
Sexy & I Know It


06-25-2014, 01:37 AM

The babe of vanity would walk through the lightly falling snow, her pelt dazzled with the winter sunlight. She would walk with a bounce to her step, hips swaying side to side as if walking to the beat of music in the background. Indeed, she was in good spirits today, and although it was somewhat early she was already looking for her next spot of trouble. A smirk would cross her delicate features, green ringed eyes scanning the terrain for someone to perplex and tantalize, for her body craved the touch of another no matter what gender. She wanted to find someone, she didn't care who, and perhaps ruin them if not corrupt. She was a temptress, a snake in the grass coiled and ready to strike. Her lyrics nothing but venom coated with honey, her movements attracting those to her like flies to honey. But she was nothing close to sweet nor caring, although she never failed to pretend. The babe swayed, her small stature standing tall as her tail waved like a banner as it arched above her back.

The woman was well aware of herself, her swagger wafting her heat scent through the winds. A smirk rising on pristine lips,teasing those nearby. She wanted to make them beg and plead, for her to continue or for her to stop. She was well versed in many acts, sexual and more. An air of confidence swept about her, as she sought out a victim, a toy, a puppet to play with.
