
strange behavior



1 Year
07-03-2014, 07:34 PM

[Image: jcar0Xv.png]

Oh what a way to wander; basking beneath an eerie solitude, the silent yearling is no less than a faulted pale smudge against a rotting landscape, riddled with the silent screams of ravishing death. As each coral paw is placed with an upmost precision, tiny clouds of breathless ash will stain his knees grey, stain the pallid wonders of his sky-scraper stilts as though he had stumbled and grazed his pride. Alas, he is so at ease in such a place of distress, a hollowness within the air allows his mind to train; teaches him the ways of silence in a scene even the most settled of breaths will echo and rattle one?s mind.



07-03-2014, 08:19 PM
I'm not one bit crazy

The whole world is just blind

A wretched, hell-spawned place this was. The frosty mocha woman felt as if she was strolling through hell itself. Ashes, fallen trees, the sky of blackest obsidian. Not a sound but her muted paws, shuffling across the ground in which was completely littered in ashes and bits of debris. These ebony chunks of deep obsidian painted her heels up, but the silver brown babe cared not. For this place brought her Endless thrill that traveled up her long, fragile spine. She'd never care for the ash that covered her ankles and hands. All the girl wished...was peace. But at the same time, thrill. Excitement. The young woman couldn't get over it all. It was all to a drug, like alcohol. And even with the nasty, sticky aroma of smoke wafting into her nostrils casually, the girl carried on smiling. As if this place was the best in Alacritia.
Paws would set neatly before the other, carrying her calmly through the wretched fire-tainted forest. She could already tell...unholy like creatures roamed this territory like roaches or in festive ghosts. They surrounded hear, looming over her beautiful display and calling the others with a brief scream. Catrix groaned and snorted softly, a creepish smile playing upon her inky black lips. But suddenly her happiness was cut off- and the aroma of a man wafted into her nostrils. Wrinkling her muzzle up slowly, the girl would release a firm laugh. It echoed through the vague darkness of the wood...and that was all she could hear. But it would defiantly not effect the silvery mocha babe...Catrix slowly turned and shuffled toward the trail of male scent, pace growing faster as she got closer and closer. Finally, she arrived before him.
The devious woman's throat released a soft, bubbly gurgle with quite satisfaction and interest. His young frame smelt of Glaciem...a pack she was somewhat okay with. He had a tall masculine frame and a rather attractive palette. Indeed...if he was anything like her, they would defiantly get along. Licking her dry ebony lips slowly, Catrix began to circle the young man, paws silently taking her around him. But keeping a reasonable distance away from him face-...she grinned darkly and stopped in front of him. Then, she dipped her head, chuckling softly and opening her maw to speak. Ah...albino. Beautiful. Perfection at it's best... Her face beamed with interest and she continued her circle around him cautiously. Tell me, my friend...what is your name? Where do you offer your beauty?
Catrix wasn't normal, but she wasn't crazy. She had a tendency to be flirty, to be naughty and to tease those she knows nothing about. But this boy's reaction- it'd be up to him.

blind as bats.[CATRIX]



1 Year
07-03-2014, 09:05 PM

[Image: jcar0Xv.png]

A rattling gurgle of pleasure would send coral towers flickering with brittle interest, his youthful mind becoming suddenly aware of company, suddenly alerted to a change of situation. Perhaps he would have been wary if it hadn?t of been for her juvenile pipes, even within her brittle cackle her voice would plead of innocence. Not in nature, but in season? age. A yearling, vulnerable to the throes of a mature canine, but more than able to defend himself when he was faced with one his own age. Alarm would settle, lithe limbs ceasing beneath him and growing rigid, duo-toned gaze seeking her frame cautiously as she seemed to so effortlessly appear amidst a sooty blanket of lung-smothering ash.

She was far from perfection, cherry gape troubled by a miss-matched twin, a silver orb lavished by the scars of an unknown past. Within that moment his interest would flutter, hidden beneath his pale skin, mind flourishing with wonder as he would strive to assess her. Perhaps only to grow bored, disinterested within her flirtatious mannerism as she began to circle as if he were no more than a helpless rabbit; prey that refused to start the chase. Unwavered, his features would remain void, his skull refusing to follow her as she moved, instead remaining anchored to the void?s of destruction before them. ?You?re sadly misinformed,? he would speak as though he had been presented the situation a thousand times over, however reluctant to admit it was his first. She paused in front of him, but still he would gaze ahead, as if her flesh were a transparent window that bothered him little, ?Was it a beautiful man that clawed the practicality from your blind eye, also?? he had made his point, and the boy had little interest in sharing names.



07-04-2014, 11:19 AM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2014, 11:25 AM by Catrix.)

To the babe's verbal bewilderment, this man seemed to have no problem with her approach. As she circled his splattered frame, he stood straight and stared forward into the darkness of the wood. His head tall, limbs as motionless as monuments. It was almost a disappointment to the darkly shaded woman. When she had first approached, she had seen those pretty two-tone eyes. One a pinkish red color- almost like her own, but much lighter. And the other, a minty green. Both the colors seemed to be fairly muted and hard to see. Heck, as first, she had only seen white. But once she had gotten closer the true hue of his two gems came to life.
The woman's tongue flicked calmly at the top of her mouth as she eyed the man, waiting for a single movement that would tell her the man was paying any attention. He probably was-...maybe it was just that the babe was impatient. Or that she liked being looked at when she spoke...finally, the girl straightened her legs in order for her head to align with the boy's height. Her sheepish grin was exchanged with a weak smile, and she stopped before him, sitting and folding her tail over her petite digits. The air still seemed icy, though it was spring. So simply getting warm in her spot wouldn't hurt...
Words, a symphony of calm hums rolled of this boy's tongue. This put her into a bit of an confused state...but her interest remained. The tip of her long tail tapped lightly at the destroyed earth beneath her, and she crossed her paws slowly, a single word driving her own pair of jaws open. ?Oh...?? Expressions would seem to change a ton, for her smile concluded into a smirk. This was only to capture the attention of the man. Although most of her attempts seemed unsuccessful. So her smirk would remain, and slowly she would turn her head to examine his facial features. To see if anything had changed.
Another symphony had rolled off his tongue. These words made her lips part slightly, only to chuckle to herself quietly. The woman who took half her site was no beautiful man. No, she was a piece of shit, dwelling within the shadows of hell. It would be a mistake to even call this canid a woman at all...she had simply delivered Catrix- then dropped her like a dead bat. Her father was practically the one who raised her. Releasing a dry breath of air, the silvery babe's chuckling would cease, paws shifting around and stirring dust. She allowed a few lyrics to smoothly spiral off her tongue and hopefully grab the attention of the spotted man.
?Heh...she was no man, and she wasn't at all beautiful,? Brows would slowly furrow as she began to explain, eyes drifting to the ground. ?To this day I still would like to find her and make her even worse.? The babe concluded with a bit of humor- but really, she didn't laugh. If her mother was ever near...Catrix would find every opportunity to yank both eyes from her sockets. The mocha-hued woman casted her gaze back onto the pale man, smirk suddenly becoming a smile. She pushed her small ears forward and quickly added,
?What about you...? Who gave you your albinism...?? Being blind was a rather negative thing...and being albino wasn't as bad. It was actually pretty good, being unique and unlike others.



1 Year
07-07-2014, 01:42 AM

[Image: jcar0Xv.png]

She would seat with an elegance that he would confidently neglect to react to, coiling her banner about her hocks as her voice came forth in what seemed to be some kind of surprise. It was only when she turned to examine his face that he would regard her as worth his time, duo-tone gaze flicking to meet her stare with an unwavering sense casualty. If she would regard him as her alike then he would give her his courtesy, it was only when she would show a discourteous carelessness for his worth that he would show her his disinterest. Her chuckling would repeat himself, rolling her lips in fits of dissatisfying bemusement.

Her explanation of a deathly woman would uncover some sort of hidden sentiment, her eyes straying as she searched for the earth beneath her feet. ?What?s stopping you?? he questioned, not out of curiosity or care, but as if he was giving her a firm suggestion to wake up to herself; to stray from the weakness she had buried beneath her skin. And so effortlessly she would recover, causing the boy?s coral towers to flicker, nostrils flaring in mild revelation. She spoke of his skin as if it were a curse, a deformity, dehabilitating. Truth be told it was far from a blessing, but the boy had yet to meet a being that exposed their true feelings about the rare condition as anything less than interest or marvel.

Right forepaw would move to his right, seeking to move behind her haunches and continue on at a rather careless stroll; he paid little attention to avoiding her personal space, as she had treated him the same only earlier- had he have brushed past her coiled tail it wouldn?t have bothered him. ?My father,? he responded in somewhat of a delay, not wholly concerned if she followed him or not. Moving away from her made the yearling feel more at home with the situation, as if he still bored some kind of control over the circumstances.