
Paradoxical Equivalence


06-16-2014, 02:35 AM

The male had left Valhallan lands, going on a short journey to sniff out those he could find. He heard word of more family around, and wasted no chance in his search. Jinxx moved swiftly despite his recent illness, and although his bones felt weary from the constant stiffening muscle spasms, he would press on. He hoped that his hunch was right, hoped that the rumors were true. It had been seasons since he arrived here, and he wanted to find those who were lost as quickly as possible, before Lunatik did. Oceanic blue eyes would scan the terrain, but there didn't seem to be much to scan for. The place in which he stepped foot upon was nearly barren, save for perhaps a few scattered boulders and other land figures, and yards in front of him an empty lake. It was strange, to see such a surface bare of water. The Western parts of Alacritis were surely strange, for in place of water, there was a surface of slippery mud. The wind having paved it smooth over ages of time. Black painted legs carried him carefully around the edge of it, the tracks of other animals were on the surface, but they were small. Was it even possible to walk across? Or was it only safe for smaller creatures like mice and birds? It wasn't something he wanted to risk, no matter how curious he became.

He skirted around the edge, scenting the air all the while. He thought he smelled a hint of others around, but he figured perhaps it was no more then his mind playing tricks on him. Perhaps still recovering from his crazed illness. And since the first day he became sick, he could feel a heavy presence around him, following. Latching onto him like a monkey on his back, and it would make him uneasy. He had seen something nightmarish that day, for it had made him lash out at Sephiroth and causing damage to the other males face. A grim line would forge itself on his lips, wondering what had changed since..



06-18-2014, 06:39 AM
Through the epidemic, Paradox and Paradoxus had been lucky enough not to get sick. Straying from pack lands even though they were surely the secret to finding their siblings - because the smell of blood and disease was strongest near high concentrations of wolves. It had been a terrible smell, and had scared him, because he could speed up the healing process of a wound and cure a cold or stomach ache but none of his abilities could fix something so malicious. He had been terrified of loosing his twin to the disease, and she was probably tired of his nagging to stay safe during that time. Of course, nagging her wasn't something that he wanted to do - he was just worried, worried for the both of them because they had finally found each other they couldn't loose each other to a powerful sickness.

It would be far too sad.

Once things seemed to pass, the two started the search again. A search that Paradoxus suspected never truly stopped for his twin. She never wandered far enough away from him that he couldn't follow, but some days he was left following quite the trail. Today was no different, but he was pausing his search for other members of the clan, in order to find water. Winter was here, which meant that it rained a bit more often in the West - but he didn't want a repeat of how he had found his sister to begin with. Once a day he would call her to him so they could drink something, finding water was something that he had gotten better at living in the west. Buildup trapped between and underneath rocks, sometimes some digging had to be done, and there were some tiny lakes when you searched hard enough for them.

The last time that he had come to Traveler's lake, it had been shortly after it rained, and it had been a good place to stop and rest. Today however, there had been a dry spell long enough for it to be nothing but a nasty buildup of mud. The brute frowned, sighing at their luck. Where would they go now? Dawdling off in his sister's assumed general direction - he would pause before he was just out of sight of the lake. He knew that scent...

Green eyes would turn toward where he had just left, and his legs would carry him toward the other at a sprint. Excitement would course through him, and a smile was on his face before he even laid eyes on the other brute. He barely recognized him, he smelled so much like a pack and... like the sickness that he and Paradoxus had avoided. "Jinxx?" He was worried now too to go along with the elation of finding a piece of his missing family - but he would saddle right up to the other brute despite him possibly being sick. It was the real reason that he had stopped himself from searching - along with the fear, he knew that he couldn't keep himself from his family if they were sick. He would have just ended up sick along with them.

"It really is you!" His voice wasn't loud despite the impromptu reunion, but his grin really said it all. It had been over a year since he had last seen the brute, and he was ecstatic. "I-" He had missed him, had wondered how he was doing every day he wasn't around. But words sort of failed him at times and... well, he was sure that Paradox could fill in the blanks for him because that was one of the things that the two of them did for each other without trying. "Paradox will be so happy to see you."


06-27-2014, 08:45 PM

Sometimes her twin would get held up, and it was an unspoken rule that if she felt he was taking too long she would double back to find him. Which was what Paradox was doing right now, silver paws carrying her back over terrain she had already crossed; she wondered what it was that had held him up this time. Sometimes he would catch up to her and it was obvious he had gone hunting before, a part of her hoped that was the case this time, fearing the worse already.
As she neared the lake two familiar scent reached her, one she was overjoyed to recognize as her twin?s and the other she was pleasantly surprised to realize was Jinxx?s. Picking up her pace the silver girl loped towards the source of the scents, eager to be at her twin?s side again, as well as to see her litter mate. Violet gaze fell upon the pair and she gave an eager little yip.
The young Black approached her twin, keeping very close to her side as she grinned at her brother. "Jinxx!" She exclaimed taking a step towards her brother.

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