunters and wolves in Valhalla, and the beta wanted in on this hunt. It would be the first of many that were conducted by Thane and aided by Ashtoreth, she could use the experience in hunting as well. Fighting couldn't be the only thing that she was well versed in after all - she strove to be a bit more well rounded than that.

She stepped up moments after her cousin did, and she grinned seeing him here. Was he going to participate in the hunt too? The red faced girl hadn't expected for him to branch off and join this little hunting group, but she was glad that he did. "Leon!" She called out to him, enthusiasm in her voice but her vocals at a comfortable level opposed to her screaming at the poor male. "This is Thane, he's our lead hunter now." She introduced him, and then smiled at the male in question. They hadn't gotten the chance to really talk, but her first encounter with him had given her a good impression of him - and after carrying him halfway through the desert alongside Ookami, she considered him a friend. "I'm Chrysanthe." she introduced herself for Ashtoreth's sake, in case she hadn't picked up on it along the way or in the meeting.

She would follow the others into the forest, ready to locate their chosen target. Now that there were four of them here, they could take down something larger with more ease.



04-08-2013, 08:44 PM
[Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png]

Walk | Talk | Think

Though Thane was more than helpful with his description of the animals he had thus far detected having residency inside their pack's territory, a list that was a bit longer than anticipated, she couldn't help but note that it lacked any larger game. She had known their chances of finding and then catching larger game between the two of them would have been meager at best, being still unfamiliar with the territory and not knowing all the little turns and tricks that they prey might pick up having lived here longer, but she had been hoping to hear a little about them. Of course, she felt out of place bringing this up to Thane, who was to be her mentor and leader, and so she merely nodded her head, hoping that at least the smaller game was heavy in abundance so that they could catch enough to feed the masses that made up the Valhallan pack.

As he suggested they start their trek into the forests in search of their first catch, Ashtoreth nodded eagerly, rising quickly to her paws with another slow wag of her tail. "After you," she began to say, ready for Thane to lead the way and follow after him through the woods in search of food, when she turned her head at someone else who approached them and suddenly blinked as her two-toned eyes took in the light brown form and vibrant blue eyes of the Lead Warrior. His presence was entirely unexpected, but eagerly accepted all the same, and she grinned before realizing it. "Leon," Ash greeted with another quick wag of her tail, brightening despite herself at his unexpected arrival and yet still feeling as if a little warning would have been helpful. It seemed not only were the fates determined to throw him into her path during the most inopportune times, but mostly when she least expected him as well. At least I'm not soaking wet this time, she thought gratefully, her eyes shifting between Leon and Thane as the former introduced himself to the latter.

More surprises! No sooner had Ashtoreth come to terms with Leon joining her and Thane in their hunting discussions, another new face approached, this one red and smiling and calling out to Leon. The slim grey wolf recognized her immediately as another of the Adravendi line, particularly the newly instated Beta to their pack. At so young, it was a wonder the youth had possessed such a strong enough will and sense of determination for such a challenging and demanding position, but seeing her up close, sensing from within her that knowledge and awareness necessary for such a job any misgivings she had been feeling regarding the young she-wolf holding such a position slipped away to nothing behind a friendly smile as the other addressed her cousin and proceeded to introduce herself to Ashtoreth personally. The little grey wolf nodded her head politely and murmured, "Ashtoreth," to reciprocate the introduction properly.

Sending another look with a little of her lingering surprise Leon's way, Ashtoreth glanced toward Thane seeking direction, grateful for the help and the company that had turned their hunting pair into a proper hunting party. "Looks like we've got a bit of help," she informed him happily, eager to know what he made of their strengthened numbers and improved skill among the four of them.


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04-11-2013, 06:45 AM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2013, 08:55 AM by Thane.)
The brute settled his aqua blue eyes on the forest before averting them back to where Ashtoreth was; another wolf had appeared on the scene. This brute was one of the Adravendis and he knew that at least. Then the male introduced himself as Leon Adravendi, the Lead Warrior. Leon didn't seem to know Thane and he was about to reply back until another soul came upon them. The wolf that approached was Chrysanthe Adravendi; a wolf he already knew. She introduced Thane to Leon but he was glad that it saved some time.

Thane smiled as she walked up and he knew that he would never be able to repay her for what she had done to him. The dame had shown great kindness and had carried him from the desert alongside his beloved which had saved his life. Recent memories of the experience floated up to the brute's current thoughts. Thane remembered hearing the voices of them as they spoke to him. Somehow he was able to hear them as he was knocked out; but that is what had also contributed to keeping him alive. Chrysanthe's actions were very well appreciated and the brute did not even want to think of what would have happened if she had not been there to help. A shiver went down Thane?s spine as that thought settled in his mind; he would be dead now. But then he was not scared of death anymore, death was death and Thane had been spared all his life. Perhaps eventually whenever you get used to it?you?re ready to accept it.
Although the male might have accepted death he was not ready to die just yet; why not enjoy life, have a little fun.

?Yes, my name is Thane Tsarev.? he said with a nod towards Leon.

Ashtoreth?s words reached his white lined ears; which spoke of more company. Now there were four of them; this would make them able to go after larger prey. The wolf thought for a moment of what to go after. A small smile was portrayed on his face as he came to a conclusion.

?Since we have four of us now we can take down larger prey. I figured there might be a deer in the forest. We should all head in the same direction in a lateral line. Then we can try to sniff out a deer and then plan from there. Is that alright with everyone? If there are any oppositions I have no problem in improving my ideas, constructive criticism is always welcome.? he said with a smile.

An eagle?s cry rang out through the forest as it reached their ears. Soon enough a golden eagle appeared and glided down until it perched on Thane?s shoulder. It looked with its golden eyes at the other wolves.
(Imagine him talking in British accent) ?I do apologize Master Thane; I thought that I may have taken a quick joy flight. And do pardon my manners; my name is Cyril Tsarev, tis a pleasure. said the eagle as he gave a small bow.
And ah yes, this is my companion Cyril as he said. Cyril, we were just about to go on a hunt for a deer.?

?A deer? Why when I was gliding off in the North of these woods I saw a small group of deer. There were only a few of them but I?m sure you only need one.?

Before Thane dared to walk any further he wanted to make sure this was all planned out.

?Since there are deer in the North we shall continue going in a lateral line in that direction. When they come into view we will form a U form around them and go for the closest one and entrap it. If you have a clean shot then go for it and we will assist you. Are there any questions??

While the brute stood there Cyril smoothed his amber feathers as he was still perched on his Master?s shoulder. If there were no questions then Thane would continue walking towards the North.

Leon I


11 Years
04-11-2013, 10:34 AM

Eyes focused their cerulean gaze upon the gorgeous woman. Ashtoreth, every time he saw her it nearly always took his breath away. A smile crossed his features, remaining there for the duration of their orientation. It seemed this was a hunting party, and Leon had every intention of having a bit of fun and enjoying himself. Not to mention, he'd be in the company of a completely lovely woman. Ah, it appeared there would be two lovely women, one of them being his cousin, Chrysanthe. She called out to him and he chuffed lightly, the sound vibrating in his throat. "Cousin," he would offer as a simple greeting. His cousin went on to explain who the strange male was. Thane, the new lead hunter. Leon dipped his head respectfully to the male. "Congratulations on your new title, Thane."

Leon would continue to cast his gaze, shifting it between the three others, though lingering mostly on Ashtoreth. Wrenching the cerulean laser away, Leon listened as everyone joined in the conversation, finally drifting to Thane who spoke on their plan. He gave a vague order of events, and Leon merely nodded. It was not his place to offer criticism of hunting plans, especially since he very rarely hunted in a group. Mostly he took care of himself, occasionally eating from the pack's food storage when he could not catch anything or didn't have time to hunt. An eagle cast it's shadow upon the earth and Leon glanced up at it as it spoke down to the lead hunter. Leon found it interesting that certain wolves attracted companions and others didn't. He wondered if he would ever have a companion, but he supposed he really ought to worry about a mate before a companion.

Deer in the north. Lateral lines, U formations. It all seemed complicated, but Leon knew he'd catch on quick. He had to. The smile faded somewhat from his features as he shifted, hoping to bring himself next to Ashtoreth in the lateral line they would soon create. He loved his cousin dearly, but there was only so much time he was allowed with Ashtoreth, and he would not miss a second of it.




04-12-2013, 03:16 PM
The female was sweet, her positive attitude was contagious, and as she introduced herself Chrysanthe felt the small smile that crept onto her lips stay there. Perhaps after the hunt she would get to know this woman better - she needed to make some connections that weren't the ones that she had with family either way. She wanted to get to know Thane a bit better as well, but these were things that would come with time, she was sure. And so she settled into listening to Thane speak of hunting tactics. She had absolutely no experience in hunting with groups, and so she listened intently, nodding here and there to show that she hadn't zoned out or wasn't paying attention.

She looked to Leon when the other spoke of anyone else having possible ideas. But his eyes were focused on the woman that was standing closest to Thane. She had to wonder whether her cousin had a crush or was at the very least interested in this dame. It would certainly be an interesting turn of events - and she would tease him a bit if it turned out to be true... but right now they were hunting together. The four of them would have to be a team, right? Cohesive and in unison and none of that would be possible if she was grinning and Leon was grinning or blushing or snapping at her to mind her own business so she kept it to herself.

"It sounds like a perfectly good plan to me." She said, her voice and tone hinting at her enthusiasm. The beta would have started on it too, had she not been shocked at the cry and sighting of a very large bird. The girl gawked at the creature, her ears high on her head as she listened to the avian speak. It, no, he, had a strange dialect, something that reminded her somewhat of Aislyn's jumpy melodic tones but was entirely different, not to mention it came from a creature that was entirely different from the mentor that had come to mind. Apparently the winged fellow's name was Cryril, and she nodded to him because she wasn't sure what else to do in response to his introduction.

Then he proved himself useful, extremely so - and she listened to him explain just where they might get lucky in finding prey. How peculiar! Completely impressed at Thane and his companion, she was eager to start this hunt - beginning to walk in the direction that Thane wanted them to head off in. "Well come on - we don't want them to get away."



04-13-2013, 04:45 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

With the four of them present, Ashtoreth was delighted to hear Thane inform them that they would after larger game than what he had originally hinted at. This was good in her eyes. The larger the game that they brought back, the more mouths they could feed and the better they would look after receiving their new positions as hunters. Or at least for herself and Thane. It was just by luck and good timing that Chrysanthe and Leon had decided to show up, and certainly their help would be invaluable, whatever they could offer. She only hoped that, with time, more hunters might arise from the Valhalla and ensure that the responsibility was more evenly settled upon multiple shoulders rather than simply two.

Just as Thane stopped talking and Chrysanthe piped up with an agreeable response, earning a quick nod of agreement from the slim grey wolf, the unexpected presence of a large bird interrupted their conversation, calling ahead and then drawing itself through the trees to speak with Thane. Ashtoreth's eyes shifted with confusion between the wolf and eagle, taking a moment longer than necessary to realize that they must have been friends, unusual companions. It alighted careless and easily upon the black wolf's shoulder, appearing far more comfortable there than Ash would have expected, and spoke to his friend and then the group as a whole, introducing itself as Cyril. She listened as wolf and eagle carried on a short conversation of their own, all the while with a bemused smile that slowly stretched its way back across her face at the strange turn of events. An eagle assisting with a hunt. This was definitely a first for her.

And suddenly they had a destination for their hunt. Nodding her head as Thane went over one last time the plan they would follow, Ashtoreth couldn't hold back the smile that slipped into place as Chyrsanthe eagerly encouraged them to start out toward the north. At least she wasn't the only eager one anymore. Following the younger wolf's lead, Ashtoreth followed suit and began to walk after her, casting a quick glance at Thane and then Leon as she looked over her shoulder. "No sense wasting time, right?"


04-16-2013, 06:33 PM
Thane nodded as words of congratulations reached his white lined ears from Leon.

"And congratulations to you as well." he said with a friendly smile.

A small chuckle escaped the brute's lips as he enjoyed Chrysanthe's enthusiasm. But he was sure the deer would not go far; they would probably stay by the same patch of shrubbery or foliage that provided an adequate feeding ground. Unless if there was something that spooked the animals then their white tails would be the last thing they would see of them as their hides would disappear over a hill.

And then Ashtoreth then spoke up about having no sense in wasting time as she asked it in the form of a question.

"I assume so, yet it is best to use our time wisely and make sure that we will do so as well in the future. I think we will all enjoy this hunt."he said with another smile to all of them.

Perhaps Thane sounded too wise for his age but he was. The brute had gone through things that no yearling should have gone through as it carried on through his second year of life. And now here he was an "old" wise three year old. If the wolf was wise now how wise would he be when he was literally an old wolf? Such matters would be found about a few years from now; no sense in worrying here.

As he continued to walk, Thane looked back at his companion still perched on his shoulder. Cyril was scanning the forest with his golden eyes as he sat there ever so silently. A small smile was portrayed on the male's face as he continued towards the North.

Within a few moments the scent of deer hit his nose;he had made sure that they were downwind of the animals so that they could not smell them. With a quick flick of his tail the brute gave the motion to fall into a line as they neared the area where the deer were.

"If you have a clear attack take it. We will all back each other up." he whispered.

White lined ears pressed against his skull as he lowered his frame closer to the ground. His tail stuck out and yet swayed side to side a bit. All senses were alert.

Leon I


11 Years
04-17-2013, 09:27 PM

He felt out of his element, very much unaware of how things worked in a group hunt. It all seemed simple enough, but then again it seemed difficult. When he hunted alone he knew every move he would make far before he made it. But how was he to know what Chrysanthe would do, or Ashtoreth, or Thane? Even if he could keep his eyes on one - or possibly two - of them, there was no way he could predict with any sort of certainty the right maneuver to take. Leon would dip his head respectfully as the male offered him a return congratulations. Tail would sway in rhythm with his beating heart as Chrysanthe urged them on. It would not bode well to lose the deer. As Chrysanthe moved to head in the direction of the deer, Leon followed suit, finding some comfort in mirroring the actions of his cousin. She seemed to know what she was doing, didn't she?

The party moved off, falling almost naturally into their lateral line. Leon found himself to the left of Ashtoreth and Chrysanthe, the smaller hunter slipping in between he and his cousin. It didn't bother the warrior in the slightest, as he would treasure her company always. They were silent, and Leon found a regular pacing rhythm so that he kept up with the group, neither ahead or behind them. His tail stiffened behind him and his crown fell into line with his spine as he mentally prepared himself for whatever he'd have to do in this hunt. The four of them could easily take down a single deer, perhaps even two. He wondered who would strike first, who would follow suit, and every sort of detail like that.

The telltale scent of deer slipped over his nostrils and instantly the fur on the back of his neck stood on end. Body continued to fluidly move forward, eyes and ears focusing for any sign of movement. Hyper-vigilant, his senses also sought for any movement of the hunting party. If one struck out, Leon would follow. He did not want to make a mistake his first time out with a group.




04-28-2013, 01:11 PM
Finally the hunt was underway! Thane scented their prey, and before she knew it the four of them were traveling in the direction that their victim seemed to be heading in as well. Chrysanthe didn't want to head the hunt, but she was actively looking for the deer that would end up being their target. A buck probably wasn't the best idea in the middle of the summer - they were strong right about now... the children had all spring and the summer to grow as well, but they would be considerably easier to catch than their parents, right? She wasn't sure herself, her experience with hunting this way was very limited.

It looked like she would be playing this by ear.

Although at the very least, she would not be playing at this alone. The yearling was with three others that she trusted as much as herself if not more. She crouched whenever she had the chance, stilling when she heard sounds in the distance. Finally, as the four of them split up a bit, it seemed that they were close enough to see their targets. A small herd, but it was more than substantial. They should be able to pick something from here, right? Chrysanthe licked her lips, moving fluidly to her left and in a somewhat wide arch away from the herd. Hopefully she could get in a position to chase them nearer the wolves that she was hunting with.

She was watching them the entire time, her blue eyes looking for any kind of weakness in her prey. Surely there was one that was sick or injured, one that would put up less of a fight in their struggle to take it down. It seemed that they weren't working on a sort of signal or anything complicated, so the girl was trying to do her part in this. If she could get them running toward the hunting party, they could pick out the slowest of the bunch and start the chase.

With that in mind she slid into place, her ears back and her body completely still as she prepared to start the chase. Before she did so she tried to locate Leon, Thane and Ashtoreth with her eyes. They were all accounted for - they were in places where this might just work! And so, she waved her red tail once, before barking, breaking into a run, and working hard to find a target among the beasts. Her blood began to sing, her heart thumping in her chest - hopefully she hadn't singlehandedly ruined this hunt. They all had been waiting - was this what they had been waiting for?



05-01-2013, 08:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

With a grin, the lean grey wolf fell into step with the rest, her tail wagging relaxed and her gait somewhat bouncing as she kept up. She stayed in line with them, following along casually at first until they neared their destination. It was nice to fall into a crouch and move about noiselessly with others, her nose quivering curiously and her two-toned eyes ever alert and watchful for the signs and sights of their prey. They should have been getting close, and she was even more certain of this as they began to split, distancing themselves from each other while still remaining in their line. Here, somewhere just out of sight, the deer lurked, unaware, incautious. She glanced to either side, catching movements from Leon and Chrysanthe as they settled in the line and stalked forward, Thane somewhere on Chrysanthe's opposite side. She remained in tune to them, expectant, hopeful for a sign that they were ready, that their hunt would soon begin in earnest.

Ashtoreth positioned herself carefully, body crouched and head extended, attention focusing upon the herd. Her ears twisted a little from their forward positions, anticipating movement and sound from either side as the others settled themselves. It was so quiet, so still, as the herd grazed, she nearly grinned. So unsuspecting, so oblivious to the hunting party who had spotted them. It was almost going to be too easy.

A glance to the side, eyes met through the foliage with the Valhallan Beta as she sought each of them individually, and with a wave of her tail she led the charge. Ash wasted no time in following, leaping forward and racing swiftly after Chrysanthe in pursuit of the herd. Her eyes roamed over them, noting the most healthy, the ones who were the first - and fasted - to retreat, and then settled on those who lingered last. One of them, surely? But which? Her eyes lingered on one who appeared to have a more hobbling gait than the others, hindered by age or an injury she was unable to tell in that moment. As she sidled closer toward it, her course angled to run alongside the fleeing creature if she sped up, she glanced sidelong from the corner of her eye, seeking out the others and in particular Thane. With him being assigned the lead, she figured his input the most beneficial to them all and she held back, hoping to receive some direction or at least approval before she committed herself to following the one she currently trailed.


05-08-2013, 03:55 PM
Everything happened so fast yet went along swiftly and smoothly. Thane broke into a run as Chrysanthe and Ashtoreth tried to find a deer to pick out. White lined ears were pinned back against the brutes head as he ran. Paws drummed against the Earth and its soil as he brought himself closer and closer to the herd. As quick as they started to run did a deer lift up it's head and spot the wolves.

A small smile was portrayed on the brutes face; oh how he loved a wild goose chase. No, this wasn't for fun anymore, this was for the pack! Then as the smile faded the male then had a look of determination. Aqua blue eyes looked peripherally at Chrysanthe, Ashtoreth, and Leon. A glint sparkled in his eyes as he saw Ashtoreth waiting for some sort of confirmation to go for a deer she was running beside.

Thane gave a bark and a nod as he ran in hopes she would go for it. The brute wanted to make sure that the promise was kept of all of them aiding whomever had found a suitable deer to go after.

With velocity and force did his dark gray paws bring him even faster across the ground towards the deer his fellow hunt or huntress was by. As Thane was somewhat behind the deer yet off to the side he was completely focused on its neck. Where would he strike. If he did not have enough of a lead he would go anywhere he could possibly latch on to the animal. Yet the deer was weak and had a visible limp. It didn't take much for it to tire out a bit and slow down its pace. Aqua blue eyes averted back to Chrysanthe and Leon as he prepared himself to latch onto the animals neck if he could.

With two big bounds did he get enough force to push off of his hind legs and open his jaws wide with canines and teeth bared. The male bit into the deers neck as he then shook his head back and forth with a growl as he tried to hold on. Holding onto a deer along wasn't an easy task. The brute awaited for the aid of the others as he kept his jaws closed on the preys neck. Blood seeped through his teeth and Thane knew this animal was weak, yet it could still put up a fight, so he was ready.