
everybody wants to rule the world



3 Years
07-07-2014, 11:02 PM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

A petite, lanky form teetered along as she sought entertainment. Her siblings were somewhere, but she hadn't seen them since she'd left the den. Mismatched audits flickered absently, wide eyes of a toxic coloring drinking in the scenery. Everything was white, bleached like old bones in the desert sun. One rust red paw stuck out from the rest on the patchwork girl, like old blood that covered most of her leg. Her oversized paws were beginning to fit onto her long stilts for legs, but she still tripped over herself on occasion. Sighing, the petite femme looked about and wondered why everything looked like it was made from marble stone. Her tiara remained held low between her small shoulders, she warily watched for a predator. Habit really, she wasn't exactly set up to defend herself against a bear or cougar, not yet. Slowly, her long legs began to carry her up a gentle slope, tri toned plume swinging casually at her hocks.

A congregation of massive stone tablets surrounded something, clearly of vast importance, to have it's own rocky guards. Ears perked in curiosity, she approached with a complete lack of hesitation. Dark sensor would reach out to sniff the stone, wondering if it would provide her with some sense of what was so important about the stones. Glyphs she could not read were carved into the rock, and she stared at them for a while, but gave up attempting to decipher them. Slowly, the lass would peer around the slab in search of what was so special that it deserved such an intimidating crowd. Nothing, just a babbling brook. A small frown creased her dainty features, but she pressed onward nevertheless. Her clumsy paws scuffed against the terra, her gangly frame headed toward the stream. It wasn't even that cool, it didn't glow or whisper secrets into her ears, or even have any fish in it. Her rump dropped heavily onto the ground, disappointment evident in her expression. "What makes you so special?" She quietly demanded, lowering her delicate muzzle to give the water an experimental taste. Still nothing, it tasted like water- which meant it tasted boring. It didn't even hold the sweet taint of mountain brooks, or anything remotely worthy of such an impressive guard.

With an annoyed huff, the girl flopped onto her back. Hind legs would stretch out behind her, and her forelimbs would be tucked in towards her small chest as she stared up at the sky. The clouds seemed more interesting than the stream, which, honestly, sucked. She watched shapes form, and mentally tried to compare them to something she'd seen. A snail, a snake, a tree, or even a deer. A yawn would gape her maw, long tongue lolling from her mouth in the process and falling out to the side, until she shut her jaws once more. She could be comfortable here for some time, with the moist dirt beneath her almost cushioning her meager weight and the dew not yet evaporated by the late morning sun keeping her ebony pelt cool.

But the rest is forgotten


07-07-2014, 11:26 PM

Ah, a land in which reminded him of his snow covered home in the north. How this land mocked the snowy terrain of the north! This is what drew him here. The ivory scenery masked his dainty white frame. But he was like a chameleon. The sun drew high in the heavens and cast it's radiant light down upon the land making it seem all the more white.

Winter needed relief from the joining of his small clan. He was still unsure of his situation involving this "princess." Exploration would surely offer some relief and he would then return to them. . . Winter paused as a small figure came into view. A dark figure that was surely a pup danced across the terrain. Ah, he may just return with a little prize.

Watching carefully, he waited for a larger wolf to appear. Surely the pup could not be here all alone. Though, as time ticked on and he continued to stalk the pitiful prey, he decided it was safe to approach it. Devious thoughts a snapping up the tiny creature and running off crowded his mind. Should he take this thing back to his temporary princess? Maybe it would be a gift that would earn her trust, though trust did not matter much to him as he followed no one but himself. But, it could definitely lead to something interesting.

This creature seemed tired. Ah, it would make it all the more easy. Winter carefully approached the now lying figure until he was towering over it. A devilish glare ignited in his eyes like a wildfire. Should he just pick her up in his maw and dash away? But he would speak to her first. Just to be on the safe side in case mommy and daddy were nearby.

Winter. . . Say, you cannot possibly be out here all alone?

His introduction was simple. Stating his name without other words and then immediately questioning the pup for possible allies. Ah, if she were alone and he could have his way! But perhaps, he could get the thing to follow him? Maybe if he hypnotized her with his fairy tales and story of his princess. Then she may just come without a fight.




3 Years
07-07-2014, 11:41 PM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

The appearance of a figure directly above her, looming over her face, could have startled her, if she had it in her. The first part of his speech warranted a snicker from the petite fae, who shot him a look that clearly stated 'you can't be serious'. Toxic green eyes stared up at the strange male, and she sighed a little out of both boredom and mild annoyance. "Actually, it's spring." She informed the stranger curtly, wondering how this wolf could have survived if he couldn't even tell the difference between the seasons. Sure, the land they were in was white all over, but there was barely a trace of snow on the ground at all, the temperatures rising. "And to answer your question, what's it to ya?" She added, quirking a brow and rolling onto her belly. Oversized paws would heave her lanky frame into a seated pose, still looking up at the larger wolf. He was a dainty thing, liable to snap under intense pressure by the look of things. Seriously, how was this wolf even alive?

With a still bored huff, she thumped her tri coloured tail upon the soft terra and looked around. There was some interesting things to see here, but it might be more fun with her siblings. They were always so good at finding the fun in things, and were the few wolves she knew that could get her up off her butt and romping about. Actually, come to think of it, her family were the only wolves she'd ever actually known. This stranger was actually her first encounter with a strange wolf. It wasn't as much fun as she thought it might be, but then again, things could change in the blink of an eye.

But the rest is forgotten


07-07-2014, 11:57 PM

The little pup was surely colored up in an interesting way. He marveled at her calico pelt. In his few years of life, he had never encountered one with such markings. And the way she spoke - she seemed not afraid. Why not? Ah, perhaps she is a sheltered pup and unaware of the outside dangers that lurk behind every blade of grass.

Winter could not help but chuckle at the babe's misunderstanding. She was cute, he had to admit that. Though, why would she be here all alone? With a slight hostility, the feminine appearing male spoke again. Hmm. . . Yes, I suppose it is Spring. Though, I think you misunderstood, little one. My name is Winter. He paused for a moment. Hostility - this was not the way to gain her trust. Tell her of your fairy tales. Yes, tell her of your meeting with Dusk and your princess. All pups like fairy tales, right?

Actually, I am on a quest. I was found by a knightly wolf. He came to me and asked me to come home to his kingdom in which our princess rules. It's a land of magical trees in which seem to bow before her greatness. A beautiful land in which you must see for yourself to appreciate! My fellow knight and I are in search of creatures as ourselves to join our adventure. Say, you look like princess material! How would you like to come with me and meet her? She would marvel at your colors.

Winter hoped this would be enough bait to catch the young female. If not, perhaps he would have to attempt more forceful means. Surely she was an orphan, she had to be. There was simply no other explanation as to why she would be out in these lands all alone.

He lowered his frame to the ground so the his hind legs were carefully tucked beneath his dainty body and his forelegs stretched out before him. Perhaps making himself look small would make her feel all the more comfortable with his presence and perhaps she would give in.



07-08-2014, 12:00 AM
The shrine was a magic place. Pooka knew this in his bones. He had been here more than once before, sometimes alone, sometimes with his family. The glowing waters were magic, no matter what anyone said, even when they weren?t glowing. Pooka had wandered to the shrine alone this time, to enjoy the stillness and quiet of the reverent stones and unmoving trees.

He had arrived late in the night, to admire the glowing waters in the dark when they could be seen. A white-ish grey body that faded to black at the extremities had made him look like a ghost drifting through the standing stones as he tried to remember the legends about the runes that his grandfather had told. Pooka had watched the glow of the water and hoped that this time he might feel the waters awaken memories from past lives or forgotten dreams. Nothing had transpired; but he took that to mean there was nothing he needed to see right now. Deciding to spend the night at the shrine, he had hidden behind one of the stones, and slept silently.

In his dreams Pooka was not a wolf, he was a hyena, and then a fox with many tails, from that he became something else, that walked on two legs and waved about a stick, and from that he became something else he could not even describe. Through it all he was still himself and not himself. Pooka awoke from the dream feeling rested, and pleased, certain that the dream had been from the magic of the spring. When he woke up, from his hiding place, he heard a small voice ask a question.

Pooka could not help but smirk. It sounded like a pup, and sure enough when he quietly peeked from where he hid, he saw one, staring at the water, apparently unimpressed with the magic she saw all around her. When she settled down Pooka had hatched a devius plan to tell her he was a ghost, to make her believe in the magic. Maybe they could play and he could tell her stories and when the sun set she could see the fountain glow.

As he was about to step out from hiding, however, he heard something else approach and vanished back behind the stone. Ears straining he heard a male wolf speak to the small pup. Pooka resisted the urge to laugh when he heard her answer. She was scrappy, that was good. Still, it was best not to leave lone pups with adults that did not seem to know them. Especially males, they couldn?t always be trusted. Pooka should know, he was a male, and a stranger, and often full of trouble. Of course, his trouble was usually less harmful and more fun.

The winter wolf explained his odd greeting, and wove a story of princesses and quests. Pooka was half tempted to come out from hiding to see if he could come too; but something about the story and the way he asked the pup to come, after asking if they were alone did not feel right. Instead, Pooka stayed hidden and decided to act.

From where he hid behind the rock, Pooka let loose his most ghostly voice. A strained voice breathier and raspier than his real one. ?She is not aloooooooone? Pooka projected his voice so it would reverberate off all the stones, echoing around the shrine which formed a natural amphitheater. The echoes would make it hard to tell where his voice was coming from, and carefully, he darted as hidden as he could, from one stone to another, so his voice would not come from the same place twice. ?She is protected by the spiiiiiirit of this shriiiiine!? he continued in his best ghostly voice. "Winter woooooolf, if you are noble then you should bow before the saaaaacred spring and show respect to its guardian spiiiiiiirit!"

Oh boy this might just be fun after all~



3 Years
07-08-2014, 12:21 AM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

The male seemed a little annoyed himself, probably because of her snippy response to his introduction. Whoops. He reiterated, that his name was Winter. What an odd name, though she couldn't exactly talk, her whole family were named after various deities. However, calling her little one wasn't exactly a good call. "Woah, hey, I'm not little! I'll have you know I'm taller than all of my siblings." She huffed indignantly, straightening up to scowl at the strange man. However, his demeanor seemed to be quelled soon after, which seemed much better in the patchwork girl's books.

Then, he started to weave a story about a princess that he served, and a knight- wait, he was a knight? That was totally awesome, and adventures sounded like seventeen different kinds of fun. As the tale continued, an awed glint came to rest in her acidic orbs, and a small smile began to creep onto her features. When the offer finally came to join him in an adventure, to meet a princess who might think she was pretty, the petite femme was overjoyed. The delicate frame of her conversational partner lowered slowly to the ground, taking on a sphinx like pose. Her smile widened, jaws swinging open to offer a gleeful response. "Oh my gods! That sounds-" She began, but her reply was never finished, when a ghostly voice rang out all around her.

Toxic pools would widen, dark pupils shrinking to a pinpoint as the threat to the stranger rang out and sank into her bones. Ashen hackles would rise slowly, an attempt to make her gangly figure seem more imposing, less appealing to a ghost. She'd left her siblings for hardly even half a day, and already she was about to be attacked by a ghost. Great. Slowly, the gears in her brain sputtered into motion, processing what the spirit was saying. Then, her shaking quelled. She was protected by a ghost? Okay, throw that on the top of the list of cool things that had happened to her, ever. This was turning out to be a good day without her brother and sisters. Sort of. Still she was somewhat anxious that she couldn't see this ghost, or even smell it. Ghosts were mist, though, weren't they? They wouldn't have a smell. Silly her. Her mouth would remain locked shut, waiting for the next bomb to fall on her.

But the rest is forgotten


07-08-2014, 12:30 AM

The tiger had been watching from a place up high, these wolves were interesting the way they interacted with the young one. Up in the shrine the striped beasts oddly pink eyes would flicker in the dim light of a smirk she held upon her face. Tail wiggling behind her, the feline making a soft inaudible purr. Finally resting lower on her haunches from the small rafter she jumped down. Larger than all of them as she looked at the pup.
"Well then I'm sure that your siblings look up to you don't they, to protect them from scary ghosts like these." The tiger would hint towards the white wolf, and the only who was hiding. Chaika would smile and situate herself away from the two not to scare them. "Don't be afraid though, you only need to be afraid of fear itself." that and the giant friendly tiger which probably already scared them anyway.



07-08-2014, 09:10 AM

As the sun drew even higher in the heavens, the day grew warmer. Definitely spring as the little one mentioned. Ah, it could pass as early summer in these parts. The warmth on his fur was unwelcoming; Winter was much more comfortable in the lands of cold.

The feisty little pup let her aggravation be known. She seemed not to like him calling her small. Sorry, then. May I have your name? Surely a beautiful pup as you would have a name to match. I must know so that I may properly introduce you to the princess. A grin crossed Winter's maw as he took in her expressions of excitement as he told his fairy tale story. Of course a pup would be intrigued by such a story!

Though, things did not go uninterrupted. Of course it would not. The situation was just to perfect. An interference - a wolf imitating to be a ghost. Ah, how he knew it was another wolf. The timbre and fragrance told on the creature. This fairy tale grew all the more disturbing with each passing moment. Knightly wolves, princesses, and now ghosts? What next could happen?

No worries 'gigantic one'. . . just some wolf pretending to be a ghost. Probably a lunatic. With that said, Winter turned his cranium viciously toward the sound. Emerald eyes were like daggers as he stared in the stranger's direction. Show yourself coward. Make yourself known. I grow weary of these games. Let us be on with it so that I can take this pup to her princess.

Another interference? Not surprising in the least. This time, however, the perfume was unfamiliar. A scent that he could not recall. A vividly colored cat leaped down from the shadows. The creature's pelt mirrored the color of fire opals whilst decorated in onyx stripes. Winter gasped at the creatures presence and he quickly made his way back onto his feet. He lowered his head to protect his throat and barred his canines - fur stood upon his back reflecting a porcupine's spines. Gradient emerald eyes stared at the cat as it began to spit out words. How could this thing communicate with wolves?Leave us!



07-08-2014, 11:36 AM
Pooka kept himself from laughing, but only just. This was too good. He heard as the little pup went quiet, his words cutting her off mid sentence, and he could just imagine how startled she might look, unable to actually see her from where he hid.

Then something heavy thudded to the ground. Pooka quirked his ears wondering what it could possibly be. Darting from one hiding place to another, behind another stone, he chanced a glance towards the sound and saw the tiger, from behind it. He had not been able to look for more than an instant as he had been darting quickly from one hiding spot to another; but the orange and black were enough to tell him of the great creature?s presence.

Where had it come from? Pooka wondered for a moment if the tiger was the real shrine spirit; but that seemed an odd choice for a mostly white shrine. Perhaps it was a wandering god, or maybe just a tiger, though that last bit seemed unlikely. How could a tiger just drop from the sky out of nowhere like that? Pooka had been here all night and had seen no tigers.

The winter wolf had scoffed at Pooka?s game, had called him mad, and tried to call his bluff. Pooka might have been forced to give up the game, or play it differently; but the tiger?s arrival was the perfect thing to keep it going.

?Seeeeeeee? I have summoned this tiger, as a guardian to this shriiiiiiiine.? Pooka explained, still projecting his best ghost impression. ?Dooooooo yooooooou still doubt meeeeee? The tiger is here to guard the pup! Boooooow before the spring, and tell us mooooooore of your fabled princess.?

Pooka was having fun with this, and could only hope the tiger played along. Even if it denied his claims, he could simply claim he summoned the tiger without its knowledge. The only flaw in the plan was if it decided to attack the pup; but the way it had spoken this seemed unlikely for now.



3 Years
07-08-2014, 02:29 PM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

The next bomb to drop literally felt like a bomb dropping, a huge weight slammed into the ground, she could feel the vibrations in her teeth. Wide green eyes locked onto a massive figure, it's head easily the same size as her whole body. The big thing could easily snap her up in a heartbeat, and the delicate man and the ghost would not be able to stop it. Mismatched audits lowered against her narrow skull, wide eyes unable to look away from the monster. Then the huge beast began to speak, it's voice like quiet thunder as it tried to make her feel a little more comfortable. Her siblings, they needed her to be brave and help them all the time, because she was the big one! The big animal sat it's massive frame down just a little ways away, and it smiled softly. It told her not to be afraid, and she decided she would try her best. The little patchwork girl slowly lifted her rump from the ground and crept forward, easing herself closer to the strange creature. As she got closer, the lass slowly realized how pitifully small she was compared to this strange creature. Her little charcoal nose stretched out to sniff the air around the strange creature, and then it scrunched up. "You smell different, what are you?" She inquired, her higher pitched voice barely atremble now, but oozing curiosity. Even with the beast sitting, the girl had to crane her neck to see it's face this close, trying to get a really good look at this big scary monster that wasn't trying to eat her.

She heard Winter growling and snapping angrily at the striped creature, who was far above needing to listen to the dainty man at all. She looked over her small, ash grey shoulder at the man, her expression quizzical. "Why does the big stripey thing have to go? It's not hurting anyone.." She asked, tiara tilting to the side questioningly. Then she turned back to gaze up wondrously at the creature just a few paces in front of her. "You're not going to hurt us, right?" She asked it, soft voice hesitant, but hoping that the big thing would prove her right. This close, the girl really couldn't afford to be wrong about that. The big orange thing had told her she shouldn't be afraid in the first place, so she was Her tri toned tail gave a hopeful wriggle at her hocks, lifting to be level with her spine to give a little wag. She blinked up at the strange creature, completely entranced. She'd never seen a living thing this big, ever. She'd seen rocks that big, trees, but never something alive. Her gaze would fall to the monster's paws, which could probably crush her without even trying. They were absolutely enormous, to match the creature they were attached to. But there were no claws there. Just a big furry paw, without any means of defending itself. "Well, how could you hurt us anyways? You don't have claws! The worst you could do was lay on us, right?" The girl was at first inquisitive, and then she couldn't stifle the giggle rising in her chest. Her tail gave another wag, and she looked back up at the big monster with a grin.

The ghostly voice started up again, and the girl stopped short, her entire body reflexively going stock still. The ghost had summoned the... tiger? Was that what the big striped thing was? And the tiger was here to guard her, as well as the ghost? Oh boy, if the patchwork pup didn't feel special before, she sure did now! When the ghost demanded more stories about the princess, the girl whirled around, bounding forward once, twice, and stopping a little ways from the white male. "Yeah! Can you please tell more stories?" She pleaded, tail whipping excitedly behind her. She loved stories, and princesses were the best! They were pretty, and got whatever they wanted, and fell in love with handsome knights! Or princes, but knights were cooler. Toxic green eyes glittered with joy as she waited for someone to speak.

But the rest is forgotten