
You are as high and dry as they say[joining]


07-12-2014, 01:49 AM

Had the gods forsaken him enough to take everything away from a man who was already dead. Even in the ad-midst of the poison taking hold of his cold cavity of a body he sought forgiveness and possibly even to aim towards any sense of feeling that had left him behind. Orange eyes on the intricate gray man would rest upon the land with the scent of a pack one he had only heard rumors about. Perhaps inside he would believe they would be able to return his missing heart. His pulse did not exist, and he would be mocked, he would be scorned for this disease. His white paws made contact with the ground beneath him, even if he couldn't feel it. Ubivat's chest would rise and fall with his belief of never needing the gaining factor of air again. He craved some sort of companionship, some sort of power to run through dry and broken veins that had no hope of pulsing again unless he were to be reborn a new a third time. Was it his sin that had drawn him out, or was it the fact he had let his mind run wild with a woman who only did him wrong.
The borders of these plains was marked ever so freshly with that of these servants of gods. The spring would give him no comfort for he could not feel the air pressing against him. Head dipping back at these borders, his voice would run deep and clear through the land in a beautiful song. Tugging the alpha's towards a demon who only sought redemption from his hell. After lowering his eyes, his lower quarters made contact with the ground, waiting patiently. For what he craved, for what he believed. This would save him, or at least a mad man would not be able to stop himself from wanting the sheer pleasure of pain. The pain he could NOT feel. Maybe one day, if he wished quietly enough, the pain would return.




9 Years
07-13-2014, 11:19 AM

I have seen all, I have heard all

I have forgotten all.

The temptress was on the prowl. She had been patrolling the borders like a good little heir. Her dainty paws carried her along the borders ensuring there had been no tresspassing or funny business. Valhalla had the best lands. They had lands of bountiful meaning. Animals of all sorts venture the plains with ease. She had just eaten but she merely eats just enough. Her bodice was skinny to no end. Long lanky legs. Ribs that nearly stuck out, but did not. The Wolfess was healthy. She had just always been one for being skinny. She ate just enough, not looking to gain any flubber. The girl was a fighter of swiftness, cunning, and low blows. She had no time for fat getting in the way. She laughed at those behemoths with their shit jiggling with each step. It was just more for her to feast upon. For her to gain and for them to lose. By force. Yet, multi-colored ears would perk with ease when a call for her mother rang through her audits. Schon sneered for a moment, but as heir of Valhalla, the little viking would trot forth to meet the bugger who requested an audience.

The Viking Princess slithered to his frontal with ease. Her dainty paws hitting the ground swiftly until she came up upon him. Schon would come to a halt before eyeing the cobalt boy before her. Blood red eyes rolled up and down his bodice with curiosity. He was at the edge of their borders, and invisible line separated them, for now. The tall girl dipped her head into a little formal gesture before her beautiful voice slithered into the air around them. "Hallo, little blue." The girl had a habit of calling everything little due to the fact that her vain ass was above everything. She would then get a little more formal, with her next set of words. "I am Sch?n Finnvi, Kurf?rst of Valhalla, first in line to the throne." The elegant bitch smiled a little, her inky lips slithering up. She would pause before speaking once more. "May I have a name and would you like to inform me of why you beckon our greatest to the borders?" The lanky lady had a glisten in her eyes as she waited for him to answer. For now, the divine girl was at ease.

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


07-13-2014, 07:42 PM

He was no built man to risk the factor of not knowing the higher standards of any kingdom. Ubivat had been related to princes and queens, but that meant nothing in a land and a pack that was not his. So as she showed herself, the little bit of electricity broke through his brain about her being a woman. Women had to go above and beyond for a position like that, even more of a reason to bow down. To be loyal, if the mighty gods were to save him. It was not as if he couldn't pull his own weight, despite his lack of being able to tell he was hungry he looked bulky and well fed. Like a pack wolf despite being a loner. His tongue would run over the top of his mouth as he lowered his head rather curiously to her. She held no special attraction to him, Ubivat was an omnisexual it did not matter who they were. He tended to believe since he was dead, and had no heart, he could not love. If his gene's and young were needed, he would be commanded by the leader who spoke to the gods in order to do so.
"I am Ubivat, seeking entry to grow into the purist of a wolf inside the Valhallan walls. The gods called for me here, to serve, to listen if needed." English an ugly language in his eyes. Russian being his birth language, and rather something he would rather speak to wolves who knew it. Many Vikings tended to know more about it, but his orange dead eyes would seer straight into the heir. Obviously showing that something was off about him. But there was no reason to turn him down, he could pull his own weight, he could protect what was needed to be protecting. And even then, his gene's were perfect for any female if he were to be ordered to do such a deed. Along with that, his complete and fighting loyalty, was being lied out for her. In the hopes the gods would have mercy on him the second time he died to leave this body that was missing a heart.




9 Years
07-14-2014, 11:39 PM

I have seen all, I have heard all

I have forgotten all.

The woman vowed to be a complete virgin until marriage. She would never share a den with a man until her vows were said and she was ready to settle down. Sure, she would flutter her lashes and twist her hips in beautiful ways. But, she would not allow herself to ever share her precious body with a man. Her purity was a way to please the gods above. Odin himself looked down upon her with a smile within her own mind. The babe's religion was twisted due to her time away from teachings. For she believed that eating the flesh of any living creature she killed officially put it to rest. It was another way to do her deeds for the Gods. The babe was horribly twisted, but she was no savage. She was not some bloodthisrty temptress like others. The babe had her own personality. Schon was an interesting one but the boy before her seemed even more interesting. His blue hued fur and yellow eyes drew her in slightly. But, she was in no way looking for anything more then another member and possibly a friend. Her eyes slipped over his body before his baritone vocals filled her ears. "I am Ubivat, seeking entry to grow into the purist of a wolf inside the Valhallan walls. The gods called for me here, to serve, to listen if needed." The woman nodded and let her eyes connect with his as they were both sucked into a deep staring match. "Ubviat, it is a pleasure to meet you, sir." Her luxurious vocals were laced with her normal elegance. "Tell me your strengths. I warn you. We will never be for the weak. I will only accept active and strong Wolves into my broad ranks. Are you a Jager? Or perhaps a Krieger?" She did not notice her mixing both german and english.

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


07-15-2014, 03:40 PM

Ubivat knew, he had never lied with a woman before. His body was still pure as well, and now he was dead. Forsaken by the ones he loved, forbidden and much more as he had broken down from the start. His tail would curve in perhaps awe at the woman. Raising his head, his body quivered with the thought. She was a dangerous, ambitious one, he could feel that in his soul that probably no longer existed. Odin saw this, probably as well as any other. Despite his fall outs into the viking ways, he was still as dead as a doorknob. And the one who had caused this, was still running amok. His paws would dig into the terrain.
"I am a warrior, defensive in type. I feel no pain, even if I wished for it, I cannot feel it." she could test that herself. Though even if he couldn't feel pain, it didn't mean his body did not take damage. A broken leg was still a broken leg, as was internal bleeding internal bleeding. That was why he was so cautious with his movements during a fight. Even when he got hungry or thirsty with no desire to eat or drink. It was only his dry mouth, and stomach growls that kept him alert.




9 Years
07-17-2014, 08:45 PM

I have seen all, I have heard all

I have forgotten all.

The girl was that of more cunning, manipulative, and quick. She was not of brute force like most she came across. Despite her tall size, the lady was tiny for her height. 36 inches was tall for a female, but she weighed less then others. Her skinny bodice was long and elegant, yet she was not unhealthy. Schon loved the way she looked and she would never change it. It was the cause of her being vain. Grooming was a constant for the girl, therefore the only thing she let mark her fur would be blood. She had the itch to kill lately as well, but it was really the urge to bathe in blood. To feel it run between her toes. Usually she would not be so savage but urges were not controlled. Nor did she really think to much on it for his words filled her tri-toned audits slowly. "I am a warrior, defensive in type. I feel no pain, even if I wished for it, I cannot feel it." Schon would nod with a little smirk upon her lips. Yet, she would let forth her own beautiful song as well. "That would be a Krieger then. A warrior. You would be required to train on your own time and join any manditory training a higher rank calls. Would you be willing to do so?" The girl rolled her shoulders and watched a for a moment. "I would love to spar you as well, in the near future perhaps."

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


07-17-2014, 09:31 PM

His tongue would click inside his body, but wouldn't make a sound. As his orange eyes became entrapped in the woman, his thoughts would wander to different places. There was always someone above the other wasn't there, yet somehow she was perplexing him in more ways than one. Paws stimulating forward he would listening more. How many stupid livingones had they come across. If they could not handle themselves why were they even here. But perhaps that was why, all of them had been turned away.
"Yes, and it would be an honor." Unicast said, his Russian accent hitting the air more than usual. His white tipped tail would flick in delight. As he waited to be allowed inside.
