
when he takes your throne


05-11-2014, 09:02 PM
For Shelby, 3 rounds.

Round 0 of 3

The blood stained hills had made an impact on his will to travel that day. He sought information as to what exactly had conspired to leave the naturally barren hills stained with such a thing like the blood of wolves. Wolves fighting wolves, what was new? What was new was that some was more dried than others and some more fresh. It was strange, perhaps a battlefield that many came to for spars or rank challenges or even death matches and pack challenges. Ser Barristan Selmy of Kingslanding never knew what to expect of such new and strange lands, especially with such strange wolves who inhabit them. He had once met an all black wolf with black eyes and razor sharp claws, barely avoided a fight as there was no way he had intended to lose his pelt that day. Yes, Ser Barristan never knew what to expect from the lands and he was not one to race into a fight he knew he could not win.

As the wind blew at his pelt, slicking it down and blowing it softly from side to side in the wind, he watched for any wolf who would approach him from the lower ground on the terrain or even the same ground that he stood on. He was constantly wary of what could happen, even if it was unlikely to happen. The worst...The worst were those who played the game of thrones. That was his theory, he saw pack challenges as a waste of time for those who were in power deserved to be in power by the divine right of kings alone, though he was sworn to protect the alpha or king or queen or whatever they called themselves in whichever pack he joined when they were the alpha or king or queen. That was his law, that was his oath. They didn't call him Oathkeeper for nothing.

His eyes swiveled from side to side as he prepped his defenses, knowing that sometimes blood drove wolves into a frenzy, well not him. He raised his hackles, perked his ears and spread his toes as he had learned to do the hard way. He spread his legs out equally and narrowed his eyes. His pelt bristled slightly along his spine with the discomfortable possibility of being attacked at any moment from any angle. His canines were bared and his eyes narrowed. Nothing would get past his defenses, he wouldn't have it, he wouldn't allow it.

Athena I


9 Years
05-13-2014, 11:07 AM

Blood lust wasn't what brought the princess out to the battlefield today. No, for her it was her constant drive to improve herself and her skills. The bloodied hills of the battlefield had become familiar territory, the rusty stains no longer jarring her. Her silvery paws carried her calmly across the empty lands as she searched for someone to spar with. The battlefield seemed to be sadly empty today... that was until her gaze landed on a pale form in the distance. A smirk touched her muzzle and she changed her course to head toward the male, wondering if he might be up for a spar.

As Athena got closer, she saw that the male was already bristling and had his defenses in place. She came to a stop a few feet away from him, chuckling softly. "New to the battlefield, hm?" she joked. It wasn't the first time she had seen a wolf affected by the bloodied field. It was easily overwhelming if one wasn't used to it. None of the less, she went on, "Well, lets not let those defenses of yours go to waste. I spar, that's all I want."

She quickly set her own defenses, settling into the all too familiar motions. Her ears folded back against her head, her emerald and ruby gaze narrowing to slits, and her tail curling under her to keep any of these from becoming easy targets. She set her paws evenly beneath her, her toes spreading and claws digging into the soil under paw to help her balance. She kept her muscles tensed and ready to move at a moments notice. Finally, her shoulders rolled forward and her scruff bunched and bristled to protect her neck. All of this took only moments and then she was ready to fight.

With teeth bared, she sent herself into motion, closing the distance between them with a few long strides. She had sized him up, seeing that they were very close in height. She stood only a hair taller than him, but his build was more stocky than hers so she looked forward to a fairly even fight. She hoped her lighter build and swift movements could be an advantages. She curved her movement to his left, aiming to hit her left shoulder against his, aiming to knock him off balance a bit. She snapped her jaws at his side, hoping to scrape the skin just behind his leg with her fangs and cause bleeding and irritation there. Nothing serious, but enough, she hoped, to slow him down and make it more painful for him to move. She wouldn't stay still long, keeping her momentum going to head toward his hind left leg, aiming a bite at the lower half of his leg. Again, she wouldn't latch on or aim to cause serious damage, only to give a quick snap at his leg, wanting to leave a few teeth marks in her wake.

ROUND: 1 of 3

DEFENSES: Ears back, eyes narrowed, teeth bared, tail tucked, paws evenly spaced, toes spread, claws dug in, shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunched and bristled, tensed muscles

ATTACKS: Hitting her left shoulder against his left shoulder, biting on his side just behind his left leg, then snapping at the lower half of his back left leg.



05-13-2014, 02:38 PM

The knight did not have to wait long as a grey wolf in color approach, a fae looking for a spar who challenged him. A small smile tugged its wait onto her muzzle as he watched her set her defenses as he set his own.

His defenses had remained the same with a few adjustments as his eyes narrowed the slightest bit against the wind and his muscles tensed. His legs were equally spread out from his body to keep his center of gravity lowered as his scruff was bunched up as he lowered his head and pulled his shoulders to roll forward in an attempt to protect the vitals he knew to be in his neck. His toes were spread to help with his balance as he dug his toes into the ground to further the effort and his fur bristled along his spine. His ears became pinned back against his skull and he watched her carefully as she launched her attack. She was faster than him but he was willing to convince himself that he was stronger than her. She rushed forward as he pulled off to his right, her attack to hit their shoulders barely hitting. It send a wave of pain through his shoulder. It wasn't bad but it would leave a small bruise, roughly 1 centimeter in diameter for him to remember her by.

With his move to the right by just a matter of 3 inches, her attempt to bite his front left leg missing the skin but grazing the fur by a matter of a centimeter at most. He winced as she caught onto his back leg, an immense pain at the snapping as he pulled forward and turned to give a parry in return. The pain in his back leg would not give him scarring but he would have two small puncture wounds that were 2 centimeters in diameter that would heal to leave no trace. It hurt to put too much pressure on it, but he would not need to apply that much pressure when fighting or doing everyday activities. Perhaps a small wince of pain would course through him when using his back legs to rise but nothing else.

He rushed at her in the direction she was facing after adjusting himself appropriately to get to that position with his own tricks up his sleeve as he aimed to take his muzzle and catch her scruff from the right in a rather shallow area (so his teeth, if the attack was to hit, would not go deep into the scruff close to the neck) where it would not do her too much harm (as this was a spar, not a death match or something of the sorts) so he could give it a shake. He would not remain still for long, his battle instincts kicking in as he aimed to to take his front left paw, the one that the woman had not hit, and hit her shoulder towards her center in an attempt to knock her off balance or at the very least shake her a bit. His back was arched the slightest bit in an attempt to intimidate her as he kept his eyes on his opponent at all times.

Round 1 of 3

Injuries: Puncture wounds on his back left leg, 2 of them, roughly 2 centimeters in diameter.

Defenses: Narrowed eyes, muscles tensed, legs equally spread to lower center of gravity, toes spread for balance, head down, scruff bunched up, shoulders forward, toes digging into dirt, ears back, hackles raised, fur bristling.

Reaction to Athena's attacks: Shifted to the right by 3 inches to avoid the attack to his front leg and and he attempted to avoid the other two but failed.

Attempted Attacks: Scruff bite (shallow) + scruff shake, front left paw aimed to hit her shoulder towards her to knock her off balance or shake her stature, attempting to intimidate her by arching back slightly.

Athena I


9 Years
05-15-2014, 08:56 AM

Her opponent stepped away from her, leaving her strike to his shoulder not quite as effective as she would have hoped, but it did make its mark none of the less. The edge of her shoulder struck his, causing some pain and minor bruising, but nothing she couldn't ignore. Her next attack to the area just behind his front left foreleg would miss its mark, her teeth grazing nothing more than fur. She would finally get a solid hit on his back left leg, feeling a small sense of victory as her teeth hit their mark, leaving a pair of small wounds behind.

As he went to make his counter she would keep her defenses at the ready. Her paws stayed as evenly spaced under her as she could while her toes would stay spread and claws dug in to help her balance and traction as she moved. She wouldn't slack on keeping her eyes narrowed, ears pinned back, tail tucked under her, shoulders rolled forward, and chin tucked down over her throat. Her fur bristled along her spine and her scruff remained bunched up around her neck, which quickly proved to be useful.

Before she got a chance to turn back to face him, he would turn, both of them now facing the same way, and she would feel his teeth latch onto her scruff. The skin there was loose enough that his teeth wouldn't do any real damage. His teeth would create several puncture wounds and the shake he would give of his head would cause a bit of tearing as well. She could feel the pain there, radiating from the place where he bit, and blood began to stain her silvery fur, but it wouldn't impede her fighting much. She would snap her head around to look at him as his teeth left her scruff, seeing his paw lift to strike her shoulder. She let her muscles loosen and her tail flare out behind her to help with her balance. She would sidestep away from him as his paw hit, letting the movement take most of the momentum of the hit, his paw only leaving some light bruising at best there.

Athena quickly gathered herself, resetting all of her defenses while still staying light on her paws. She turned to face him once again with one fluid step, snarling as her split-tone gaze fixed on him once again. His arching back wouldn't affect her, Athena not being one to be easily intimidated. She would move toward him again, closing the distance between them with a single step before rearing up onto her hind legs. She would aim to throw her forelegs around his neck, wanting to cling to him and curve her neck around his to latch on to his scruff much like he had hers. Her hind legs would space evenly under her and her toes would spread to help with her now two-footed stance, her tail out like a rudder to aid her balance as well. If she was successful she would keep her forelegs tight around his neck and her jaws latched onto his scruff, wanting to keep him in close quarters and impede his movements. She would try to press down on him with her weight from his position as well. She wouldn't bite too terribly hard on his scruff however. The bite was meant to help keep her over him more than it was to injure him. In this position, if she was successful, her left shoulder would be against his throat and the left side of her neck pressed to his, looking almost like a hug.

DEFENSES: Eyes narrowed, ears back, shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunched, fur bristled, feet placed evenly, toes spread, claws dug in, tail tucked except for when it is flared out for balance, teeth bared

ATTACKS: lunging toward him to wrap her forelegs around his neck like a hug to keep him close, reaching around his neck to grab his scruff, pressing her weight into him

INJURIES: bruising on her left shoulder from the hit to his shoulder and from his paw, shallow bite mark on her scruff with slight tearing



05-19-2014, 12:03 PM

She was quick to respond as the entered the repetitive style of attack and defend. As she lunged at him he dove off to his left by about 3 feet as fast as he could, barely missing her attack to grip him and then he backed up by about a foot to avoid her grabbing his scruff and weighing him down with it. He panted slightly, resetting his defenses against her, his eyes narrowed and his hackles raised. His haunches followed suite as they raised, saddened that she was not as easy to intimidate as others were. He lowered his head and moved his shoulders forward. He scrunched up his neck and his fur bristled along his spine. It was his time to attack.

He did not take his time to plan it out because he had been thinking about it since his last attack. Her attack changed things as he circled her until they were face to face once more. He was a copycat as he tried her attacks from the first round of the fight just on a different side. He lunged to his left, her right, and aimed to bump their shoulders to knock her off balance, it would bruise his shoulder too if it were to hit but it was a small price to pay. He then proceeded with his movement to try and bite onto her side behind her front right leg before he would let go and snap at her back right leg. He hoped using her moves would throw her off mentally.

The puncture wounds stung with every step, even if it was only slightly. Each wound was bleeding slightly but clotting fast. He'd be able to take care of it swiftly after the fight if he could find the right herbs to aid him in his illness and injury.

Round 2 of 3

Injuries: Puncture wounds on his back left leg, 2 of them, roughly 2 centimeters in diameter.

Defenses: Hackles raised, haunches raised, eyes narrowed, scruff scrunched, head lowered, shoulders forward, fur bristling

Reaction to Athena's attacks: Dove to the left by 3 feet and back 1 foot to avoid all attacks.

Attempted Attacks: Hitting his right shoulder against her right shoulder, biting on her side just behind her front right leg, then snapping at the lower half of her back right leg.

Athena I


9 Years
05-27-2014, 02:13 PM

ooc: sorry for the huge wait! Thank you for your patience!

Athena snarled with mild disappointment and frustration as all of her attacks would fail as the male jumped out of the way, just escaping her grasp. Her fangs remained bared as her eyes narrowed with a new determination to sink her teeth into his flesh. For a split second it felt like a stare down at he rest his defenses, giving her plenty of time to do the same. Her shoulders rolled forward once more and her hackles remained bristled, silver scruff bunching up protectively around her neck. Now that she was back on four paws she set them evenly beneath her and let her toes spread, her claws finding purchase in the soil under them. Her ears remained pinned back against her skull and her head tucked down over her throat as she glared at him through narrowed eyes. Her muscles tensed in preparation of his next attack, her knees bending ever so slightly to give her more freedom of movement and her tail laying level with her spine to act as a rudder and help with her ballance.

Then her opponent had the audacity to copy her attack from earlier, coming toward her right side, aiming his shoulder to hit hers. A growl rumbled in her throat as she took the hit, but stepped to her left as it hit so that the fluid motion of her paws would take most of the force. It was sure to cause some light bruising, but so would simply bumping into a tree or the like so she wasn't concerned. However, she was a bit more concerned with bite that he managed to place just behind her right foreleg. It was a shallow bite, but it certainly caused blood to run down the back of her leg and it gave a sharp sting with every movement. With that bite she knew for sure he was mimicking her attack from before and she quickly stepped to the side, moving her hind leg out of his path to save from having two bites to deal with later.

"Quit your mind games!" she snarled out as she whipped her head back toward him. Since his last attack had left them so that their heads were by each other's tails she quickly tucked her tail under her to protect it while at the same time snapped at his tail. Should her teeth make their mark she would clamp down on his tail and jerk her head to her left side to hopefully pull him off balance a bit before she let go of the appendage. She would then shove her right shoulder into his hip, knowing well enough that it would cause some bruising for the both of them, but she didn't much care. If it knocked him off balance it would be worth it. Lastly, she would dip her head lower to aim a quick bite at his right hind leg, wanting to place a bite similar to the one she had already left on his left hind leg, wanting to slow him up even more.

ROUND: 3 of 3

DEFENSES: Eyes narrowed, teeth bared, ears pinned back, paws spaced evenly, toes spread, claws dug in, knees bent, muscles tensed, shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunched and hackles raised, tail out for balance and then tucked under her out of the way, head tucked down over her throat

ATTACK: Snapping at his tail to clamp down on it and use it to pull him off balance, hitting her shoulder against his hip to cause brusing and knock him off balance, and snapping to leave a small bite mark on his lower hind leg
