
Hurt [open]


03-24-2013, 10:21 AM

Her onyx eyes had lightened as she grew, turning a soft amber and loosing their innocent-like charm. She was still just as bubbly and cheerful as she had ever been, she was just a touch more grown up, she didn't go barreling into wolves anymore...well except Cetotorah, but he didn't count. She had grown into her body, beautifully. She wasn't insanely tall, nor was she exceptionally muscular, she was slender and trim, muscles being well developed from her time in both the water and training with her best friend.

However at the moment, she felt neither pretty nor strong. Blood oozed from her side, dripping from the gaping wound and matting in her tan fur. It made her wince, it made her cringe with every step she took upon the grass. A hunting journey had taken her a few miles from the lake and she had made one wrong move, antlers had gorged into her side, spearing her and sending her careening through the air. She had still manged to claim the life of the does fawn, but now she was feeling the after effects since the adrenaline had worn off.

Front paws dipped into the icy waters of the lake, a groan pulling itself from her maw as she collapsed into the shallow waters, the gentle lapping of the water feeling amazing against the injury. Her eyes fluttered shut, her body relaxing as the water soothed her muscles... perhaps if she just rested a bit she could work up the strength to get home.



03-26-2013, 04:28 PM
Familiar dirt caked on her paws as she made her way towards the lake. It wasn't the first time she had visited this lake. In fact her first visit had been rather memorable. Images flooded her mind bring a wicked sneer to her face. A low giggle bubbled within, softly filling the air. Air was beginning to smell of blood. Instinctively a salmon tongue caressed her maw, smoothing the gray fur, wetting it. Her tail curled up over her back, head dropping lower. Her steps softened, slowed to quietly distribute her weight.

The breeze that swept off the lake carried the strong coppery scent of blood straight to thirsty nostrils. A growl rumbled from her chest in anticipation. An easy meal perhaps? It smelled fresh enough. And she could use a meal right about now.

Emerald and amethyst eyes narrowed with disappointment when the shoreline finally reached her view. Partially submerged in the icy water lay a bloody white she-wolf. Stalking closer, her stance remained predatory, eyes hungry. "Well well what do we have here?" words dripped from her jaws sweeter than honey. Stopping just before the water, the silver Tortugan dame towered over the fallen wolf, a cruel smirk on her face.

((ooc- hope you don't me tossing in Antoinette))



03-26-2013, 06:03 PM

The boy had been lazing about without a care in the world. His tail would flick idly back and forth with his eyes half closed. It'd been a relaxing morning, one where he could just laze about and soak in spring's warm rays. That was before the wind shifted carrying Luana's scent with it. It told him that she had left the territory. Overprotective and very wary about her going places without him. They both were still very young, but she tended to not care about the personal space of others. To him she was ignorant of the dangers in the world. Every fiber in his being felt the need to protect his best friend. It was now instinct to him.

So the teenager had heaved himself to his paws and slowly began to follow the tan female's scent. It took him a while, she obviously had a much bigger head start. He was a great tracker though and it didn't take him long to catch up to her original spot where she had begun to track a deer. A little farther along he could pick of traces of blood. He was beginning to seriously worry now. Her blood was among the mix. She must have gotten hurt while hunting.

His pace turned into a run and before he knew it he could see a wolf standing over her by the lake. A growl rumbled ferociously into his chest as the overprotective side of him took over. He couldn't be sure what this wolf wanted, but he was unaware if the other she-wolf had caused the wound or not. He could only make assumptions and so far he didn't trust that wolf with the strange pack scent at all.

He rushed to them. Paws sent water flying as he attempted to throw himself in between Luana and the stranger. Head lowered and ruby colored eyes glittered dangerously as his feet braced apart as he faced the stranger. Tail raised high and blackened gums pulled back into snarl as more growls bubbled from his throat. His hair began to stand on end and he snapped once in warning.


He commanded harshly. Luana was hurt and the earth be damned if he let someone else near her while she was. He had to find herbs for her. Something to stop the bleeding. That or take her back to Marvel to heal her. He didn't have time for this imbecile. Besides, if this wolf had been the one who harmed her he'd have her head on a silver platter. She'd lie at his feet in shreds if that was what it took.

"Don't make me say it again." He snarled.



03-29-2013, 01:35 AM

She wasn't dying or horribly maimed, it would leave a minor scar at best, it was just tender, sore and she saw no point in exerting herself returning home when she could just as easily rest up and return better for wear. Cetotorah rarely left her side anymore, not that the sandy coated dame ever complained. They were joined at the hip, when one spoke Luana, Cetotorah's name was sure to follow. They rarely did anything apart, whether it be a duty or task for the pack or a good hunt. They spent time in laughter and speech and they spent time in silence, they had never taken separate dens and even the night before she had curled herself against him, resting her crown upon his front paws. This morning he had vanished and she had been left to her own devices. A hunt had sounded splendid.

But now she was injured and alone and it had not taken but a few long moments for another predator to find her. The dame had had little to no interaction with Tortuga, but from what she had heard it wasn't the most...kind of packs and by the cruel smirk upon the dames face, rumors were true. She paused, taking her time, attempting to think past the rash behavior that so often threatened her. She did not wish to provoke the dame, she would already be starting at a disadvantage. Her ears pinned back against her cranium, muscles twitching, ready to fly if she needed to.

"My name is Luana." She spoke gently, biting back the sarcastic words that threatened to escape her, her jaws opened to say more but a familiar sight bounding towards her snapped her attention from the dame before her. The snarl reverberating through the air as the ebony form crashed through the water, poising itself between them. She blinked once, slightly stunned to see him here, but as always her heart warmed at the sight of him and her tail drummed in the water. "Cetotorah..." So many emotions twined in her voice as she spoke naught but his name. she truly did adore him.



03-29-2013, 10:15 PM

She had no use for the fallen dames name. Nor did she care what her name was. All she knew was that she lay here wounded outside the protection of her pack lands. Foolish girl. Her injuries put her at a serious disadvantage in a fight. Jaws parted to speak but she was interrupted by the thundering sounds of paws racing towards them. Water splashed at the brute broke the surface, only coming to a stop to put himself between the silvery dame and his packmate.

Lips curled back in a snarl as he spat his words at her. "I do believe that you have no authority in these lands baby." taunting words dripped honey, eyes caressing every inch the brute before her. A dark gray pelt, with one oddly colored leg. White covering various parts of him. And his most startling feature was his crimson eyes that currently glared at her.

Lips curled up once more in a sneer, only adding to dark look. The soft splashing of water gave away that the dame was clearly happy to see the burly beast. Siblings perhaps? Or maybe lovers? Orbs shifted briefly between the two, a brow lifting ever so slightly.

Walk "Talk" Think



03-30-2013, 02:14 AM

Cetotorah could feel fear. Yes. The somewhat stoic brute felt fear and it was well placed. He'd heard many rumors about Tortuga and none of them had been very pleasant. This female seemed to be the epitome of what they stood for. She seemed to have no qualms going after his injured friend who was still lying in the bloody waters resting. She'd done absolutely nothing. Absolute fury overrode any fear he might have had. Rational thought flew out the proverbial window. Luana was his and he was Luana's. He felt the undeniable urge to be her guardian. He'd found her and then made a promise to himself that he'd be there for her. He no longer had any parents, and she had none either. So they would stick together through thick and thin, and right now she really needed him. He'd fight anything the world had to throw at him, including the Tortugan woman if it meant saving Luana.

An ear flicked backwards towards Luana as she said naught but his name. He let out a short breath and muscles quivered anxiously as he kept his composure. This wasn't going to end well, but this woman needed to back off and go find someone else to torment. He refused to allow her any farther. His attention didn't waver from the dame before him. Defenses never let up as he waited impatiently for the girl to leave. When she didn't and then denied him claiming he had no power in loner lands he snapped at the air with irritation the growls getting louder.

"Then I'll make you. I won't allow you any further."

With that the red eyed male threw all 37 inches of himself at the other wolf. His maw flashed open as teeth sought out to snap at any part of her face. This was a warning attack. He would back off if she made the notion to go. If she didn't he would continue attacking and fight her until there was only one victor. If he won she would have to leave. If he lost.... well, he didn't wanna think about that.



04-08-2013, 09:20 PM

The dame watched the interaction grow heated very quickly, her heart thudding in her rib cage like a war drum. This was bad. She was injured and while Cetotorah had filled out nicely he did not have the experience that his advisary more than likely possessed, she was older, with age came experience... usually. Cetotorah was horribly protective of her, shielding her from almost anything and everything that could possibly harm her. They were one he and her, formed from a bond that did not always require words.

But this dame, she did not come with a banner of friendship, something malicious gleamed in her eyes and Luana knew she was in danger and now Ceto was as well and their was little she could do to aide him. She snapped a coy response at him and Luana held her breath bristling, preparing herself for the reply, it came, short, quick and to the point. Her best friend offered the dame no quarter, lunging with teeth barred and claws extended. Luana stumbled back up to her feet, moving forward, intent on helping him any way she could.



04-09-2013, 05:50 PM

Then I'll make you. I won't allow you any further Cackling laughter spilled from her jaws. He maybe a massive beast, but it was clear that he was young, and she would have experience on him. A snarl ripped from her jaws as the brute flung himself at her, warning her to leave. She tossed her head to the right, angling her chest slightly to the right with her movement, but his fangs still connected with her shoulder. Ears went flat against her skull, eyes narrowed. Skull dropped level with her spine, tail lifted for balance as well as her legs moving out to steady her stance. If he wanted a fight, then he would get a fight. Muscles bunched beneath her pelt as she coiled herself up. An audit gave the slightest twitch before returning to its place against her skull. The wounded dame was trying to stand, as though she stood a in a fight in her current condition. Cold hard gaze never left the brute. the brute had size to his advantage, but with her lighter frame came speed. Striking quick as lightning, she shot forward, jaws open, fangs bared. He was still close enough that she sought for purchase on his shoulder, jaws snapping as she closed in. With her sole focus on the brute, it made it difficult to keep tabs on the dame but with her injuries and still being in the water, any attack she attempted would be a noisy one. She wouldn't lose this fight. No. After her attack was made, jaws hopefully attached to his shoulder, the silvery dame stayed close, offering up nothing more than her shoulder and side, most of her vitals protected.

ATTACKS: lunged forward, assuming he hasn't backed away from her, aiming for his shoulder

DEFENSE: Ears pinned, head low to protect throat, tail held out for balance as well as widening her stance for balance

INJURIES: Small bites to her left shoulder

Rounds 1/3

Edited to add rounds

Walk "Talk" Think



04-09-2013, 08:36 PM

Cetotorah was aware that she had more experience than he, and was also faster. She had so many more advantages on him that he should have been worried that he was surely going to lose. No thought process went through his brain to truly think this over. He had one goal in mind and one goal only. To protect Luana. She was his best friend, his family, and his pack mate. He would defend her with his life and he knew she would do the same for him, if he were to allow it. He had instinct and brute strength on his side at least.

His teeth connected with her shoulder and he backed away eager to get out of reach of any attack she would make. He realized she would not go so easily and he had accepted that fact. He would fight her and defend Luana. He was determined of that.

God dammit all though! Movement behind him and his attention went fully to his friend as she raised herself out of the water, stood, and was even ready to help him attack. What was she doing?! She was in absolutely no condition to fight a wolf. In her state it would only get her killed.

His distraction only proved to work against him. Teeth tore deeply into his shoulder and his head whipped back around towards the female. Eyes widened as a yelp slipped from his maw. Instinctively teeth sought for the first thing they could grab if she was in range. Anything at all.

Attacks: Attempting to bite her wherever he can instinctively. Not really thinking about his attack.

Defenses: None really.

Injuries: Real bad bite to the shoulder.

[ooc: So, I know his defenses and attack is terrible, but I figured I'd keep this as close to how Ceto would react xD]


Jupiter I


7 Years
04-09-2013, 09:14 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"


she threw herself forward, cry echoed by an unholy, bone-chilling snarl of a war exclamation that erupted from another creature that burst onto the scene at her side. the lass would make an attempt to grab the neck of the assaulting fae and push her aside, and then hopefully put herself between them--that was, if she didn't back off on her own. in affiliation with jupiter stood mercury, and the tasmanian devil took a threatening step forward, baring his teeth at his newfound opponent, the appearance slightly-yellowed weapons merely a sliver of the terror that lie behind them, for the force that the creature's jaws could bite with was horrifying.

jupiter would lower her head, lips curled up in a snarl. "back. BACK!" she would prompt viciously. should her attack have put her near the other female in the case that she didn't withdraw from the proximity of jupiter's pack members, the sol would here try to throw her weight into the chest of the other to force her back. should the other lass have moved by this point, she would merely advance a step or so, tail set for balance should retaliation be in order. her paws were spread for stability, and her neck scrunched should an obvious attack for the neck threaten her.

? 216 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
open threads yay. cx anyway, she's basically trying to put herself between them and push antoinette back.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-10-2013, 04:35 AM
The sound of a brawl filled the small dame's ears, Ears perked up she took off in a sprint towards the direction of what seemed to be the brawl was happening. Her paws hit the ground as she carried her small framed body across the land, soon she found her self coming to a halt. There were four other wolves here three female one male, and a conflict was defiantly occurring. "This is not good, not good at all" The dame spoke. Soon the smell of blood came to her nose. Someone was hurt, who, who. Her eyes scanned the area and landed upon a white dame who was the base of this brawl.

Segolia walked up to the leader of ludiceal pack, well as close as she could with out steeping in between the little tension spot. "I herd a brawl and your call to have it stop, what is going on?" She spoke as she stood there looking at the two who were obviously fighting "I also smell that someone is injured. I am Segolia one of the healers of Seracia, and i am willing to help the injured." She spoke as her eyes fell upon the white fea once more. Something about this brawl indicated that it was trying to protect the white fea who was here. Her ears perked foreword. "Tortugan wolf." She whispered to her self. That was it, she could only guess as to why the two were fighting.

The reason to that is, the lust for the kill. She knew that Tortuga had some colorful characters amongst it's boarders, so there bound to be one that thrills over the kill of it's own kind. her purple eyes looked at Jupider once more. "I know i am not apart of your pack but if you may allow me to take a look at the injured, i am glad to help anyone who is in need of medical treatment." She spoke as she stood there waiting for an answer.


04-14-2013, 07:55 PM

Luana watched with unabashed horror as the dame lunged at her Ceto. She was on her feet fighting back the scream of pain her side protested viciously. Her claws scraped the bottom of the river and she was springing from the water with whatever little energy she still possessed. She would not hurt Cetotorah. He was hers. Hers to play with her, hers to train with, hers to love, no one else had the right to him...any part of him.

She had barely taken three steps when Jupiter burst from the trees, gliding between Ceto and the miserable bitch who dare touch him. he was wounded, badly and she whined, nudging him and lapping at the injury, but her eyes remained on the enemy before them. Golden hued orbs narrowed into points, but wisely she spoke no more, allowing her alpha to handle this.

The healer appeared next but for the moment she paid her no heed. For now, her attention needed to remain on the Tortugan. If she choose to attack, she could not be bothered with dismissing a healer, she was already injured and this fight would take everything she still possessed within her. She was worried that Ceto wouldn't be strong enough to survive.



04-14-2013, 08:08 PM

The foolish brute allowed the wounded bitch to capture his attention, leaving his neck and shoulder open for attack. His pelt filled her jaws, and satisfaction filled her as his blood sweetened her tongue. With a toss of her head, she tore into his shoulder more. She would give him something to remember her by. However her assault was cut short by an ungodly screech from another wolf. The dames jaws snapped in Antoinettes direction, aiming for her neck. Fangs penetrated the scruff of her neck, swinging her skull towards the dame, she attempted to sink her own fangs into the bitches shoulder before releasing her stepping back. Ears remained pinned against her silvery head, teeth bared, chin tucked and tail held out. Amethyst and emerald eyes glared at the dame that put herself between the wolves, advancing towards her with her own aggressive stance, barking orders at her. A small step back was all she gave the woman. Eyes dropping to small mammal that was beside her. An odd looking creature. Jaws parted to speak before she was interrupted by another wolf. So far three packs stood at the bank of the lake, tension was thick enough to be cut with a knife. She ignored the healer, audits twitching at the sound of her packs name. Returning her attention to the wolf obviously in charge, "Now, now, no need for such an entrance." lyrics dripped poisoned honey, eyes dancing with aggravated amusement.

Walk "Talk" Think

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-14-2013, 08:24 PM

as her attack fell true, she found that she would not withdraw unscathed from this encounter, as the other fae's fangs found their way onto jupiter's shoulder. she pulled away a moment after she was released, but continued to keep herself between her pack members and this scumbag of a female. the sol didn't risk a glance in the healer's direction, and only flicked her tail to acknowledge the arrival, hoping that whoever it was had enough sense to not worry about the spat and to help those that were injured. her lip was still upturned with distaste and the rumbles of a snarl rolled through the girl's chest. the tasmanian devil beside her also held his ground, taking yet another threatening step forward, and though he was not quite in striking range just yet he made up for it with his absolutely terrible-sounding screams.

"no need for you to be attacking my members, either," she growled, tail and hackles raised, head lowered with her ears pinned tightly to her skull. she wouldn't stand for this. not now, not ever. blood was heavy in the air and for jupiter to know that it was the crimson life of one of her members that was spilled upon the ground by another wolf's paw was something she would not allow to go without some sort of punishment. her celestial gaze, cool in color but sweltering hot with anger, trailed to the wound she had left upon the other creature. she hoped that this would be a good reminder and decent enough of a push to get the bitch out of here. jupiter had both of her members to worry about, and she would rather spend time fetching marvel or helping the healer here than fight with some stubborn lupine with a bad sense of judgment. "leave, now, or i'll make you," came her threat, though if given a single other reason to act upon it, it would be more than just that.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



04-18-2013, 03:17 PM

Two figures came out of, what it seemed, nowhere and Ceto soon recognized the scent. It was their Sol. Cetotorah immediately relaxed enough and mind went from the fight and back to Luana to see her standing. What was she doing? He gave her a look that said 'sit down before I make you. I'm fine.' before he looked back towards the Tortugan, Jupiter, and Mercury.

Crimson gaze never left the Tortugan dame. He was ready to jump in and help, though he was sure both she and her companion didn't need it, but he would be there to protect Luana and himself should the other girl decided to get slick and try and sneak past. It seemed as though the Sol had done a rather good job in backing her up away from both him and Luana, but it had come with a price. A frown creased his muzzle. He didn't like the fact that Jupiter had gotten hurt because of this girl. Her face and scent would remain locked in his memory.

Another girl came to the scene and Ceto gave her a wary glance and a sniff before she introduced herself as a healer and he relaxed slightly, content to watch the Tortugan girl again. Jupiter warned her off letting her know that she didn't appreciate her attacking her members. Cetotorah was inexperienced, but he would at least appear to know a little bit about fighting.

A low growl rumbled in his chest and lips pulled back as he snarled his own warning. A little bit of intimidation never hurt. Perhaps they both could make her feel nervous enough that she'd truly believe they'd both attack her if she didn't leave. He shifted off of his shoulder and rested most of his weight on his good leg. He'd still fight if he had to, but for now he'd stay out of it unless provoked again.



04-30-2013, 05:08 PM

Luana's gaze flooded with worry for both Jupiter and her beloved Cetotorah. if only that damned stag hadn't gotten her... a soft pink tongue would escape her lips, licking them in worry. For Jupiter, for Ceto, for herself, for the tiny Tasmanian devil... all of them were her family and she was loathe to see anyone else hurt because of her, Ceto already was. She watched, waiting, in silent anticipation as the argument grew more heated, words were exchanged and the Tortugan seemed to be biding her time, deciding. if she attacked, Luana would help, injury or no.

(((OOC: Sorry for the crappy shortness, but this thread kind of depends on Antoinette's reaction, not Luana's xD)))



05-02-2013, 09:58 PM

She pulled back, satisfied with leaving a mark for the dame to remember her by. Gaze dropped to the odd creature that stepped towards him, before releasing a god awful noise. The fiery dame spoke again, replying to her snide comment. Brow lifted. "Now now, lets not get things mixed up. It was me who was attacked, after I came to see what happened to this poor little girl." Eyes slide from Jupiter, to Ceto and then to Luana as she spoke of each. She was getting bored. Clearly she wasn't going to get to sink her fangs into the brute anymore that she already had, and she wasn't stupid enough to take of two wolves. Attention lazily drifted back to the dame, threatening her once more. A smirk crossed her features as the brute growled, though he kept his weight off his wounded shoulder. Her tail curled with delight over her back, ink lips still smirking. "Very well." Dramatically, she dipped down in a bow, sarcasm rolling off her movements. She shot the brute one more look. This wasn't over. She would get him again. Turning on her heels, she made her exit.

-Exit antoinette-

OOC- Sorry for the short reply, no muse for her

Walk "Talk" Think

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-03-2013, 03:39 PM

though a wary eye remained precisely upon the she-wolf as she took her leave, the alpha said no more, and noted only the familiar tortugan scent upon her pelt. the moment the lass disappeared from the scene, though, the sol would turn quickly to her charges, paws carrying her to luana, head pressing forward in an attempt to nuzzle the lass. "are you alright?" she inquired, and stepped back to allow her eyes to graze over luana's figure and her wounds before she advanced toward cetotorah, aiming a concerned lick at the planes of his ear. "and you?" the fae took a moment to observe both of them, relief evident in her eyes. mercury, who had frozen in his spot for a short while to make sure the female did not return, now took his leave from his sentry duty and toddled over toward luana, sniffing at her scent, but not growling as he usually would.

the girl glanced at the proclaimed healer, eyes narrowing very slightly. her patience for strangers was currently gone--as was her trust--and she would fix a disdainful optic upon the creature, gaze steady as she spoke to her pack members. "would you like her to treat you? or are you able to return to ludicael so we can seek out marvel?"


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-09-2013, 04:33 PM

Luana's ears pinned back against her skull and she had to bite back the snarl as the lies fell like venom from the Tortugan's maw. Oh! She suddenly knew what she wanted to become. Her attention turned back to Jupiter as she addressed both her and Ceto. Luana would limp, but she could make it back home, she was sure of it. The gash wasn't terribly deep, just long, it was Ceto that she was more worried about, the bitch had gotten a hold of him. Her anger vanished as she remembered her companion and she whined, crying deep in her chest as a soft pink tongue escaped her lips to bathe his injury gently, cleaning it instinctively.

"I'm fine Jupiter, I can make it home... Ceto?" She nudged him gently, it worried her that he wasn't speaking, maybe the wound was worse than she thought? Her golden eyes flooded with worry. She looked back to Jupiter, awaiting her reaction, before she dipped her head gently, wishing to ask while she still had the nerve. "Jupiter, I want to become a warrior, I want to learn how to defend my friends and my home, so I never have to see anyone I love suffer again." Her words, while a touch naive, rung with utter confidence, she was sure in this decision.



05-09-2013, 05:00 PM

Segolia watched as the scene unfolded before her eyes. Jsut as quickly as it begun it was over and She stood there waiting for anything. Her eyes landed upon Luna and Jupiter, they exchanged a few words and Segolia was not needed here. She gave the two a slight bow and preceded to leave. Evcenthough her intentions were good, she knew that this was no longer her place to be.

*Exit Segolia*
