
KO Your Ass



6 Years
Dragon Mod
06-13-2014, 02:29 AM

The sinner had finally recovered, his eyes no longer bleeding out. His form had been stricken with a disease, but no longer. Muscles needed to be worked, so as soon as he was able to walk without dizzying or swaying, he made his way straight to the fields of battle. The stench and decay of blood breached his nostrils, the demon taking in a breath for he reveled in the sickeningly sweet scent of it all. The crimson stained beast wanted someone worth his time, and win or lose, he cared not for it would be the aftermath of the disease that would possibly affect his chances. Even so, he would strive for a win, whether it be dirty or fair...but he was not above the latter. He often did not play nice, but nobody knew that but himself. Claws would scrape atop the rock where he chose to reside, re-sharpening them to the utmost pinpoints of perfection. Never did he let his figure decay in perfection, for he was truly a divine in his own rights. He was a devil, and those he killed and mauled knew that very well. But alas, the dead couldn't talk..and he would nearly giggle in ecstasy as their voices rang in his head, begging for mercy. Even Arietta's when he first penetrated her innocence, and now she was his in all her entirety.

Pearly white teeth would flash as he scent out a short and curt call. Venomous gaze sweeping the lands for a potential opponent. He was at full attention, his ambitions today would be satiated no matter the outcome, and if his opponent were to win then he or she would find themselves respected and in good graces with the fallen angel. For it was not everyday one got away...alive. Or intact, for that matter. He would keep his wits about him, for never was he caught off guard.




8 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-13-2014, 07:41 AM
Hati Hr??vitnisson

The monster had ventured from Arcanum - fled, actually, in something of a huff. The pack, changing hands so swiftly, so without warning. His ignorance of it until the stranger appeared with an entire brood of yearling brats in tow to replace the ones Arcanum had just managed to get rid of. It was infuriating. But Akemi had been there so he'd held himself back, as much as he'd wanted to unleash his distaste upon the newcomers, and now the pent-up fury was bubbling over. He needed to get away.

His steps had taken him here unerringly, the scent of blood drawing him, both feeding and soothing the rage that clawed at him. A call drew him in even further, the call of another seeking to unchain the beast and descend into battle, and the heavy black monster followed the sound. A pale brute, a little younger but similar in size to him with a gaze as gold as his, awaited him there. Something was familiar about the male, and Hati's nostrils quivered as he sought his scent.

His lip curled in disgust. The scent, that pack scent... no wonder he seemed so familiar. He carried the scent of the albino male who had beaten him so thoroughly upon his arrival from Hroovitnir's pack, left him injured and sick for Hati's thrice-damned siblings to find and argue over. No albino, this one, but that pack scent was there, tantalizing him and fanning the flames of his fury.

He slunk forward, heavy body slipping without conscious thought into a fighter's stance. His stance squared and slightly wide for balance, weight evenly distributed between each leg, legs slightly bent in an almost crouch. His muscles with slight tension, ready to move in an instant. His tail and head both held at level of his spine, his head pulled back slightly as his shoulders rolled forward to scrunch up his scruff, his chin tilted to protect his throat. His hackles rose as his ears pinned back to his skull, his eyes narrowed and brow furrowed to provide some protection for his eyes. His toes were spread, nails digging into the earth for balance and traction.

Hati's eyes gleamed with intensity. This then, would be the challenge to make up for his wholly unsatisfying encounter with the trespassers, the last time he'd had anything even approaching a fight. He would waste no time with formalities, no formal back-and-forth before it began. He didn't need to know his opponent's name and lifestory, and he had no wish for the male to know his. Just let it begin.

He made no effort to hide his approach as he came - he would have this fight be a challenge, not an assassination. But there would come no banter, no warning from his jaws past an eager snarl as he abandoned his slow pace to bound forward at a slight angle to Sin, more to Sin's left side than his right. He sought first to impact the front of his chest against Sin's left shoulder, trying to off-balance him even as his jaws flashed immediately toward the left side of Sin's neck, high up just behind his ear, seeking to grip the neck. Hati's left paw hooked around the front of Sin's forelegs, attempting to sweep them toward him in the hopes that he would go down.

Fight Stats (Hati vs Sin - Spar)

Round: 1 of ?

Defenses: stance squared and slightly wide for balance, weight evenly distributed, legs slightly bent, muscles with slight tension, tail and head both held at level of his spine, head pulled back slightly, shoulders rolled forward, chin tilted, hackles raised, ears pinned back, eyes narrowed and brow. toes spread, nails digging into the earth for balance and traction.

Attacks: aiming to strike Sin's left shoulder with his chest, bite aimed at the left side of Sin's neck behind the ear, left foreleg attempting to hook around Sin's forelegs to pull towards him

Injuries: none, first round

Out Of Character Notes: none

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



6 Years
Dragon Mod
06-15-2014, 02:36 AM
Sin Armada

Someone would come, attempting to appear upon silent paws and of course, the demon was ready as always. He had spied him slinking across the ground like the ground snake he was, whatever this man thought he could be. His hackles were raised, ears flattened against his crown, eyes had been narrowed as he scanned his surroundings. Sharpened claws scraping and digging into the soil upon which he stood, head lowered slightly as his chin was tucked. Tail aligned with his spine and yet it was slightly arched upwards in a show of dominant pride, shoulders rolled forward to protect the sides of his neck whilst his scruff bunched with a slight pull back of his head. He cast a glare from peripheral vision as his opponent tried to blind side him, and it would be a failure.

The beast would square off against the other brute, jaws splaying wide as gleaming teeth sought to counter the onslaught. He allowed his opponent to come in close, and it was near the last moment he would make his move. He would surge forth, left shoulder jutted forth in an attempt to collide with the chest that sought to slam him in the first place. Teeth would flash towards him, ivory daggers of his opponent scraping against the the left side of Sin's head. He would feel a slight tinge of warmth, for the wretch had managed to wound him, but only just slightly. In turn, Sin would open his own jaws wide. He would attempt to grasp Hati's muzzle within his own, teeth seeking to find the contours of his topmost muzzle where the bridge of the nose was. To cause pain and discomfort, and possibly to discourage his attacker and bring forth a cry of pain. Sin's stance would then rise, causing his opponents attempt at unbalancing him to become unsuccessful, as Sin rose upon his hind paws, forelegs reaching forth in an attempt to wrap forelegs around his opponents neck, to keep him close. His tail would wave like a banner behind him to keep his balance, grounded toes splayed to aid in his endeavor. Should he succeed or fail, he would push weight forward in an attempt to hinder the others movement, and yet he would keep his head angled in such a way to keep his throat protected. He would compromise some balance, but it was only the lease of his worries.

Sin would snarl, wanting to show this meager soul that he would not get off scot free for trying to play dirty in an attempt at sneaking upon him. Muzzle wrinkled in a furious snarl, venomous gaze narrowed to slits, and should he manage to attain a grip he would shake his head viciously to cause more pain and damage. Should he fail in a grasp or to retain a hold, then he would strive to grasp elsewhere upon his opponents scarred visage, and strive to keep a hold of him. Sharpened claws would curl inwards, attempting to dig into the creatures skin in order to keep him within his grasp.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/3

Defenses: 1st Paragraph. 2nd paragraph.

Attacks: Countering, left shoulder jutting forward in an attempt at slamming into Hati's chest. Attempt at grabbing a hold of the top part of Hati's muzzle. Attempting to wrap forelegs around his neck to keep him close. Attempting to push some weight forward.

Injuries: Possible bruised shoulder, small wound from teeth scraping a centimeter or two.

Out Of Character Notes:



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-16-2014, 07:01 AM
Hati Hr??vitnisson

The other male had pushed forward with his shoulder as Hati did with his chest, drawing a grunt from the black male as the bruising impact suddenly made drawing a breath momentarily much more difficult. His teeth caught but barely. Frustration scrabbled at him among the battle-fury - particularly when Sin retaliated by attempting to grab his muzzle, a symbol of dominance among wolves. A snarl ripped from Hati's chest as he jerked his head away to his right, so that the attack slid along his skin instead of allowing a grip. A pair of shallow gashes was opened along the top of his muzzle, deep enough to bleed but not to the bone and running from one side of his muzzle to the other. It bled profusely as facial wounds do but did no more than sting. It was enough to distract him though, as Sin rose to wrap his forelegs around him.

Whipping his blood-slick head back around, he automatically adjusted his defenses. His legs slipped slightly wider apart, his stance square and his weight evenly balanced, toes splayed and digging into the earth to balance against Sin's forward push. His tail flagged evenly with his spine, his neck bowed slightly as his shoulders rolled forward to bunch the skin around his neck despite his head's higher position. His hackles bristled, his ears pinned back to protect them and he kept his eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed and wrinkled for the added protection, since it was harder to slice all the way through the wrinkled skin than it was otherwise.

Hati stood his ground only for a moment before retaliating. Twisting his head slightly, his jaws snapped forward with the intention of closing on the left side of Sin's neck low toward the shoulder where he could reach. Whether or not he got his grip he would continue the movement, attempting to push there with his head while he pivoted his hind quarters to his right, simultaneously twisting his head and shoulders to his left in a shrugging, shoving motion in the hope of using Sin's own forward force against him to send him to the ground.

Fight Stats

Round: 2 of 3

Defenses: legs slightly wider apart, stance square and weight evenly balanced, toes splayed and digging into the earth. tail flagged evenly with spine, his neck bowed slightly as his shoulders rolled forward to bunch the skin around his neck. hackles bristled, his ears pinned back, eyes narrowed and brow furrowed

Attacks: bite to left side of neck near shoulder with intention of gripping, twisting body in an attempt to throw Sin to the ground

Injuries: bruised chest, shallow gashes across top of muzzle

Out Of Character Notes:

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



6 Years
Dragon Mod
06-22-2014, 05:18 PM
Sin Armada

The fight would rage on, and who the victor would be was still undetermined. Sin cared not for a win or a loss, for he was merely testing the skills of an adversary. Kudos, to the male should he defeat him today. And should the darker male lose, then Sin would walk away with head and tail held high. Teeth would collide with the other, though not attaining the grip he had hoped for. Instead, incisors slid along the exterior of his opponents skin, but it was not in vain. The taste of blood would fuel the sinner, drops teasing upon his tongue. It would stain his muzzle ever more, but it would only fuel him further. His attempt at gripping the other with his forelegs would seem to succeed.

It was in this motion that the male would readjust his own defenses; eyes remained narrowed, muzzle wrinkled, hackles rising along his body, hind legs would stand apart and square; to brace him for anything forthcoming. He would keep a tight grip around Hati's neck, ears folded back, scruff bunched as his chin was tucked as much as was possible. Shoulders rolled forward, abdomen tenses, his tail aligned with his spine as it waved back and forth like a banner, hind toes splayed for balance and traction. Front claws would curl inwards, an attempt to cause some discomfort and scratching upon the hind of his opponents head. Sin prided himself in his claws, for he always kept them sharpened like the wildcats of the world. Something he picked up and learned in his life.

Narrowed ambers would watch his opponent strive for his left side, where his neck and shoulder would meet. With a growling hiss, Sin would twist his right shoulder inwards while pushing upwards to bring their bodies closer. If not to smother him with his body, attempting to thwart his opponents attempt. Hati's teeth would close on his lower center chest, drawing some blood and minor lacerations that would run across his chest about two-three inches deep. Sin would snarl, feeling his opponent shifting himself and it was clear to the devil what he was trying to do. With bared teeth, the beast would strive forward once again, jaws unhinged and wide as head snaked forward in an attempt to grasp behind Hati's head; just behind his skull and left ear. If successful, he would try to keep a hold, and possibly even try to control Hati's head if not force his opponent to break away to regain some distance. Sin was never discouraged, and he reveled in the feeling of pain and the scent of blood. Sharp frontal claws would try to keep him close and scratch more, if only to annoy his opponent.

Fight Stats

Round: 2/3

Defenses: 2nd paragraph

Attacks/counters: Sin would twist his right shoulder inwards while pushing upwards to bring their bodies closer. If not to smother him with his body, attempting to thwart his opponents attempt. With bared teeth, the beast would strive forward once again, jaws unhinged and wide as head snaked forward in an attempt to grasp behind Hati's head; just behind his skull and left ear. If successful, he would try to keep a hold, and possibly even try to control Hati's head if not force his opponent to break away to regain some distance.

Injuries: minor lacerations 2-3 inches deep.

Out Of Character Notes: PM this account if you need anything.

The Judge


06-28-2014, 10:01 AM

Due to Hati not posting in the allotted time, Sin is the winner,

Hati must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.

results on spar will be put up soon by Luisiana

The Judge


06-28-2014, 11:06 AM

Hati v Sin for Spar

Round 1

6 for clarity- -2 at what angle was he coming at sin? -2 where abouts on his shoulder was he trying hit?

5 for powerplaying. -2 ' jaws flashed immediatly toward the left side of sins neck.' You cant assume it was on his left side withought an attempt. it should be- ' attempts for jaws to flash immediatly'... so on. -3 for ' left paw hooked around the front of sins forelegs' you cant assume that he actually got the foreleg.

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +3 for trying to hook on forelegs, -1 for the powerplay. +3 for bite.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Hati Total: 36/50


2 for clarity- -2 Where abouts of hatis chest did he try to hit? -2 where abouts on sins head did hati get Nearer the top of the head, side of it, closer to his eyes? -2 ' strive to grasprasp elsewhere upon his opponents scarred visage.' you need to be more specific then that. -2 ' sharpened claws would curl inwards, attempting to dif into the creatures skin.' where abouts?

10 for powerplaying. None seen!

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +2 for attempted shove to chest, +2 for attempted hold on muzzle, + 2 for trying to push weight onto opponent. Some

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Sin Total: 38/50

Round 2


3 for clarity- -2 ' attack slid along his skin' where abouts? -2 ' twisting head slightly' left or right? -2 'whipping his blood slick head back around.' to where? -1 the last sentence was rather confusing to understand.

10 for powerplaying. none seen!

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +3 for attempting to bite sins neck +2 for attempting to throw sin to the ground

6 for injuries. -2 for bruised chest and -2 for shallow gashes on top of muzzle

Round two Hati Total: 34/50


6 for clarity- -2 it was rather difficult to understand, especially in the last paragraph. -2 'snaked forward in an attempt to grasp hatis head.' snaked how? did he angle his head, push up slightly to grab it, twist left or right?

8 for powerplaying. -2 ' sin would twist his right shoulder inwards while pushing upwards to bring their bodes closer' Dont assume/

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +2 f0r attempted push to keep them close/ +2 for attempt to grasp haties head +1 for trying to worse is successful

7 for injuries. Lacerations -3

Round two Sin Total: 36/50


Hati: 70/100

Sin: 72/100

And the winner is...

Sin! Hati must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Hati- Bruising and mild cuts

sin- Bruising and mild wounds


Try to watch clarity, you need to be very specific

For Tea
You need to make sure you do multiple attacks to gain points, thats what let you down the most. Watch powerplay also, dont assume. By putting in an attempt can make all the difference!

For Sasuke
Watch Clarity! You need to be a lot more specific, you where good at not powerplaying so much and i congratulate you for that!

- By [Luisiana]