
That's what I like about you...


06-24-2014, 05:40 PM

The exploration of Arcanum had become a lot to the young Artenie. She had grown weary from trying to find the deep and dark crevices of the packlands, just in case she would need them. As the day descended into night, she found herself outside of an abandoned den. It was placed on the outskirts of the Orchard, where the sweet fruit smells stayed despite the frozen weather. The warmth she received from the spacious den was too much for her. Sleep overcame her and she accepted its generous blanket.
Before too long, Pandora was dreaming. She was walking through a familiar set of woods -- Soulless Forest, it seemed -- and she was doing something important. Was it searching for food? No, that wasn't it. Could it have been her looking for herbs? No, no, no. That involved dirt and she didn't like getting messy. Perhaps it was...patrolling? Yes, that was the only thing! What else could she do for her aunt that didn't require much sweat and dirt? She was making sure no one would get in. Totally selfless, on Pandora's part.
The perfect combination of Taurig and Maija Artenie continued to walk through the forest, searching for a soul that wasn't even there. Fog had surrounded the trees at various levels, including the ground Pandora walked upon. Her blue eyes stuck out like lanterns and she was able to see with a purity no one else could meet. Her steps were slow and she continued to walk in that dream, not knowing what her brain would conjure up.




5 Years
Extra large
06-24-2014, 05:54 PM

The tall brute would find his day coming to a close, his form wuld find its way into his lover's den, their tiny pups still grouped by her side. Their tiny forms would suckle greedily, and his tongue would rasp over the both of them before he would come to surround the beautiful Othello. Vibrant yellow eyes would come to a close, his head laying protectively upon her shoulder. Thoughts would begin to drift and with out even a notice the man would find himself in a world of dreams.
A forest would surround him, the trees reaching into the sky before him as he would walk through. He thought he might have been dreaming, but he was unsure. As he would continue, his vibrant almost glowing gaze would come to rest on a form he'd not seen in some time. He could feel the familiar tugs of lust for the girl that had defied him once already. Mostly because of the red queen, why was she always denying him sex. Even when she did not control the body he desired she would still keep him from his release.
Scorpion would stride forward, confidence evident within his posture. Dream or not she wasn't going to get away this time. It was his dream and he would get exactly what he'd desired. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" He felt particularly attracted to her as he stood there, being denied by his queen had been frustrating, and without Othello able to take his frustrations he would become particularly glad to see her pristine form.



06-24-2014, 06:12 PM

Arcanum was a pack whose lands dare not be crossed. Pandora had learned that from her mother, but despite knowing it, she wasn't as devoted as Maija was. The yearling was more inclined to being devoted to herself, fulfilling needs that hadn't been met in a matter of speaking. In her dream, she was fresh from a bath and endless hours of grooming. She had laid down each piece of fur with care, intending to make herself look thinner in various places. Vanity was her strong suit, not to mention a vulnerable piece of herself as a whole.
As she walked through the eerie, foggy forest, she caught the scent of someone familiar. At first, she was caught off guard, for it had been quite some time since she had laid eyes or nose on the male. His voice carried through the fog as his lantern eyes gave his position away. A smirk appeared on her face after her vast recovery before she sauntered in his direction.
She broke through the fog with it slowly rolling away from her cobalt blue frame. Golden markings continued to vibrantly glow as she slowly approached with a flicking tail behind her. "If I had known I was going to affect you in such a way without actually doing anything, I should have been around longer." A glint in her eyes twinkled as she watched his facial reaction. "Lately, I have enjoyed making others ache. I seem to be really good at that."

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5 Years
Extra large
06-24-2014, 06:24 PM

She would easily take note of him, her glorious form coming forward to greet him within his space. Her luxurious pelt would glisten within the low light as she made her way through the thick fog. His eyes would roam her voluptuous curves, taking in her every inch as lyrics came pouring from her maw. "If I had known I was going to affect you in such a way without actually doing anything, I should have been around longer." he would chuckle, yes he wanted her but begging would be the last option in his book. "Lately, I have enjoyed making others ache. I seem to be really good at that." He would consider her, maybe he would finally find a she wolf that would make him tremble. "Ah, but have you found one that will make you beg in return?" His brow would lift curiously as his paws would cause his form to circle her, again taking in her perfect form and memorizing her very being. As he passed her rump, he would reach out and teasingly nip at the base of her tail suggestively.



06-24-2014, 06:40 PM

She was able to make him laugh, which was a plus in her book. Aside from her siblings, she had never been able to make a male chuckle. At least he wasn't a complete stonewall of manliness. There were some flaws he contained and she was more than ready to wrap herself in them. She fluttered her eyes gently as he began to walk around her, becoming more enticing with each step. Her stomach began to feel soft butterflies, for she knew that this man would be able to make her skin prickle and her desires obtainable.
His lantern-yellow eyes watched her, observed her as she remained in place. She allowed him to take in her curves, muscles, and how she held herself. All of it was a mere part of the foreplay, something she was going to have to learn. With Scorpion, she hoped that she would develop the baseline for her future endeavors. His gaze made her want to scream, but she knew better than to show weakness. Instead, she let her smile slip into an insidious stage as she gently replied, "That you know anyone who would be so talented?"
He bit the base of her tail and she raised an eyebrow as she gently swept it away from his grasp before bringing it around to brush against his chest. Pandora's eyes flashed softly as she blinked again, showing off the golden tips that surrounded them. "It will take a real man to make me beg. Begging is always a last minute resort, in my opinion...I surely hope you don't need to turn to such a tactic?" Heart hummed in her chest as she perked both golden-backed ears with interest in his answer.




5 Years
Extra large
06-24-2014, 07:00 PM

She would hold her own against him, as his own even breathing remained as he observed her. Obviously he enjoyed what she had to offer him visually on the outside, and he had every intention to explore the inside as well. He would smirk mischievously as he continued around, her playful banter hiding the way she really felt. "That you know anyone who would be so talented?" She didn't know who she was dealing with it seemed, there were none better in all of Alacritia. He would just growl playfully in response. She would jump as his teeth met her flesh, as she recovered her luscious tail would caress his chest encouragingly. He would not miss her batting lashes, and the lusty pit that would develop within his chest. He could feel her sparks falling upon his skin. The fire would soon be started. "It will take a real man to make me beg. Begging is always a last minute resort, in my opinion...I surely hope you don't need to turn to such a tactic?" Again, she would show him her inexperience, as he traveled back up her side his teeth would meet gently with her spine. Erotic nips placed evenly as he made his way to her neck and up to her golden gilded ears. "You will be begging at the last minute, that's for certain." He would smirk, he couldn't disagree with her more. "With holding yourself long enough for your partner to have to grovel for release, that takes an experts touch." He would whisper in her ear as their skin would touch, electricity would run over his pelt in the form of visible blue sparks.



06-24-2014, 07:15 PM

As it was a dream, reality was non-existent. The sparks that wouldn't normally be seen in real life was now obvious in her dream, for she could see the display like fireworks. She was more than happy to admire how they rose and fell in the air with each touch he gave. The ripples of her shivers from where he touched her were given off in colors of vibrant gold and white, obviously showing her early signs of pleasure.
Scorpion whispered in her ear, making her softly tremble even more. She was enjoying the effects of him enticing her, showing that he was, indeed, an expert. After all, he was married, had pups...who's to say he wasn't smart with the moves? Whoever said it would be wrong. She leaned into him as he walked up to her side, causing more friction to occur between the conflicting pelts. Colors rose and fell around them in silent unison as her eyes met his. Her heart worked harder to pump the blood to her skin as prickles continued to rise and fall in small waves.
Her tongue left her mouth so she could gracefully lick the electric fur standing up around his neck. Light nibbles were given to his vulnerable neck as she moved around to rub herself against him. Her Romanian accent became deeper as she walked against his side, returning the bites that he had given her along his spine. Once she reached his tail, she nipped and tenderly licked the base connecting to his spine before pulling back from where she had considered going. Pandora looked at him over one of her decorated shoulders, seductive smile on her lips as she slowly blinked before retorting, "Experts must teach those who have yet to master the skill...unless you are too heartless to prove your worthy?" Her tail lightly bounced against his forearm, causing more sparkles to appear in the air.




5 Years
Extra large
06-24-2014, 07:46 PM

Her skin would give of vibrant sparks of white and gold as she shivered under his touch. She would shudder more visibly as his words would caress her delicate ears. She would feel his touch, and would succumb quickly leaning into his side blissfully. More bright colors would spring from their pelts as he felt himself ignite. Small tongues of flame would jump from his pelt and disappear as they leapt away from him. She would move closer, her movements mirroring his own, he would like to think that he was teaching her how to do things. She would run down his frame, eliciting tiny shivers as she went. He would feel her nibbles at the base of his tail, an encouraging growl would resonate within his chest as she looked back to him. "Experts must teach those who have yet to master the skill...unless you are too heartless to prove your worthy?" Her tail would once again entice him as his lips pulled back into an evil grin. "Oh, I think you know how worthy I am already." He would growl as his teeth would again find the base of her tail. His movements slyly moving down her long appendage.. His tongue would caress her softly, but would quickly retreat and his incisors would return to her spine.



06-24-2014, 08:05 PM

His foreplay was beginning to get the best of her. She wouldn't let her guard down anymore than she had to, and that was a promise. He moved down her tail and then back up, making a small stop on the way. Her eyes twinkled in mischievous mirth as she took a sharp intake of breath, knowing fully well that he would enjoy the aftershock of her inhale. Once she released the air in her lungs, bright orange came around the front of her mouth and lazily faded. She blinked twice slowly and continued to watch him before she continued to send out her foreplay.
Shivers became more obvious from her hind flanks as he moved around her. Her nose worked around him before her tongue lightly worked its way around for the desired effect. Her head rose so she could lightly nip at his tail, gaze meeting his as she nibbled on the tip of his appendage. Slowly, she raised her head to rest on his spine and she softly said, "I may think it, but it may not be true. Actions speak louder than words, especially when your claim is so high." Her eyebrow rose over her right eye, making the fire around them burn a bit more.

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5 Years
Extra large
06-24-2014, 10:22 PM

She would dance with him. Her movements were unpracticed, but not wrong. He would find himself breaking through her shell, the sound of her breath encouraging his efforts. The flames that were licking his body would grow in intensity upon hearing her. His eyes would glance to her features, her brilliant stare looking over her gold branded shoulders. He would run his tongue over golden zebra stripes, her shivers would give her away as she trembled beneath his touch. The sudden feeling of her own touch against his body would increase the flames yet again, a sudden surprise from her he hadn't expected. Of course, she would learn quick to mirror his movement.
Her delicate features would come to rest upon his back, vibrant eyes once more searching for his own. The flames that now surrounded them would suddenly turn violet, "I may think it, but it may not be true. Actions speak louder than words, especially when your claim is so high," the passionate flames rising. His smile would only grow more wicked behind his working tongue. Brilliant yellow gaze would shine through the furious fire, "Continue to doubt, golden lips." His form would move again, snaking up her hips, across her ribs, his leg would slide over her shoulders as his nose nuzzled into the fur behind her ears. He would groom her slowly, and lavishly. Nipping gently as he combed over her sensitive skin. His weight would press into her, and again the colors of the bright fire would change, a deep maroon light would surround the pair. The flames furious as they danced over the dueling wolves.



06-24-2014, 10:41 PM

Her vibrant eyes closed as he moved his way up from where he stood. Tongue and mouth moved across her hips, spine, ribs, up to her shoulders where her design shimmered in the moonlight. It took all she had to keep her up guard, but she knew that he was slowly breaking through the shell. Maija's side of her would not back down, especially when she had come so far. Then again, his touch felt soooo gooood, she didn't know how long it would last.
The flames turned violet as he began to groom her fur, something no one else had done except her parents at puppyhood. She took in another deep breath, enjoying the touch that he bestowed upon her royal form. Her tail lazily swept behind her as she let him work on her sensitive area between her shoulder blades. She lightly nipped at his right foreleg, licking the inside of it before nuzzling a spot higher than that. Finally, she opened her eyes and the flames around them had turned a brilliant shade of maroon and white. Her flame color and his combined...they looked marvelous in the night.
She gently moaned, knowing that he would probably react the same way he had before. Softly, she began to hum from his attention and as he moved his way down her spine to prepare himself, she nipped at his tail before whispering, "Call me Pandora..." Her body shivered all over, making the white flames dance bigger and higher than before. Her tail gently swept to the side, touching his own appendage and loosely wrapping around it. It was the only command she would give him.




5 Years
Extra large
06-24-2014, 11:22 PM

He would feel with the intensifying shivers beneath him that she would begin to crack. He was pushing her, hard, she wasn't as willing as eager as he'd anticipated. At the same time she showed him how much she was enjoying his simple touch. She would also chip away at his resolve. Her breathy gasps goading him on. She would return his affections before finally gifting him with a needy moan. His teeth that had been gently playing at her shoulders would sink into her scruff. She would nip at him playfully, "Call me Pandora..." The flames would lick around them dangerously as he growled deep within his chest. The sound echoing from him and into their entwined bodies. She would feel her eager shivers and would watch as the fire danced around them violently. She would come to support his weight, her tail would speak for her. The limb encouraging him, asking him wordlessly to finally end her agony. He would growl, his hips would move to align with her glorious pair. His teeth would relinquish grasp of her but for a moment, "Remember the name Scorpion when you feel the need to scream." Again he would take her roughly by the scruff and shove...--
Othello would move beside him, disturbing his frame and waking him completely. Her delicate form would lay before him, their children nestled at her bosom. His vibrant yellow gaze would blink, a sigh slipping from his jaws as he lay his head back down entirely dissapointed.



06-24-2014, 11:36 PM

He moved to settle himself against her back, his weight falling across her spine. She was not used to having such pounds upon her form, but then again, she was new to the idea of making whoopee, too. So, with her ignorant self, she did her best to attain what she needed to make this last. Her legs remained sturdy as she braced them for his impacts. His teeth sank into her scruff, he whispered his name (Scorpion) and she smirked at his comment. The flames continued to dance, violently approaching them in violet and white. Finally, she would feel his hind legs move back before hitting her own...
Pandora awoke to the sound of thunder. Lightning flashed outside of her den and she immediately curled up into a ball. Everything that had a pulse on her was beating -- even parts she didn't realize had pulses. Her body was cloaked in a light sweat, but she didn't dwell upon it for long. Instead, a light sigh escaped her lips and she moved closer to the entrance to watch the storm dance and play outside. The dream had ended too soon, sadness noted in the blues of her eyes. She silently wondered if she would ever feel that way in real life. For a minute, she thought of him and smirked before resting her head on gold-dipped paws. day...
-EXIT Pandora-

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