
bloodstained piano keys



5 Years
06-24-2014, 05:38 PM

Massive paws would strike the ice locked terrain with no care for silence, though her ability to vanish was not to be disregarded. The banished princess was off in search of a faraway home where she could wait for her family to come crawling back, on their knees and begging for her to aid them once more. She wouldn't go easily, of course, she would make them beg and plead and sob like whelps for what they did. Try and tie her to a man? As if. Banish her for refusing? Fuck them. Her cornflower blue pools scanned over the snow bound landscape, wondering if this place would be somehow suitable. The snow she could handle, she'd lived in a place much worse than this. Her thick golden derma would protect her quite well, and the strange monument that was rearing up ahead as she strode forward. Broad shoulders and hips bore an impressive musculature, and long legs were beginning to strain under the pressure of carrying her bulk across such a vast distance as she had travelled with little rest. Tall audits were shoved forward, attentive for any sounds. This was a strange land, one never knew what awaited them where they had never been before.
It seemed like a barren place, and as she approached the rust covered flanks of the structure, she noticed something familiar about it. It was once a human creation, it seemed. She had seen many a broken wood vessel like this, but none made of metal. Metal was a rarity at home, used only for those worthy of armor plates or jewelry. A coal black nose leaned closer to get a better view, and the rust proved to be quite thick. An old ship then. With a satisfied grunt the giantess lumbered on, her long banner swinging behind her and her powerful crown between broad shoulders. Her gaze swept indifferently over the landscape ahead, seeing nothing interesting. There were no landmarks in the distance that made her want to continue onward, so she looked upward to the deck of the massive vessel beside her. An opening above, definitely big enough to welcome her, and though rusty, the ship looked sturdy enough to support her from this angle. So, steel cords of muscle would bunch in her legs, and she would leap upwards and onto the deck.
Warped wood planks greeted her travel worn paw pads, splinters trying their damnedest to pierce through the flesh that might as well be made of stone. She had walked over much worse than this, it was no challenge to her might. A long huff of breath shuddered through her chest, and slowly her powerful haunches would be lowered to the floor beneath her. She was tired, it seemed. The edges of her conscience were blurry and weary, but she was not quite ready to rest yet. The gods had brought her here for a reason, and maybe she could find out why soon. The sun was beginning to kiss the horizon, bidding it farewell so that the moon may have her chance to reign over the sky. Skoll was coming to herd it to the west soon, the skies would be protected. Then, she would feel safe enough to sleep, with the deity watching over the lands. For now, she would watch the skies and wait for something to prove why the gods had led her to this place.




06-24-2014, 06:25 PM

Her rage had built up over the days regardless of anyone trying to calm her down, in which that never happened. Emma walked along the northern line her intensely blue eyes watching the edge of the ship. How retarded could they have been? How hard was it to keep a sick wolf alive who was healer herself, honestly. Emma hadn't been around her mother much, but she knew for a fact she was not stupid enough to let a disease kill her just before the cure had been found. She hated Valhalla, she hated Hajime, for leaving her mother behind. It was like some walkers were more fortunate, and they completely forgot about the ones who are not. It made her deeply enraged enough to want to just tear into their throats, but there was no bringing back the dead so Emma was on her own again.
She stopped though when her eyes caught the visual deduction of another wolf. A large one much like her father had been even though Emma wasn't as tall as the average wolf anyway. Stopping at the bottom of the ship with her paws, she wondered if she was really in the mood to deal with any company. Most of them simply pissed her off with them thinking they knew everything when they didn't. Emma was finally free, and determined to keep that unless she chose to give it away which was no time soon. She looked away, perhaps if she ignored there would be no interaction.




5 Years
06-24-2014, 06:44 PM

A flicker of movement, the barest traces of ebony and ivory fur against the snowy backdrop caught her attention. Anger radiated from the coat of the smaller wolf, and only a profile shot of the stranger's face was offered, but it was a dainty face, delicate and simmering with rage. A tiny, sly grin toyed with her inky lips as she looked at the woman. A brow would quirk upward, crown tilting to one side curiously. "Why's a pretty face like that wearing such an angry expression, hm?" She would inquire in a rough, amused tone. The ebony outlined tracery of wicked curves and sharp lines surrounding her left eye remained undisturbed, the lighter pigment within making her cornflower optic stand out even bolder against the broad planes of her face. Her thick plume twitched upon the warped floorboards, the tip flicking upwards lazily like that of a feline.
This strange little woman didn't look like the kind to fall for her charms, but it never hurt to try. Her broad frame would shift so her body was facing the stranger a little more, her gaze focused a little more on her. "Care to talk about it?" She would inquire, her voice taking on a tone that could be considered impassive, but gentle and tender wasn't her specialty. At least, not with grown wolves. Pups were a different story. However, while this she wolf was petite, she had curves to her and a sweet musk that the Viking princess could smell from here. Her gaze would remain fixed on the stranger, but the need to push for information was not there. She was a little too tired to feel the need to impose of invade personal space, should she at some point feel inclined. Her breath wafted about her face in a thin silvery cloud, making the severe mark upon her face look a little less startling if anything.
