
Similar Minds



7 Years

06-26-2014, 02:58 PM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 12:30 AM by Bass.)

It had not been long since he became in charge of his own pack, but he had still gathered more than enough information about all the packs that called Alacritis their home. He knew that he would have a good relationship with Ludicael, it was led by his grandparents. But out of all the packs, Ebony seemed to be closest to the things that he believed in. From rumors he had heard it had just passed Alpha's, one leaving and giving it to one named Katja in their place. It wasn't that Bass was going to stick his nose in their business, but he had a feeling that they would be doing a lot of trading. With a smirk set on his maw he made the journey to her lands, being wary of their borders. He didn't want to cause any trouble, just to shake hands and be friends.

The brute stood just behind their boarder markers, keeping a respectful distance. The young alpha tipped his head back and let his call for Katja be heard. He was sure to leave the demanding tone from his voice, making it an open call asking for her to join them. They would have much to discuss, that was for sure. After his song was sung, Bass lowered his haunches to the earth and calmly wrapped his tail around his ivory paws, having all the patience in the world for this meeting. This pack would certainly be the most beneficial to his own.


Katja the First


8 Years
06-26-2014, 03:42 PM

Dark ears flicked at the sound of a call from the borders, and Katja stopped to listen. No call to join, this, but a call from one alpha to another. Not a demand either... an invitation. Curiosity peaked, the viking changed her heading and pace to send her at a lope toward the border where she'd been called from. She'd been hunting in the lake region anyway, the intention being leaving something at the pup-den of Ares and Devya to take some of the burden of providing for the family off Ares, so it didn't take her long to come upon the pale visitor.

She stopped before him, ringed tail resting easily at the level of her hocks as she studied him. He had a familiar look to him, and he was quite young for an alpha. He still bore traces of another pack's scent, and to Katja it was very interesting indeed. Was Ebony his first stop after founding his pack? It would be flattering under other circumstances, but why Ebony?

"Heil," she greeted him cautiously. "Katja Finnvi I do be. You call for me by name, and that does interest me I will admit - what is it you do be needing?"



7 Years

06-26-2014, 10:11 PM

He didn't have to wait long for the Ebony queen to appear, her herself drenched in the very namesake of her pack. She seemed to be interested by him, but he was pleased to notice that there were no signs of aggression. A smile pulled his lips towards his brown marked eyes, his head dipping in a respectful greeting as she ventured closer. When she spoke he listened intently, her strange ways of speaking almost sounding like a foreign tongue. However his smile did not falter, he would show no rudeness to this queen. He was no longer a child, he needed to remember that. He was the leader of his very own pack, and with that came a number of responsibilities.

After letting her speak, Bass once again dipped his head to the female. "A pleasure Lady Katja." He said smoothly, always such a gentleman. "I know it may surprise you that I call for you by name, and that you do not know mine. I am Bass Destruction, and I have recently claimed my own pack and territory. I have come here on business you see." He allowed a slight pause, waiting to see if any recognition passed through her at his name. There was a heavy amount of Deconstructions that called Alacritis home, so it wouldn't be surprising. "The way that I have set up my pack is slightly different than others. My pack is a pack of highly trained guards that go through a rigorous amount of training. I will be offering these guards to let to the packs, in turn of a favor." His smile broadened as he spoke, he was quite proud of Abaven's ways. "Abaven is a neutral pack, and your pack being that of great warriors, I am sure that we have much in common. I have come to you first to let you know of our system, and to see if you are interested." Chuckling at his own words, he slowly shook his head. "Of course you may not have need of us yet, but if there are wolves that you feel require extra protection from outside of the pack, Abaven has made these Eastern lands its home." It was a lot of information to throw at this Queen, so he once again paused and allowed for a break.

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I guess the true reason that I come to you today is to ally myself and Abaven with you and all of Ebony, if she will take me." He said softly, that grin ever present on his young face. He may be a little soul, but his knowledge and courage was great. He had faith in his system, and knew that he would make it. But to have Ebony by his side would be a great honor indeed.

Katja the First


8 Years
06-27-2014, 09:34 AM

The boy began a speech, and Katja kept her peace as as he did. The name did spark a moment of recognition, but she did not interrupt. She waited until he'd trailed off with an offer of alliance to speak, and even then she took a moment to consider her own words. "Related are you to the Novel Destruction who does leave the pack Ludicael?" she asked first. She thought he might be, with his similar coloration and markings, but she would not assume. "We do have an accord of peace with the pack Ludicael and have hope for stronger future ties."

She studied the boy with narrowed eyes, considering. He had laid out an interesting pack structure, almost a mercenary guild of sorts rather than what could be considered a proper pack. It was an interesting, and very useful concept, but the question would be if the boy was strong enough of will to hold all those disparate parts together.

"I am greatly interested in alliance with your pack, Bass Destruction," she allowed. "But understand, I would not be comfortable entrusting the safety of my pack's heirs to a guard whose training I have not been assured of. Time I would need, to make a decision on that aspect. The Xanilovs are very important to me and I cannot make that decision lightly." Still, she had nothing but approval for the enterprising young wolf - she who had been a mercenary could not condemn another. And interest she did have for his system. She cocked her head to the side thoughtfully. "However, what... favors... would this entail?"



7 Years

06-27-2014, 03:57 PM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 04:05 PM by Bass.)

Ah, so she did know a member of his family. Grasping at her words, he nodded his head slowly. "Yes, Novel the first is my grandmother, Novel the second is my cousin." There were two of them, but he was sure that he was referring to his grandmother. He nodded his head again when he brought up the alliance with Ludicael, they were a pack based around knowledge as power. He couldn't promise that a strong tie with Abaven will lead to a stronger relationship with Ludicael, but he could try.

He nodded once again to her words, very much understanding where she was coming from. "I understand that very well, if it would please you you would be welcome to come and view our training to insure that the guard you choose is a fit for yourself. If it would provide a comfort to you as well, you are more than welcome to test our guards against any warrior in your pack." He was very sure of his ways of training, but he did not question her. Of course she had every right to want to know the skills of the guards before wanting to protect her pack. He himself would wish to view the training, or to even see how they fight. "We could also set up private meetings if you wish."

When Katja asked for the favor, he smiled softly. He knew that was coming. "Some knowledge of herbs would be most appreciated as a favor, as well as a peace between the packs. Really just simple things, anything that we may need. The favor would of course be discussed before the guard is let out, and will only be accepted with your approval."