
Moonlit Madness



7 Years
06-10-2014, 11:08 AM

The flow of the river was calming, a soft sound that all creatures dream to hear while they slumber. It is the ultimate song of the waters, a song that never fails to be heard; or to cease. It draws them in with its soothing sound, as it has done with a red female. She walked along the damp earth, her claws kicking up the soft dirt that laid to the side of the river. Looking over her shoulder, she saw that her prints were not sticking, no proof that she had even been there. It was calming to know that, no one would know that she had been here. With a heavy sigh she walked forward once more, the sand sucking at her paws.

Ekko glanced out at the water, her eyes glittering in the moonbeams. The moon light danced across the waters surface, almost like a single ray had been shattered into a million little pieces. It extended across the entire mass of liquid. It was mesmerizing, drawing the female towards it. She longed to race into the water, but she wasn't the strongest swimmer. Even the calm rivers pull would easily suck her deep into its belly, and she would never be seen again. She shuttered, forcing her eyes to focus on the area before her. Ekko licked her lips, pulling in moisture that surrounded it.

There were so many other things that closed in on her mind, making her shake her head forcefully to scatter them. Her past was floating around in her mind, like it always did. Not one day could go by without it haunting her, it was an ever present drone in her mind. She cast her gaze into the sky, gazing across the vast expanse of pin-pricked lights. The stars held much meaning to her, she did believe that her pups were up there. She liked to believe that they were looking down on her, urging her to move forward with her life. She needed to move on, not to forget, but it was so hard. How could she ever stop feeling the deep sadness she did for her lost ones? They were killed before her very eyes! Every time she spoke she was reminded of her past. Every time she didn't hear anything out of her left ear she remembered their screams. Every time she saw her scar she thought of being left there to die. Every time she saw another wolf, she thought of the damage they could do to her. She could trust no one, and was always scared when she did. This meant that she was always on the alert, as much as she could with only one hearing ear. Thankfully her other senses had grown stronger to accommodate the loss.

Ekko was trying to focus on the things around her, but the sound of the water was so easy to hear. She was walking with her one hearing ear closest to the waters edge, meaning that all she could hear was the lapping of the liquid. Her nose was being assaulted by the freshness of the water, as well as her mouth. Her eyes had to do all the work, the pale blue orbs dancing across the expanse of land in front of her. She had to be aware, she couldn't lose focus...

[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]



2 Years
06-10-2014, 02:28 PM

Claws dug into the ground easily, and the creature moved closer, her companion, a Vampire Bat, crawling up on her head before he spotted something and let out a low hiss. "My Queen. Another wolf is nearby, and I cannot tell if she has innocent intentions. Do you wish for me to attack her?" Hestia shook her head and moved closer to the wolf, her tail brushing against her haunches ever so slightly. Then she spoke, her voice hard and angry, her blue eyes narrowed in something that resembled anger as she moved closer to the other wolf. "No, little one. If she has innocent intentions, if she's agressive, it doesn't matter to me. All that matters to me now is that I prove that I'm a winter night. And I need to kill to do that." The vampire bat, Little Steve, froze for a minute at his master's harsh voice, then dipped his head and muttered a few words. "As you wish, My Queen. I will be in a tree if you need me. Just howl, and I will be there as fast as I can fly."

With that, he flew away, although he din't seem strange, a small bat flying across the sky. In fact, now that her blue eyes adjusted to the black night, she saw more bats flying, letting out high pitched noises, and Hestia turned her head to the wolf who was getting slowly closer. Like a shadow, Hestia slipped beside her, and smiled at where her servant was, before letting out a low growl and whipping around to face the other wolf, and in an instant she had been about to lunge. This older wolf wouldn't stand a chance against her, not if she pushed her in the river. Or maybe she could sink her fangs into that skull of hers and crunch so hard that it broke bones. Most everything would be violent and involve blood, but she knew that being fast would be her best guess, and maybe she could just maim. Yes, she would just try to blind this wolf, or maybe rip an ear off, and leave her to stay wherever until she got better. Although killing would be more her style, she didn't want to leave fur in the other's claws so they could track her.

With a movement as quick as lightning, Hestia would lunge at the other wolf's eyes, aiming to blind her. If this didn't happen, then she would try and rip off an ear. If she didn't manage that, then she would aim to either bite her throat or shove her in the river.




8 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-10-2014, 05:11 PM
Hati Hr??vitnisson

Hati stalked through Arcanum land in a huff. There was sickness, disease rampant in the territories, and it was pissing him off. It made his skin crawl, seeing the bloody-eyed, sickly wolves that someone was just letting wander the fuck around like some they were all fine or something. It was gross and quite frankly he'd been avoiding it as much as possible.

Which was how he was here, by the river, rather than his usual haunt in the woods - which was apparently everyone else's haunt these days - just in time to see an older pup cross the boundary markers. His gold eyes narrowed on the small form. She couldn't possibly be more than six months, too old even for it to be one of Daegmar's whelps come back to see Mommy even though the color was right. His nose quivered as he caught the scent blowing back. Well, that was the clincher. The pup was from another pack, and not the pack he'd helped Daegmar drag the brats off to dump on Loki either. Intruder.

He moved closer, moving to parallel the young girl as he considered what to do. He didn't know the pack scent on her, and he should probably just be polite and ask her to run back home and not wander onto their lands again... but that wasn't Hati. Little bitch had chosen to come on Arcanum lands and would get spanked for it, but how harsh he could be was what he was considering when he realized that the girl had honed in on another wolf.

For a beat Hati thought this new stranger was yet another intruder, but a quick sniff revealed new Arcanum scent overlaying hers... though slightly different than he was used to with the changes. So, a packmate then. She didn't look like much.

Pup must have thought so too, because she was suddenly angling in to attack. Hati's jaws gaped in a vicious grin. So the pup thought she was going to get away with attacking one of his packmates on their territory, did she? Well, he'd been itching to get out some of his aggression, though a pup would be so below his skill level that it was laughable. He set his defenses even as he moved, stance squaring with his weight centered and evenly distributed, his body lowering into a near crouch, tail flagged for balance level with his spine. Head too held neutral spine and pulled back as his shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck, chin tilted down to cover his throat. His ears pinned back to nearly disappear into his raised hackles, eyes narrowed. Defenses surely not necessary against such a young and inexperienced opponent, but the inexperienced ones were so unpredictable.

Bounding forward he cut in perpendicular to the pup, coming in between her and her prey and taking the bite meant for the Arcanum wolf's eyes on his right shoulder. It sliced, though not deeply because she was young, it was still long, running from the front of his shoulder down four inches, enough to bleed though it wouldn't hinder him too much.

Immediately he retaliated, his weight dropping to his hindquarters to allow him to strike out with his right paw, intending to slap down the pup with a strike to her ribs just behind the shoulder. As he did he threw his weight forward once more, jaws agape and reaching for her head, aiming to at least close on her left ear and shred it, or yes... even better slice across her whole tiny face. He wanted to leave a permanent scar, to maim her face and teach her a lesson about crossing him. He intended for this insolent little brat to remember this encounter for the rest of her life.

Fight Stats

Hati vs Hestia for Maim (facial scarring)

Round: 1 of ?

Defenses: stance squaring with weight centered and evenly distributed, body lowered, tail flagged level with his spine. Head held neutral spine and pulled back, shoulders rolled forward, chin tilted down, ears pinned back, raised hackles, eyes narrowed

Attacks: paw strike to ribcage just behind shoulder, bite (maim intended) to face

Injuries: four inch long shallow slice on shoulder

Out Of Character Notes: Not sure if Ekko technically has to also be in the fight or if Hati can just protect her so I left her name out of the versus but you get the idea.

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
06-10-2014, 06:00 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Burning? burning, always burning. D?gmar was wandering along the borders of Arcanum out of some stubborn desire to patrol the borders, to make herself useful despite the fact she was still recovering from her illness. The cure had been found and she was finally disease free but even so her mind still itched with the afterburn of the visions that had plagued her thoughts. It had made her irritable and moody and not quite yet ready to hold the next training session. She would give her fellows more time to recover.

Fog hissed along the ground toward her as the wind shifted, bringing with it the scent of a stranger. She growled. What fool wandered so close to their borders? D?gmar moved in the direction of the scent, her lope breaking into a dead run as she caught another scent high on adrenaline? reeking of it. What fucking idiot dared tresspass against Arcanum? She would make the call from this day forth anyone stupid enough to cross their borders was to be maimed on sight. They needed to start sending a message to these fools.

D?gmar came upon the scene in time to see a young femme, 6 months or so attacking an odd? fox?. thing. Hati was on the scene diving right for the girl and his intent looked positively murderous. She grinned. Good man. Time to start sending a message. Hati was perpendicular to the girl, forming a right angle with her as the fighters entangled.

Lithe and supple frame tensed, her abdomen tightening as her legs coiled. It was the she caught the scent of Arcanum on the fox-wolf and her lips spread, revealing her ivory fangs. This stranger was attacking a packmate? Oh she was going to wish she was dead. D?gmar's defenses set rapidly, fur and hackles stood on end, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, neck scrunched back as shoulders rolled forward. Her neck and tail aligned with her spine as her weight distributed evenly across her limbs. Splayed toes and claws dug into the earth as she launched herself at the night black girl attempting to close the distance and bring herself perpendicular to Hestia's right side.

Upper body lifted as parted jaws sought to seize the young pups spine, right in front of her hips where the fur and fat was thinnest in hopes of seizing a strong hold and maybe edging a tooth between the vertebrae to trigger serious pain and inflammation if she couldn't crack a vertebrae. Her right front leg lifted as she attempted to drape the limb over Hestia's back, right in the middle. The left front limb, also raised in the lunge, sought to rest across the top of Hestia's hips. D?gmar's momentum and weight was shifted to the front, both of which she was hoping to use to push the pup violently to the ground.

D?gmar and Hati vs Hestia

For Maim [Hati going for permanent facial scarring, D?gmar for temporary nerve damage]

Round: 1 of ?

Attack: Fangs aiming for spine right in front of the hips for grip and to crack a vertebrae or ease a tooth inbetween them to cause serious pain and inflammation. Seeking to drape right front leg over middle of back and left front leg across hips to put her weight over Hestia and force her to the ground.

Defenses: Abdoment tight, fur and hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, neck and tail aligned with spine, weight distributed evenly across limb, splayed toes, claws dug into earth.


ooc: nope!

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]


06-10-2014, 06:39 PM

It had started off as a good day. her rage and paranoia subsiding as Cru's symptoms lessened. He wasn't even bleeding from his eyes anymore and his fever had finally broken in less then a day. So it was time. She had left Orchid to take care of administering the cure to their own before gathering up a bundle in a large leaf and setting off towards Arcanum lands where hopefully Sibelle was settling in well enough. Of course. Nothing was that simple. Nothing was ever that simple unfortunately. Sounds reached her before the sights and immediately she broke into a lope. Cat had mentioned having issues with trespassers and Vi was more then ready to help. But as she crested the hill that lead down to the grand she was greeted with a less then pleasant sight and immediately the bundle would drop from her jaws. Hestia was slithering from the shadows and lunging at a seemingly unaware woman trying to go for the eyes. Her daughter. Was attacking an ally. Her eyes widened and immediately a dark rage rolled through her with overwhelming power. She barely took note of the other two, head tipping back to let out a urgent howl for Sibelle that was cut short by the fact that she was upon them in an instant.

She would throw herself in front of the woman that was to be attacked before turning harsh rage to the two coming to attack her daughter, a hard bark of warning sent their way. "SHE IS MY DAUGHTER. I WILL PUNISH HER MYSELF!" Vi half snapped and half shrieked, rushing forward to attempt to snatch Hestia up at the scruff and lift her away from it all but at the same time ready to throw herself at the two charging at them. She was furious, angry beyond belief. She was not above letting the pair maim her child while she held the bitch down. How DARE she attack an ally. How DARE she threaten the peace they had? Especially when Sibelle was just newly in charge. And how DARE she trespass. Vi was snarling now, ready to chase Hestia down should she try and flee. She would maim the child herself if need be. There was no excuse for this, not reason for her to be acting like a maniac. Vi couldn't have that, couldn't have one of her own children running around threatening the peace. She would do what she had to to protect herself and the good of her family.



06-10-2014, 06:50 PM

Things had been fairly peaceful, aside from her own nice trespassing, but that hadn't been a problem. But now, Vi's howl echoed across her home, demanding her presence. Brows would furrow, what was so urgent? The newly appointed Queen would pick up from a lope, heading straight towards the red Queen. It would not take to navigate the forest and arrive on the scene. But the scene the unfolded before her was not one she expected. Ekko was cowering, her poor little Ekko, and two old Arcanum members charged a familiar dark figure. Hestia. And then there was Vi, standing between all of them, raging rolling off her in powerful waves. "What in the hell is going on?" Her powerful voice traveled over the sounds of snarls as the russet Queen positioned herself between Ekko and the raging battle. Verdant gaze looked over to two wolves before finding Vi's lantern gaze. A brow lifted, demanding that someone answer her. This was after all her home, her land. Hackles bristled lightly along her back, ears falling loosely against her skull. What had caused two grown wolves to attack a child? Surely they were not so cruel as to attack without reason? She had heard Vi speaking of punishing her daughter, which only further her curiosity. Why did Hestia need punishing now? Her gaze would drop to the pup, hardening with irritation. The girl always seemed to be in places she didn't belong.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
06-10-2014, 08:52 PM

Innocence was at times complete and utter bliss. Ekko was deaf to the world around her as the sound of the flowing waters soothed her to the very core. It was easy for her to drone out all other noises to focus on the one she cared for, the one sound that eased her haunting memories. She was completely unaware of what was about to unfold before her, the girl simply kept plotting along the edge of the river. The ground rose and fell, only the sound of the river comforting her. It wasn't until a growl reached her one working ear did the dame spin around, looking on with wide eyes as a ebony stranger rushed in front of her, a similar coloured pup then biting into his shoulder. Ekko froze in place, a paw frozen in mid-air as she was caught in the middle of walking. She was completely shocked at to what was happening, as well as blind to the events that had happened mere moments ago. She had no idea that the little pup had aimed that blow at her.

The stranger smelled of the old Arcanium, not yet had he met Sibelle and claimed her scent and his new rank. There was little time to dwell on this however, because it seemed that there was a full out war about to unfold. Another stranger with the same Arcanium scent soon followed, although instead of jumping in front of Ekko she went straight for the pup. Fear pounded in her heart, not only for the pup but for the sheer mass of wolves who seemed to be appearing. Before long yet another female pounded down towards them, snatching the pup from the assaulting wolves jaws. The red and white female had yet to move from her position, just looked on with startled blue eyes. What the heck was happening? Was Ekko at fault for this unruly battle?

The appearance of Sibelle eased the girls mind, her raised paw finally lay flat on the earth. The Queen looked around, asking what was happening. "I honestly have no idea Miss Sibelle." She said, her accent standing out among the voice of the two females. It was obvious that this strange looking wolf was not from this land, and had not been here long enough to adapt. Still wide-eyed, Ekko looked at the sea of faces before her, unsure of what to even do. It had all happened so fast, and three wolves had jumped in front of her to protect her. Did she truly mean that much to these wolves, to these two strangers? Sibelle was before her now and she touched her damp nose to her russet flank, thanking her silently for coming. She was the only one she knew in this mass of strange wolves, the very one that had claimed her as her own.

[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]



2 Years
06-11-2014, 02:54 PM

The girl's bite had missed completely, because an ebony male had lunged in the way, and Hestia let out a low growl before feeling a strong bite on her face, and blood going down her face. Blood landed on her white paw, and her tiny body began to shake with fear as another wolf lunged, sinking her jaws into her. Hestia closed her eyes and was about to drop to the ground when her mother held her down, and the ebony girl only laid there, a soft shivering sigh going throw her body as she licked the blood landing easily on the ground, and she laid her head down, and began to think about what her sister would think if they ever got her back.

A soft howl escaped her jaws, and the vampire bat companion flew out of the tree. Hestia opened her eyes and watched as he hovered over Viridiana and the rest, a horrified expression clearly written on his face. "What......What did they do to you? That scratch........." He said, softly, and Hestia barely managed to turn her head and look at him. "What do you want me to do?" He asked, and Hestia said nothing, only shook her head. The vampire bat lowered himself so that he could press himself next to her. "Go, you can't stay here. Please......I don't want you to get hurt." Hestia said softly, and her companion nodded before slipping from the other wolves and flying away.




8 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2014, 01:25 PM

Be careful making wishes in the dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
The feeling of flesh parting beneath his fangs, the splash of blood in his mouth, the cry of pain from the injured, these were familiar and friendly feelings for the big male. New was the sensation of Daegmar beside him, her dark form somehow as familiar and comforting as the battle itself. No one he'd trust more in that position. Her own jaws had locked into the intruder's body as well, but suddenly they were not alone... and this form he did not trust. Her strident shriek sounded in his ears, a harpy cry claiming the child as her own, and Hati backed off with teeth bared as much in distaste as anything, backed off not out of her demand but because he preferred a little distance to gauge what he would do next.


That's what his senses were telling him, yet another wolf from a different pack walking onto their territory as though they had some right to it, as if they owned it. A growl rose in his chest, the urge to rip and tear this arrogant trespasser, to give her a scar to match her precious child's new decoration, but the appearance of another stranger drew his ire. He didn't know her either, but she bore the same scent as the packmate the pup had attacked - Arcanum's, but different. Was he missing something, here?

The newcomer demanded, yes demanded to know what was going on, and Hati, whose anger was not spent entirely on his short and unsatisfying attack on the pup, nearly told her to mind her own damn business and go back to the much more serious and interesting business of shredding the trespassers but stopped himself at the last moment, momentarily distracted by the by-play between the brat and her bat friend. Instead he turned blazing gold gaze back to glaring at both mangled child and her harpy mother, content to leave the explanation to Daegmar - which was probably to the best, honestly.

And besides in the meantime
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
06-15-2014, 10:01 AM

Fangs ripped into flesh as D?gmar's attack was successful, her weight brought the little one crashing to the ground. D?gmar released her grip even before the whelp's mother came charging onto the scene, she had no plans to shred a youngling that had the sense to show submission when she was beaten. D?gmar backed away from the pup and eyed the woman who was also trespassing. But as long as she was planning to take the whelp out of here D?gmar would do and say nothing that might impede the crimson wolf. Speaking of crimson? D?gmar found herself staring. This woman was bright freaking red! But her attention soon fell on a russet woman who was speaking to the pack member they'd just saved. She too smelt of Arcanum and D?gmar did not know what to think of the way she spoke or acted. Seemed like she was a high ranking member? Duchess, perhaps? Either way she was new.

"We saw that whelp aiming to rip out the eyes of a packmember," she nodded toward Ekko. "and so we attacked. Age is no excuse but we will leave her for the mother to deal with."