
road man


05-06-2013, 03:15 PM

The man's enormous paws sunk into the sandy earth of the lake's wide banks. Sunlight poured down between the forest eaves, splashing upon his back with furious gold. It spread royal wildfire across his silver plating. It suited him. His neck bent and lowered his parched lips to the surface of the lake. A salmon tongue snaked its way from between his ivory canines. Ripples crossed the water's cool surface, disturbing the creatures that lived upon it and beneath. Bugs still remained at the lake, remnants of those which had bred in the warm daylight of August. But Icarus paid little mind to such trivial things. The feeling of the water in his belly and down his throat caused him slight happiness. His paws had brought him quite far, and the gentle rest at the water's edge was well-deserved.

Icarus had been looking for pack territories. Although he did not like to admit such things - he somewhat enjoyed the presence of others. They were entertaining, and he took a small joy out of relieving others of their problems. For a price. Gently, he eased back on his haunches. Muscles rolled as he forced himself into a pose of relaxation. Flaming eyes looked out at the expanse of the lake, scanning the golden horizon with cold calculation. He thought briefly on the past and all that it meant to him. He had not been more than a babe when he had left. A well-trained babe, ready to fight with tooth and claw. But when he flew out into those woods, he had been as lost as any freshly-born pup. Would even I remember me?


05-07-2013, 11:15 AM
He moved as quickly as an old man could get across the Earth. He lacked the luster that he had as he had when he was in his prime, or even a teen. It amused him how much time had really began to settle in, and how much he truly was beginning to respond to the ache of the world. A sigh drifted from his, now, gaping jaws and he couldn't help but respond to the recent events with longing. Collision had wanted to give up the throne, but Cairo, as much as he stood trying to fake it, he was not well enough to lead as he once had.

Syrinx was in line to take the throne, but alas, his youth would be a downfall. Epiphron served as a secondary, and that meant currently, she was the alpha beside him. Still, his older age, and her younger, were not enough to efficiently uphold Valhalla. His thoughts would pull away from such things a familiar figure appeared, back turned to him, "Do my eyes deceive me?" he rumbled quickly, faded blue eyes staring in awe at the man.


05-07-2013, 11:38 AM

The man did not have to wait long before company found him on the banks of the lake. In fact, he was only mildly surprised that a companion had not come sooner. The birds and the bees did so often get boring. However, the companionship of someone that was not a stranger caught the sentinel off guard. Do my eyes deceive me? Silver ears perked up and Icarus turned his head to the source of the voice. It was masked with age, grizzled by time and long journeys. But the owner was unmistakable.


Some invisible hand thrust Icarus into a pose of respect. He turned himself to full attention of the man that stood before him. A flourished bow bent the colossal mercenary in half. The past had come back to him in these strange lands, and it had not been the past he expected. Cairo's face breathed remnants of memory into Icarus' brain. Memories that had been thrust aside and long discarded. A teacher and a mentor. Icarus bent his head to the man that had taught him all that knew -
You've gotten old. The syllables curved with a shit-eating smile.


05-10-2013, 09:07 AM
The man, quite honestly, could have embraced the youthful lord. He hadn't seen him in so long, could have called Icarus a son. He had truthfully...missed someone from home, and here they were. Tilting his features into a glimmer of pride he smiled with fervor as Icarus sounded his name. Ah, yes, so it was his long lost prodigy. How refreshing. The man didn't pause coming to the lad and setting his old him against the ground, "You've grown," there was much more he could say than that, but surely the boy had retained intelligence and would take it from just a physical meaning into something more mental.

Expression of interest would twist over his brunette features and the sire would nod his head towards him, laughter rumbling from his chest, "And still King," rather King again, but o details. He was...too old to be king, however.


05-10-2013, 06:21 PM

The face of his old king sparked something in the dog of war. His face seemed to lighten from the nostalgia Cairo's appearance gave him. The fake smile that so graced his face when in jest of those around him disappeared in favor of something genuine. Happiness - a queer emotion for the soldier - spread in the pit of his belly. Cairo's frame heralded the good that lay in Icarus' past, the silver outlining to a very dark thunderhead. The dead body of his sister still lay buried in the folds of his brain, clouded by a thick mist of sheer hatred, rage, and grief. The memories began to blossom under the sun's rays as Icarus began to uncover them. The pain struck out at him like thorns on ugly brambles. He withdrew from them, cast them hurriedly back into shadow. He could not taint this reunion with bitterness.

Ah, I thought I smelled something familiar in the nearby pack. Icarus gestured towards the general direction of Cairo's territory. But something dark in Cairo's voice struck Icarus. A shade of sadness. It did not take the mercenary long to put two and two together. The man that stood before him was an elder now, almost too old to defend his pack if his reign was challenged. Brilliant orange eyes shone with a different kind of fire - compassion. I have no doubt your heir will be able to take up your mantle. You trained me well enough, and we did not even have blood in common.


05-10-2013, 06:34 PM
Cairo rumbled in monotone, his relaxed voice coming off constant and unbroken. The earthen sovereign would raise his head level with the boy before him, versus beneath his own shoulders, and he would hesitantly respond to him, unsure of what to say, "Valhalla is large, I'm sure it's not simply my scent wafting around," the king nodded off and turned his gaze to the side.

Tail swaggered to the side of his body, the greyed lord would shrug his shoulders in a more relaxed method, "My eldest son is hardly two years, he doesn't have the Earthly experience to yet be king, and my Nephew, Leon, has disappeared. Draw of luck, as per usual," The monarch stared at Icarus in waiting curiosity; say...was there a plan brewing here?


05-10-2013, 07:05 PM

My eldest son is hardly two years, he doesn't have the Earthly experience to yet be king, and my Nephew, Leon, has disappeared. Draw of luck, as per usual. Icarus searched the face of his once-pack leader, his mind now turning quickly as he thought of what he could offer to the man before him. His thoughts turned to the past once more, thinking back upon the memories of Dieu. Another fondness returned to him, reminded of the family that he had left behind. His sons, his daughter. I have not been doing entirely mercenary work since I left home. I had my own pack for a time, raised a family within its walls. What if I were to train your son? Icarus' voice rumbled with assurance and an offer of help. This time the negotiations were not strictly business. Or perhaps I could look after your pack while you train him?

Icarus didn't particularly enjoy leading. After a while, it became tiresome and his body became restless. You made both friends and foes too quickly, and politics abounded in such structured atmosphere. But it spoke volumes the loyalty Icarus still held for Cairo. He was willing to put his life as his own sovereign on hold for the sake of the man standing before him. Going to war for someone was too easy - sitting at a table for peace was much more difficult.


05-10-2013, 10:13 PM
Cairo sat in wonderment, pure, careful thought as he listened to nothing but the smooth breathing ov the man before him. His expression grew a bit tiresome, and curious, and the Alpha twisted his ears and looked at Icarus with a strange expression. He was...capable of both things that he suggested, but truth of the matter was, if things were bridged to war, Cairo would not be able to fight as though he had once done. He was prone to wiser decisions to avoid fighting, so much was true, but sometimes, the ones he loved would need a true warrior. Clearing his throat he considered the options, laying out his pros and cons before the boy, "I enjoy the latter, Icarus. However, should I entrust you with my kingdom, I do have laws. My daughter, Epiphron, she is to remain your secondary. Unless, I should ask to exchange her position out. Whenever an Adravendi is prepared for the throne, I only ask that you digress, if my family does not wish to hold it, it will willingly fall to your hold. You're as much family as I could have,"


05-11-2013, 01:48 PM

It had not taken their conversation more than a couple of minutes and Icarus had already changed his entire demeanor. He had been removed from the world that he had only just become re-accustomed to. He had been reunited with a blast from the past, and suddenly he was now king (albeit temporary). It was obvious that Cairo wanted the Adravendi line to remain concrete upon the throne. My daughter, Epiphron, she is to remain your secondary. Whenever an Adravendi is prepared for the throne, I only ask that you digress, if my family does not wish to hold it, it will willingly fall to your hold. The silver colossus gave a small nod, dipping his head in a gesture as much solemn as it was respectful. I'll serve your family to the best of my abilities, Cairo. It was perhaps a unique moment for the man - a moment in time where he offered no quips and no sarcasm. Perhaps Hell had frozen over.

Perhaps we should tell your members? I think they deserve to at least know the name of their temporary ruler. Icarus gestured with his paw towards Valhalla, welcoming Cairo to accompany him to the territory's borders. A few kinks would need to be ironed before Icarus ascended. He scarcely had a clue what he was really getting into. The faces of Cairo's children were a blur and Icarus would have to train at least one of them.

Exit Icarus & Cairo