
No Strings Attached


06-20-2014, 09:18 PM

Finding where he belonged in this new land would take time, but Kau was not one to rush things, oh no, he would wait patiently for opportunity to present itself to him. He would wait, yes, but he would also search, learning what he could about these lands that he lingered in. The mountain was his base camp, a place to meet with Avion again should they ever get separated. Not that it would be for long... The massive male would take the world apart to find the smaller male. Avion was his.

Massive brown paws would come to a stop in the snowy lands of the north, ears pricked and focused on what lay ahead. What was this now...? He was on the outskirts of some pack land, and the brute would give a soft snort. He needed to learn of those who were here and pick his allies. Plan for his future and Avion?s as well. He would move away from these packlands, walking longer now. For now his goal was not to get involved with the packs. He wanted to see what he could pick ups from loners first.

A sigh would pass his lips as he came to a halt after some time of walking. There was a cave up ahead, shelter from the falling snow, though he wasn?t interested in shelter. Kau was not afraid of some small amount of snow. He would give a soft snort, purple eyes scanning the territory before him for specks of color. Thus far the couple of loners he had met were of little interest. Had he made a mistake in stopping in these lands? He certainly hoped not.


07-13-2014, 06:50 PM

How she had ended up in a cave in the frigid north, Liste didn't know. The last thing she remembered clearly was her encounter with the boy in the west. Her bloodlust had simply been driving her mad, like a starved vampire awake in the day. It had come to a point where she was simply irritated, but the desire to taste was no longer quite there.

The ebony demoness carried herself to the cave entrance, determined to make her way back toward the south where winter was waning. She thought herself the greatest of fools for delving further into winter while spring was making itself known in her moments of weakness. She was prepared to journey immediately, with not consideration, until she spotted someone else. An odd colored brute stood not too far off from where she had halted and she eyed him with confusion. Who in their RIGHT mind would be all the way up here?

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07-21-2014, 04:36 PM

Kau would focus his purple gaze into the cave, and not too far from the entrance, well, there was another figure. Another wolf... And an interesting one and that. The woman was coated in darkness, wrapped around her like a thick black sheet. The man would gaze upon her for a moment, taking in her appearance that boasted of strength. He would be quiet for the longest movement before shaking his head, drawing himself back to the present, for a memory had stirred in seeing this woman. Kau would walk closer, stopping once inside the entrance and out of the falling snow.

?My apologies for staring at you, my lady. You reminded me of someone.? He would speak no more on the matter, seating his lower half upon the ground. Eyes would not leave her, studying her form with both curiosity and thoughts beginning to stir within his mind. He would give a dip of his head, a show of respect, even if, at the moment, it was more false than not. ?If I may... Your body speaks of strength... Might you indeed hold such strength, fair madam? I suppose you could say that such things intrigue me.? He would say no more for the moment, leaving what would happen next to the woman in front of him.