


06-26-2014, 02:34 PM

The woman, somehow, had managed to climb a tree. Her tiny form was perched up in a rather tall tree without care. A tail swayed down below and her eyes were wide open. She studied her surroundings with such urgency, as if the woman was going to be attacked. Yet, she just watched the atmosphere. The lovely trees, the beautiful flowers, the bright blue sky. She let her eyes shut as a breeze flowed through her messy fur. The woman was on pack grounds, yet it was for a reason. She had caught the scent of her sister! The purple woman she had once loved ever so dearly! The striped girl was excited to so her long lost sister. The woman's messy fur was doused in a lovely shade of tan with alabaster stripes that fluttered down her body with ease. If she was even the slightest bit aware of her appearance the woman would look beautiful. But, she just looked like a mess. Nothing bothered the woman except crimes to nature. Hunting was her least favorite activity. She hated to see animals die. Therefore she usually caught the sickly ones or scavenged. She also had a taste for berries too. Her body was very skinny due to her lack of meat, but she would never want to divulge on a large mass of animal. That was just horrible!

As the wind died down the girl carefully slithered down the tree. Her claws raking against the bark. She loved trees. She felt as if they spoke to her. As her dainty paws hit the ground the tree loving femme rubbed against the trunk before setting off further into the gully. Her lovely little paws hit the ground in delight. She seemed to bounce with each step. The woman's fur had various leaves and twigs in it from her adventures. Baths were not on her priority list, at all. Her tail wagged crazily as she smelt the scent of her sister once more. Was she getting close? Would the pack people be mad at her? Latalia was no use to packs at all. She had never been in one nor did she want to be. The crazy little Cat lady was not one for social events for she was always the odd one out. Her way of thinking was off and no where near like others. People judged her, yet she was immune to it. The lady was completely oblivious to it all. All she needed was her nature. With nature she would be fine.



5 Years
06-27-2014, 11:53 AM

Something had felt... of.

A faint scent clung to Covari lands, it was familiar and yet not quite so. Desire? still couldnt quite figure it out. Her slender legs would carry her closer and closer until finally Desire? locked her gaze upon a slinking form. Somehow the wolf managed to climb... trees. Oh, now she knew. Straight when she had witnessed the event Des couldnt get it wrong, her dear sister. A grin would pull upon her lips, happy to see she had made it onto Alactria. the queen would waste no time, pushing her body forward to eat away the distance between them. " Dont you realise your tresspassing on My lands?" There was no anger within her voice; she didnt want to get on bad terms with her own blood. " Latalia, its been so long! where have you been? Ive missed your 'unusual' ways." The Rani wished not to offend, she really did find Lat quite the character. Even when they where younger they where completely different, she always seemed to be in tune with nature and act more cat then wolf. But hey, you cant choose family.


06-27-2014, 12:38 PM

The woman trotted along in silence. Her fur bounced about and her tail waved in delight. She had a big smile upon her tan lips. Beautiful blue eyes were wide and aware. Yet, her mind was elsewhere. She observed each and every tree. She ignored the animals when they hid, due to the fact that she had no reason to go after them. She was slightly hungry but she is in no mood to hunt. Yet, when she heard a voice call out the tiger striped fae went wide eyed and turned around. " Dont you realise your tresspassing on My lands?" Latalia tilted her head, confused and surprised. Her sister would greet her so? Yet, when more words came the little lady lightened up. " Latalia, its been so long! where have you been? Ive missed your 'unusual' ways." The woman giggled softly, her sister had always thought her ways were unusual and had no issue expressing such. Yet, the tan girl shrugged it off. Whatever makes a person happy should matter. Lat slithered in closer with a huge smile and a yip like a pup. She went to embrace her beauty of a sister in a hug. "I have missed you so my purple sister!" The tree hugger giggled some more before taking a step back and looking at her larger sibling. "You have a pack now?! Ooo! Are they nice? Do they respect nature? I hope you respect nature. You know without trees there would be no shade or no little creatures to hunt! Do you like trees Des? I have no spoken to you in such a long time! I love you sister!" She leaned back in for another embrace with a huge smile.



5 Years
06-28-2014, 09:14 AM

Everything was falling into place perfectly, and the precense of her dear sister made it all the more better. There was no denying how protective des can be towards her family, and would do almost anything for them. Her smile would grow wider, though the queen would keep her structure strong and somewhat dominant over her sibling. " I do have a pack... its strange really, im so used to travelling all over the place. Ah, i havent gotten around to all the members to tell them to respect nature just yet, but i know your enthusiasm for it makes up for it all!"She would chuckle, always feeling at peace when family are around. " Oh ive missed you to my zebra striped sister! Its been so long!" she would welcome Latalias hug, embracing it and hoping she wouldnt be leaving Alactria so soon. " Are the others with you?" the Rani would tilt her head slightly, hoping though not expecting such luck.