
I'll dissolve when the rain pours in

Twig I


05-22-2014, 06:03 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2014, 06:04 PM by Twig I.)

It felt like their hearts would meld, both having been broken but fitting together so perfectly. Her breathing would match his own as her whole being would just enjoy his subtle touch. Happiness would return to her being, the warmth of pure joy returning to her much too saddened eyes. All of the wrongs done to her would slip from her mind, the shackles of sorrow lifting their hold. He was the key to opening her heart once again, to let love and life back in again. He would whisper her name lovingly, sending shivers of desire down her spine. She could hardly ignore the pressing of her heat upon her emotions. Their scents would mingle as her sweet aroma would drive them closer, their simple contact suddenly becoming not enough. She wanted to be closer, wanted to feel him all around her and all over as her skin begged for his touch.
Her lips would pull back into a shy smile as he would compliment her beauty. In those few words he would allow her an inkling into just how deeply he cared for her. She would wonder how long their feelings had been growing, how long it had been that she would deny the love of her best friend. "You're the most wonderful man in the world, Alpine." her voice would take on a wanton tone, the obvious desire slipping into her vocals as she let herself get lost in the infinite ocean of his gaze. Softly touching her muzzle to his cheek her tongue would slide out to slowly yet passionately kiss him again. White lashes would bat over violet orbs in a blissful manner, the loving touch sending sparks to travel over her body. A soft, eager whimper sliding past lustful lips.?

"Talk" Think "You"



05-22-2014, 06:29 PM
Their words and their touches would increase in need and emotion as the two embraced. It was clear how deeply they cared for each other and how they wanted to spend the rest of their days together. He was losing himself in the power of her scent, as she was clearly doing as well, by her wanting wines and nuzzles. He drew a breath into his muzzle as he gently moved her, rolling her slightly with touch as he moved her enough to give him the freedom to rise. He was doing his best to be obvious, but sweet to give her any chance in the world to turn away his advances. He would nuzzle his head against her neck, and murmur his love for her in sweet tones that whispered against the furs that lay there. He nuzzled gently, then harder, pushing his head into her neck as he moved his body up and over. He would cover her with his entire being as he kept his head close to her, to her neck and breathed his love in soft tones against her. ?I love you, now and forever? he whispered as he..


Twig I


05-22-2014, 08:08 PM

All of who she was and what made her breath she wanted to give to Alpine. She wished deeply that she would be able to give him a whole heart, but her broken pieces seemed to be completely cherished by the man who would finally call her his own. She would never want anything to be different between them, the pristine love he made flood through her veins would excite and awaken her wilting soul. With soft nuzzles and girlish whines her body would urge him on, a deep breath taken as his touch would shift her. Thoughts would become encompassed by the building passion, the electricity she felt buzzing between their bodies as his gentle movements triggered her subdued instincts. She would give herself to him willingly, trusting him wholly with her previously abused physique. She felt a nervousness flare up within her as his nuzzles were lain upon her neck, her only other experience causing fear to interfere with her feelings of pure submission to him.
The sound of her nervousness would be echoed in her pleading whines, but his gentle voice would caress her fears away. His loving sensual lyrics would soothe her completely, her last reservations melting away as his chest would meet with her back. Her breath would stick in her throat as she gasped at the sudden explosion of fire over her skin. She would push her body closer to his, raw instinct guiding her movement as she coaxed him along. The flames that coursed over her frame would burn away everything but her complete love and need for the man she would call her own. He had saved her two times over, and now would bring her relief of the unbearable craving she had for him. Gasping for breath her form would melt against him, wanting him to touch every inch of her. It was so obvious how completely different this perfect love was to her very first time, so eager was she now to have him. ?Silver lips would whisper his undying love for her, as Twig found herself gasping his name. "Alpine." Luscious two toned curls would be shifted from his path as liquid movements would bring them together as one. She would moan in evident ecstasy as he fully made her his own.
Never would the girl have expected her absolute desire for Alpine's love. Her traumatizing experience two seasons ago would almost completely turn her away from any sensual touch. Alpine would easily release her fears, instead of crippling pain he would only offer complete bliss and untainted love. His name would remain upon her lips as the two of them collapsed onto the earth, tight embrace still remaining in the waning moon's light. Her breath would come in tired gasps as the remnants of her needy cries caught within her respiration. Her skin was warm as pleasant embers would keep as a reminder of the pleasure experienced. She would wrap herself in his protective embrace as her body was carefully nudged into his warm belly. A sense of completeness would envelop her as the perfection of their coupling would overwhelm her causing her skin to tingle with the euphoric feeling. Her toes would curl with waves of intoxicating ecstasy. Her heartbeat still hammering against her chest as she would think about her current realities. "Alpine.. I.." she would giggly nervously as she became embarrassed by her enthusiasm for his touch burying her features into his neck. Her tired vocals bringing forth a melodic hum.?




05-22-2014, 08:43 PM
[Image: kPxY7Jv.png]

Quote:Twig was truly and wholly his now, he would look down at the form tucked against his chest and no it for truth. For good or for worse he would be there for her, ensure her complete happiness, protect and guide her as best as he could. She was fully and wholly his responsibility and it was a fact he welcomed and embraced? so long as he was here he would see to it that harm never befall her again. He drew her in, and held her close. He could feel her soft breathing against him, feel every part of her that touched him and feel complete in a way he never had before.
?Yes my Twig?? he would ask her gently as she spoke

Twig I


05-22-2014, 09:16 PM

His soft loving touch would envelope her being, his gentle caresses smoothing her thick fur. Their breathing would come in time, the rhythmic breath soothing her more as muscles relaxed and let go. His tight grip around her assuring her of the reality of the most recent events. She was his and he was hers, no one would tear them apart. The consequences of their decision would far away from her mind as her enjoyment of Alpine's touch would overwhelm her senses. Thoughts of her family and her pack would keep themselves within the crevices of her mind, keeping themselves hidden away from their perfect first night. As her words left satisfied lips Alpine's breath was at her ear. "I.. Hmm.. Thank you Alpine. For showing me how powerful love can be." her glowing features would offer him a tired kiss, his sweet taste flooding her senses. "and being so gentle and caring and.." her gaze would search for his brilliant orbs, "so perfect for me." there was no other way to describe their intimacy but that.?

Talk like this



05-22-2014, 09:24 PM

Twig was clearly utterly happy with the outcome of events, and that more than anything calmed the boy as lay next to her. Never had he been in such a peaceful situation before, with warmth against him and the soft air about them cool and welcoming. The light of the moon was more than enough to show their features, to soften and bring to life the silvers in Twig?s coat. He found himself laughing softly at her words, as she spoke of the power of love, and he wrapped a paw about her frame, his breath against her ear. ?My dear Twig? he whispered again against her coat.

?Always, and thank you for accepting me my sweet, and for always being the one? he murmured softly to her now. It was hard to imagine that after all this she was finally in his arms as though they belonged together. There was nothing but happiness running through his veins now as he held her. ?What do you want to do my dear? My future is yours.. so how do you want to spend it??


Twig I


05-22-2014, 10:11 PM

Their mingling warmth would soothe the girl as she lay satisfied beside her mate, his gentle breathing brining her to a lull as her weak will power begged to stay awake with him. She didn't want this moment to ever end, she would stay with him forever in that warm sand. With the moons gentle light upon them, sending rays of pure silver upon their close pelts. She would take in his soft words with a tired smile, sighing peacefully at his possessive words. He would go on to return her giddy confession, as slate covered paws would slide to his neck. How much had the pair gone through to get where they were in that moment? All of the terrible trials and emotions that went in to building such a perfect union. She was right where she had always belonged, and never did she want to leave.
Alpine would go on, speaking of their future days together and of her desires of those times to come. She would respond with a sigh, her ears pinning to her skull as ruthless thoughts would try to encompass her relaxing state. If she could ever have a single wish come true it was that she and alpine could stay and relive this night over and over again. "I want to stay right here. I never want you to let me go.." she would wrap her paws around his neck as her lips moved to rest on his own. The future would wait for tomorrow, she wasn't finished with her night.?




05-22-2014, 11:26 PM

He didn't know how much of the night had passed, he had lost track of the time somewhere along the line and such a trival thing no longer seemed no matter. He and Twig had their entire lives out before them, if they wanted lie here in eachothers arms until the night and even the day was gone, then that would be okay with him. He would sigh again into her coat, relaxed and peaceful and loving every minite of it.

He had asked her of their futute, of where she wanted to go from here. Yet it would seem she had no further plans then this day, wanted nothing more then to lay in his arms. She leaned forward and kissed him again and he returned it with a spark of passion. She was right, tomorrow was for another day, right now there was only this.


Twig I


05-22-2014, 11:45 PM

From the movement the moon had gone through it was apparent that much time had been lost as they explored each other for the first time. Taking no care in time or space she would just submerge herself in the moment with Alpine. He would let himself heave a sigh into her plush fur, their bodies relaxing into the sand that surrounded them. She didn't want to live in any realm but the present, but as the moments slid past her long white lashes would fall quickly. There were no more words needed between the two as a perfect silence settled over their electric kiss. Twig would close her eyes blissfully as the enjoyment of his touch tickled her toes. He was all she needed, this magical night resparking her craving for life. Another whine would leave her lips as her tired features finally slipped to the sandy surface of their bed. The sky's brilliant lights shining down happily at the newly united couple. "I love you, Alpine." she'd whisper as her lidded gaze looked up to his features.?




05-23-2014, 04:57 PM

It was so calm, and peacful and quite, that he could barely imagine the night ever ending. He wouldn't have minded really if it hadn't, he would have simply spent the rest of his life curled up in her arms. He would sigh again softly, a sound of utter contenment as she herself seemed to slid into the bed ? they where both growing tired. He pulled her in close, and dared to believe that after everything she was actually his. Curled about her, protecting her body and mind from all the world. ?And I to you my sweet Twig.. now I dare anyone to try mess with you? he chuckled softly, curling his paws gently into her coat as he held her close. No one was gona mess with her, not now and not ever.

With that content thought on his mind he would rest hs head against the base of her neck and fell himself slowly drifting off to sleep, yes, tomorrow's concerns would be for tomorrow, he didn't want to taint this memory with any worrying thoughts, so he cleared his mind and thought of nothing but Twig as he allowed himself to drift contently off.

Twig I


05-23-2014, 06:10 PM

The fog of perfection that surrounded her would keep itself wrapped around their bodies. It's gentle whispers caressing her body as Alpine would hold her close. She loved being curled up in his grasp, the way she felt so safe and worry free. His relaxed sigh would lull her further into blissful happiness, his embrace pulling her in tighter. His arms were as a castle wall, keeping all of her dark thoughts from entering her pure mind. Not a thing in the world could hurt her. Sweet whispered words were brought to her ear as her eyes closed. Her featured were buried in his plush fur as his head would lay upon her neck. Thoughts of Alpine would consume her consciousness as their breathing would begin to even. Sleep would take them.?
