
Batari Tests Her Jaws Pt1


06-15-2014, 02:19 AM
Batari lumbered through the grass, making no effort to move silently. Batari had made her way this far, from the distant southern coasts, and now, here, in this place, she smelled the blood of constant battle, and it excited her. This place would be hers. This was where she could obey her true nature, and unleash all the rage and agression that broiled within her. This was where she would slake her lust for vicious battle.

The temptation to charge forth and sink her teeth into the neck of the first thing she saw was tremendous, and the savage almost gave into that urge. However, her instincts told her such action would limit her time in battle. Perhaps first she should test herself against some other wolves, their prey was no match for her; but from what she could observe, the wolves held more of a challenge. However, Batari had also noticed that these wolves seemed to have some unspoken code, where they did not kill one another simply because they could. This was a weakness she could exploit in time; but for now she was aware that if she held back, so also would her foes. In this way she could learn of their strengths, and test hers against them. Once she learned their ways, It was only a matter of time before her jaws reigned supreme.

Batari lowered her head, tail curling between her legs, and teeth bared in a snarl. "Batari will fight!" She barked in her savage and simple way. "You will fight Batari!" The heavy and sizable wolf braced herself for their actions, observing the enemy she had called out, and readying herself to react to their advances, weather it be by attempting to avoid them to lessen the damage, or taking a hit in order to deal a more savage one. Her ears, were flat against her skull as she snarled in challenge and anticipation. She had seen wolves fight, some would use strength and charge like Batari preferred, others would use speed and tricks like many of the lizards Batari knew how to fight.

_ _ _

Batari VS ???
Defense: Batari lowered her head, tail curling between her legs...The heavy and sizable wolf braced herself for their actions, observing the enemy she had called out, and readying herself to react to their advances, weather it be by attempting to avoid them to lessen the damage, or taking a hit in order to deal a more savage one. Her ears, were flat against her skull as she snarled in challenge and anticipation.

Attack: None, First turn

Injuries: None, First turn

Notes: Its my first time; but I'll try my best. All welcome.


06-15-2014, 02:52 AM

The man would return to the lands. He had been gone for some time, having taken his leave shortly after slaughtering a woman unknown, but oh how the kill had thrilled him. It hadn't been the first time he had mauled and slaughtered another creature like him, but the taste of wolf blood was simply to die for, was it not? Jet's large frame would caress the grounds of the battle field, aqua eyes narrowed as he sought out the scene before him. He was intent on finding out what had changed, what was different, or if anything had changed at all. He wondered if Glaciem was still intact, or if a new pack had risen that was more proven and better then his former pack. Sneer would rise on his face, the male growing excited at the prospect of seeking a more powerful pack.

The taint of blood would surround him, taunting him. Teasing his senses. And not only that, but a voice as well would draw him. He heard a cry upon the winds, and instantly he changed his course towards the call that demanded attention. It beckoned him, and the black devil would answer. After all, was it not the polite thing to do? The Aquarion outcast skirted around a larger boulder, the one who so foolishly called a challenge now in his views. A woman? Well, perhaps she would be more of a challenge then the last one he so cruelly tore apart. Limb from limb, in a literal manner. He missed the taste of blood. He had enjoyed that time, when the foolish lady had crossed his path, her bones cracking and snapping from their sockets as he slowly pulled them from her still live body. The Seracian woman had stood no chance, and neither did this one.

Without waiting, the ash cloaked male would charge. Hackles rose along his frame, tail aligned with his spine, ears flattened to his head, eyes narrowed, abdomen tensed, claws digging into the earth for traction, toes splayed, teeth bared and jaws splayed, and his head and chin tucked and lowered to protect his vitals. Shoulders rolled forward in the same motion he would use to slam into her from the right, left shoulder jutting forward in a mad attempt to knock her over and try to unbalance her. Jaws unhinged, a vicious snarl erupting from his gaping maw as teeth would attempt to come down, and he would try to grab a hold between her shoulder blades. His aim here, was to cause immense pain and possibly handicap her movements. Should he hit his mark, he would use his left paw to try and sweep her closest paw to him, another attempt to unbalance her and make her fall.

Fight Stats

Jet VS Batari--Spar

Round: 1/3

Defenses: last paragraph

Attacks: Attempting to slam into her right side with his left shoulder. Attempt to bite in between her shoulder blades. Attempt to unbalance her with his left forepaw.

Injuries: None; first round.

Out Of Character Notes: Good luck c: I too, am learning still ^^;

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


06-15-2014, 02:10 PM
Batari watched the other wolf approach. He was about as tall as she; but his body was scrawny compared to the bulk of her muscles. Batari could tell in the brief moment before stillness exploded into action, that she easily outweighed him. In that moment she could also anticipate his charge by the way of his stance and the way his weight shifted before he exploded into motion. Shifted her weight in anticipation and as he approached to tackle with his shoulder, Batari turned and lurched forward to drive her own shoulder into his. The impact was jarring because he too was a larger wolf, and had the advantage of momentum on his side; but she was not knocked down, Bruised certainly, and her paws scraped the earth as she slid backwards someway; but she still stood.

Batari had learned from the reptiles that the underbelly was the weak point in nearly all creatures. She had killed many a lizard by getting at that soft place, and through this had learned that her belly was her weakest point, and to expose it to an enemy meant death. Thanks to the lurch forward Batari was not bit between the shoulder blades, but she grew angrier as she felt teeth rake her shoulder. He had drawn blood first. Batari would not forgive this! His paw hooked around her paw, and scratched it with his claws as he tried to tip her forward; but all her weight having moved on to that leg kept her from being toppled. In that moment, Batari threw her rear legs to her left allowing for greater force behind her sudden turn. His head has been to the right of hers to attack her side, and so she now twisted her body and her head to snap at his left shoulder.

Blood for blood was the undertone in the vicious snarl that loosed from deep within her throat. As she attempted the bite, she lurched forward, her hind legs pressing hard against the earth, claws digging in to allow her to utilize the whole of her superior mass to try to drive back the other wolf. If she was fortunate she might cause him to fall, if not she would at least feel better about the ache in her shoulder from when he charged into it. As she moved, she tried to gain greater leverage by scratching at his left side with her left paw.

Batari kept in mind her balance, and kept her center of mass low, this foe had already proven he preferred to topple his foes, so she was going to be warry of that. Her muscles were tensed to try to protect her from his attacks, and Batari remained ready to move should she feel him attempting to turn the attack on her to get at her neck.

- - -

Batari VS Jet

Batari's right shoulder was bruised as she turned it to bash into Jet's right one when he tried to charge her.
Batari's right shoulder was lightly wounded by Jet's teeth.
Batari's right paw was scratched by his claws when he tried to trip her.

Batari turned her body and shifted her weight into her right shoulder to meet his left one which he had used to lead a tackle at her.
Batari turned her body and snapped at his neck/left shoulder because his head had been to her immediate right.
Batari scratched at his left side with her left paw, as she shoved forward attempting to knock him down.

Batari kept in mind her balance, and kept her center of mass low, this foe had already proven he preferred to topple his foes, so she was going to be warry of that. Her muscles were tensed to try to protect her from his attacks, and Batari remained ready to move should she feel him attempting to turn the attack on her to get at her neck.

The Judge


06-20-2014, 03:41 PM
Default to BANTARI

Due to JET not responding to this challenge, BANTARI is the winner.

JET must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.