
Never Too Late



07-05-2014, 07:35 PM

Things needed to be said, to clear the air. She was still ruffled by the fact her parents were here and in charge. She dreaded things would just go back the way it had once been. Had it not been their mother that had drove Song away and eventually her and her brother with also the fact to find Song too? She still held a grudge against her parents, still felt bitter. She might not have been as out spoken as Howl was but she had found her voice in the time she had left her home pack. She had changed much and it seemed her parents could not get over that fact every time they spoke, given it wasn't often.

She had left the den to get some fresh air at dawn. Atlas stayed behind to watch over the den, a habit he seemed very fond of since he had met the pups. The barn owl might never admit it but she knew he adored the three pups. He was very protective of them and often brought mice for them or a few of his feathers. This her time alone she thought maybe it would be a good idea to talk to her parents, one on one. She set out for their den, her bad leg aching slightly from use. She could put her full weight on it but it still hurt but it was slowly getting stronger. Her only regret about it was that she would forever have a slight limp to her step.

It wouldn't take her too long to get there but once at the den she slowed to a slinking like pace. Unsure if she should wake them if they weren't up. She shook her head, heck with it, if she didn't do it now she might not get another chance. Straightening up she gave a bark before striding into view of the den."Father, Mother, I need to speak with you."


Dutiron i


8 Years
07-05-2014, 07:49 PM

Dutiron had spent a fair amount of time watching Novella and Frith rather closely since the ordeal of the latter's arrival in Ludicael. Neither had stepped out of line yet, had continued through with their punishments though it seemed that it wouldn't keep them apart. Distracting himself he sought time with his mate, these moments of isolation would soon be rare once more once the children arrived. They hadn't yet spoken to any of their family about it, though it was likely such a talk would need to come soon before the pregnancy became too obvious.

They would be disturbed now however and by one of their eldest children. Though they had hoped for a moment of peace and quiet, the man certainly wouldn't ignore his daughter and would rise and make his way to the entrance of the den, certain that Novel wouldn't be far behind him as he emerged into the light and shifted to leave the entrance clear for his mate. "Symphony, is something wrong?" He certainly hoped not though it was clear not all of their eldest children had forgiven them just yet and he couldn't help but grow a little worried for the need to talk because of it.

Novel i


8 Years
07-05-2014, 08:34 PM

There was no denying the pregnancy now, she would begin to feel her abdomen harden and her moods would fluctuate whenever they so desired. Dutiron was ever helpful and ever loyal through them all, and she loved him for it. The morning would start with the two of them enjoying some quiet time in the den, she'd calmed down completely. She had seen the way that Dutiron would watch Frith as he interacted with their daughter. She wondered if before them they would see a romance blossoming, but mostly she would push those thoughts aside. Frith seemed to be a good boy, but there was still a timidness about him that would slightly alarm her.
As she awoke during those fragile morning hours, her form snuggled close to Dutiron's side. The quiet morning would find them secluded, and for a while she would enjoy the simple time of just having him. Their precious moments would be interrupted, the gentle voice of their daughter would distract them. Dutiron would move first, and she a bit more slowly after. Her mate would greet their offspring, and she would allow a concerned and loving look to her daughter, waiting for her words.




07-05-2014, 08:46 PM

She would stand there silently and patiently waiting for her parents. She knew they were in there, their scent heavily drifting out of the den. But another scent was mingled with it, one she knew of well now. But before she could ponder on it her father emerged with concern and her mother shortly after."No..i mean well yes but no. Everyone and thing is fine..but we need to talk." She sat down shaking her muddled head for a moment to gather her thoughts."We need to talk about us, about you two. not comfortable with you two in charge again. How can you promise things wont end up the same way it had been before. When Song left and Howl, Anthem and I left too? Sure we left to go find her but we also left to get away from you. Whats to say it wont happen again?" There she had said it.

She looked down at her paws, shoulders slightly tensed. They knew nothing of what she had been through, how she had felt before she left, what she went through here in Alacritis. Maybe this was a time to tell them, explain why she was the way she was. Why is was so protective, why she seemed so defiant."And..I think we have a lot to catch up on too" She added softly as she looked back up at them.


Novel i


8 Years
07-07-2014, 03:25 PM

Symphony would present herself before them, words slowly coming from her pale jaws. She would seat herself before them, words forming from her lips. Novel's eyes would widen in astonishment, bold words that were so hurtful. She could hardly gather her thoughts, every word backwards. "Symphony if you did not want us to lead you then you shouldn't have accepted your position in the pack so easily. Wolves change my daughter, what happened between Song and I has been put in the past. I'm a better wolf than I was four years ago. If you can not let go of what others can not control I don't know what will stop you leaving again. I can't make that decision for you." She would stay standing, her hurt coming off as aggravation. Tail would whip about in frustration as she stared at her daughter. Symphony was right that they had no idea what she had felt, after Song attacked her Novel had wanted to show nothing but love to her children. If her daughter and son did not want to accept it, Novel could never be able to make that decision for them.
She looked a bit ashamed as her bicolored gaze would stare as alabaster paws. Novel though would stand alert, wondering what Dutiron had to say. They certainly did have much to catch up on. Novel had failed in the most utter way possibly the first year of their lives. If she had to teach them all those missed lessons on this day she would, because with Symphony's attitude it certainly sounded like it. "You're right. There is much catching up to do." Her tail would fly once more before she too had a seat outside the den.


Dutiron i


8 Years
07-07-2014, 05:37 PM

Novel would silently join him and the pair would await their daughter's words. The concern would fade and give way to a rather hurt emotion flooding through him instead. Of course the first year had hardly been the greatest for their children though they had changed, surely Symphony and Howl had been able to see that with the way that they had raised Novella, Legend, Story and Myth. He would regret not having given the same life to his eldest litter of course though that guilt and shame had eaten them for some time, worried him to no end before the birth of the second litter.

Novel would be swift to respond, pointing out that perhaps Symphony shouldn't have joined Ludicael so swiftly. It would pain him to agree though if she had doubts these sort of things were best sorted prior to joining and accepting a high rank within the pack that they led. They weren't about to step down any time soon after all, Song had needed to take a break and even when she returned Dutiron felt it probably best that they continue to lead for a while anyway, Song had been left with a lot of recovering to do as of late and the death of Descant had just been the worst of all.

"I am sorry that you can't see that for yourself Symphony but we have changed. We know we have made many mistakes in the past but we have learnt and grown from them. We have changed, but also our problems lay mainly in our parenting." The man would respond, his tone as usual calmer than his mate's though too suggested the hurt that they both felt. "It's not our leading that was the problem however, Ahlon was fine in our care, it was our family that we neglected. There is no changing the past of course though we certainly always hoped to build a better future. Song and Lyric have forgiven us, I really do hope that you and Howl can find it in yourselves to do the same. As your mother says, we can't force you to stay though please don't have the attitude that eventually you will have to run again, just give us a chance."

Then of course would come the topic that there was a lot of catching up to do. Did this mean perhaps that Symphony planned on sticking around to do said catching up? He certainly hoped so, the chance to mend the broken relationship with his children, create one with his grandchildren and of course now for Symphony to know, love and care for her newest siblings the same she did for the others. His mate would agree though that there was a lot to catch up on and indeed there was, where to start? Perhaps Symphony had an idea, to be honest Dutiron had a feeling that she did.



07-15-2014, 07:43 PM

She did not need to look up to know what she said hurt them. But she just couldn't help those worrying thoughts. She just didn't want to go though that struggle and pain again, she didn't want her children to ever see that kind of life from anyone in the family. Her mother's words made her bristle under her skin. Perhaps Symphony had changed much more than she thought. She was more hot headed now, more bold with her words. But had not Song caused that in a way? If Symphony had never found her voice she would not have Gitan or any or her children. Had not Detest and Jupiter caused it too when she had been accused of being traitor? Her ears would twist back but not lay flat upon her skull.

She had always liked her father more. His voice was calmer, gentler and he seemed more even tempered than her mother. She would look up at the both of them for a moment to think over their words. "I just cant help worry. I do want to trust you two. But..i jut feel like I cant relay on the family anymore. When I first got here and found Song things were good. I became the healer of the pack and in doing so I wished to make a bond with other pack healers. Thus in times of great dire we might aid one another. But then I was accused of being a traitor by the old alpha's trusted friend. When questioned I told them I was not and looked to Song. The sister I had always looked to when I needed someone and she sat there in silence!" Her voice had raised as the anger returned to her from the memory. She still could not forgive Song for it."It did not help I felt that Song had replaced our family with Silent her "new mother" I couldn't understand why she would do that. I guess I just wanted things to be back to normal, for all of us to be close again, that I hated Silent for it. For taking Song away from me. I was angry with Song..Then Howl grew distant on us all. I met Gitan who was from a different pack. It was hard for us. I knew at once he had stolen my heart. When our packs saw differences in alliances he thought it was best for us to depart. But I couldn't let him go. He was the only one to make me smile those days. I felt so alone from Song and Howl. So outcasted. So when Song called for a meeting I stated I was leaving to be with Gitan. The guilt Song pressed on me was destroying. But I wasn't happy here, not at that time. How could I when my heart and soul was with someone not there? " She shook her head slowly, eyes closing as she thought back.

"Howl was the one to tell Song it was my right to leave, that everyone had a right to follow their heart. So for a while it was just Gitan and me. Till I became pregnant with his pups. During a horrible storm we fled our island and I feared for the family here. And well I've been here since, kinda. When I gave birth to my children only Novel, assisted in my labor and delivery. Novella was the only other family there. And she was there even days after, visiting often. But no one else was there, no one came. I understand Song had her pups hours after me so I understand that." Retelling everything was exhausting and her body slide down as front paws crossed over one another."When the earthquake came I had just gone out to think. I don't remember where I was going, I guess I was looking for something to help Anthem. But the earth opened under me and I fell in, breaking my leg. I was stuck there in the dark in pain. It took me days to find the strength to get out. I owe my pups for that. My dire need to see them and be with them was the only thing that brought me home. I a dark place then. Everyone was my enemy, and I nearly attacked Gitan when I came back." She paused to look up at her parents, pleading for them to understand. She so badly needed her family to be there for her, needed her parents more than she could ever imagine.


Novel i


8 Years
07-21-2014, 07:43 AM

Dutiron would easily back her up, and it seemed like Symphony would dismiss the topic, she would go on a lengthy explanation of her life since she'd come to Alacritis, and Novel would do her best not to shake her head. She had done such a terrible job of preparing Symphony for the real world. She would blame her problems on the family, and she would admit to not being able to share in forgiveness. It was disappointing to hear such words from her own daughter. Novel couldn't imagine hanging on to grudges, especially with family, so tightly. She knew she'd neglected her child, but was this really the end result of that? "Symphony, I don't even know where to begin. If I were you though, I'd start with forgiveness. We don't live forever, and life is much to short to hold onto the past. You have to live in the present, You'll never trust anyone if you keep on doing what you've always been doing. You need to have empathy, practice feeling what others feel, and before the rest of your family can get involved in your life, like you want so bad, and really need from the sound of recent events, Symphony, you need to get into your family's lives. It's a two way relationship, if you don't open up to everyone else they will never want to open up to you." She wanted to comfort her daughter, she wanted to hold her and kiss her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. But it wouldn't. Not unless she changed her attitude and stopped blaming other's for her problems. "Symphony I love you so much. I'm sorry I wasn't there like I should have been your first year of life. I'm sorry I didn't prepare you as well as I should have."
