
& i dream about you all the time


04-20-2013, 02:02 PM

Standing not too far from the temporary den where he and Morgan had spent much of their time recently, Lovatt tilted his head back and let a booming howl escape him. He had much to tell the female that had recently rejoined his life, and questions for her as well. She had been gone, wandering somewhere where Lovatt had not followed her, as he respected her privacy, but a curiosity lurked beneath those unreadable eyes and he summoned the wolfess with a strong howl that would hopefully reach her sharp ears. He missed seeing the slender white form, though her scent was more stale than he would have liked. The fresh scent of this female had filled his life so much recently that he wasn't willing to let it fade. Couldn't let this last piece of his life fade.

And if he was totally honest with himself, she was more than just a remainder of his aching past. She had grown to be beautiful, but even as a youngster he had thought her more beautiful than the sun. So that was nothing new. He hadn't yet found a word to put to the feelings that he had for her, but they were undeniable. The way his heart seemed to flutter a little when she appeared, a strange sensation for the massive, solemn creature. She made him feel a joy that had been missing since his father had died, and that was no small feat. However he felt, whatever it was this was called, he couldn't lose it. He would follow her to the ends of the earth, if that was what it took.

A breath escaped the male and he slipped down to the earth, haunches coming to rest with a surprising daintiness against solid ground. The warm summer air was oppressive, but the scent of plants filling the air was a reminder that life went on, even when Lovatt didn't want to. He was growing older, wasn't he? Perhaps it was time to stop beating around the bush. He owed Morgan that much. He would tell her of Lentajin and ask her where she had been, and maybe, just maybe, open his maw and tell her his best kept secret yet; the way that she made him feel.



04-21-2013, 07:03 PM
Icy eyes watched watched their prey. A mother and her fawn grazed from the grass and were completely unaware of the death that stalked them, silently at wait for the perfect moment to pounce. The death that followed them couldn't be any more impatient...or could she. The woman hadn't eaten in a few days, completely consumed in the search for her son that had recently just finished and trying to regain her memory. Sadly her memory only came back when it wanted to, though the more she thought of Lovott...the more she thought of him as hers.

Finally the time had come and the fawn had moved away from its mother. An easy kill grew closer to the snow white assassin, that hid herself extremely well within the shadows, with every step the young thing took. As a mother she knew exactly how the doe would feel the moment life left the fawn...the only difference between the doe and the white woman was that the doe couldn't do anything about it. The last step was taken by the fawn at last and Morgan launched from her hiding place. Having only been two feet from her dinner the kill was easy and just as expected the doe ran off in fear and would soon realize her fawn was no longer with her.

No more than the last breath left her meal, a call reached her ears. She would have been aggravated because she had only just captured her dinner, had it been any one other than Lovatt or her family...however small it remained. Quickly the woman snatched up her medium sized purchase and made her way to the one who called her.

With every stride she used energy that she would look forward to regaining as she ate her first meal in days. She would, however, offer to share with the company that sat or stood in wait for her at the temporary den that she resided in, until Valhalla's alpha accepted her once more...if he accepted her once more.

There he was at her den, waiting almost as impatiently as she had just been for the fawn. Stopping only momentarily at the tree line to smile and admire the handsome brute that awaited her...for some reason she found herself longing to see him waiting at her den, their den, for the rest of her life. Then she shook herself of the thought. What on earth would ever make him feel for her the way she felt for him. She barely knew him, and yet she has known him her entire life.

Scooping up the fawn once more she drew herself from the shadows so that he could see more than her shining, yet icy, sapphire blue eyes. She stopped a yard away from him, dropped the fawn and smiled. "Hello Lovatt." her voice was soft


04-22-2013, 07:16 PM

At the appearance of the gorgeous white female, Lovatt found a breath escaping him that he hadn't realized he was holding. A weight had lifted from his chest with her appearance, and Lovatt found himself breathing easily now. Her greeting was soft, and the male found his tail wagging all the same as he rose to his paws to greet the female, "Morgan," He breathed a greeting, padding toward to press his muzzle lightly against her fur. It was a soft, brief touch before the brown male retreated slightly, turning to focus his gaze on the deer to calm the wild pace of his heart. Deep breaths slowed it's rapid beats, but several moments passed before the male found himself able to turn back to face the female once more.

Ears pricked in her direction, Lovatt grinned slightly, "Brought me dinner, I see." He was joking, a rare playful tone filling his voice as he inhaled the blissful scent of the female that stood before him. Everything about her was beautiful. Too beautiful for him to imagine a life without her. He was not going to let her go ever again. Not after losing her once.

The creature shook his head slightly, settling back on his haunches once more, "I . . . have something that I need to tell you, Morgan." The male spoke slowly, each word heavy in his mouth. He was nervous about mentioning the pack that he had discovered, a place where perhaps they might be able to make their homes. But first, he wished to know what had drawn her into the expanses of this continent, "But first. How have you been, Morgan?" His voice was soft, and he fought to keep the emotion from filling it. She made him feel so strange, his heart fluttering in her chest, and he wasn't sure how to explain that. So he would wait, wait as long as possible to explain this strange feeling to her. It surely wasn't one that the female with no memories of him would reciprocate, but it was something that she deserved to know.

He would keep no secrets from the last fragments of his family. And if that meant that they did not wish him to stay any longer, if his feelings were too weird for Morgan to be willing to deal with, that was a burden that he was willing to accept. Ears flicking slightly, the brown male breathed a slight sigh, shaking his head slightly. It was no use jumping to conclusions before he had spoken. "Congratulations on your kill, by the way." The male flicked his ears slightly, trying to keep himself from thinking too much about the serious conversation that would soon be held, if Lovatt had his way.



04-26-2013, 07:40 PM
With the wag in his tail and the joy in every one of his movements, her smile only grew. His voice gained her full attention, even though he had only said her name and as he touched her she had to force herself act as though it was only the touch of a friend. She watched as he retreated from the touch as if he hadn't meant to do it, and concentrate on the fawn. At that point in time she wished she knew what he was thinking.

Finally with a grin on his face he turned back to her and she couldn't help but look up into his blue eyes, that were only a few shades off from her own. With a joking tone he spoke of dinner, and her stomach growled. "Indeed...speaking of dinner would you like some?" her tone had matched his until she had actually offered him part of it. The scent of the deer made her mouth water, but she had almost forgotten she had even gotten the meal after sitting there with his scent filling her nostrils, his touch, and his voice filling her ears.

After shaking his head, of a thought she guessed, he sank back to his haunches and his voice reached her ears once more. Something to tell her, well she definitely had to hear this. She opened her maw to tell him out with it but he stopped her when he spoke again and she closed her jaws so that they would form different words. "I have been well, and thank you." her voice was soft and showed no sign that she was dieing to know what it was he wanted to tell her.


04-28-2013, 02:01 PM

Lovatt's tail curled slightly as he turned to glance at the female beside him. She was beautiful, but those sapphire eyes were unreadable in that moment, leaving him as confused as ever. He would never know how she felt about him. Unless he told her. But that would come with time. He knew that he would tell her, knew that the words would spill from his maw soon, but first things would have to come first. He needed to tell her of the home that he may have found.

Shaking his head slightly, the male grinned at Morgan. "In a moment." His stomach took that moment to rumble loudly, a reminder that drew a low laugh from the massive creature. "It will have to be sooner rather than later. And I'm sure you're hungry as well." Perhaps he would indulge in a meal before he moved onto the more sensitive parts of this conversation. It would give him time to gather his wits, and to figure out how to say this properly, without his tongue stumbling all over itself and making him look a fool.

The male nodded slowly, flicking his ears as he listened to Morgan speak, "No need to be so formal." Lovatt's voice was light as he spoke, "I don't bite, I promise." A chuckle rumbled in his frame as the male stretched out lethargically, allowing a few moments of silence to pass before he came back to a seated position, brown ears pricking in Morgan's direction as he began to speak.

"I don't know if you've been looking for a permanent home for us, Morgan, but there is a pack that I have stumbled across where I believe we could fit in. It's . . . different, to say the least. But they value family, and their leader is a noble creature. It would be a family that we could rely on if things got tough. If you would be interested in this pack, I thought that perhaps we might visit it together. Your brother could join us, if you would want that. Or we could simply forget about it. It's all your choice." It was more than Lovatt had said in years. Maybe even in living memory. Lovatt was not typically the most talkative creature. He wanted to know, however, if she was interested in finding a home with him. Maybe Lentajin wouldn't be their home, but he wanted to know. No, he needed to know if she was willing to follow him. If she cared enough to want to build a life with him.

Maybe it was unfair to ask that of her without admitting how he felt, but that was what was coming next, Lovatt figured. It would be a relief to finally admit everything. "And I have something else, too..." But for the moment, he wanted to give her time. Time to sort through her feelings so that he was not pressuring her or pushing her.



04-28-2013, 08:17 PM
After watching Lovatt for a while she finally sank to her haunches and curled her tail around herself. Morgan tried not to give a goofy grin back as his stomach growled seconds after he stated he would in a moment. She wanted to keep her face unreadable, for now. She watched as the man shook with a bit of laughter. Oh how she wished she could read his mind, but sadly she was forced to go off of his body language...and it wasn't giving her all the information she wanted.

His words reached her ears once more and the grin forced its way to her maw. "I don't mean to be so formal. Its become a bit of a habit." her voice was soft and her eyes watched him as he stretched and then placed his haunches back on the ground. Then there was silence and she took the time to search his face for anything it might be giving away.

Again he spoke only this time more words fell from his mouth than they had in every other time he had spoken for as long as she could remember him. Us, he had said us and he wanted her to come with him. She could have never dreamed that the man would actually care for her enough to be with her. The result was that she had to force herself not to jump in the air for joy like a little girl. He stopped momentarily to tell her that he had something else to tell her. "Lovatt, I would fallow you to the ends of the earth." Her voice had filled with joy as did her face and a smile grew on her face. But it was shortly lived as she had to tell him of Pepper, Rumble, Rush, and Bianca. She hadn't actually told him of her children.

She erased the smile from her maw, her face unreadable once more. As she spoke her voice was soft but completely serious."But first, I too have something to tell you. Something I haven't told you for fear that you would leave. I have four pups...but only two remain. Bianca died shortly after birth and in the first move of Valhalla Rush and I were separated. Pepper and Rumble are all I have left. The reason they are, is because I was tricked...and i was afraid if I told you that you would throw me away like something used and worthless." she was glad that it was finally off of her chest but she had to look away from him. She wouldn't be able to stand it if he were to look at her with disgust at what she had just told him.


05-01-2013, 02:22 PM

A low laugh rumbled deep in his chest as Lovatt twitched his tail, "Habits can be broken," He spoke lightly, teasingly, enjoying the feelings that she brought forth in him. The happiness. The typically solemn creature had brightened, becoming happier at the appearance of Morgan. She had changed something fundamental within him. Made him something better. And it was an interesting thing. If he chose to dissect himself he would find small fissures healing, tiny cracks reworking themselves so that for the first time in many seasons, he felt whole once more. She was a glue holding him together, and despite the formality that hinted at a discomfort in his presence, he was truly happy.

The reaction to her words was a complicated thing to explain. She would follow him? Would always follow him. The thought made him breath a little easier, "Good. Because I never want to lose you again." He spoke more seriously now, the joking tone vanishing as he looked her in the eye. "I will follow you wherever you go as well. Perhaps we can follow each other," It was a legitimate thought. And he meant it. Wherever she went, as long as she would have him, he would be there. And that was that.

She had something to tell him, so Lovatt fell silent, his brown ears perked in her direction as she spoke softly, each word seeming to fall heavily from those perfect lips. "Oh, Morgan." He shook his head slightly, "How could I ever throw you away? No matter what your past says, no matter what you don't remember, I love you. It doesn't matter if you don't reciprocate it. It doesn't matter if you don't remember me. I have always loved you, and I will always love you. Your pups, I am sure, are beautiful. Like their mother. Some day, I would love to meet them." The paragraph came rushing from his maw like a dam had burst, and Lovatt shook his head, "I love you. You will never be worthless to me." Well, the cat was out of the bag now. But he couldn't handle the way that she looked away, like he was going to call her disgusting, like he was going to lash out at her for having a life outside of him.

"If that makes things awkward, I am willing to leave. I will do whatever you desire of me."



05-02-2013, 06:16 AM
With his teasing words. Morgan smiled and spoke a single word with her soft voice "true" and moments later he responses to the fact that she would follow him anywere and she had to force herself to stay planted were she was. He hadn't heard what she needed to tell him yet but the moment they left her maw she found herself worried still that he would throw her away.

The moment she turned her head away from him words spilled from his mouth in a flood. Before he had spoken she just knew she would burst into tears and he would leave her sitting there alone but his words made her feel like she was an idiot for thinly such things. He loved her...and that in itself was enough for her. The moment he stopped talkng she could no longer hold herself in place.

Within seconds Morgan found herself pressed and curled againced his chest. The fact that before she had moved her immidiately offered to leave. Instantly she wanted to yell at him for even thinking that he could tell her he loved her and then say he would leave but the love over powered that feeling. The only other reason she hadn't was because she had just thought he would leave her if he knew about her children. Only a few seconds had passed since she had moved and she didn't let him say anything and would till she told him just what was on her mind "I'm glad you love me...because I love you too"


05-02-2013, 06:57 PM

She was tiny compared to him, a dainty creature that he was afraid of breaking as she slipped closer to him, but he found himself lowering his head so that his chin rested against the top of her skull, a sigh escaping him as he let out a breath that he didn't realize he was holding. His body shifted itself slightly so that he could press his muzzle into her fur, inhaling the intoxicating scent of the female before him. This was nice.

But indeed, it was even nicer to hear the words that slipped from her maw. "I love you too." Lovatt smiled at that, the foreign facial expression stretching across his features as he nudged her head lightly. "I waited a long time to say that," Lovatt murmured, unwilling to move. This was indeed perfection. The way that Morgan fit against him made it seem like she was made for it; made to curl up against him and be shielded from the wrath of the world.

From here on out, he would be her protector. He had a lot of time to make up for. A lot of time where he had been gone and she had suffered. Tricked into having pups? He would be sure, then, to change that. Some day, he would give her pups whose conception would not be a painful one. But not for a little while yet. Instead, the male shifted his weight slightly, tail wagging contentedly in the air behind him. To some, the difference in height might have proved to be awkward, but to Lovatt, it was perfect. Like everything about this female. "I love you. And I always will." The affirmation rolled off his tongue as he gazed at the being before him, "And I'm serious. If you would allow it, I would love to meet your children one day. I'm sure that they're amazing. Like their mother." Perhaps they could all find a home with Lentajin. Perhaps, perhaps. The thought of packs had drifted far from his mind, however, in the sheer bliss of that moment.



05-05-2013, 11:25 AM

Curling into the male was the best thing she had done in a long time. Possibly even the smartest thing she had done. As Lovatt lay his head on her's she felt as if she were in paradise. All thoughts of anything but her lover escaped her mind, and for the first time in a long time she was truly happy. If she had any say in it, nothing would take him from her, she wouldn't allow it.

She was glad he had waited on her even though she had no idea who he was when they met again. She silently thanked her mind as it was slowly returning her memories. Her favorite memories so far were of them and their siblings playing together near the stream, before they were forced apart and everything fell into nothing but a memory. His next words made her look up into his equally blue eyes and smile wide, he would love her forever...just as she would love him AND he wanted to meet Rumble and Pepper.

This man was truly unlike any other. He accepted her, thought she was amazing, and thought that of children he hadn't even known about until moments ago. "Lovatt, I would never keep you from my...our children, they grew up with no father and now they have one, however not related by blood, that that actually cares about them." Her voice was soft and full of love



05-11-2013, 10:25 PM

This was the picture of happiness. He had never been more content than he was in that moment. For the moment, he wanted nothing more than to curl against this female and pretend that he would never have to move, that this was what his life had been leading up to and that this was it. It wasn't a bad thought. He had been searching for Morgan for years now, though it hadn't been entirely conscious. The pieces had finally fallen into place and Lovatt didn't want to be the first one to move, to disentangle himself from Morgan.

But her words did make the brown wolf stir. "I will always care for them, Morgan. I will do whatever I can for them to make up for the years that they went without a father." His words were a solemn promise as his tail wagged easily in the air behind him, at odds with the seriousness of his voice. Still unwilling to move, Lovatt nuzzled Morgan's head absently, inhaling her scent and basking in her closeness.

It took him another moment to stir once more, ears twitching as he glanced down at Morgan. "Just say the word, Morgan. If you want to go see that pack, we can do that. Or we can do whatever you desire." Lovatt was in no particular rush to move, however, and his words reflected that; they were almost lethargic as he spoke. He did not feel the need to get moving any time soon.



05-12-2013, 04:48 PM

The snow white woman felt her lover move and with his words she smiled. He was absolutely perfect in her eyes. It seemed he could never disappoint her even when her mind thought one thing her heart knew that he would forever be there for her and her children, his words even backed that feeling up.

A smile remained on her maw as Lovatt nuzzled her. He looked down at her and suggested they look into that pack. Sounded like a plan to her. Only for now she was reluctant to move as this was the first time they had touched, really touched, since they had found each other again. Her soft honey like voice rang out "Going to see that pack sounds like a plan...but for now...this, this is perfect." when the words stopped she licked his cheek and nuzzled his neck.

(OOC: sorry its short)



05-12-2013, 05:55 PM

Not moving sounded like a plan to him, Lovatt had to admit. There was a simple perfection in that moment, in the way thy fit together. They were snuggled together, nestling together like they had never been separated, like they had spent their entire lives like this. And Lovatt really wished they had. The years that they had spent apart were years that he could never recover. Years in which she had been hurt that he would never be able to make up for. But perhaps, with time, he could make up for all of that. Starting right then.

A blissful sigh escaped the male, and he flicked his tail lightly as he spoke. "More than perfect," Lovatt murmured, nuzzling her lightly, "I've wanted to do this for so long." Lovatt murmured, inhaling her scent as they sat. He didn't want to move, didn't want to shatter the sense of peace that filled this moment. No, instead of letting the world come in between the two of them, Lovatt curled a little closer to the white female with a soft sigh, feeling tension release from his body as bliss filled his body. This was heaven. Or as close to heaven as a wolf whose past had been as shattered as Lovatt's would ever come. He had thought his entire family was gone, and now he had learned that the wolf that he had loved for his whole life was still alive. She might not remember everything, but clearly she remembered enough. And that was enough for him.
