


07-09-2014, 02:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2014, 10:01 PM by Svanerna.)

The woman was a beauty. A Queen. The Kaiser. Nothing could stop her. The lady was a delightful creature. Her form was elaborate and sore from spars. Ebony fur mixed with crimson. The lady also had alabaster upon her under bits. Svanerna also had silver eyes with golden flecks. Such adornments complimented her bodice with delight. The Viking Queen was a good leader. Multiple creatures had joined her pack from the meeting. Vi had been sending others from Covari into her ranks. The Wolves she had no ties with. Svanerna did miss her old pack. To laze about was nice at times. Currently she put no trust into her members to lead, therefore she would do everything on her own. The Viking was not one for lazing about normally, but a rest would be nice. The girl slithered through her territory with ease. Metallic eyes feasted upon the moore in delight. It felt lovely to have her own lands. Lands no one else could prowl upon. If they tried, the lady would retaliate in whichever way she deemed fit. Because, she could. Svanerna's ego was horribly inflated but, that was only reasonable. She had her own pack. But, it was scaring her because she was getting so old. The girl would need to provide more royal offspring into the world. Freyja help her. Svan would stop in the center of the soothing place. Her bodice would bend into a sit and her eyes shut. The Viking sat and thought. She attempted to connected with her higher beings above, asking for guidance.


07-09-2014, 06:08 PM

It's past one o'clock and I'm out of time. Can't undo the lock and no key to find.

The raven had only recently joined the ranks of the ebon queen, whom had gained a pack through a gift, but nonetheless she was strong. Few honorable fighters had the desire and strength to conquer the raven's power, and even fewer gained his trust and loyalty, enough for him to desire joining the ebon queen's pride. Already, he had begun bordering the lands, apricot gems ignited to a sharp edge, the lighter marks below his eyes seemingly glowing with desire to battle a trespasser.

Upon his traveling across the lands, a smell would come to his nostrils, of dominance and power. His Queen. Once joining the Valhallan pride, the Olympian had found himself allured to the strength and intellect of the temptress, but his devotions were held under lock and key. What was it that his queen desired so? He would lower himself to the ground, sauntering forth quietly, apricot eyes curious. The temptress was worried about something, but it confused her what she was so careful about. It was a relaxing scene to relax, and he would have left her alone should he not have been concerned about her. The raven picked his way over a rock outcrop, holding himself low, and striding over to the praying temptress, apricot gems submissive. His banner swept behind him, low to the ground, gently stirring grasses. Once he had achieved the distance of three feet from the ebon queen, he would reclined onto his haunches, his plush banner curling about his paws. His crown would lower in a sign of respect, apricot gems disappearing for a brief moment, before his voice of baritone would come from inky lips. "M'Queen." It was a gorgeous night to be out, and the moon reflected from his shimmering obsidian cloak. "Is something wrong?"



07-09-2014, 08:48 PM

The woman was not for mating usually. She enjoyed one time situations. To lack drama and communication. Yet, she could find the right guy. He would have to be strong. Large. Bulky. Able to handle her shit. He would have to accept her strong faith in the Gods and Goddesses above. The woman was strong willed and growing old. Svanerna was not for the weak at all and honestly she doubted she would ever have a mate. The only one she loved enough was her darling Jaeger. Her baby boy. They mated in such intensity. The lady missed him dearly. She had recently caught up with her baby boy Kappy as well, but she knew his heart lied with Jae as well. The Viking would not stand for nonsense. Nope nope nope. But, when the sound of pad falls fell into her ear the lady perked up. Her eyes did not open. The womans tail slid to her left to fluff up next to her. Svan sat still as the voice filled the air. It was her Raven. "M'Queen." The woman did not open her eyes until concern was brought forth. "Is something wrong?" Her eyes opened. The metallic orbs feasted upon the massive boy in delight. He was quite the soldier, but he had much to gain. "I am fine, I was just consulting with Freyja." Svanerna watched him for a few moments before speaking once again. "How is my Raven?" The creature of cold tilted her fluffy head and observed in silence, waiting for an answer.


07-10-2014, 07:08 AM

The temptress indeed had been watching the stars, consulting someone within the dancing lights. At his presence, once concern was voiced from his inky lips, the ebon queen had turned, feasting upon his build for a brief moment before her voice would come into his ebony ears. "How is my Raven?" A small chortle would escape inky lips as he would slide closer, rather flirtatiously. His ebony banner trailed behind, but would return to it's rightful place once he would recline again, topaz gems shimmering. "That's not important to you, is it? The spotlight of the moment is with you, always, my Queen." No regrets came to mind, for all he spoke was the pure truth, spoken in a brass voice common to his vocals, yet they had been spoken with a hint of honey to them. Perhaps the temptress had felt the same about the raven, allured toward him. Impossible, yet possible. If she ever wished upon children, he would be the first to volunteer to give the ebon queen what she would need. His loyalty to the ebon queen would be undisputed at the most, for she had conquered the obsidian warrior, using intellect and brute strength at the same times.



07-11-2014, 06:21 PM

The girl would listen to his small chortle with her eyes boring into his. The ebony, crimson, and alabaster girl enjoyed the time she spent with Hades. She could see him moving up in ranks as long as he was active. Activity was everything to Svanerna Finnvi. She had not time for imbeciles and he seemed quite the opposite. She indeed did pummel him in a spar, but she had yet to see him fight for his life. They would have to fight again, one day. But for a greater cause. Perhaps when war was called, oh how she would love to participate in a war. To die in battle is her dream. That is the only way warriors go to Valhalla after death. The lady welcomed death, as long as she found herself in the real Valhalla. The paradise for prestigious fighters. The woman was indeed a prestigious warrior, but her time had yet to come. Though, when her daughter popped up, the lady thought of ways to leave her the pack and go on a rampage. Maybe challenge someone to the death for shits and giggles? but, the girl would not plan a death. Suicide was for the weak. Svan listened to his deep vocals, "That's not important to you, is it? The spotlight of the moment is with you, always, my Queen." The girl scoffed before her german accented words filled the air. "You are very important to me, Hades. Do not think otherwise, you are my little raven." She eyed him slowly before rolling her small shoulders.


07-12-2014, 08:11 AM

The Kaiser was a true queen, ruling a kingdom with an iron fist. She was his Queen, and the ebon queen seemed to think so as well. Topaz gems shimmered in the darkness, showing a fit of annoyance for a brief moment, before the Raven would raise veldt auditories to allow her lyrics to wash through them. "You are very important to me, Hades. Do not think otherwise, you are my little Raven." A deep voice of baritone would give a playful growl, as he would raise a paw to allow his bodice to fold, a comfortable lying down posture, neatly crossing his ebony paws, his banner curling about her right side. "M'Queen, your orders are my desires. I am doing fine, if you will." His gargantuan bodice would rise to muscled stilts, sauntering over to Svanerna, a smirk upon his maw, as he would recline, his side touching hers. His neck would turn, topaz gems smooth and seductive. His baritone of a voice would sound softly in his Queen's auditories, seduced and smooth. "...and you are my little Queen." He would lean backward absently, giving a respectful lick to his Queen's shoulders, his ebony banner sweeping down her back, before tucking away quietly.



07-17-2014, 10:01 PM

He would growl to her words and she would smirk. She loved his baritone growl. One of her own bubbled within her chest as she stared at him in delight. He moved to her, his tail slithering to her. The girl let her own tail attempt to slither at his rear before he sat to her side. His rough voice entering her ebony audits. "M'Queen, your orders are my desires. I am doing fine, if you will." The girl giggled softly, licking her own lips in desire. Oh she did have a few desires. It had been ages since the got the pleasures of bedding a male. Yet, he dared to lick at the top of her shoulders as he spoke to her delight. "...and you are my little Queen." A shudder flicked down her broad bodice. Svanerna rolled her shoulders as his tail flicked at her spine before being quickly tucked away. Yet, the babe would stand and turn to face him. Svan would get merely inches away from his seated form. A pink tongue slithered from its cages as it aimed to slip along his lips, aiming to glide along his fangs. Yet, she would brush her right shoulder along his left, forcing her bodice against his. "I want you, Hades Olympus." The devil moved to circle around and brush past his other side with her smaller form. They now being side to side. "Do you dare deny your Kaiser little Raven?" She raised a brow before walking forward a little, inching away from him. Giving him a little bit of a chase.


07-18-2014, 09:56 PM

At the touch of her side to his own, sent e l e c t r i c i t y to the Olympian's veins, craving more. The Raven desired more of the ebon tempest whose desires gave to a chase, her voice falling upon deaf ears. "I want you, Hades Olympus." His baritone of noise would come from his throat, deep in a damn s e x y growl, a smirk stretching his ebony features, topaz gems full of desire. "I crave you, my little Queen. And you already have me." As her ebony pelt left his, the male yearned for the feeling of pure pleasure of her at his side. A chase was to ensue, but she could never escape his desire. The Kaiser would sound her vocals once more, of a command. Such wishes would be dulled by his desire, his baritone vocals chiming into the s e d u c t i v e lyrics so very familiar to the Queen by now. "My Queen... How could any deny the beauty that rests in your paws? No other that I have laid eyes upon has captured my heart so p e r f e c t l y." No tempest could ever frame his icy heart in such perfect fashion, simply of power, and of such desire in return. The Queen could have none else except for him. His stride would come in great bounds, topaz gems disappearing in the grasses, seeking the perfect Queen he knew. If she ever found herself to stop, the ebony male would allow her no e s c a p e. His ebony figure would move in a manner of a cat, pushing against which shoulder was closest to the Olympian. Should his maneuver be successful, ebony stilts would drape over the tempest, crown dipping to align with her lower neck, inky lips parting to give to a kiss, one that of a tiger. A sharp nip to the neck, but in the end of the action, a growl would come from inky lips, sucking gently before he would release, craving more. It was the Queen's turn, and hungrily, pink tongue would slither from it's bars, seeking ivory fangs.


ooc. congrats starry on knowing how to make a pre-sexy funtimes post when you've never had the sexy funtimes, and you're 13 years old. xP


07-21-2014, 09:32 PM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2014, 09:32 PM by Svanerna.)

She touched her side to his own and a growl erupted from his throat. Her words were emitted before he replied with his own delightful rumble. "I crave you, my little Queen. And you already have me." Little Queen did not sit easy within her belly but the Viking would not look into it for her thoughts were fogged by her undying lust for the boy at his knees. As she sauntered away from him her hips flicked with such luxuriousness that anyone would drop at the site of them. Her eyes would twinkle with want, but she faced away from him as he spoke once more. "My Queen... How could any deny the beauty that rests in your paws? No other that I have laid eyes upon has captured my heart so p e r f e c t l y." The lady laughed softly, looking back at him for a moment before slithering forward slightly. Yet, her dark words filled the air for they were stitched with an undying lust within each fiber. "Come and get me, love." Her lashes would flutter for she was a master at games. He would stride to her like the simple minded boy he was. He would come and bump her right shoulder before his much larger bodice would move over hers. His legs wrapping around her sides and his muzzle moving to the back of her neck to deliver kisses of yearning. The babe would let forth a rippling growl as she looked back at him, her lips curled up in a snarl. But, she would give in. The Queen would bend her haunches down and allow the boy do as he pleased. "Take me now, Hades Olympus." She demanded it for if he did not provide his pleasures she would have to act upon such with force