
From Boys To Men



7 Years
06-20-2014, 09:30 PM

It was the challenge for Valhalla that had gotten his mind going. In that moment deciding, wanting to make progression towards his future. He would wander towards the battlefield, sure Erani was already fighting her challenger, though the male did not wish to see the fight firsthand. If anything befell the older she-wolf he did not want to bear witness to it, to see the hurts that she might get during this fight. So, to take his mind off such things, what better way was there then to hold a fight of his own? Some sort of challenge to get his blood pumping and his mind ready. This spar, he was sure, was going to be the first of many.

Gala would come to a halt, ears pricked forward as he glanced in the direction of the battlefield where not one, but two alphaship challenges were taking place. Arcanum and Valhalla were fighting for their crowns, to remain where they were, as they were. The path an alpha walked would not be an easy one, but it was the path, Gala had decided, that he wished to take as well. The young male would throw his head back, requesting a sparring partner. It was time to start training, to get ready, to make himself something better than what he was. He was going to make his family proud, and live up to his bloodline. This was what he swore.




7 Years

06-28-2014, 12:09 AM (This post was last modified: 07-05-2014, 09:01 PM by Bass.)

The calls kept on coming from the battlefield, and Bass would keep on answering. He wanted to get big and strong, and fighting these spars would do him well. So he entered the battlefield, his gaze landing on the male who waited there. He sized up his appointment, noticing that he was taller than his 36 inches. He took that to heart as he stalking up to his appointment, a soft smile on his lips. "Hell spar partner, I'm Bass Destruction." It would be rude of him not to state his name, after all they would be learning a great deal from one another.

Bass left a large gap between the two, deciding not to attack first and to instead let the caller start. "After you, stranger." He spoke, instead setting his defenses. The brute lowered his ears flat against his skull, tucking his chin to his chest to protect his vials. His legs spread as he set his balance and slightly bent his knees, digging his claws into the earth to provide him more traction. His tail raised to align with his spine, his pale hackles raising along his spine. Lowering his head to again align with his spine, his lips pulled back into a snarl as he rolled his shoulders. He was ready, let the spar begin.



ROUND 0 of 3 if that's okay?

Attacks : N/A, allowing galahad the first move

Defenses : The brute lowered his ears flat against his skull, tucking his chin to his chest to protect his vials. His legs spread as he set his balance and slightly bent his knees, digging his claws into the earth to provide him more traction. His tail raised to align with his spine, his pale hackles raising along his spine. Lowering his head to again align with his spine, his lips pulled back into a snarl as he rolled his shoulders.

Injuries : N/A, first round

OOC Notes : Keno gave me permission to edit my post to change it to round 0 of 3. ^.^




7 Years
07-05-2014, 08:35 PM

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. . .

Even with the calls of challenges rising into the air, Galahad was fortunate enough to not have to wait all that long for a spar partner. A male would approach him, a male that he was just a bit taller than. It was not a great height difference, however it was a bit of an advantage at times. But when it came to spars he was unsure just how much of an advantage it might give. Against his very first opponent it hadn?t proved to aid him much, though he hadn?t exactly known fully what to do back then. He had learned , even if it was only through hunting and practicing doing his defenses and some basic strategies with Emery. Was it the best training? No. But it was a start... And Galahad was ready to test himself.

He would return the smile, though his was a bit more reserved and wary. This stranger could end up being a friend or foe, there was no telling what would become of their meeting. The male gave the name of Bass Destruction, and Galahad would dip his head respectfully. ?Well met, Bass. I am Galahad, son of Ocean and Gargoyle.? He had no last name, though perhaps his parent?s names might spark some sort of recognition from wolves. A pang would enter Gala?s heart as he thought of one wolf who had known his parents.


Her death had been hard to bear. Perhaps, Gala would think, that was why Oracle had taken to wandering away. He had not lost hope in seeing his sister again... and he would not allow Midnight?s death, fighting to protect them, to have been in vain. She had given them all a chance to continue on... And he pledged to become stronger, so, if nothing else, he would never lose the ones he loved ever again.

Bass had left a gap between the two of them, and instead of attacking gave him the first move. Gala would flick one ear in thought, giving a silent nod. So be it then, he would fight his best and learn, if nothing else.

Ears would lower flat against his skull once more, eyes narrowing as brow furrowed in determination. Lips would curl back, a slight snarl issuing forth. Tail remained aligned with his spine, head lowered to align with it as well. His neck was scrunched, and his chin was tucked some in order to protect his throat. It was a vulnerable area, and though the other had answered the call of a spar there was always the chance that he might not be a wolf of pure and honest heart. His stance was widened, knees bent with his weight distributed. Shoulders too were rolled forward in readiness. His core was tightened, breathing coming out easy as he mentally prepared himself. Hackles were of curse raised, the black fur bristling as if needles stood along the brute?s back.

Now was the time for him to move.


Galahad vs Bass for Spar

Round:: 1 / 3

Attacks:: Galahad would rush in, aiming to hopefully throw his opponent off with his move. An attack that would be effective, as well as keep him from getting damaged too badly, was the key to any battle. As he neared the pale brute, Gala would lower his head, jaws opening, as if he was aiming a bite for one of the male?s front legs, the left, since he started shifting to the right. But a moment before impact Galahad would feint to the left, aiming to slam his right shoulder into the other brute?s own in a frontal slam. Jaws would flash to the side, aiming to grab any flesh along the male?s side or back. Right front paw would also seek to land hard upon the brute?s front right toes, the end of his charge for the slam. For now his stance remained balanced, with the weight evenly distributed to aid in his attack.

Defenses:: Ears Pinned, Eyes Narrowed, Brow Furrowed, Chin Tucked || Head Aligned With Spine, Neck Scrunched, Shoulders Rolled Forward, Hackles Raised, Tail Aligned With Spine || Stance Widened, Weight Distributed, Knees Bent, Core Tightened

Injuries:: None, First Round

Notes: If you need a diagram or to ask a question you can skype or PM me dear. ^^




7 Years

07-05-2014, 09:46 PM

He stood and awaited the brutes move, and he would not have to wait too long until Gala charged forward. Letting out a growl he stood his ground, keeping the two males facing head on. He braced himself for impact, his golden gaze following him as he lowered his head to bite down on his leg. Bass shifted his weight onto his front legs, prepared to take the hit when his opponent moved to Bass's right, Galahad's left shoulder slamming into his own right one. Wincing slightly, he stumbled backwards somewhat as his weight had not been evenly placed. He could already feel the tenderness of the bruise starting, but did not dwell on it. Snarling, Bass attempted to slam his own right shoulder even further into Gala's left, trying to drive the front of his shoulder bone into Gala's. He hoped to cause some bruising in the shoulder, but knew that if it would land that his own bruise would deepen.

Bass had very little time to think before Galahad was aiming to bite him on Bass's right side. Bass side stepped, avoiding the bite as Gala's teeth just pulled out hairs. It still hurt, but no skin had been cut. Bass reset his balance, making sure that his weight was spread equally along all four legs so that he would not slide as he had before. He was about to snap his own teeth at Gala's flank, but the darker males right paw rose to try to slam onto his own right paw. Seeing his opportunity, Bass's head lowered as his jaws aimed to bite into Galahad's raised right front paw. He hoped to bite down deep, hopefully breaking through his paw pad so that Gala would have to favour that leg. Bass's ears lay flat against his skull so that it would be hard for Gala to bite them, as well as rolling his shoulders forward to protect his neck. His hackles raised as well, providing more protection. Bass flinched slightly at the roll of his bruised shoulder, but worked on focusing on his adrenaline to push passed the pain.

As Bass attempted the bite to Gala's paw, Bass's right front leg lifted and tried to strike out at Galahad's front left leg, aiming for his knee and wished to knock him off balance. Because Bass's face was pointing left, he made sure to scrunch his neck and tuck in his chin as the right side of his neck was exposed. Thankfully it was his unhurt shoulder protecting that exposed neck if Galahad tried to aim for him there. His pale tail aligned with his spine, his eyes narrowed as he focused all his jaw strength on that bite. Nails dug into the earth as Bass's muscles tightened, ready for anything that Gala was going to throw at him.



ROUND 1 of 3 if

Attacks : Bass's head lowered as his jaws aimed to bite into Galahad's raised right front paw. He hoped to bite down deep, hopefully breaking through his paw pad so that Gala would have to favour that leg. As Bass attempted the bite to Gala's paw, Bass's right front leg lifted and tried to strike out at Galahad's front left leg, aiming for his knee and wished to knock him off balance.

Defenses : ... weight was spread equally along all four legs... Bass's ears lay flat against his skull so that it would be hard for Gala to bite them, as well as rolling his shoulders forward to protect his neck. His hackles raised as well, providing more protection. ...he made sure to scrunch his neck and tuck in his chin as the right side of his neck was exposed. His pale tail aligned with his spine, his eyes narrowed... Nails dug into the earth as Bass's muscles tightened, ready for anything that Gala was going to throw at him.

Injuries : Bruising on shoulder, severity depending on if is attack lands or not.



7 Years
07-12-2014, 09:47 PM

. . .

Galahad's initial attack, the shoulder slam, would be successful. His own shoulder would get bruised from the attack of course, but it was hopefully more minimal than his opponent. That was a subconscious thought however. For though Gala's intentions were not to seriously harm or main his opponent, he was going all out, and in this to win. What was he fighting for? At this point Galahad wasn't sure anymore. The thought of becoming an alpha, of fighting for those weaker than himself rose in his mind. A noble effort, a valiant effort, but so too rose the thought of finding someone, something, that he believed in, and sticking with them until the very end. His family was once a 'family' group of rogues... why not be that again?

The impact of his own attack landing would cause the other to slide back slightly, barely giving him time to check his stance. The other would come back towards him. He would shift his own body in a sidestep, to his left, Bass's shoulder sliding slight alongside his own so that their fur was touching, but at the very least both had avoided further bruising. Head would swing to the right, jaws snapping on the ends of Bass's fur hair's rather than flesh as the other male side stepped to avoid the attack. Well, not fully, since he managed to pull out some fur. Eyes remained narrowed with determination, brow furrowed and ears pinned flat to his skull. Regardless of attacks missing Gala would not give up!

With how close they were Galahad thought he saw an opportunity. Shoulders rolling forward again, pushing through the pain of the bruising, and right paw raising, he would slam it downward in an attempt to slam it upon other male's right front paw. He would center his weight again by shifting it forward, hoping to aid speed in the shift of weight. When the paw hit the ground again he would be centered, but this wasn't the case. Bass, who also saw an opportunity as Galahad lifted his paw, would snap his jaws towards Galahad's raised paw.

Thank goodness it had been coming down so fast, otherwise Bass might have grabbed the entire paw in his mouth. Instead the brute's jaws ended up landing upon his right foreleg just below the middle part of the middle section, enough above the ankle that it was not caught in the man's jaws. The other man's teeth would puncture the flesh a bit, gaining a hold. His body would react faster than his mind, shifting to the right, in a side step that had him more of an angle, but with his one leg compromised Galahad was expecting an attempted swipe upon his left in order to make him lose his balance and fall. Thank goodness for previous experience in fight where that was an aim of his opponents, because as he shifted, bringing his left front leg in a bit closer, he would narrowly avoid the paw swipe aimed at his knee. The claws of his opponent would graze the front part of his left foreleg's knee however, creating small scratches.

Tail raised once more, aligning with his spine, as hackles remained bristled. Galahad would distribute his weight as much as he could in this position, though it was hardly even with one limb raised. Tipping his head forward, and now facing Bass a bit more, meaning his leg was crossed in front of him slightly, he would make a move for the target he thought he could get.

Right now he aimed for a single attack. In his current position it would likely be hard to do much else without even more further injury to himself. His jaws opened, aiming for a larger bite upon the man?s scruff. With it scrunched he aimed to hold onto the bunched skin, shaking his head vigerously back and forth, in an attempt to make the other let go. Punctures from his teeth would be likely, though further damage to his own limb from his counterattack was a danger as well. It was a risk Galahad was willing to take.


Galahad vs Bass for Spar
Round:: 2 / 3

Attacks:: His jaws opened, aiming for a larger bite upon the man?s scruff. With it scrunched he aimed to hold onto the bunched skin, shaking his head vigerously back and forth, in an attempt to make the other let go. Punctures from his teeth would be likely, though further damage to his own limb from his counterattack was a danger as well. It was a risk Galahad was willing to take.
Defenses:: Eyes Narrowed, Ears Pinned, Brow Furrowed || Shoulders Rolled Forward, Tailed Raised And Aligned With Spine, Hackles Raised
Injuries:: Mild bruising upon the front of the right shoulder, Punctures on right foreleg around the middle of the lower section of the leg, Minor scratches upon left foreleg's knee
Notes: My brain went to mush for spar writing. Including less defenses cause I pretty much know only the basic set I use and some of them, due to Galahad?s positioning, weren?t really possible.
Diagram: -Click Me {Click to the left. Link blends in due to table.}




7 Years

07-12-2014, 11:21 PM

He had to admit, Galahad was a much stronger fighter than he had thought he would be. His opponent must have had more training than him, his attacks were stronger than his own and he went for more solid holds. He might have had the wrong idea in his head when going up against this brute, he was much stronger than he had bargained for. Still, Bass would never give up. He was in this to become a stronger male, to be able to take care of those who were not able to care for themselves. He didn't know it, but these two boys were very similar.

His shoulder attack would miss Gala, and he was somewhat pleased. Both males now had bruised shoulders, it would have made the bruising deeper. He expelled a breath when Galahad pulled hairs from his flank. He couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, even though it slightly hurt to have fur ripped from his side. He just couldn't imagine how nice his pale fur would taste in his opponents mouth. He didn't linger on the thought long though, because that dark paw rose and he took the opportunity, biting into his paw. Well, he tried. Gala was fast, Bass instead caught Gala's leg right in between his carpals and radius. Bass attempted to bite down hard as his teeth sunk into flesh, flashing his tail straight out to aline with his spine, making sure that his shoulders were still rolled and his neck scrunched. But as Bass attempted to further wound Galahad, Gala went for a move of his own. Gala's fangs sunk into the fold of skin that was Bass' scruff, locking into the skin and then the Gala proceed to toss his head to and fro, ripping at the puncture marks Gala had already created in Bass' scruff. Flinching, Bass attempted to once again bite down further into his opponents right leg before letting Gala's go. After he released his opponent, Bass attempted to pull himself away from Gala, quite forcefully. If Galahad still had a grip on his scruff, Gala's teeth would rip out of his skin and cause a much worse wound than the stretched puncture marks.

As Bass attempted to pull a few steps back, he very quickly reset his defenses. Spreading his legs so that his weight was distributed evenly, his nose scrunched up as his lips curled in a snarl, his eyes squinting further to lock in his concentration, as well as protecting the vulnerable organs. His tail remained flagged out behind him, keeping aligned with his spine. He knew that he would not have much time to do much more, and he eyed Gala closely, his nails digging into the earth, his shoulders rolling once more and his neck scrunching up, his head also aligning with his spine to make him the perfect arrow. And then he moved towards Gala once more, a snarl slipping from his maw.

Bass attempted to come close to Galahad, his ears staying flat against his skull as he snapped his jaw. Galahad was taller than he was by two inches, so Bass went for a lower blow rather than stretching up and trying to bite around the face or shoulders. Instead Bass attempted to lower his head slightly, trying to get under Gala's chin. Bass then attempted to clamp his jaws at Gala's throat, trying to bite into the flesh. Bass was careful to try and not puncture any vitals, he was not here for the kill after all. He was just hoping for a wounding bite, hopefully just deep enough to draw blood. As he attempted to bite the darker brute, his left paw would attempt to lift as he tried to extend it towards Gala's injured right leg, trying to push his paw against where Bass had bit Gala, hoping to cause enough pain that Galahad would not be able to focus and once again go for Bass' injured scruff. Bass's hackles were raised to their full extent, trying to protect his own wounds from the taller male.



ROUND 2 of 3

Attacks : Bass then attempted to clamp his jaws at Gala's throat, trying to bite into the flesh. As he attempted to bite the darker brute, his left paw would attempt to lift as he tried to extend it towards Gala's injured right leg, trying to push his paw against where Bass had bit Gala,
Defenses : Spreading his legs so that his weight was distributed evenly, his nose scrunched up as his lips curled in a snarl, his eyes squinting further to lock in his concentration, as well as protecting the vulnerable organs. His tail remained flagged out behind him, keeping aligned with his spine. ...his nails digging into the earth, his shoulders rolling once more and his neck scrunching up, his head also aligning with his spine to make him the perfect arrow. Bass's hackles were raised to their full extent...
Injuries : Minor bruising on shoulder, torn fur from his side, slightly torn puncture marks in his scruff, severity depending on Gala's movement.



7 Years
07-23-2014, 05:01 PM

. . .

His teeth would sink in, puncturing the flesh of his opponent. Bass was a worthy opponent, and one that Gala would remember fighting in the days to come. But right now he had to focus on the current situation with him. Galahad?s attack worked well enough, jaws keeping their hold as he shook his head vigorously back and forth. Blood would seep onto his tongue, but he was not the only one to deal out damage in this attack. Bass would tighten his grip on his leg, possibly causing bruising and certainly causing further tearing of the flesh. With any luck he?d avoid anything that might lame, but it would be a problem that would need to be dealt with after the spar was over.

Bass would release him, trying to pull back. There was force behind it, and Galahad would end up releasing his opponent after causing some minor additional tearing. Apart now, for the moment, Galahad would focus on resetting his own defenses, just as Bass was. Such a fluid movement all of this was, a dance of danger. He was learning more and more just how much he had to step up his own game, and his opponents were not making it easy on him. But if they were, how would he ever get better? He truly appreciated all that they were teaching him.

His stance was once more widened the best he could get it, knees bent, though the right foreleg slightly less than the others due to the injuries upon the leg, to keep him ready to move. Shoulders were rolled forward, claws digging into the earth. His core was tightened, breathing steady as he could make it. He needed to be prepared, and to make the most out of this fight. If anything else the learning experience was direly needed, and the male would push through it.

He had other defenses he had to worry about as well. He would narrow his eyes, pinning his ears pack. They were important, though the ears perhaps less so. Even if they got damaged in the fight he would still be able to hear, but eyes were a much more sensitive organ that was not so forgiving when it came to being damaged. Brow would furrow, lips curling back in a snarl. His head was aligned with his spine, as was his tail. Chin would tip forward, protecting the vital area of his throat. He would also scrunch his neck, giving it some added protection as well. Finally his hackles were raised, determination within him. This was it, he could feel it. It all came down to this.

Bass would surge forward, his head lowering for the attack. The other was a bit shorter than him, and so thus was using his height to his advantage. He was trying to get under Galahad?s chin, which, had it not been tucked, would have been a much easier job. It hurt, pain rising from the wounds he received there, but it helped him avoid the bite that Bass sent out for the most part. The other would gain a lose hold on the flesh below his head, one that he pulled out of with a sidestep to his right. But not without its damage to be dealt with of course.

It hurt, stepping on his injured leg as he did. Shivers of pain would rise through him, and Gala would suppress a whine. Small punctures, with slight tearing, were enough to draw blood, though nothing too dangerous for the vital area of his his throat. Galahad?s own head would lower, dropping so that he would hopefully be more level with the other brute as he made his attack. Jaws would snap at the other brute?s face, heading to the left, aiming to tear upon his muzzle. Nothing serious of course, but enough to cause some pain.

There was also something that he hadn?t expected, or rather neglected to think about in focusing upon Bass? bite attack. The other?s paw would hit the edge of his wounded leg, even with the side step, causing him to give a sharp wince of pain. The two claws that pressed against the wound caused a little more damage, but he need to try and push through. Pushing more of his weight upon his right side he would strike out with his left foreleg, aiming to claw the flesh of his opponents right front leg and rack down. With his leg injured as it was it was going to be harder to get around... And Gala was mentally trying to contemplate his next move.

Galahad vs Bass for Spar {Round 3}

Attacks: Bite to the left side of Bass?s muzzle || Claw rack down Bass? right legs

Defenses: Shoulders Rolled Forwards, Widened Stance, Knees Bent, Claws Digging Into Earth, Tightened Core || Eyes narrowed, Ears Pinned, Brow Furrowed, Lips Pulled Back In Snarl || Head Aligned With Spine, Neck Scrunched, Chin Tipped forward || Tail Raised And Aligned With The Spine, Hackles Raised

Injuries: Mild bruising upon the front of the right shoulder, Punctures and tearing on right foreleg around the middle of the lower section of the leg, Minor scratches upon left foreleg's knee, Small punctures with slight tearing on the bottom part of his throat
