
Goddess Awakened



3 Years
07-13-2014, 08:05 PM

Restless heat had flooded the woman's veins. Her paws itched with some sort of need, one that was harder to place. Her need for battle was not fueled by anger today, but instead perhaps by... sloth? Inactivity? Whatever the best word for it was, she could bear it no longer. Her lithe golden form was taught with energy as she paced back and forth, forth and back. She had no malicious intent, she did not want to take a life or assert herself over another, to take thralls or leave her marks engraved into another's skin. She only wanted to do. The golden goddess tilted her head back to let loose a siren's song. She called in any and all who wished to match her, to face her wolf to wolf and see who was the stronger. It had been some time since she'd let her fangs shine in the presence of a stranger, but instead of worry she felt exhilarated. Win or lose the burn of battle would reinvigorate her tired body and weary soul. As the time wore on between her howl and the awaited response, Freyja wondered if she didn't want this fight, but needed it instead.

"Talk" "You" Think

Sri Simin

07-13-2014, 09:06 PM
The sun had awakened, and throughout the morning, the lone charcoal fae had slept peacefully. She dreamt of tasting blood on her tongue, of swimming in a pool of the crimson liquid. She'd woken up some time during the early afternoon, to the disappointing realization that her joys in blood had all been made up by her restless imagination. The ebony girl sighed, stood, and stretched her limber body. She either needed to find someone who needed some killing done, or she needed to at least fight. However, since arriving at Alacritis, the girl had noticed a depressing lack in vengeful canines who dared not bring death to another by their own paws. Many of the wolves she'd come in contact with were polite, peace loving, and generally lacked any ill-nature. But she'd heard of a place where warriors tended to congregate, to cool down their heated blood. Perhaps this prevented these hot-blooded wolves from killing others? After all, it had been whispered to her that the Battlefields were not a place to kill.

Sri Simin sighed again. She had a strong desire to kill today, but she supposed she would hold her desire at bay. At least this way, she would still be able to feel blood on her teeth and even get in some exercise. It wasn't the same as being conniving, killing from the shadows, sneaking poison into her victim's body. But it would still work. Her sturdy limbs brought her lean, midnight body to the place where the Battlegrounds were said to be held. Not long after, there was a summoning call from a potential challenger. Sri gladly loped in the direction. Instinct told her to hide, to attack from the shadows and dart away, to slowly weaken her opponent until she could successfully make a kill. But she remembered the rules, and decided to attempt to be a noble creature, if only for a day. Licking her black jaws in anticipation, she slowed when she saw the figure who had to be the caller. Her opponent was several inches taller, and looked as though she weighed a bit more. But she still had the appearance of an agile figure. Sri grinned, giggling softly. A girl after her own heart. "Shall I introduce myself?" Amber orbs seemed to glow with ill intent.

"My lovely mother gave me a title - not quite a name, but it works just as well. I am called Sri Simin." Her voice was a lilt, a high-pitched, but soft tone. The charcoal female bowed her head in respect, though her mischievous grin did not leave her maw. Though her paws itched for movement, her stomach grumbled for blood, the girl did not move. She would not move. She would wait for her opponent to strike first, so that she may see how to best battle her. In preparation for an attack, her body crouched low, perhaps lower than most, her chin tucked against her chest to protect her vital throat, her limbs spread to balance out her body, claws digging into the earth for more stability, eyelids squinting to protect her eyes, ears folding back and pressing tightly against her skull, her tail stiff and standing level with her spine. No matter the attack, Sri was confident that she would be ready for it.

ROUND: 1/3.
DEFENSE: In preparation for an attack, her body crouched low, perhaps lower than most, her chin tucked against her chest to protect her vital throat, her limbs spread to balance out her body, claws digging into the earth for more stability, eyelids squinting to protect her eyes, ears folding back and pressing tightly against her skull, her tail stiff and standing level with her spine.



3 Years
07-13-2014, 10:05 PM

To her utmost irritation, a response did not come at once. No, the golden fae was forced to wait several moments before the dark coated vixen would appear, smirking, joyful. How disgusting. Freyja could understand, perhaps, how she could feel that sort of joy when it came to a fight, but it was not a feeling she shared. Battle was a glorious thing, a revelry she used to demonstrate her love for life, her love for the gods. It was not something to be made light of... And that was something she would demonstrate to this woman. She introduced herself as Sri Simni, but her name was of little consequence. "I am Freyja," she said simply. She was not yet certain if Sri deserved her surname, deserved to know the presence she stood in. And, being out of practice as she was, should the woman lose she refused to tarnish her father's glorious name or to bring shame down upon her siblings. As Sri sank into a defensive position, Freyja would do the same.

Her ears pinned tightly to her golden skull, while the woman's narrowed eyes would survey the field before her. Sri seemed content to wait for her initiative, and Freyja would gladly take it. Pausing for only a moment to coil her limbs, to prepare herself to leap, she calculated her attack. She was in no mood to feint, and instead let her hind legs propel her bodily towards the woman's right flank. With speed and, she prayed, accuracy, she planned to charge headlong into the top of her opponent's shoulder. Perhaps she would collide and knock her off balance, perhaps she would stun the woman or deaden the muscle... perhaps she would miss entirely. Her front limbs remained tensed, claw and toes splayed in case she would need to correct herself quickly, to dig her limbs into the ground and change direction. Her tail streamed out behind her as she flew, keeping her balance upright and her course true, just as her core and side muscles would remain rigid. Her body had become lethal, tuned in to one goal, one desire, one purpose. She would take this woman down.

"Talk" "You" Think


Freyja vs Sri Simin for SPAR

ATTACKS: A headlong leap-charge at Sri's right shoulder.

DEFENSES: Ears pinned, teeth bared, eyes narrowed, limbs tense, toes splayed, claws at the ready, paws grasping should she need to change direction, tail out for balance, core tensed.

INJURIES: None yet!

Sri Simin

07-14-2014, 12:18 PM
The gold-and-cream girl seemed short-fused, irritated with Sri for some reason. Her own introduction was short. It made another giggle pass through Sri Simin's jaws. Perhaps she could taunt her way to winning? But, as she watched her opponent ready herself, the midnight fae quickly realized that she likely would not be able to get away with that. The woman was quick to charge at her, and seemed quite determined to win. The charcoal female knew that getting hit in her right shoulder would prove extremely harmful. The golden fae was not too terribly larger, but she was large enough that an impact head-on would severely hurt her smaller frame. Out of practice in "noble" battles, the female moved only a second too late to entirely avoid the impact. Her hind limbs uncoiled, swinging her hind end to the left. Freyja would knock into Sri's right shoulder, though the black fae's movement to the left lessened the impact. Instantly, she could tell that her bone was bruised, but she did not think of that. As soon as she swung her hind end to the left, she coiled herself again, keeping her limbs spread and her elbows and knees bent, toes splayed, clawing the earth.

This time, instead of waiting for an attack, the dark wolf sprung forward. Her hungry jaws parted, aiming to sink into the flesh of Freyja's right side, toward her underbelly. Sri Simin did not aim to bite and hold, however; her aim was to bite, rip, and pull away as quickly as she could. Planting her paws, toes splaying, claws digging into the earth, the girl jumped backward, hoping to avoid any counterattacks, whether her bite landed or not. All the while, her grin never left her face, her amber gaze sparkling. Her muscles tensed as Sri kept her legs spread for balance, toes and claws still clinging to the earth, her eyelids still squinted to protect her eyes, ears pinned against her dark head, body low to the ground, tail held straight behind her, chin tucked to protect her throat. She watched her opponent, another giggle escaping her throat. "This is quite fun, isn't it?" Her voice was high-pitched and childish, like an innocent child enjoying a game. To Sri, this was a game, though she continued to carefully observe her opponent.

ROUND: 2/3.
ATTACK: This time, instead of waiting for an attack, the dark wolf sprung forward. Her hungry jaws parted, aiming to sink into the flesh of Freyja's right side, toward her underbelly. Sri Simin did not aim to bite and hold, however; her aim was to bite, rip, and pull away as quickly as she could.
DEFENSE: Her muscles tensed as Sri kept her legs spread for balance, toes and claws still clinging to the earth, her eyelids still squinted to protect her eyes, ears pinned against her dark head, body low to the ground, tail held straight behind her, chin tucked to protect her throat.



3 Years
07-16-2014, 10:24 AM

The fire was in her belly now. The sparks that had kindled at the dark fae's appearance had taken to the wind, taken root, and grown. By now the inferno raged within her senses, heating them up and honing them into a keen edge which she wielded with a master touch. Even as she made contact with the woman's shoulder, her sharp eyes noted the tensing of her toes, felt the coil of energy release as Sri defected away. While it lessened the blow Freyja was not deterred, but instead attempted to decide what would be next. Her momentum was spent, but she was in a prime location for a secondary attempt. She had been carried farther down the woman's flank than might be hoped, too far to grasp for muzzle of scruff. Finding her next target did not prove to be much of a contest. Freyja allowed the the residual tide of energy from her deflected attack to carry her forwards, maw parting, head tilting, hoping to lock her jaws around the other fae's right knee cap and hold.

It would not do any longer term damage, she suspected, though it would certainly cause some strife to any limb worth the weight it bore. In a moment of clarity, Freyja would center her mind, remembering that this was not a matter of brute strength, but of wit. She must be mindful of the assets at hand. Her ears were still pinned, and her eyes narrowed. She forced her muscles back into a tensed state, re-solidified her core. She would not be so easily swayed, should Sri attempt to off-balance her. Her tail streamed behind her as she leapt, proving to be the rudder she needed to guide her course and keep her true. Each toe was splayed, each limb loose and ready to react at a moments notice. She kept her hackles up and her scruff rolled forward, her teeth bared. But just as the golden woman began to congratulate herself for the hastily compiled Plan B, she felt a hot iron of pain lance through her side. She had not noticed Sri curving into an attack of her own, but now the error was terribly clear. Freyja ground her teeth, resolving that if she could not prevent the injury, she would deny it's right to trouble her. After all, pain was a product of battle, and battle was one of life's truest joys. How then could any of warfare's children trouble her? She would welcome the wound, then, and cherish it's scars as fond memories.

"Talk" "You" Think


Freyja vs Sri Simin for SPAR

ATTACKS: Attempt to clamp down on Sri's right knee cap and hold.

DEFENSES: Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, muscles tense, core tight, tail out for balance, toes splayed, limbs loose, scruff rolled forward, hackles up, teeth bared.

INJURIES: Moderate wound on her right lower abdomen

Sri Simin

07-16-2014, 02:47 PM
The blackened mistress would find her target, but at a cost. Just as she leaped for Freyja's side, the golden girl had initiated her own attack. She was intelligent, Sri Simin decided. Not waiting for a counterattack, but rather, following her previous attack with another one. The ebony girl saw the movement, but her own reaction time was proving to fail her. She had jumped too late, and her right knee fell into the golden girl's jaws. However, with her quick attack-and-bounce-away move, she was able to pull her limb out of those powerful jaws before they caused lasting damage. The girl felt blood ooze from the scratches that now adorned her right knee. Landing on her knee as she bounced backward, she was forced to ignore a sudden, sharp pain. Freyja had managed to puncture the skin, and Sri's pulling away had torn the hide and a few layers of skin, but it was only a temporary wound. She would likely have scarring, but she would recover.

In spite of the sting, she kept herself coiled and taught, her limbs bent and spread, toes and claws grasping onto Mother Earth to help hold her steady and change directions quickly. She didn't allow herself to sit idle for too long. Tucking in her chin to protect her neck and upper chest, the she-wolf uncoiled again, attempting another attack on her golden hued opponent. Sri attempted to feign going right, where she hoped Freyja would try to cover that area and leave her left more vulnerable. Her true goal was not the same injury she'd inflicted just moments before, but rather, should Freyja allow her close enough, Sri would change directions suddenly. Keeping her body low to the ground, knees and elbows bent, toes splayed, claws digging into the earth, chin tucked, tail stiff and parallel to the ground to help her balance, Sri attempted to jump at the golden female's left front leg, aiming to close her jaws on the upper inner part of the leg. If she was able to snag it in her jaws, she would attempt to bite down more forcefully, hoping that Freyja would not be able to pull loose.

ROUND: 3/3.
INJURIES: Right shoulder bone bruised, right knee has a moderate puncture with scratches.
ATTACK: Sri attempted to feign going right, where she hoped Freyja would try to cover that area and leave her left more vulnerable... Sri attempted to jump at the golden female's left front leg, aiming to close her jaws on the upper inner part of the leg. If she was able to snag it in her jaws, she would attempt to bite down more forcefully, hoping that Freyja would not be able to pull loose.
DEFENSE: Keeping her body low to the ground, knees and elbows bent, toes splayed, claws digging into the earth, chin tucked, tail stiff and parallel to the ground to help her balance...