
Even stone will crumble


03-17-2013, 05:29 PM

the spring sun fell across Midnight's black pelt as she moved swiftly across the plain, she had moved east when the snows had started to melt drawing the prey from the woods out into open pasture and turning her usually pleasant home into a muddy mire. She did not like the mud it made keeping clean a pain far better to move south east into the land where snow and ice was a far more distant memory. She paused scenting the air before moving forward once more ahead she could see stone pillars rising out of the ground curious she began to move towards them.

Short brown claws clicked against the smooth stone surface of the ground and midnight paused unsure for a moment It was clear to her that this was not a natural formation but it was so old and broken down, whatever or whoever had made this settlement was long gone and nature was once again claiming what was hers small plants forcing their way through the rocky ground, houses tumbled to form small hills and look outs. Moving among the towers and hills of stone she kept to the shadows her golden eyes looking in every direction and her nose running wild.. She paused once more as she came out into a large open space the stones here where cracked and broken forced lose from their housings by the large tree that stood at the heart of the square. the large tree stood at the center of the unnatural clearing it ample branches stretched out across the plaza offering shade and protection from the heat of the midday sun its roots had snaked forth breaking up the rock path and showing the rich brown soil beneath. Birds fluttered around in the lone trees bows chirping and singing.

Midnight yawned and rolled her shoulders, she had been moving almost non stop since crossing the wall two days earlier she glanced around at the half collapsed buildings around her then started forward the wind blowing lightly from behind her, she would rest under this tree she decided until the sun dropped more and the unfamiliar heat dissipated, then she would move on see what else their was to see in this world of green and heat.




03-18-2013, 10:12 AM
ooc:// Needed one more post with this character. lol

The small shewolf had been roaming around near this odd stone structure, looking for anything interesting that might be laying around and a few yards from it. She held her nose low to the ground, sniffing, searching for anything interesting along with looking for any herbs that might be growing here. That was the main reason she was here, trying to find spots plants were growing that was not in Seracia. If she did find something useful then she would gather as much as possible and head back, maybe come back for more.

A few minutes ito her search the wind suddenly shifted, bringing the scent of another wolf into her nose. 'Hopefully they won't notic.' She thought to herself, lifting her head slowly as grey eyes started looking around for the wolf that had made it's way here. In a few seconds she spotted it, a black wolf laying down under the warm sun. Frm the looks of it the wolf did not seem to notice her and with that she quickly but quietly moved away to a spot where she could be alone.


Aria I


03-18-2013, 11:17 AM
She had gone exploring again, having gone over the Ludicael land she had grown bored quite quickly and since the others were still getting use to it she decided to just go someplace else to look for some form of excitement or fun. Paws moved over the hard earth, a little bounce in her step as she held her head high, ears perked up and swiveling left and right to catch the sounds around her. If she had a tail, she would definitely be wagging it as she moved through the land humming a little tune to herself. If others knew about her they would have been confused with her good mood, seeing as she was still searching for her brother who she had not seen in quite some time. Maybe that was the reason she was actually out here, searching for any signs that he could be here, alive.

The female was known as Aria Corvi, a Lunav of Ludicael, until she moved up in rank to something that fit her more. Knowing that put a smile on her lips, belonging somewhere, able to start a new life. With these thoughts the shewolf quickly shook her head with a low growl, she was not out here to think, she was out to explore. So she moved on, finding herself within a forest. Aria took in a long deep breath, enjoying the scents that flooded her nose. There were so many plants and animals, so full of life because of the Spring weather.

Wolf suddenly slipped into her nose, an eyebrow raising. Finally she would have something to do today. Paw moved, leaves crunching under her paws which she did not care about. It was better to let others know you were approaching because if you were to suddenly show up it could cause wolves to get hostile, thinking you were sneaking up on them to attack. She followed the scent, growing stronger with each step she took.

A few minutes passed until she came upon a strange stone formation, green eyes peeking out from behind a bush to see a wolf. It was alone, no other scent of other wolves nearby. That was good, groups were such a bothersome without somebody there with you in case something were to happen. "What're you doing out here?" She asked in a smooth tone, pushing forward and revealing herself to the female with a smile. She had walked forward and stopped so she stood a few feet from her with her little stump tail wiggling behind her.


03-20-2013, 08:36 PM
Midnight lay underneath the bows of the tree her stumpy black tail thumping gently against the wooden trunk her eyes where almost closed though her ears continued to rotate on top her head she heard the movement of leaves only seconds before the other wolf entered the clearing. She sat upright her back pressing into the rough bark and her hackles raising slightly, she had thought herself alone. She considered turning and taking flight, she had not planned to find another wolf, wolves where dangerous and she ? was not at the top of her game,'i should have slept sooner' she thought but the dame had asked a question.

?i live out here,? she replied casually enough though her hackles did not drop, ?well more to the north normally but with the thaws I decided to move on,? she looked over the wolf carefully catching sight of her stubby tail, she tucked her own behind her, and the scares over her right eyes she looked the wind changed bringing with it the dames scent, a pack scent, she did not know this land, not as well as she knew her northern home, but surly she would remember crossing a pack border, but what if she had missed it... she glanced around nervously her nostrils flaring as she searched for the scents of this wolves pack mates, trying for casual but not quite pulling it of she asked ?why, should I not be here?? she shifted slightly settling her paws into position for flight or fight her head held low. She had not come looking for a fight, really all she had wanted was sleep, but if that was how this was going to end well she would rather face one wolf then five.

((ooc: sorry its a little short))

Aria I


03-21-2013, 07:39 PM
It was an odd question for Aria to ask seeing as most wolves just walk around until they find a pack to join, then they stay within the marked lands. She didn't do that, if she did then she wouldn't be here at the moment. The shewolf had grown bored of her packlands though and so she had gone out exploring before she decided it was time to just stay within Ludicael.

Green eyes watched the female move after she had spoke, was she scared of Aria's sudden appearance. Perhaps she had run into some bad wolves. Her ears perked up as the female continued, she was from the North but moved on when the ice began to thaw. That made sense, to movve to warmer lands. Every animal, well not every one, would migrate to warmer lands. The shewolf brought Aria out of her thoughts however when she noticed her glancing around nervously. A brow raised at this, did she catch the smell of a pack on her pelt? Was she worried that wolves would suddenly jump out at her? What nonsense, there was obviously no scent markers to let others know this land was claimed.

With ehr question and change of posture Aria shook her head with a light chuckle. "No no, these are free lands. And besides, my pack is along the shore. You're just fine, none of my packmates are nearby so there is no reason to be nervous. I won't bite." She explained with a smile, hoping the female would calm down and try to relax. Aria really was just here to have some fun and find somebody interesting to talk to. That was when she realized she should introduce herself, try to bring a calm atmosphere between them. So she cleared her throat and dipped her head. "I am Aria Corvi, a Lunav of Ludicael."


04-07-2013, 06:39 PM
Midnights hackles dropped slowly her body relaxing slightly though she did not sit, ?the shore?? she questioned offering a sheepish smile part apology it really had been a long time since she had rested properly, still jumping at shadows was not a useful endeavour, ?I don?t believe I have ever seen the shore.? as the silence moved between them midnight relaxed completely a pack would not wait this long if they planned to attack they would just attack, right. When the dame introduced herself midnight smiled in earnest and flicked her shortened tail "Aria Corvi I like it, my name is midnight,? her smile stuttered a bit as she realised she had no title to give then returned as she continued, ?loner extraordinary,? it was a good title far better then rogue or outsider.

Introductions done she stretched slightly and sat once more, a frown crossing her face as she though of the others introduction and relised she had no idea what half the words she had said actually meant lude...ludicael was probably her pack but then ?what?s a lunav?? she asked her prior fear had been replaced by an almost puppy like wish to know all there was to know and hey it wasn't everyday she met a friendly wolf so why not. She still kept a watchful eye on her surroundings and one ear remained cocked listening for any sound that would alert her to danger but this dam seemed harmless enough.

She listened intently to the answer aria gave then the moment Aria paused after the explanation she blurted out another, ?what?s the shore like, i've only ever really seen forest and snow. Living the loner life she was free to go where she pleased but safty was also rare finding a safe path between bears and cougars, mountain lions and whatever else was a daunting prospect far better to find a safe place and stay there, at least until the weather changed.

Aria I


04-15-2013, 05:39 PM

Aria Corvi

It was good to see the shewolf relaxing, Aria was a very friendly wolf and wouldn't be hostile towards people unless they attacked her, but even then she would sometimes get a joy out of messing with those wolves. The shore? She had questioned, causing the scarred shewolf to give a nod of her head. Perhaps this wolf didn't know what a shore was by the sound of her voice, it was a shame, they were very beautiful and the sand felt great on your paws. Aria would wait until the female was done speaking before she spoke up, mentioning how she had never seen the shore, complimenting her name then giving hers, Midnight. She went on to give her title, Loner Extraordinaire, causing her to chuckle at it. Then she asked what a Lunav was, yes, she was a loner so she wouldn't know what that was. Aria had no problem filling her in on it. She asked what the shore was like, telling her that she only seen forests and snow.

After it seemed like she was done talking Aria grinned at her, emerald eyes looking the shewolf over before clearing her throat. It is a pleasure to meet you Midnight. She dipped her head to the female out of respect. My pack has odd names for ranks, I don't mind them, it makes us sound unique. She chuckled lightly. A Lunav is a hunter, but I am working to become an Oridia, a warrior. I am looking forward to working my way up in ranks and become a Beta. Talking about it caused her to grin very large, holding her head high in pride. It won't be for some time though, I have to prove myself to our Sol, the Alphess. She added on, she figured the shewolf wouldn't be too interested in all that but she liked talking about her pack and wanted her to show she was working for something instead of sitting around like others and waiting for things to happen.

She moved away from the topic and went to talking about the shore which Midnight had never seen. Aria shook herself quickly, pushing herself up and motioning towards the East. It is beautiful, the ground is smooth and covered in sand. Sometimes there is a few wolf lengths of open land between the forest and water. The water... it is cold most of the time but on hot days it feels amazing. She had lifted her head towards the sky, eyes closing and a hum of slight pleasure slipped from between her lips. Perhaps I could take you sometime, if you would like. She had opened her eyes, emerald gazing falling on Midnight with a smile.

You should join Ludicael, my pack! She suddenly barked with excitement, dropping low to the ground with her butt in the air like a puppy, her stump of a tail wiggling. We could go to the shore whenever we liked, Jupiter would not mind as long as we don't endanger the pack. And there isn't much females, only guys really. The only girls are the Sol, me and a puppy. Well, there is another but I don't really see her much, I'm not sure if she is even with us still or left. She had stood up when thinking of the other shewolf, she had been there the day Jupiter called for wolves but that was really the only time she saw Aztec. She gave a shrug before turning back to Midnight with a grin. You don't have to, I'm just throwing it out there in case you planned on joining a pack sometime. It's gets pretty boring when your the only female and have nobody to talk to or explore with.



04-20-2013, 10:27 PM

Midnight nodded slowly as the she wolf spoke about her pack and her role within it. It was clear to midnight that aria was very ambitious. She wondered for a moment what it would be like to live in a pack and where she might fit in to a pack system, she could do everything to some degree she had to as a loner, if she could not hunt she would die if she could not fight she would die faster, her nose was good though and she could always find her meals faster then other wolves. Aria did not seem to think the position of lunav to be high enough but to midnight such a position seemed a dream come true. The mention of the sol made her shift her position uncomfortably this was why she had not joined a pack yet, she had only ever heard of the cruel and vicious alphas who had cast her teachers from their packs. Even the thought of an alpha made her skin crawl and the idea of being under one trapped and forced by loyalty to carry out their every whim made her skin crawl.

But Aria had continued the conversation and as the black dame listen she began to smile again the beach sounded amazing a pond so giant you could not even sea the other side, she wondered what sort of animals lived in this place how did the wolves of this place feed themselves, did deer come down to drink from the big water as they did in the forest she called home. She was beaming as she opened her mouth to ask. But once more Aria continued on and the sudden change of direction made midnight flinch back slightly.

A pack she could not say she had not thought of it some times it got cold and lonely and she honestly considered risking the rath of a vengeful alpha just for some companionship, but then the loneliness would pass and she would decide freedom to come and go to choice her own way was worth any amount of isolation. Still the offer tore at her even as the other dame insisted that it was only an offer, she sighed and gave a shrug, ?maybe some day,? she replied non-comitantly, ?but I will definitely have to visit this shore some time I have never heard of a pond so large in my life,? she offered a smile she liked talking with this girl and she did not want to scare her away.


Aria I


05-03-2013, 10:14 AM
ooc: Sorry for crappiness, just wanted to get this post made finally. XD

Aria Corvi

This shewolf seemed to be a nice gal, which disappointed Aria because she just realized she should get going. With a heavy sigh she stood up and looked to the dark female before her with a gentle smile. I would love to stay and chat with you more but I must get going now, I am sorry. Maybe we can meet each other another day. You seem like somebody I could become friends with. She said with a nod of her head beforeturning and walking away, she only managed to get a few feet though before stopping and looking back to Midnight. Ever wanna chat or come to the shore, just come to the Ludicael borders in the Mangrove Forest and call. I should be there right away. It was nice meeting you! Bye! And with that she turned back around and ran off.




05-03-2013, 06:46 PM

Surprise registered in Midnights eyes and she made to take a step forwards then stopped herself it would not do to show that weakness, ?very well,? she said offering a smile that came out a little sad ?wont delay you? her smile may have gone unnoticed as it was only after it had fadded from her maw that the other lass turned. The invitation came and she offered a true smile in return, ? I will remember that,? she replied her tail swaying gently behind her and she would perhaps she would join them in time, ?it was nice to meet you too.?

She watched aria speed away and sighed every muscle in her body relaxed completely quietly she scented the air looking for the smell of other wolves a few lingering scents hung in the air but nothing was strong enough to announce another wolves presence. Trusting her nose she yawned widely lay down once more on the cracked and overturned pavement that littered the ground bellow the giant trees bows, she would stay here till summer then who knew what would happen with a smile on her lips she closed her eyes and let sleep take her into its warm embrace.

