
Among the Marsh's Song



4 Years
07-09-2014, 11:24 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2014, 11:25 PM by Aoto.)
The day was of a rather uneventful moment as Aoto trotted through the rather colorful wetland. Being able to hear the songs of the birds brought a smile to his maw as he looked around at all of what he could see and smell all of what he could smell and most of all hear. Sure he didn't have much else to do at the moment but he certainly wasn't bored as his mind was taken off track by all that he could perceive. His thoughts would go from one to the next those being of ?what should I try and catch for tonight?? or ?well that was a very beautiful bird? he was rather happy out here and didn't really think about his loneliness because of what was around him. He thought of the one face he could remember from before which was almost an entire year ago and that was of Ashtoreth. She was a really beautiful wolf despite her one scar and he wished for her to be well and that he might one day hope to visit her and just have a conversation with her again.

She did have faith in him to be able to get into a pack or so he thought when they first met and he wanted to thank her for that at least as it helped him try and further his own duty and increased his drive to belong somewhere that might appreciate his work and his friendly demeanor. His footfalls could be heard as he quickened his pace in the wetland until he finally stumbled upon a single willow tree and that was what shocked him. He always loved seeing willow trees but this one in its lone beauty was something that amazed him as he made his way up to it and when he sat down on his haunches he let out a soft but still rather loud howl. Aoto still couldn't believe what he seen as his smile widened across his maw. Perhaps his howl might bring him another surprise or two as he wished to have another conversation with someone or anything. His past few attempts at conversation ended rather poorly as he tried to speak to a few birds that didn't quite have the same mind of speaking.

Aoto looked up and down the willow tree to just admire is rather distinct beauty. Nothing had to be perfect for him to see the beauty of it as long as they were themselves and not changing for anyone well that wouldn't be exactly true as he didn't like those who always sought bloodshed and violence as the only way for things to be beautiful. His thoughts came back to when he first met Ashtoreth and how they kinda didn't start off on the right foot but it at least worked out for a little while as there was conversation and they were talking for a little while. But now he was alone again but he didn't care now as a year has gone by and he had his chance to go through and think of things and what he wants and the like which brought about his new resolve and thoughts. One day he would eventually have almost everything he could have ever wanted and possibly more than that.



07-10-2014, 03:28 PM

Momma was more reluctant to give them free time here than she had been back home. She had not understood it at first, but she thought she knew now. Back home, in Valhalla, their den had been situated in the heart of the pack lands, surrounded not only by a border that gave them ample room to roam but also by other wolves who were trusted friends and allies that might lend their help in keeping an eye on the rambunctious kids. Here? Just Momma and Da. They did their best, swapped tasks around between babysitting, hunting, patrolling, even sleeping, but it was only going to hold up for so long. Neither were really prepared for such a life, and the watchful little pup noticed.

It was not nice of her to take advantage of her parents' inattention, but she did. It was not so much a game she played as it was practice. Vaishya wanted always to watch, to learn, but neither were going to always be available to her so readily. She figured it was time enough to try sneaking about, moving quietly, stealthily, hiding where she would not be found. So she had snuck away, her dainty paws softly treading the damp earth and carrying her away from the new den and amidst the happy bird calls. Her gold and blue eyes rose upward as she passed beside one particularly noisy tree. Wherever they ended up after here, she hoped there would be less birds.

The bird calls very suddenly stopped as a howl sang through the air, belonging to neither her father or her mother. Vaishya paused, hesitating, and considered what she could do. Smart thing would have been to get back to the den as fast as her feet could carry her and hide behind mom. But she did want to practice her sneaking... It was stupid, she knew, and her heart beat more swiftly than before as she began walking forward again. But practice was practice she told herself as she crept forward and slunk low to the ground, and she would get no closer than was necessary. Or at least she hoped. Without a scent yet to follow, it was more of a guessing game, and when she finally spied the wolf in question, situated calmly beneath another pretty tree, she realized she had not stayed as hidden as she should have. Two-toned eyes widening, her little body giving a nervous shiver, Vaishya stared at the wolf and held perfectly still, hoping beyond hope that he had not noticed her yet.



4 Years
07-11-2014, 09:04 AM
Aoto sat there silently pondering what he could be doing next oblivious to the peering eyes for a little bit until he felt like someone or something was watching him. He thought it was the birds that were staring at him after he howled but that didn't quite seem right when the fact most would've fled from his vicinity after that. Aoto begun to stand up slightly just enough to give himself the maneuverability he needed to look around. There was a different scent in the air and one that attracted his attention not for anything malicious as he couldn't bear to harm pretty much anything unless it was necessary such as the birds he had been able to catch among other things for food. The dusty brown wolf got up even more until he stood at his full height and softly moved around until he was facing where the scent was coming from and there he spotted a young wolf that was out of his reach.

Nothing but a smile shown on his muzzle as he playfully let out a bark or what would seem like it in a way ?hello there, what are you doing out here? Surely you must be out here with someone else?? Aoto was curious but he wasn't going to approach this stranger as he didn't want to cause any panic for anyone else that they may be with way out here. He was going to be careful because this was someplace he wouldn't want to get into a fight with anyone. Once again he began to speak to the stranger ?I promise to not harm you at all if you wish to come over here as all I would like to do is talk with you that is all since I'm a loner and alone in this beautiful land and well fighting would lead to misfortune for anyone out here who is alone and I dislike fighting for I enjoy helping anyone who is injured or just in general need help? He smiled a little wondering who this strange wolf was and if they were alone he'd rather team up with them instead of both being a loner incase something bad occurred.

The appearance of the stranger looked vaguely familiar to someone else he knew ?Ashtoreth...? he couldn't help but let that name slip out from his mind and his maw ?You look almost like someone I know, please tell me your name and before you do I shall introduce myself... I'm Aoto? He bowed politely as best he could to the dark grey wolf before taking a few small steps forward only taking moments to blink so he didn't lose track of this other wolf. Then after his few steps he sat back down on his haunches and kept his gaze on the rather similar looking wolf that looked almost like Ashtoreth.



07-22-2014, 11:01 PM

The small pup flinched slightly when she saw the dark brown wolf begin to rise, fearing for just a moment that he might have intended to confront her where she stood, but by a sheer force of will she maintained her position without running. And neither did he come for her. His pale eyes scanned around him as he began to move, seemingly tipped off to her presence, and before her hope that he had missed her could completely take form he was staring her way. Her body tensed, the dark and light fur across her scruff rising warily, her reaction at odds with the kind smile the strange male suddenly set upon his face as he realized he was with company. Drat. Vaishya had a ways yet to go in her studies if she intended to one day walk around unnoticed.

His tone mirroring his smile, the wolf spoke to her, and for the time being she ignored him. Instead the deep grey pup carefully drew her body a step back and then another, placing a bit more of the greenery between them so she did not feel his gaze upon her so strongly. Only then did she begin to react a little more readily, her limbs quaking as she suddenly realized she had been found out and likely had no way of getting back to her family without him knowing of her departure. What a wonderful predicament she had put herself in! If only Ashelia had been there, or even Cador. Another mind to work out a plan of escape would have been very helpful.

It took the mention of her mother's name for Vaishya to take notice of the wolf again in terms of listening to what he said, confused beyond reason. How does he know Momma's name? Ever since striking out on their own, they had never run into familiar faces, never even strangers, which she was quite positive now was a product of her parents' careful planning and protection. It was as if, for the time being, they had given up all trace of their life before the challenge on Valhalla, including their friends and family. And yet...this wolf knew of Ash?

Her curiosity was piqued. As much as she would have preferred to leave, to try her hand at sneaking again to get as far as she could before she simply gave up and tore out of there at a run, a part of her wanted to know this relationship, this acquaintanceship if that was all it was, that this male had with Ashtoreth. Tentatively, her scruff lowered once again but her blue and gold eyes wide and wary, Vaishya stepped forward again, retaking the two steps she had made back and then two more, now fully visible and plainly uncomfortable because of it. "How do you know her?" she asked, her child's voice quiet and low with apprehension. No name, no relation, was given, though from the sound of it the later was already inferred. Vaishya was simply not one to give information, but to receive it.



4 Years
07-27-2014, 02:37 PM
Aoto couldn't help but smile, he knew that he snagged the pup's attention now as he watched her step closer towards his direction. How did he know Ashtoreth, well he couldn't simply be dishonest to the curious pup ?Well where to begin with this...? He took in a deep breath before releasing it ?I know her from one of my adventures a little while ago it was a rather sudden way of meeting really as to how I greeted her, I picked up on her scent and well went full speed ahead to see who It was and bam I came across her and well haven't seen her after that meeting and I really hope she is doing well? he couldn't help but let that last bit out as he sincerely did hope she was doing well.

He watched the pup closely though as he was making sure she wouldn't come to harm as well ?I promise I won't harm you if you'd feel safer being by my side after all and if you have more questions for me you may ask as I have nothing to hide?. Aoto truly didn't have anything to hide from this young fae and was hoping that she would at least give him a chance but out here he didn't know exactly why she would be living way out here let alone why she was on her own. He kept smiling watching her with his undivided attention ?Look, you just happen to remind me of her so thus it sparked something in my memory of her and now that I've answered how I know her since I only know her by sheer chance I would like to know how you know her? I think my answer should allow for my question and for you to answer in kind, fair trade in my opinion? he would hope the pup would answer his question for he thought his trade offer was fair enough.

Aoto was slowly drawing ideas in his head as to how the pup might know her, the appearance screamed daughter of Ashtoreth but sometimes looks are deceiving and she might not be her daughter but perhaps this might pop the bubble that was sitting in his mind since meeting the pup but he couldn't help but ask ?You wouldn't perhaps be Ashtoreth's daughter by any chance would you?? He hoped that this question wouldn't get the pup to run and also answer this question. His curiousity wasn't going down anytime soon and hopefully with any luck he would get his answers that he wanted for his own questions.



07-29-2014, 04:20 PM

She was all eyes and ears as the smiling brown male went about his story, still and quiet and attentive to everything he said. He explained about his first meeting with Ashtoreth, a story her mother had never told her before though it was no surprise really. Her mother did not often tell stories about what her life was like before them, or at least nothing that did not immediately involve Da. She had liked talking about him most, telling them as well as him about how her side of the relationship had developed. But beyond that Vaishya realized what the male was saying could very well have been true, and maybe it was if he knew her name.

He seemed to be making an effort to get her to relax, and naturally cautious Vaishya merely let him talk. She had no intention of getting closer, no matter whether this wolf knew her mother or not, and neither did she really have any more questions. He had explained his meeting with her mother well enough, and she had already determined her own likely reason why she had never known about it before. For her, for the time being, that was all she really needed to know.

But it was not all the wolf wished to know of her. I don't trade, she wanted to say, but she continued to remain silent, wondering how diligent he was apt to be about receiving answers for his own. She was still far from impressive in size, incapable of defending herself yet even against untrained adversaries. All the wolf did, however, was assume a relationship between the girl and her mother, narrowing down just what it was he wished to know from her, and Vaishya considered how she might answer. What was the likelihood that she could pass for anyone but Ash's daughter? Wary, perhaps acquiring a little of her mother's distrust around strangers, she chose to keep quiet, simply staring at him and allowing him to make his own assumptions about her identity.



07-29-2014, 04:44 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It had taken her a little while to realize the absence of her daughter, but as soon as she had her worry had taken over. Leon had been called in to sit with Ashelia and Cador and Ashtoreth herself had taken off in search of the child, desperately scouring the Estuary while trying to balance haste with thoroughness. It was so unlike the girl to simply venture off on her own like this when so often she was happy to play and romp and spend all of her time with her siblings. What had gotten into her? And where had she gotten? The boundaries Ash and her mate had marked had been strict but rather generous for them being the only ones to guard it; why had she seen it fit to step beyond them?

She was a nervous mess, gold and purple eyes searching, a frown set over her brow. Her ears were constantly listening, wishing that the birds would quiet their noise so she could hear if her daughter called. But a different sort of voice rose through the air, beckoning, and it was in the opposite direction from which she had set out looking. Quickly she turned and raced off in that direction, covering ground and forest that she had already searched, and set off to venture closer to the howl. Perhaps, for whatever crazy reason she had thought up, Vaishya had come this way.

Eventually she caught the girl's scent, and she followed it through the forest until she heard voices. Or rather one voice. It was a male, speaking calmly and rather friendly, to who she had no idea. Vaishya? No one answered whatever the male said. How was she to know? She crept forward cautiously, using her well-honed hunter's skills to get close without being seen or heard. Her eyes strained to find the form of her daughter, and when she did all pretense of hiding was abandoned. "Vaishya!" she called to her daughter, rushing out and to the grey pup's side and stopping only when she stood between her daughter and the man she had barely paid any thought to. Her two-toned eyes scanned over her wide-eyed child's face and body, quickly determining that she was safe, before she turned her head and glanced guardedly at their company.

Somehow he looked familiar, though she could not recall from where. He was no Valhallan wolf - she would have recognized them almost immediately - but something about him she could not easily shake. "Do I know you?" she asked, her tone as guarded as her expression. All the while she kept herself between her daughter and the male, protective and defensive and unwilling to take any chances, not when everything rested on her shoulders and depended on what action she took. She would give no opportunity to trouble, and hopefully everything would go safely.



4 Years
07-30-2014, 05:59 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2014, 06:01 PM by Aoto.)
Aoto couldn't help but feel stunned by the sudden appearance of Ashtoreth that his attention turned away from the pup to the one he knew from a previous encounter. There were words starting to form in the back of his mind but he couldn't help but ask "Ashtoreth, its been awhile since we've last met, I'm Aoto the friendly healer at your service" He nodded his head in respect to the fae. What would she possibly be doing way out here in a marsh like this. His curious mind wandering through questions that he could ask but chose not to until he heard her response.

His attention then again turned to Vaishya with a smile still shown on his face as he nodded his head in respect to the pup before turning his light blue gaze back to the fae he knew. However another question bubbled from his mind and flowed through his lips "I'm guessing she's with you, I'm glad she has someone like you to watch over her" he was quiet but respectful with his words as he didn't want to get into a fight with Ashtoreth especially with a pup around due to the fact that he didn't want to fight anyone anyways.

Aoto sat there quiet after his own words as he didn't know how Ash was going to respond to him especially not knowing how Vaishya was going to respond. He wasn't going to risk starting anything unpleasant and hopefully Ashtoreth might remember him then when he inroduced himself to her again. Something was off though why were they way out here when he met Ashtoreth way back at Palmetto Wash sometime ago. Particularly with a pup in tow again using his assumption of who Vaishya actually was.



08-08-2014, 10:21 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The overprotective mother kept her position, safely between her daughter and the male, and listened to the man's introduction as recognition finally entered her two-toned gaze. Aoto, she reflected, sighing internally as she recalled where exactly she knew him from. She did know him, which explained his strange familiarity, had met him by chance close to Valhalla before everything had gone wrong. He had been friendly and kind and chatty then too, and she had been guarded and defensive during that meeting just as she was now. Not much has changed. A little awkwardly, she inclined her head, the uncertainty about her face never wavering as she answered, "I thought I recognized you." And maybe just a little she was glad her daughter had run into someone like him instead of someone else.

He had put two and two together, voicing aloud his conclusion that Vaishya was her child, and Ashtoreth nodded. She glanced down once at the quiet girl, noting her wide gaze that alternated from staring at the stranger to staring at her, so observant and bright. She was sure she had not missed a thing. "It's not just me," Ash stated, feeling the need to be honest even if she did not move herself out from between Vaishya and Aoto, "her father does more." And it was true. Without Leon, she was sure she could not handle the three of her pups on her own. He was their guardian, their safety. Including hers.

The lean grey hunter did not move but sat, allowing Vaishya to creep a little around to the side of her to better stand with a view of them both again. She leaned her head down, brushing her muzzle against her daughter's cheek in a quiet moment of relief before she sat up again and looked Aoto's way. "What brings you here?" she asked with a quiet inflection. Had he been wandering all this time? Had he still not found himself a pack to which he could ally himself with? It seemed strange. So much time had passed, surely he would have fallen on good times by now? Or had fate been unkind and stripped him of everything too, just as it had her?

OOC: I'mma skip Vaishya since she's not gonna say anything. xD



4 Years
08-10-2014, 09:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2014, 09:11 PM by Aoto.)

Motion | Speech | Thought

Aoto carefully listened to the fae's words hearing her say that she recognized him made him smile a bit as he continued to listen. Hearing the words of ?Her father does more? made him wonder a bit of who the father was, why wasn't he with the pup, why wasn't he by Ashtoreth's side? The thoughts wandered through his mind but again he continued to listen intently until she came across her question towards him ?What brings you here?? Aoto was very curious about Ashtoreth now especially of Vaishya but he wasn't going to meddle in those thoughts just yet.

The dusty brown brute stayed there as he tried to think of his answer to but nonetheless he had the answer for her but wasn't sure how she would take the news from him though ?I'm still wandering, no luck in finding a pack to call home, haven't even found anyone to actually be with... maybe it was fate that decided that I should live the life of a loner? He couldn't help but look down at his paws feeling rather worthless at the moment because he couldn't find a pack to be apart of. Aoto hated being alone but he knew that maybe he had to be to survive. He looked back up at Ashtoreth and then Vaishya, he was happy that Ashtoreth had someone special in her life but with that thought it came to him as he pondered about the thought of was there someone out there for him?. His inner thoughts slowly became outer thoughts as he was wondering again ?Will there actually be someone out there for a loner like me, the one who puts his work above something so serious such as love? He was very quiet though when he spoke of that his feelings were conflicted as he wanted multiple things despite not even having either of them.

Aoto breathed in deeply before exhaling and looking back up to Ashtoreth as he wanted to know ?Why are you out here, Ashtoreth?? He wanted to know her answer he was curious and really wanted to know. The brute looked at Vaishya and then back up to Ashtoreth as he couldn't help but admire Ashtoreth as she was there in between him and Vaishya as he knew that he wouldn't have to worry about Vaishya's safety.



08-15-2014, 02:51 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It seemed her sad assumption had been right. Aoto had still yet to find a pack to join that would welcome his abilities as a healer and was no closer to gaining the company that he wanted. She might have felt horrible about the hand fate had dealt her, but at least she had Leon and her children to go through it all with. She could not imagine being completely alone now, no pack, no kids, no mate. She had always had others about, always, for years now. To suddenly have that change, to give up her life as she knew it to venture off on the true path of a rogue... It was beyond her ability to cope.

He said something softly, words that she was not altogether certain he had meant for her to hear, and politely she tried to tune them out. She was hardly one to give advice regarding relationships anyway - her own had nearly not happened with as long as it had taken both she and Leon to admit their feelings. She was grateful when he let whatever had been murmured slide and continued, though less so when she heard what he had changed the subject with. She drew in a slow breath, steeling herself for the story that answered his question. Did she feel comfortable telling it? Not exactly. But it was the truth, and considering Aoto had found Vaishya and kept her company until she could arrive Ash saw no way around it.

"Valhalla's gone," she stated, no preamble, no tiptoeing around the hard truth. "My home was taken, and staying wasn't an option." And yet moving had still been the most difficult choice she had ever made. "Leon - my mate - brought us here to stay for a while. I think he might be looking for a new home for us." Her certainty of her claim was not exactly high, but she could only assume. They could not stay like this forever, rogues and wanderers without a permanent home, without friends and safety and comfort. Eventually they would need to find a new place to live. At the moment, she just could not fathom where.



4 Years
08-25-2014, 10:10 PM

Motion | Speech | Thought

Aoto began to worry about Ashtoreth, to hear that her home was taken from her and to see her as a rogue wolf and with a pup and a mate in tow. He didn't like what he heard and knew that the life of a rogue was no life that he would wish for Ashtoreth to live. He knew full well what it was like to live a life always on the move and quite frankly he was beginning to tire of it. The brute tried to show a smile to Ashtoreth but he couldn't as his lips refused to part to make his smile instead his usual cheery smile was a frown. The words finally came to his maw "I do pray that you can find somewhere to call home again, life as a rogue is not a path I would suggest for anyone and certainly not for for someone such as yourself, Ashtoreth" his voice carried a serious tone as now he didn't have anything to be cheery about.

He looked at Vaishya or at least what he could see and then back to Ashtoreth "If you plan on staying out here for awhile, may I accompany you until you decide to leave this place? I only wish to see you and your family safe and healthy, nothing more and nothing less, that is all" He continued to keep his tone as serious as he could. His gaze was not going to let up now as he looked at Ashtoreth and Vaishya his words as honest as he always was. Aoto was concerned about Ashtoreth and company, it was his job as a traveling medic to provide his aid as much as he can after all this was his life after all to just provide his aid and nothing more. The brute just continued to let his gaze set on the two almost as if there was someone else in his place instead, one that didn't know how to smile and laugh.



09-08-2014, 12:29 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She could tell from the look that had fallen across the male's face that Aoto liked what he heard about as much as Ashtoreth and her mate did when they had lived through the events themselves. It really was such a horrible tragedy, to suddenly have their home and everything they had known and taken for granted be stolen away in one fell swoop, to suddenly be with nothing at all to their name save each other. She should have been grateful for that - at least all of her children were with her and Leon was still here to keep her sane as she cared for them - but at the same time it was not the life Ashtoreth had ever wanted for her family. She missed Valhalla, missed all of those how had once lived there, and wished somehow things could have been different.

The right words to respond to Aoto evaded her as he spoke of his wish that she eventually find a home for her and hers. What would he have said if she had given voice to the wish that still nestled itself deep in her heart, that somehow her old pack might rise again and call her family home? Would he have thought her foolish? Delusional? She did not know, nor could she guess, and honestly she did not care. She harbored that wish close to her chest and did not voice it for anyone, only nodding now to agree with what it was that he had said. She did wish that her family could find a home again. It was just a shame that the one she wanted was likely never going to be found again.

To her surprise, the brown male voiced an offer she had not seen coming, requesting to stay close for the duration of her family's stay here. Her jaw fell open slightly in disbelief, her gold and purple eyes blinking a few times as she waited, half expecting him to clarify his meaning in a different manner or take back what he had said entirely. But he did not. Instead he just looked toward her and her daughter, awaiting an answer that Ashtoreth was not sure how to come to. She knew Aoto meant well - he had always only ever had the best interest of others at heart, even if what he said made them slightly uncomfortable as she recalled from when they had last met - but how well might her family take to him? Would Leon trust him? Would the kids tolerate an extra set of eyes watching over them?

"I really appreciate your offer," Ashtoreth answered slowly after a moment, still trying to come to a decision as was likely evident by the furrow set upon her brow, "but I wouldn't want to get in the way of anything that you have going." Honestly, she did not want to bother him with troubles of her family. Her children were her responsibility, hers and her mate's and not his. It was generous, what he was willing to do to help her, but she felt horrible at the mere thought of placing that burden on him.