
The Follower Who Lost His Heart


07-12-2014, 02:41 PM

Hurt. So much hurt welled in his chest, and the calico had, at least for the night of and much of the day after Hajime's death, been scarce. Mourning the loss of his nephew, a wolf he loved so very, very much. He was his king, a wolf who Allen believed in and built his world around. Losing Riv, even though it was perhaps a bit sad to say such, hurt less than losing Hajime had. The calico's dark eyes seemed to hold a constant sadness. He was hurting, hurting so very much. The male would give a sigh, slowly heading towards the den of Quelt occupied. Seeing another family member, so he hoped, would help relieve some of the pain for a little while. He could only hope anyway. Aiko's company had cheered the aging wolf slightly, but she too was saddened over her father's death. Who wouldn't be?

The calico would slow as he neared Quelt's den, taking a breath as he called softly inside, hoping that Quelt may be within. If he wasn't, well, Allen could just sit and wait for him. It wasn't as if the male had much will to do much else at the moment. It would take a while to get over the grieving process, he knew, but he would not abandon Haji's chidren. Those little bundles were what truly tied the man to this place. A soft whine would leave him before he spoke, the other male's name rolling off his tongue. "Quelt?"

"Speech", 'Thought'



7 Years
Extra large
07-13-2014, 12:31 AM

Pain was a all too familiar feeling that he had embedded inside of him. Even if he didn't know Hajime long, he had a habit of getting easily attached to strangers at a quick rate. Wearing his heart on his sleeve more than anything, which meant Quelt was left the most vulnerable out of any wolves that he knew personally. Here in Abaven a nightmare for these children had taken place. They were angry upset, many of them wanted to go back to Ebony where they had been born. Yet it pained him to say they could not leave until they were a year old able to make their own decisions. The new adopted father had the help of Irune, but he would never understand the feeling of being an orphan. He had a perfect world before all of this. A perfect son of a duke, and yet there was this strange remaining tingling in his heart. And a even bigger urge to protect those he had brought with him to Abaven.
His dark ears would move towards the sound of Allen, Hajime's uncle. Of course he wasn't sleeping, having to make sure none of the children freaked out or even had night terrors which was something he had seen back at home when wolves went through harsh times. The man would raise his body, large and still strong, but walking calmly out of the den leaving the bundles of fluff with Irune as he stepped out into the night approaching the smaller form of Allen. "Allen, are you doing okay?" concern in his voice would sound like he knew the uncle top to bottom. Quelt was loved by a lot because of his kindness, but also because he had a heart of gold in most area's. He cared for every single wolf who had followed him to Abaven for one reason or another, they were his family. And it was his responsibility to make sure they would heal, and be okay.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


07-13-2014, 12:40 AM

It would not take Quelt long to leave the den, to come out to meet him. The children would still have Irune with them. Bless the woman's heart, and bless Quelt, for taking up the duty of watching over them. If anything happened to the remaining little bundles... Allen was sure he would break. They were so young and already tainted by nightmares and horrors of this world. It was too soon, far too soon that they would witness this type of madness. He would let out a heavy sigh when Quelt asked the question, shaking his head. Okay? What a strange and funny word that was to him now.

"No Quelt, I'm not... and it is very likely that I won't be okay for some time to come." The words were honest, tone and expression revealing how hurt, how broken the man was by all of this. There was truly no justice in this cruel, thrice damned world for his family. "It is so unfair to these poor children to have to go through this... first their mother... one they never even got to meet... and now their father..." He would lower his gaze, shivering some.

"...and I hurt just as much as they do... I've been with Hajime since he was a child... I... I should have been there... I should have protected him. It was my duty... my oath... he was my own blood... He's gone... my sister is gone... and I wasn't there. I promised I'd be there for them and I wasn't!" Though his pitch got more desperate, the volume would drop, cracking with emotion.

"Speech", 'Thought'



7 Years
Extra large
07-13-2014, 12:59 AM

Of course the man was not okay, it was a stupid question to ask. Quelt would stand not perplexed, but rather moved as his bi colored orbs watched the man tremble. Tremble with the pain he felt, and the guilt that swayed inside of his heart. The slate blue beast would be tempted to lean forward and comfort him, but he would stay still and watch him carefully until his words finally came to process in his mind. Quelt would sigh though, after all was said, lowering his head he closed his eyes. Advice from a foolish man would not be the best, but these were his people he needed to protect them somehow.
Raising his head, Quelt would step forward, standing over Allen. And looking genuinely at him with a sense of pain rushing over his body. "Sometimes the gods put things in our path that are hard to handle, in the believe we will fall out of the fire as new stronger wolves." he would say. As he smiled softly, lowering his head to level with Allen's even look him in the eye if he was granted. "Allen.... it doesn't matter if you were not there in the past, everything happens for a reason. The point is you are here now and the fact that you care, will be more than enough for these young to grow. Wounds heal, even if they leave scars. I promise I won't let any of you down. I made a promise to Hajime, to his family and to you. I will never abandon any of you and you are here now with me Allen with them. That, that is more than enough, for all of us." He said stepping back as he flicked his pure black tail. It was amazing how much of him actually resembled some of the walker family. Specially the three black striped on his back.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


07-13-2014, 01:10 AM

Quelt's words did not ease Allen's heart. No, it only made him hurt worse, doubt his faith, and doubt those so called gods that watched over them. Even when his dark orbs would open, meeting Quelt's own, the man could not fully find comfort in those words. "You say the hope is to come out stronger... yet some of us get nothing but the shit, tossed about like a plaything of these so called gods. Hajime did not a thing wrong... yet he was punished and hurt over and over until he was bitterly broken. Are gods not meant to have some sort of mercy? Some sort of care for their subjects here upon this world?" His words remained quiet. He would shake his head.

"...and even as I am here I still let down others. I am here for you all, the children, those who need their loved ones. Yet in doing this I continue to fail my own children as well. A son and a daughter, gods know where out in the wilderness." The male would heave a sigh. "Hajime once spoke of the Walker family being cursed... and... I didn't want to believe it... I tried to have hope... to have faith... but now I'm starting to think he is right. Our blood is truly cursed."

"Speech", 'Thought'



7 Years
Extra large
07-13-2014, 01:24 AM

The gods were not the only ones in power, there was the universe as well. The universe hated some of them, and he could tell that by just looking at this man while he was broken and bruised. He let a deep growl escape his throat with the mentioning of this curse. Well if there was one, he would break it into little pieces until it finally left them alone. No longer would they hurt so much, and if they did he would be here to save and help them gods help him. Quelt's eyes would narrow as he stepped forward more. Oh how he had the urge to hold the man, to comfort him with some sense of touch. "There are two forces in the world Allen, the universe and the gods. Sometimes all the gods can do is sit and take in the lives that the universe destroys. Listen to me Allen, if this curse such as you speak of exists like Hajime has told me. I will rip it to shreds, I will howl in the face of the universe and screw it over even if it means defying the logic of the world." his voice got slightly higher and more demanding. Nails digging into the dirt.
"We are not perfect Allen, there is only so much we can do. But I swear to the blood of walkers I refuse to let them lose to sorrow. I am here, to protect you, to protect them. Cry Allen, cry out all your tears. Please heal, and I will be here in the end. I will always be here." His voice cracked under the pressure. He refused to let tears fall. He would be strong for them, strong for all of them. "I won't let them take anyone else from any of you. It's unfair, and I will see it that it stops." He was so similar, so similar to the wolf known as Hajime's mother. But he was unaware of this. Perhaps Allen would notice, perhaps he would not. His tail would raise as he looked to the sky. "You hear that universe, I'll send you running with your tail between your legs. Leave my family the fuck alone." he shouted out to the sky. Though lowering himself again, watching the entrance of the stone den to make sure he hadn't woken anyone up. Then his head would turn to Allen.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


07-13-2014, 02:20 AM

The universe. Something that even the gods could be powerless too. Hardly a comforting thought at all, though, the more Allen would listen to Quelt speak, the more he felt a sense that somehow things were, somehow, going to made right. The brute would be silent again, his dark gaze fixed upon the younger wolf, watching, listening, and seeing a familiar spark the male could not help but feel a slight smile want to tug at the corners of his mouth. The tears would indeed fall, but that smile would break though. Quelt was truly with them. He would feel something in his spirit flicker again. That spark of hope willing itself to life. At the end of it all, even though the tears, Allen could help but let out a soft laugh.

He couldn't help but look through the blurriness in amazement at this wolf. "You are so much like my sister... by those words you spoke... It was almost as if I could hear her again." He would lower his head, closing his eyes as he shook his head, that light smile still playing at his lips. "It's decided then, isn't it?" The question was to himself, and Allen would open his eyes, meeting Quelt's gaze.

"I can't give up, and I won't. I will stand besides you, Quelt. Even if we must take on the universe ourselves... my loyalty is pledged." The male could feel some weight taken off his shoulders. He didn't need to carry it alone. They could all share each other's burdens. "I am proud to call you my family." He would add softly, sincerity in both his quiet tone and gaze.

"Speech", 'Thought'