
>> above the stars. [Spar]


05-08-2014, 09:32 PM
[Image: CP36izF.png]



Earth tones folded through the crevices of his toes. Nails lightly ripping at dusting earth as it was kicked behind him, painting the front of his canons and hocks in a layer of chocolate brown. Feet were tense and flat, a twitch flowing from the dock of his lowered tail up and through his brain stem, stopping at the base of his skull like a pulsing electric surge. As he walked he gave something of a switch, as though his skin were on fire, it was obvious this large brute was itching for a good spar, a warm-up yet also a steady, good natured and fulfilling fight.

A thunderous growl boiled in the caverns of his throat, lungs heaving in air as his blazing flesh allowed his hackles to raise on end, and the mane of his neck to thicken. Giving a shake to his dial the brute stopped where he was in the shadow of a large pine, the bugs crawling beneath his hue cause his bellowing snarl to quake free from his jaws, ivories hardly visible for a moment as saliva dripped from his jawline. Tongue wiping the lining clean of dripping frustration. Pent up energy ate away at his spine, and to rid himself of the overwhelming feeling, the brute leaned up against the base of a great pine, allowing his back to rub against it too and fro, slowly folding from side to side, scratching against the trunk in relate to a great bear. Slowly he pulled himself away, great jaws slowly bringing themselves upwards to point towards the heavens, allowing a great bellow of a call to sound out. A howl with the base of a thunderous tone, a rippling, deep throaty howl that curled from his lungs with ease, calling out into the early evening hours to find another.

Word Count - 306

Tags - Open Spar

Mood - Energized

OOC - Hoping for maybe 4 or 5 rounds, something small but substantial.

Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
05-10-2014, 10:03 PM
ooc: if you're cool fighting Sk? how about 4 rounds?

Looming at the border his broad nostrils took in the overwhelming smell of wolf, namely that of wolf blood. These must be the battlegrounds he'd heard so much about. Curious, as many cats were, he'd journeyed to this place to stretch his muscles and practice his skills against any number of opponents. He was uncertain if any of the wolves would take up a challenge from a tiger or not but while he did not necessarily get along with the creatures he rarely went out of his way to slay them and would show them respect if he received it in turn.

A howl caught the tiger's attention and he turned in that direction moving in a swift yet steady pace, muscles ripping beneath his bold orange coat til at last he saw the brute that had made the call. Tail twitching he approached. "I heard your call? would you battle one such as I?"


05-12-2014, 08:53 PM
[Image: CP36izF.png]



The large cat was difficult to miss, black and orange figure looming closer to the brute, large and overpowering in physique. His large self sent the black brute wolf in a state of momentary shock. He had heard the rumors of traveling big cats on the lands, wandering alone and in the shadows, seen by only a few. And yet here he was, standing in the very eye-line of a beast so much larger than himself. Silver optics widened significantly as the cat neared him, though the wolf quickly subsided back into a triggered sense of lust for sparing. Averting his gaze for a moment in order to keep kindness visible and at heart. Though shock still caused the brute to freeze in his step.

Auds peeled back as a smirk peeled across his maw. His vocals were deep, thunderous in tone, rolling over the still winds towards the tiger, "I have to say, i've heard the rumors though I haven't seen anyone like yourself till now." He looked over the tiger with a softer gaze, un-threatening and inviting though also still severe and jacked in tone. "With that said, it would be my pleasure to fight you." His smirk widened, the usually subsided brute who was more or less rude on occasion, was now a different wolf all together, now more eager than before to throw his best attacks forward.

As he prepared to the battle before him with such an unlikely opponent, he thought for a moment about how to set himself together. His paws planted firmly into the soft terrain, claws digging against the earth with sic a force in order to plant his paws into the ripped dirt, pulling weeds from their roots before standing still and wide, his chest parted and inflated as he breaths turned deeper and heavier, his dial lowered to shield his jugular and lower neck, tipping his nose down towards the earth and peering at his opponent through sharp silver eyes which are narrowed and protected, his auds peeled back against his skull. His thick, muscular neck tensed and arched over the top of his skull, pulling his maw towards his inflated chest, his haunches were braced behind him, a single hind leg pushed back and stiffened to prepare against fast charges. Stance remained wide and tense as he waited, a low snarl boiling in his chest, waiting to revive into the air, audible but buzzing like fly's incessantly.



Random Spar

Attacks - None.

Defenses - Head curled and neck tense. His muzzle is tucked against his chest to hide jugular and throat. He is positioned to face the opponent to absorb impact as best as possible. His stance is wide and stiff to give maximum impact cushioning. His chest is inflated to absorb impact as well. Eyes are drawn downward to shield and ears are pinned back to protect.

Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
05-31-2014, 11:19 AM

Hear my words that I might teach you

Take my arms that I might reach you

Whiskers twitched as the large cat watched the wolf curiously to see how he would react, all the while enjoying the sensation of being awe-inspiring. The wolves of Alacritis skewed larger than the wolves of his homeland and would stand a fairer change against a tiger than those of his birth place whom he'd learn to slay early as competition for food was tight, hence his eventual migration to this place.

Sk?lingr was surprised and pleased that the wolf agreed to fight him. Many might turn the other way or flee at the sight of him. It was a certain kind of bravery, and some might say stupidity, to fight a beast such as he but Sk?lingr was grateful for the opportunity to practice.

Like many of his kind Sk?lingr's fur stood on end. His thick siberian coat finally coming in in the cooler weather of late fall and early winter raised particularly down his spine and the ruff around his neck. Sk?linger's head tilted slightly forward as his chin lowered, jade green eyes narrowed as his lips pulled back unsheathing his massive canines. Ears pinned to his head as his shoulders rolled forward, his neck scrunching back. Limbs spread evenly apart as his razor sharp claws emerged from their velveteen housing, toes spread to grip the earth. The great cats spine curved lightly as his legs coiled and bent, winding him into a spring ready to pounce at the drop of an acorn. Tail aligned with his spine ready to act as a rudder when he finally attacked.

He eyed the wolf for a moment before taut muscles unfurled, launching the cat forward in a leap toward the wolf. Sk?linger hoped to close the distance between the two. The cat's right front leg reached out and sought to wrap across the wolf's left shoulder, claws seeking to dig into the flesh between his shoulder blades. The left front limb sought to wrap around the back of the wolf's neck, right behind the ears, claws also out for grip hoping to seize into the lower left side of the wolfs neck. Head twisted to the right as fangs aimed to latch onto the side of the wolf's muzzle, his top fangs aiming for the upper middle of Hinge's muzzle, lower fangs for midway between the chin and corner of the jaw. The tiger further hoped that if his attack were successful he could use his weight to drag the other down.

But my words like silent raindrops fell

And echoed in the wells of silence


06-01-2014, 05:39 PM
[Image: CP36izF.png]



His opponent seemed surprised, though the obsidian brute had to pull a brief smirk over his visage upon receiving the big cats silent shock and gentlemanly acceptance of understanding the wolf was enough to win him over quite easily. His spine itched as his nerves were sent into a frenzy. Just watching the massive cat prepare his defense and rally his encroaching attack upon the brute was simply adrenaline pinching. The ebony canine's shoulders pushed forward against his chest, his hackles risen on end abruptly.

He starred at the tiger, the orange and black quickly turning into a blur. The obsidian brute felt his heartbeat rush against his ribcage, thundering in his ears with a harsh form of excitement fueling it. Pupils dilated and his once silver gaze turned a deep grey. Like a charged firework the big cat sprung towards the wolf. Hinge braced, pulling his hind legs apart and bracing against his haunches as best as he could. The impact took his breath from his body for a moment, keeping his eyes on his opponent, his teeth bared wildly into the scene, snapping at the cats head located at his left side. A loud, dragged-on yelp sounded out from the bellows of his throat, echoing about the forestry as the large claws from the cat sunk into the gap between the wolf's whithers, his left shoulder immediately dropped in pain and he countered the tiger, pushing himself into the big cat he attempted to throw himself out from the grip, but also lift himself upon his haunches and seek to bite at the cats ear and cheek. He was stopped mid-attack as he felt the sharp sting of canines hit his maw, pulling a deep rip over the top of his muzzle and dragging back along his wrinkled flesh, opening the wound as blood smeared over his cheek wildly, and blended against his opponent. His jaws aimed at the big cats left ear and cheek. The wolf's right paw extended the claws to their full extent and sought to use them to rip just behind the big cat's left shoulder. If he were able to make a solid grip at the tigers ear and cheek, he would then use his small amount of flexibility he may have over the big cat to pull the tigers head down, and spin himself out of his grip by loosening Sk?lingers paw.



Random Spar

Attacks - Hinge will try to bite and pull down on Sk?linger's left ear and cheek. He will also try to grip/scratch right behind Sk?linger's left shoulder.

Defenses - None.
Injuries Sustained - Deep gash over the middle of his muzzle. Puncture wounds between shoulder blades.

Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
06-15-2014, 12:24 PM
ooc: having Sk?'s right front arm wrap around since it wasn't addressed sorry for any confusion! And the wait! <3

The wolf's jaws spun to snap at Sk?lingr but it was too late for the tiger's jaws closed over the brutes muzzle but the wolf was already twisting violently away and Sk? lost his grip, his fangs dragging deep lacerations across the brute's maw as the wolf broke free from the feline's fangs. His left front arm was successful in digging claws into the brute's whithers. His right front arm wrapped around the brute's neck just behind the wolf's ears, claws digging into flesh as he attempted to hold the brute close to him but this proved to be a disadvantage as the wolf's free jaws now attacked and Sk?lingr was to close to even attempt a dodge.

Hinge's jaws launched for the side of his face and though the tiger turned away the fangs still latched onto the side of his face, missing a hold on his ear thanks to being tucked flat against his skull. The wolf's top fangs landed just above the ear, the lower fangs just below his cheekbone in a solid grip. The tiger snarled and hissed at the pain. The wolf's right front limb wrapped around his shoulders but the wolf's claws were too dull to do much damage.

The wolf tried to twist from his grip but with the wolfs own hold on the tiger as well as both of the tigers arms wrapped around him the two fighters remained locked in a deadly embrace. Sk?lingr's defenses held and those that weren't he rapidly reset. Fur and hackles stood on end, head tilted slightly forward the powerful muscles in his neck pulling against his opponents grip. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, shoulders rolled forward as he scrunched his neck back. Back legs spread as tail lashed back and forth in an effort to balance himself against the wolf, hind toes splayed and back claws digging into dirt. His back legs coiled and bent as his abdomen tightened preparing for his next move.

With the wolves right front limb up around the tiger's shoulders he was unbalanced on that side an opportunity Sk?lingr took. The tiger's left front arm dislodged from the wolf's shoulders, and instead dropped as he attempted to hook his left front leg over the wolf's right front limb and pull it down to further unbalance the canine. As he moved to do so the tiger attempted to dig the claws in his right front paw farther into the wolf as he pushed with his right front arm sharply to the left (Hinge's right) in a sudden twisting motion in an attempt to throw his opponent to the ground and perhaps free himself from the wolf's jaws.

Hinge vs Sk?lingr for spar: Round (2/4)

Defenses: fur and hackles raised | eyes narrowed | ears pinned | head tilted forward | shoulders rolled forward | neck strunched | Back limbs coiled | Hind claws digging into dirt | back toes splayed | abdomen tense

Attacks: Claws on right front limb attempting to dig into Hinge's neck, also moving his body in a twisting motion trying to push Hinge over with his right limb. Tiger's left front limb seeking to wrap over Hinge's right front leg (which his currently wrapped around his shoulders) to push it down and throw off Hinge's balance.

Injuries: Severe punctures to the left side of his face. Two above his left ear and two below his left cheekbone.